Episode #5: Preparing Students for a World of Technology with Don Goble
Classroom Matters
Classroom Matters
Episode #5: Preparing Students for a World of Technology with Don Goble
Jul 28, 2019

You’ve heard the buzzwords…..media, technology, interactive, innovative, but what do they really mean and how can you use them effectively in a classroom setting?  Teaching with innovation and technology is nothing new to the world of education, but are we truly doing it right?  How is it possible for teachers to prepare students for future careers that don’t yet exist?  Don Goble, award-winning speaker, author and multimedia educator sits down with host Kristy Houle to discuss the true meaning of teaching technology and media in today’s classroom in an effort to  prepare students for a never-changing society and the technology that lives around us. 

In this episode, you’ll hear

  • How to use innovative ways to leverage video and media literacy into the classroom or business setting.
  • Students taking initiative and control of their own learning
  • Simple things that teachers can do to accomplish a more student-led classroom