321Go Podcast

Ep 62 | No One Knows and No One Cares - Online Reality Check

Matt Scanlon and Clay Weldon
No one knows and no one cares. This is the unfortunate reality of business ownership. You pour your heart and soul into your product. Your coaches are the best in the area. You have a passion above anyone else's. Your community is top-notch. But, no one knows and no one cares. No one knows good programming from bad; good coaching from bad; or what "Community" actually means. So, show them. Distill these things down into their most basic components. Distill "Community" down to a 20 second video. Show me a picture of fun coaching. This is your online presence, your brand, your story - the distillation of all that is your business and passion into a 30 second glance at an open tab on an iPhone. Recorded from the 2016 USA Gymnastics National Congress, Matt and Clay go on the show to discuss some things we learned from chatting with a couple hundred gym owners. Specifically, we talk through some ways that your website can help and hurt your business. The most outstanding thing we’ve learned from looking at so many gym owners’ sites is that visitors to their site don’t know, nor do they care to take the time to learn. While we’d all like to think that consumers will do their research to find out what good programming, coaching, and equipment looks like - the reality is they don’t care. The only want to know: What's in it for me? You spend all day in your business and you know it’s strong. But, does your website speak to that? Can visitors jump from Google to your site and know your core values and coaching staff within a couple minutes? Can you easily go from online to your front door 24/7? Do an honest self-audit. Your future members don’t know what they don’t kow. Show them the path quickly, simply, and in a user-friendly manner.