Angel and May

G02-E08 - Five of Cups

Barry Haworth / David Lomas / Jean Spencer / Kylie Priest / Luke A O'Neill / Mitzi Clifford / Vivien Braybrook Season 5 Episode 8

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The Tarot may tell the future, but only with David telling the tale!

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                    THE TAROT INTERVENTION - G02-E08-FIVE OF CUPS
                 A frustrated VINCENT GAMBINO shows suspicion and anger
                 towards GANDER-ETTEILLA as she prepares to read his

                 The Five of Cups shows a man in a long black cloak
                 looking down on three cups that have been knocked over –
                 symbolic of his disappointments and failures. Behind him
                 stand two cups representing new opportunities and
                 potential, but because he is so fixed on his losses (the
                 over-turned cups), he misses the opportunities available
                 to him.

                 In the background, a bridge crosses a large, flowing
                 river and leads to the security of the castle or home on
                 the opposite side of the riverbank – if only he can move
                 on from the over-turned cups. The bridge is a message to
                 'find a way through'.


                 MILTON COBO is addressing the team prior to the launch of
                 the first real engagement with the mark. This is where he
                 introduces the concept of running a peppers ghost scam,
                 using the pipe way access to the mirror in VINCENT
                 GAMBINO's room and his actor ex-girl friend. MOMO
                 expresses scepticism at using HESSE

                 MILTON gets up and taps his spoon on a glass for quiet.

                 SPOON ON GLASS

                                        MILTON COBO
                           So, team as you know, this job has
                           a lot of moving parts, and we need
                           them to work like a well oiled
                           machine! The good news is, we now
                           have walk in access to the back of
                           the inn, which greatly aids our
                           efforts.  The GAMBINO's meanwhile,
                           think they have control of the
                           hidden area's! This gives us a
                           huge advantage. So, whilst they
                           are running around the back
                           corridors, looking for CIS &
                           Ghosts.  We have our own private
                           setup. I propose that we take full
                           advantage of this to really fuck
                           with VINCENT's mind!

                 The team cheer and laugh!

                                        MILTON COBO
                           DAVID you're inside man number one
                           on the TAROT, or should I say
                           women, with JACINTA as wing, make
                           sure you seed the key messages.
                           RUDI, CHEN and MYSELF will be the
                           fixers and organise the 'haunting'
                           tech. BLACK BEAR is inside man
                           number two his double is CHEN they
                           are a ghost-hunting team! I think
                           we have most angles covered. I now
                           want to introduce a new element in
                           the form of Pepper's Ghost!

                           Not another grifter, we already
                           have too many!

                           You're going to like this part
                           DAVID, it will really send VINCENT
                           GAMBINO completely bonkers!

                                        MILTON COBO
                           This unique opportunity of one way
                           mirror into VINCENT's bedroom, can
                           be used, and we are going to use
                           it!(Dramatic voice) Mirror, mirror
                           on the wall, who is the most
                           troubled of all! 

                           Stop the crap MILTON, what are you
                           on about?

                                        MILTON COBO
                           Well you won't believe who I
                           bumped into yesterday. My ex
                           girlfriend, the actress, HESSE,
                           you remember her? I am going to
                           arrange for VINCENT GAMBINO to
                           really meet his dead mother!

                           You mean, dear HESSE. That
                           charming actress with the penchant
                           for dramatic entrances and even
                           more dramatic exits.

                                        MILTON COBO
                           She's starring in a new play!

                           The one where her life story is
                           filled with intrigues, scandals,
                           and more overblown drama than a
                           Shakespearean tragedy?

                                        MILTON COBO
                           You have no idea, MOMO. She even
                           claimed she was abducted by the
                           clowns while touring with her last

                           My dear, if she was really
                           abducted by the clown's they would
                           surely have rejected her, because,
                           in all honesty, she madder than
                           they are!

                                        MILTON COBO
                           Never the less, I think I have
                           persuaded her, to play the part of
                           GAMBINO's dead mother.

