Live to Grind

EP 198 Branding Lessons, BTA Style!

Brandon T. Adams chats weekly with entrepreneurs John Lee Dumas, Donald Trump's Prodigy Tana Goertz, Shark Tank Stars, Millionaire Inventors, Crowdfunders, and Successful Millionaires
Mentors taught me about the importance of branding.
Look at Coca-Cola and Nike. You could argue that they don’t have the best product, but billions of people know, like, and trust them. That generates revenue. BIG revenue.

The same is true for entrepreneurs like us.

We have to stand out from the crowd and be visible if we want to get those higher paying clients, win those publicity opportunities, and leverage our one chance for success.

A few highlights from this interview include:
- Why do most people quit by January 15th?
- What am I working on with my team to increase and improve?
- The Influencer Accelerator begins today! So excited for this group of amazing people.
- What I learned from my mentor Cactus Jack Barringer
- “University of Young Entrepreneurs” is the show name, but should I keep that?
- Let me know your age, where you are from, and your thoughts on the name!
- How I want to get to a $100,000 package and what that would include
- Who are we filming on our TV show tomorrow in St. Petersburg, Florida? Hint: KH and CM
- Advice for a big game changer for you!