Angel and May

G01-E07 - Wheel of Fortune

Bernard Houston / Melanie Blizard / Arter Kornrumpf / Barry Haworth / David Lomas / Graeme Zinck / Luke O'Neil / Melanie Blizard / Nicholas Wilke / Robert Gettons / Vivien Braybrook Season 4 Episode 7

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A large pile of diamonds are a beautiful sight, but turning them into cold hard cash and staying alive is another!

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                                G01-E07 - WHEEL OF FORTUNE

                 Storyline is about the arrival in New London of GANDER
                 (DAVID Kosciolek) age 33 on the 6th of May 2052 (23 years
                 before the main Angel and May series) and the slow climb
                 up the slippery pole of power in the Bencubbin.  This
                 first instalment details the time up to his/her purchase
                 of the Retrograde Inn from the Bencubbin Mafia.

                 Vincent and his henchman are visiting the police station
                 in Widmanstaten square to complain about the damage
                 across the Bencubbin to their properties and to chivvy up
                 more action from the lazy cops, whom he is paying for
                 protection. Whilst he is there his henchman sees COBO go
                 into a room.  He later learns that two CIS officers were
                 in the room as well.

                 Meanwhile back at the inn, the guys are preparing to
                 lance through the bulkheads. BEAR, CROUPIER and GANDER
                 are moving equipment away from the wall. CROUPIER then
                 measures and marks with a spray a square door shaped
                 outline on the wall. COBO reappears and scares the
                 bejeezus out of them.

                 GANDER is pretending to cue for a coffee at a vendor. 
                 She radios and warns COBO that all the thugs are
                 returning.  VINCENT returns in a very bad mood. Down in
                 the kitchens the guys find the biscuit tin with the
                 diamonds in it. They carefully extract it and take a look
                 inside.  The diamonds are there, lots of them. They
                 spread them on the table in amazement! Finally COBO
                 gathers them up they repair the bulkhead wall and they
                 return to the van and head home. 

                 Back at BEAR's the team contemplate what to do next. 
                 CROUPIER makes the point that they really have no choice
                 but to give them back otherwise they are definitely all
                 dead men.  COBO says that if the mafia decide to give
                 some of the jewels back that they split them evenly.
                 Everyone think he is mad!

                 VINCENT is nursing a gin & tonic after a stressful day.
                 He issues instructions to his men. BUNNY arrives and is
                 shown in to discuss the fencing of the soon to be
                 returned diamonds. TIMEPASSES.  VINCENT receives some
                 very useful information and BUNNY leaves.

                 COBO, BEAR and CROUPIER enter the Retrograde small bar,
                 whilst VINCENT and thugs look on with mixed expressions.

                 COBO put the bags of diamonds on the desk, whilst VINCENT
                 strangely refuses to even look at them or pick them up.
                 COBO pretends to be confused, whilst the others are
                 genuinely confused.

                 VINCENT even denies ever meeting COBO or CROUPIER before
                 and states he has no idea who they are or why they are
                 here.  He states that they should leave immediately and
                 take the diamonds with them!  Which they do.


                 VINCENT and his henchman are visiting the police station
                 in Widmanstaten square, to complain about the damage
                 across the Bencubbin to their properties, and to chivvy
                 up more action from the lazy cops. Whilst he is there his
                 henchman sees COBO go into a room.  He later learns that
                 two CIS officers were in the room as well.

                                        THUG TWO 
                           You're not going to believe this

                           Will you shut up you tick, can't
                           you see I'm busy! (Desk Bell
                           multiple rings) Come on, don't you
                           have any service around here!

                                        DESK COP 1
                           Stop banging that be... oh hello
                           Mr Gambino, sorry about that.

                           Yes well, lets have a little more
                           attentiveness next time! Now
                           what's happening about these

                                        THUG TWO
                           Boss, boss!

                           Will you shut up! (slap)  Ahh,
                           sorry officer, my "colleague" gets
                           very worked up. So what can you
                           tell me about these explosions,
                           they appear to be smoke bombs?

                                        DESK COP 1
                           Yes Mr Gambino, lots of smoke,
                           lots of noise but no real damage.