                           Oh MILTON, really, do you never

                           Don't we have enough people
                           involved, it makes the con risky!  

                           MILTON, really, you want that
                           bitch involved? 

                           Do you still want us to break in
                           and give VINCENT GAMBINO the
                           poltergeist furniture.

                                        MILTON COBO
                           Yes please JACINTA, were going big
                           stall on this one! It's delicious,
                           covering every angle!

                           So let me get this straight, are
                           we still doing the whole Tarot
                           scam? Do you still want me to
                           squirt hallucinogenic juice into
                           those bastards!

                                        MILTON COBO
                           Absolutely, its essential!

                           (Sigh) So I still have to wear the
                           nanofragging exo-skeleton!

                           But, JACINTA, you look so good in

                           Don't you start!

                           (Cough) No fighting you two. Team
                           lets raise our glasses, to the
                           rapid and early demise of the
                           scourge of the Bencubbin! I give
                           you the GAMBINO family!


                 READING (MAJOR ARCANA)

                 This scene sets up the dramatic first Tarot reading,
                 describes the back story for both GANDER and JACINTA and
                 effectively starts the con! 

                 GANDER is in the Retrograde Inn, in Vincents private
                 office waiting area, preparing for the reading. GANDER is
                 clearing her throat ready for the performance and is
                 trying not to look nervous! 

                                        GIOVANNI "THE ENFORCER" ROMANO
                           MR GAMBINO the, people you
                           requested are outside. (Cough)
                           They look a little strange MR
                           GAMBINO, like something, out of a
                           play. One of them looks dangerous,
                           strapped into an exo skeleton. 
                           Could be slightly sub normal. 
                           Carrying a trunk. Wouldn't let me
                           scan it. The other one is old,
                           ugly and full of herself, looks
                           like a witch! Shall I let them in?

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Good, they are here! Yes please
                           GIOVANNI, let them in, but stay at
                           the back of the room and watch the
                           bitch in the exo-skeleton! Are you

                                        GIOVANNI "THE ENFORCER" ROMANO
                           Yes, of course Mr Gambino.

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Good, keep a close eye on them. 
                           You know what to do, if it gets

                                        GIOVANNI "THE ENFORCER" ROMANO
                           Termination and disposal as usual,
                           Mr GAMBINO!

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           OK, the usual, but only as a last
                           resort, the witchy one is well
                           known, apparently. She is supposed
                           to be a famous fortune teller or
                           something, I'm curious if they can
                           solve our ghost problem.

                                        GIOVANNI "THE ENFORCER" ROMANO
                           You believe in that stuff Mr

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           No, (Pause) Well, maybe,  but the
                           kitchen staff certainly do! Make
                           sure they know about this meeting,
                           but do not tell them the details!
                           Keep them guessing! If anything of
                           what is said leaks, even within
                           the family. I'll be a laughing

                                        GIOVANNI "THE ENFORCER" ROMANO
                           Of course, it goes without saying
                           Mr GAMBINO!

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           I mean it, GIOVANNI, cazzo, this
                           is effecting the business, I can't
                           afford any mistakes. 

                                        GIOVANNI "THE ENFORCER" ROMANO
                           Yes, Mr Gambino, I understand.

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Good, lets hope so, now fetch the
                           witch in.

                                        GIOVANNI "THE ENFORCER" ROMANO
                           You, you can come in now, hands
                           where I can see them!


                           Next time you invite me Mr
                           GAMBINO, you might do well to
                           instil some manners into your
                           criminal staff. 

                 GANDER-DAVID enters the room in a haughty manner, with
                 JACINTA following wheeling in a trunk.

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           I select my staff as I see fit,
                           you do know what business I am in?  

                           Extortion, racketeering, drugs and
                           a whole lot of other nasty stuff!

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Yes, exactly!  Politeness, manners
                           and general decorum are optional
                           in my line of business.

