Podding Through Time
The best Historical Variety Show on the web! Get your monthly dose of historical knowledge injected directly into your brain. Join our discord: https://discord.gg/tYYcQV5YVB
Podding Through Time
The Bible/Battle of Bamber Bridge
Jacob and Evan
Season 4
Episode 2
Yet another episode of Podding Through Time brings us some great topics:
- Who was Ching Shih, and how did she extort the Qing Dynasty?
- Where do Arabs appear in the Bible, and what role do they play in the biblical narrative?
- What historic moment happened in a small town in Britain, in response to US military segregation?
- Why is Russia mobilizing its troops, and what claim does it have to Eastern European territory?
- How many times have we almost accidentally nuked ourselves, and how did it come to that?