                           I see! Now listen carefully, you
                           tell your boss, to pull his arse
                           out of his office and start
                           patrolling the BC. These criminals
                           are getting out of control.  

                                        DESK COP 1
                           Ah excuse me Mr Gambino, Sir, but
                           isn't that your area..

                           How dare you! You swivel eyed pip
                           squeak. I'll have you rubbed out
                           if you talk to me like that again.
                           You need to understand who runs
                           this place!

                                        DESK COP 1
                           Sorry Sir! I'll pass on the
                           message! We don't want any trouble
                           in this precinct. It might be best
                           if you just leave the building now
                           sir.  (Whispered) Sorry, Mr
                           Gambino, we think the Sargent is
                           being watched by the CIS. The
                           spooks have been all over us this
                           week.  We have no idea why! There
                           are two of those bastards in that
                           office, at this very moment!

                           (Whispered) Oh, shit! (Louder) Ah,
                           OK! Thank you Officer, I'm sure
                           you'll find the family pet soon!
                           (Whispered), tell your boss, to
                           sharpen up otherwise I'll pull
                           some strings and he'll be working
                           at a car wash before the weeks

                                        DESK COP 1
                           Thank you Sir, I'll make sure he
                           gets the message.

                           Make sure he does, other wise
                           you'll be joining him!

                                        DESK COP 1
                           Ahem, of course.

                           Right then, scurry along like the
                           little insect you are.  I have to
                           talk to my colleague, in private.
                           (Turns to THUG TWO) What, the f***
                           can't you shut up whilst I am
                           conducting business?

                                        THUG TWO
                           Boss, I think I saw that Milton
                           COBO fellow, he went into the
                           office with the CIS spooks.

                           Did he now! How very interesting.
                           Of his own free will, not under
                           any coercion?

                                        THUG TWO
                           No he just walked straight in, he
                           didn't even knock. He was in there
                           for at least five minutes.

                           You sure he wasn't being arrested?

                                        THUG TWO
                           No, he was as cool as a cucumber.
                           Looked like he knew the place and
                           had been here before.

                           Really! Finally you have delivered
                           some useful information!


                 COBO waits outside the Widmanstaten Square Police Station
                 until he sees Vincent and his Henchman enter.  He then
                 goes in and makes sure he is seen without by the henchman
                 without looking at him.  He picks a random room to enter.
                 By chance it has two spooks from the CIS sitting at a
                 desk looking at a pad showing surveillance pictures. The
                 aim is to simply waste some time before being ejected.

                           Now let me see, oh, here we are!

                                                            DOOR WOOD OPEN

                                        CIS SPOOK TWO
                           We go in here and .. oh

                           Excuse me gentlemen, I want to
                           file a missing animal report.

                                        CIS SPOOK ONE
                           Do we look like police officers?

                           You're in a room, at the police
                           station, why wouldn't you be
                           police officers.

                                        CIS SPOOK ONE
                           Look you need to go out to the
                           front desk, we have more important
                           matters to attend to.

                           How dare you, my Maltese, is like
                           a brother to me! Now look lively I
                           have just about had enough of you
                           lazy cops.  I give money to the
                           ruling party every year, and that
                           means you work for me.

                                        CIS SPOOK TWO
                           Sir, calm down, you need to go to
                           the front desk, like my colleague
                           suggests, we are not the 'missing
                           pets squad'

                           I don't believe you, what are you
                           doing in this room?

                                        CIS SPOOK TWO
                           Sir, what are you doing in this

                           Oh, you're just copying me now are
                           you? Mocking a member of the

                                        CIS SPOOK TWO
                           No really Sir, how did you get
                           past the front desk, this is a
                           private area of the station?

                           I just walked in, the front desk
                           Cop was not there!

                                        CIS SPOOK TWO
                           So, you have been walking around
                           the station, unaccompanied?

                           Yes of course, why not?

                                        CIS SPOOK TWO
                           I believe that might be an

                           How dare you, insinuate I am some
                           sort of criminal, what are you
                           suggesting, that I am some sort of
                           con man, trying to get into a
                           police station?