                           (Chuckle) Yes of course, that much
                           is obvious, but manners maketh the
                           man, Mr GAMBINO.  Now please
                           address me directly and avoid
                           interacting with my indentured
                           guild slave in any way.  She
                           cannot hear or speak due to nerve
                           blocks, plus of course the
                           physical constraints. She is
                           paying off a debt to the
                           Cartomancer Guild.

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           (Slight guffaw in disbelieve)Ma
                           che? The cartomancer guild? I know
                           of no such organisation, you got
                           to be joking. 

                 GANDER-ETTEILLA does not laugh or react and just stares
                 at VINCENT GAMBINO with an unblinking eye.

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           (Nervous cough) OK, so you're not

                           Of course I'm serious you cove!
                           You will do well, not to impugn
                           the guild! You may think your
                           mafia is powerful, but we command
                           supernatural forces, Mr Gambino.
                           This relationship will be
                           terminated forthwith, if the guild
                           is so much as mentioned in a
                           negative manner again!

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Sorry, I didn't mean offence, I
                           was surprised, thats all, As I
                           stated I have never heard of such
                           an "organisation".

                           Well, we don't advertise. As you
                           can imagine the dark arts need to
                           be contained and this is not
                           facilitated if they know we are

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           I see!

                           Mr GAMBINO, first I need to run
                           through some formal establishing
                           questions before the read. 
                           Can you please confirm, (looking
                           at an email) that you are the Mr
                           VINCENT GAMBINO who requires a
                           reading from the great Etteilla? 

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Maybe I am. (Slightly taken aback)

                           Well, make up your mind, do you,
                           or don't you, require a
                           cartomantic read. I don't have all

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           You wouldn't be in this room if I
                           didn't want you!  Of course I'm
                           VINCENT GAMBINO.

                           Yes, (looking closer) I suspected
                           as much.  You look like the petty
                           career criminal that is on file at
                           guild headquarters. The records
                           recommended caution.  I recognise
                           the photo!

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           How dare you. Maladetta strega.
                           I'll have you out of the nearest

                           Mr GAMBINO, I will address you in
                           any manner I see fit, and you will
                           be pleased to receive my missives. 
                           Come on Elipas, we are clearly not

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           You will stay until we have
                           completed our business.

                           I will stay as long as I choose! 
                           In this case its a short period
                           until I receive the respect I
                           deserve!  You will also forfeit
                           the deposit! You think you can
                           hold me here? How will you explain
                           my lock ejection to the New London
                           Governor?  Do you think he will be
                           pleased to find he is not getting
                           his reading. That I'm floating out
                           in space or pushing up the daisy's
                           in the Dirkson?
                           You think that he, will not ask
                           the CIS to find out why his
                           trusted personal reader, a friend
                           of many years, has been 'done in'
                           by some mid level criminal in the
                           Bencubbin? Really?  On top of
                           that, then their is the guild! 
                           How do you think they will feel
                           about one of their top operatives
                           being 'done in'.  I must say you
                           have some balls MR GAMBINO. You
                           like to live dangerously.

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           My balls are entirely my, ohhh!

                                                         CLOMPING OF BOOTS
                                                          AND EXO-SKELETON

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           That doesn't sound right!  Look, I
                           think we might have got off on the
                           wrong foot! I was only speaking
                           figuratively, ah Ms Etteilla,
                           please forgive me, I didn't mean
                           to offend you!  You must
                           understand that I am used to
                           dealing with the worst of society,
                           the lower echelons!

                           Yes I can well imagine, MR
                           GAMBINO, so perhaps a change of
                           tack is required for both of us?

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Yes of course, sorry, please have
                           a seat!

                           Thank you. Elipas please stand
                           over there. (Clomping of boots)
                           Now I believe you wish to
                           inaugurate a series of readings?

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Maybe, I was only expecting a
                           single meeting to discuss
                           something happening at the inn.

