The Wilderness and Wellness Podcast
The Wilderness and Wellness Podcast
A Flock of Birders: The Joy of Everyday Birding with the Pawson-Ryan Family
Join me for a discussion with the Pawson-Ryan family as they tell the story of their journey into the world of birds. We learn about David and how his friend Noel introduced him to birding which had a profound effect on him, causing him to do a complete about-face in his education track as a PhD candidate in engineering. We then learn about how David’s newfound obsession for birding slowly rubbed off on his partner Alison, and then quickly bled over to her parents and sister, giving them a new appreciation for this aspect of the natural world and bringing them all closer together through their newfound love of identifying and appreciating the feathered beings around us, especially during this time of social distancing with the coronavirus and the timely opportunity it has provided for delving into the natural world more fully. Enjoy this delightful story of an everyday family who got smitten by the birding bug and became closer to the natural world and each other in the process.
Featuring the voices of: David Cuban, mechanical engineer, starting his PhD in Biology at the University of Washington studying birds, the group's gateway into birding; Noel Bond, naturalist, National Park Service Ranger, Peace Corps Volunteer, original birder of the group, and best friend to David; Alison Ryan, public health professional and partner to David; Blair Ryan and Peter Nerothin, sister and brother-in-law to Alison, and the newest bird enthusiasts in the family. Dean Ryan and Lynn Pawson, residents of Ventura, California, and parents to Alison and Blair. Dean's bird photos are available for viewing here: Dean’s photography page
Other Pertinent Links:
Shaver’s Creek Environmental Center
The Behavioral Ecophysics Lab website
San Diego Natural History Museum
Jim Gilbert, WCCO radio's Nature Notes
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