                                        CIS SPOOK TWO
                           Well, you must admit that it is

                           I just come here to report my
                           beloved 'Choo-choo' Maltese and
                           now you're trying to arrest me! 
                           (Spluttering) How dare you, of all
                           the rude, contemptable, useless,
                           swivel-eyed, public servants you
                           must be the worst!

                                        CIS SPOOK ONE
                           Look you crazy f** piss off out of
                           here and go to the front desk.

                           (Spluttering) I, you evil bastard!
                           What is your badge number you
                           corrupt copper. You look kind of

                                        CIS SPOOK ONE
                           (Standing Up) That's it! I'm going
                           to show you what happens if you
                           mess with the security.. 

                                        CIS SPOOK TWO
                           Number one, hold on!  Sir please
                           calm down, sorry about my
                           colleague. Please excuse him, its
                           been a long day.  The nice police
                           officer at the front desk will
                           take down all the details and
                           dispatch an officer immediately on
                           the case. They will get your
                           (pause) "choo-choo" back!

                           Well, OK then, that's better!
                           That's sounds like a plan! Good
                           day to you Sirs!

                                        CIS SPOOK TWO
                           (Turning to his colleague) You sit
                           down, I always thought you had a
                           loose trigger finger, you need to
                           calm the f*** down.


                 Meanwhile back at the inn, the guys are preparing to
                 lance through the bulkheads. BEAR, CROUPIER and GANDER
                 are moving equipment away from the wall. CROUPIER then
                 measures and marks with a spray a square door shaped
                 outline on the wall. COBO reappears and scares the be
                 Jesus out of them.

                           This is it CROUP.  We cut around
                           this mark with the burning bar and
                           then peel it back.  Its thick
                           plate because this is the edge of
                           the service shaft.  Its not going
                           to be quick or easy. We take
                           twenty minute shifts. Watch for
                           the fumes. Try not to destroy the
                           diamonds with the lance.

                           Why have you put a big X in the

                           Just traditional, for good luck! 
                           You know X always marks the spot.
                           BEAR how many bars do we have.

                           Ten, which bye the way, is a
                           ridiculous amount. I suggest you
                           pop a small hole first and I then
                           we scope. 

                           Makes sense, do we need the
                           articulating probe?

                           Of course, that's the only one we
                           have!  Only the best for the A
                           team. Could save cutting time.


                           When you two have quite finished,
                           can we get on with this! Its like
                           being at a safe crackers

                           We are safe crackers.  All
                           professionals, and we need quality

                           Well don't break anything, the
                           fellow I borrowed it off has a
                           nasty sense of humour!  I've
                           rigged the bar exhaust to go into
                           the under service area, that might
                           help with the fumes!  

                           You think?

                           No not really, plasma and that
                           chemical smell, its all bad!

                           Well its a good thing I brought
                           these charcoal filters then.  Just
                           stick these up your nose. I will
                           take the first shift. GANDER do us
                           all a favour, pop some of this
                           lock-tight into the door on this
                           floor and be generous. It will
                           slow down any unwanted incursions.
                           Oh, and before you close the door
                           put out those danger signs.

                           (Laugh) What do they say? 
                           Dangerous fart smell, might kill! 

                           No they just say caution, gas
                           monitors and breathing equipment

                           Doesn't sound that bad!

                           Yeah, but they don't have masks or
                           breathing gear, do they!  They
                           will stay away for sure!  Best to
                           under state, makes us seem
                           professional!  (Pause)  BEAR how
                           many jobs have we done? Is this
                           the tenth? 

                           Sounds about right!

                           Well I was thinking about it, we
                           should count this as still the
                           ninth!  Sorry about the general
                           cock up on this job!

                           That's all right, shit happens.
                           Just bad luck.  Right lets get
                           going, lets finish this!

                                                         THERMIC LANCE AND
                                                             STEEL CUTTING

                                                              TIME PASSING

                                                         THERMIC LANCE AND
                                                             STEEL CUTTING

                           Is it just me or, or are these
                           filters starting to let the stench

                           The stench wins out!  I think we
                           all need a breather.  I'll get the
                           coffee flask.

