Chats with Leaders

Living a Courageous and Authentic Life After My Boob Tried to Kill Me

Season 2 Episode 19

One of the worst parts of the big C, was the impact it had on my mindset - throwing me into a fear zone - losing a sense of who I was - making me want to hide away from the world.

Finding my way back was a journey.

In this emotionally charged podcast episode I share how I went from rock bottom and “existing” to living an authentic and courageous life.  One of my design!

I chat about:

  • The importance of reconnecting with your personal values
  • Key questions to ask yourself when you derail, to get you back on track
  • How to move out of fear-based living and decision-making
  • Building a compelling vision to inspire and motivate you when you feel stuck
  • The fact we have 2 lives…. 
  • What it means to be true to yourself, and how it can change your life

I’m a leadership coach who speaks about life, because I value both.  I help leaders across the globe find their sweet spot between ambition and living an awesome, and authentic life.

This is part of my story in living my best authentic life.



Download my “Nail your first impression” workbook, which will help you create a compelling “elevator” introduction to get you off on the right foot and set the tone for your first 90 days (and beyond…).

Where to find Jenn:


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