The Wilderness and Wellness Podcast

Tracking Series 03 – Kersey Lawrence: Joys of Wildlife Tracking – Overview of the CyberTracker System of Evaluation and Education

Ron Waline / Kersey Lawrence

In this episode of my tracking series I am privileged to speak with Kersey Lawrence, who is currently the only female in the world that holds the certified highest level of skill with the title of “Senior Tracker” through the CyberTracker system. Kersey and I talk about her journey into a deep connection with the natural world and her foray into the world of tracking. Kersey discusses how the very practical, African style of tracking really resonated with her learning style and drew her to move to and seek mentorship through trackers from Africa. Kersey describes her journey towards becoming the highest certified female tracker in the world and the humbling responsibility that comes with that title and the naturalist knowledge that she has garnered over the years. Kersey describes the capabilities of a skilled tracker and how tracking and immersion in the natural world can instill within people a desire to protect and preserve the earth and its living creatures. Kersey shares more information about the programs offered by her company, Original Wisdom. Finally, Kersey offers an in-depth look at the CyberTracker system, expounding on its genesis, methods of evaluation to determine the expertise of trackers through its “track and sign” and “trailing” evaluations, and the ways that an evaluation is just as much a tracking workshop as it is a test of skill. Kersey teaches us what characteristics and skills are looked for in a good tracker by CyberTracker evaluators, and offers some advice on beginning to learn the art and skill of tracking.

Connect with Kersey and her company “Original Wisdom”:
Original Wisdom Website
Original Wisdom Facebook Page
Original Wisdom Instagram Page 

Book Recommendations:
A Sand County Almanac
Braiding Sweetgrass
The Art of Tracking: The Origin of Science
Mammal Tracks and Sign
Tracks and Sign of Insects and other Invertebrates
Bird Feathers: A Guide to North American Species
Practical Tracking: A Guide to Following Footprints and Finding Animals
Books by Lee Gutteridge