                           I have some sandwiches from that
                           place across the road.

                           You're joking, aren't you? You
                           can't eat in here with this smell!

                           No you idiot we're going to the

                           Oh, thank f*** my stomach was
                           start to clench.  Besides my arms
                           are killing me!

                           Hay you, who's that! Who's there?
                           Come on out!



                           Ohh, that hurt!  Relax, its only

                           You bastard, we could have killed

                           (Laughing) What with that
                           endoscope thing! I see you're
                           about to take a break!  Good idea,
                           after all, I wouldn't want you to
                           over exert yourselves.

                           Do you want me to clock him CROUP.

                           Might be an idea, I really want to
                           remove that insufferable smile.

                           (Laughter) Guys, come on, I'm
                           winding you up. Look I'll take the
                           lance and finish off.  (Pause) Oh,
                           you've done some good work here!
                           Looks like we're nearly done.
                           Shit, that bulkhead is bloody
                           thick, its like a battleship.

                           Yes we know.  Some of us have been
                           trying to cut it for the last
                           hour! We only have one stick left. 
                           What took you so long?

                           Well, those CIS lot are all swivel
                           eyed. They have evil suspicious
                           minds and they kept asking more
                           and more questions.  It took all
                           my skills as a story teller to
                           extract myself after I told them
                           about my lost Choo-Choo!  

                           What are you on about?

                           I just needed to stay in a certain
                           room for five minutes. 
                           Unfortunately these two CIS types
                           were in there.  They want to chuck
                           me out immediately but I need to
                           stay until our friend VINCENT left
                           the station.

                           I really don't understand!

                           You will eventually!


                           Never you mind! Now run along
                           children, take your break and let
                           me do some cutting. I haven't done
                           a good lancing in years.  This
                           takes me back to my youth.

                                                              TIME PASSING

                           I'm through guys, finally.

                                                              LAUGHING AND

                           MILTON, one question?  How the
                           hell are we going to move the cut
                           section, it must weigh a ton.

                           If you cast your eyes across the
                           car park, you will see I have
                           liberated a small fork lift. We
                           have high strength magnetic clamps
                           and some chains. The rest is 

                           OK, if you say so!

                           I do say so my friend. OK then off
                           you go, fetch it over, lets get to
                           it!  DAVID can you do me a favour
                           get rid of the overalls, and nip
                           outside to street level, we need a
                           watch out. Take this ear piece
                           radio, and what ever you do don't
                           touch your ear, its a dead give
                           away, just speak, it will know
                           when to transmit to me!


                 GANDER is pretending to que for a coffee at a vendor
                 stall.  She radios and warns COBO that all the thugs are
                 returning.  VINCENT returns in a very bad mood. Down in
                 the kitchens the guys find the biscuit tin with the
                 diamonds in it. They carefully extract it and take a look
                 inside.  The diamonds are there, lots of them. They
                 spread them on the table in amazement! Finally COBO
                 gathers them up they repair the bulkhead wall and they
                 return to the van and head home. 

                           MILTON, come in?

                           Yes, what's up?

                           VINCENT and his two minders are
                           back. They are about to go into
                           the inn.  He looks really, really
                           pissed off. Had an argument with
                           one of his henchmen.  You better

                           Roger that, working on it.  (Turns
                           to crew) Guys wakeup, the troops
                           are back, time to go. CROUP what
                           are we looking for?

                           Its in an old coffee tin.

                           CROUP there is nothing in the wall

                           Your wrong it must be there. Shit!
                           Has it fallen down?

                           Not seeing it. (Sounds of
                           manipulation) Oh! Yes, I see it
                           its wedged behind a separator 
                           Give me the no 2 grapple.

                           Be careful if you dislodge it, it
                           might fall further and we will
                           never get it.

                           Might be an idea to swap out for a
                           mag tip.

                           OK. Mag tip on (Pause) here!

                           Going to reach down and... its on.
                           (Laughter) It's heavy, trying to
                           fall off. Hang on, CROUP get in
                           here with the No 1 and grab it
                           while I turn it!

                           OK, OK, yes! Got it! I'm


                           Yes, yes, OK I've got it, lets
                           take a look!

                           Great Scott. Shit CROUP, how many
                           sparklers did you nick, its heavy!
                           Lets take a look just in case.

                           In case of what?

                           I don't know, perhaps they are not

                           Bloody hell, my hands are shaking!

                           Yes, we can see!

                                                          TIN OPENING THEN
                                                       BAG FALLS OUT, THEN

                           Oh, Shit! Shit, there a cubic shit
                           ton, look five bags. (laughter)

                           Boys feast your eyes on these.

                                                         DIAMONDS ON TABLE

                           (Breath out) Oh now that's a sight
                           for sore eyes!

                           Oh lord, whatever I've done, don't
                           strike me blind for the next
                           couple of minutes!

                           (Radio) Guys what the hell are you
                           doing? There's more of them
                           arriving all the time!

                           Roger, hold position.

                           Those sure are pretty!

                           OK enough, pack um up! The troops
                           are upstairs and are massing, lets
                           look at these babies back at base
                           camp! First we have to get that
                           bulkhead repaired, we can't give a
                           clue as to what we've done.

                           So we replace the cut section and
                           weld up?

                           Yeah that's the plan.  Spot Weld,
                           Chuck in a load of filler, smooth
                           out, spray and then exit stage
                           left as quick as possible!


                           I think that will do, the filler
                           really works wonders. OK BEAR get
                           some spray action going, then we
                           are out of here!

                                                             RUNNING FEET.

                           Oh my God, about time. Did we get

                           (slightly out of breath) Yes we
                           got them, we really got them
                           DAVID. Now lets go home!

                 INT. BLACK BEARS - ROOM 3-15 - DECISIONS

                 Back at BEAR's the team contemplate what to do next. 
                 CROUPIER makes the point that they really have no choice
                 but to give them back otherwise they are definitely all
                 dead men.  COBO says that if the mafia decide to give
                 some of the jewels back that they split them evenly.
                 Everyone think he is mad!

                           So what now?

                           Hmmm! (Making tea) What do you say
                           CROUP, cut and run or give them

                           (Chomping on biscuits) What,
                           MILTON, are you taking the Micky?
                           No way? These digestives are
                           really good!

                           Can't cut and run can I!  They
                           know you're all involved, so even
                           if they can't do me, they can get
                           you!  I just can't inflict that on
                           you and your mates. (Sigh) Sorry
                           guys! We have no choice, we have
                           to give them back.

                           I'll tell you what, if say, the
                           mob give us some for our troubles,
                           we split them, fair and square!

                           Yeah, because that's really going
                           to happen isn't it?

                           Well, stranger things have
                           happened CROUP. Don't be negative,
                           you might end up like DAVID. 

                           I'm not negative, just realistic!

                           Realistic, Negative, Whatever! 
                           Now I need CROUP to get his best
                           suit on and look clean and
                           relaxed.  Whilst I need to polish
                           my shoes again!

                           What's with those shoes, you don't
                           have a fetish do you!

                           I do actually, its a fetish to
                           stay alive and in one piece!

                           Well, excuse me I need to get some
                           spit together, to help you with
                           you shoes!

                           No need for that DAVID. Now, I
                           just need you to pop this pin in
                           my lapel.

                           You know I've got to the point
                           where I'm not even going ask any
                           more. So which lapel right or

                           The right I think!


                           Sorry MILTON I have to ask, what's
                           with those bloody shoes, they are
                           like a mirror.  You'll wear the
                           leather off!

                           The power of auto suggestion
                           CROUP. You'll see!

                           CROUP by now I though you would
                           know better than to ask sensible


                 VINCENT is nursing a gin & tonic after a stressful day.
                 He issue instructions to his men. BUNNY arrives and is
                 shown in to discuss the fencing of the soon to be
                 returned diamonds. TIMEPASSES.  VINCENT receives some
                 very useful information and BUNNY leaves.

                           Thank you Morton. (Talking to Thug
                           Two).  Ahhh, long day(sniffing)
                           Are you sure those sewers are
                           fixed? There is still a vague
                           whiff in here. Did you get the

                                        THUG TWO
                           Yes boss, MIKE had them plumbers
                           in, there've been down in the
                           kitchens all day, had to do some
                           serious work!

                           How much did that cost?

                                        THUG TWO
                           We haven't seen the bill yet, they
                           said it may be covered under the
                           city 'hygiene sewer repair' fund,
                           and we will pay nothing!

                           Well, I hope the hell we don't end
                           up paying for their lousy pipes!

                                        THUG TWO
                           Yes boss.  The smell is slowly
                           going down boss.

                           Well, get some more air scrubbers,
                           hire them in if you have to! We
                           need to get those kitchens back on
                           line, and we won't have customers
                           if it smells like this tonight!

                                        THUG TWO
                           Yes boss.

                           Also find out who planted those
                           smoke bombs, and let me know. We
                           need to sort them out! We can't
                           been seen to be weak. 
                           I don't want obvious killings
                           though, the CIS are lurking, we've
                           seen them down at the cop shop!

                                        THUG TWO
                           Yes boss of course, I'll get on
                           it.   Sorry to disturb you, but
                           you have a visitor.


                                        THUG TWO
                           It's that Bunny Winkle fellow, he
                           says he needs to see you! You
                           asked him to pop in about fencing
                           some diamonds.

                           Oh yes, that reminds me! When are
                           those thieves coming to drop them

                                        THUG TWO
                           They said in a couple of hours.

                           Good, good, this should bring in
                           some much need cash.  OK let him

                                                        TIMEPASSING FADING
                                                        TO DRINKS WITH ICE

                           I see, well thank you, for the
                           information, that was most
                           enlightening BUNNY, I appreciate
                           the heads up.

                           All part of the service Mr
                           Gambino, a pleasure!


                 COBO and CROUPIER enter the Retrograde small bar, whilst
                 VINCENT and thugs look on with mixed expressions.

                 COBO put the bags of diamonds on the desk, whilst VINCENT
                 strangely refuses to even look at them or pick them up.
                 COBO pretends to be confused, whilst the others are
                 genuinely confused.

                 VINCENT even deny's ever meeting COBO or CROUPIER before
                 and states he has no idea who they are or why they are
                 here.  He states that they should leave immediately and
                 take the diamonds with them!  Which they do.

                           That's nice, you brought Mr
                           CROUPIER! To what exactly do I owe
                           this pleasure.

                                                         DIAMONDS IN POUCH
                                                            PLACED ON DESK

                           Ah, hello Mr Gambino, I'm very
                           sorry for any mis-understanding,
                           and I apologies for any

                           I've really no idea what you are
                           talking about?

                           Ah, the diamonds that I
                           accidentally nicked, ah you know,
                           stole from you! From the Banco de

                           Mr Gambino, I don't understand,
                           here they are, all of them, the
                           Diamonds. As promised.  You can
                           check them, five bags!

                           Diamonds? (Talking to thugs) Any
                           of you have an idea what these
                           guys are talking about?

                                        THUG TWO
                           No Boss!

                           But, we spoke two days ago!
                           (Pretending to be confused) You
                           threatened this guy because he
                           stole them from you? The Diamonds
                           from the bank vault!

                           I've have never seen this man
                           before in my life and as for
                           Diamonds I have only one on my
                           pinky ring, see, and its not in
                           any Banco du Sicilia.

                 COBO and CROUPIER look at each other in confusion!
                 VINCENT moves up close to the pin on COBOs jacket and
                 speaks as if into a microphone.

                           Let me look at your suit Mr COBO,
                           nice lapel. (Rubbing of suit) I'm
                           simply a respectable business man!
                           (Pause) Now I'm going to ask you
                           to leave my premises before I call
                           my lawyer!

                           Well, what about the diamonds?

                           Are you deaf, or just stupid.
                           Those diamonds are nothing to do
                           with me.  Now take them, dump
                           them, eat them for all I care.

                           Ah, OK then, come on CROUP, lets
                           get out of here.

                 The party leaves.

                           (To his thugs) What does he think
                           am I, stupid?


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