                           We do not undertake such a
                           simplistic and single point path
                           MR GAMBINO, we need multiple data
                           points. The future is an unknown
                           country and is deeply
                           In order to divine leakage from
                           the multiverse, a minimum of three
                           sessions is the starting point.

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           At the same charge?

                           Naturally, but you do get a
                           discount after that! Are you
                           saying that you don't have the
                           means?  The guild can arrange a
                           payment plan.

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Of course not, money is (struggles
                           to say) not of consequence.

                           Good! Then we need a few minutes
                           to set up. ELIPAS prepare the
                           grounded iso zones.  Then we can
                           begin.  Do you have hot water and

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO

                           Hot water, for the tea, Mr
                           GAMBINO, the herbal tea! Towels to
                           wipe our hands and possibly dampen
                           any coronal discharge burns.

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Burn's, are you sure this is safe?

                           No, playing with the chromosphere
                           and multiverse is extremely
                           dangerous, which is why you need
                           me, Mr GAMBINO! You are in
                           experienced hands, I am, of
                           course, guild certified!

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           GIOVANNI please ring down for hot
                           water and towels. 

                                        GIOVANNI "THE ENFORCER" ROMANO
                           Yes of course MR GAMBINO.  Should
                           I get the fire extinguisher?

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           It might be a good idea!


                 GANDER is dressed up (In disguise) as the great "Etteilla
                 du Vaillant" a play on Jean-Baptiste Allient a famous
                 person in the world of Tarot. JACINTA is carrying a heavy
                 trunk with her exo skeleton and looking pissed!

                 GANDER-ETTEILLA does some weird hand movements and ELIPAS
                 moves and opens the trunk.

                           Hmmms mmmf mmfsg ghhhh! (Actually
                           saying-You try moving this trunk)

                           Yes ELIPAS, of course!

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           What did she say?

                           It's of no consequence MR GAMBINO

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           What did she do? Her punishment
                           seems a little medieval, I like

                           She is lucky to still be alive,
                           considering the transgression she

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Really, I like the idea of that
                           exo skeleton, I have a few people
                           I could use it on!

                           She broke a guild rule, Mr
                           GAMBINO, just that.

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           This guild, seems to have a lot in
                           common with my family.

                           The guild is not dealing in petty
                           crime, its is dealing with our
                           very reality.  We had an arc
                           through, and had to do a timeline
                           reset procedure! 
                           We lost an operative, an important
                           one.  Elipas instigated an unsafe
                           grounding, which caused the
                           breach! She has got three years of
                           indentured servitude and that was
                           after good behaviour was taken
                           into account.

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Why the mouth clamp?

                           Erroneous invocation was one of
                           her offences, the other was
                           cartomantic excursions from a
                           shuttered multiverse, without
                           sufficient grounding.  It nearly
                           destroyed another habitat.  Hence
                           the sentence. If her mouth is
                           clamped she cannot invocate, its
                           that simple!

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           So, let me get this straight, 
                           your saying, reading a few cards
                           and saying a few words, can lead
                           to the destruction of our reality. 
                           Ma daverro!I find that hard to

                           You belief or otherwise is not
                           required Mr GAMBINO, the universes
                           have their own rules and don't
                           need you're approval. In addition
                           the cards have very little to do
                           with invocation, they are mearly a
                           tool for the operator. Have you
                           had any thought as to what might
                           be happening here.

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           I thought that you just pick some
                           cards and tell the future.

                           No Mr GAMBINO, I am nothing more
                           than a conduit for quantum
                           information. A slave to the
                           rhythm, the heart beat of the
                           universes. We don't understand how
                           this occurs, but it does occur! 
                           The problem is that this
                           information always comes from
                           another universe not one in the
                           current timeline.  God appears to
                           have a sense of humour!
                           Unfortunately the other universe
                           almost always has a different zero
                           point ground state.  This means
                           considerable electrical discharges
                           and if not isolated, a run away
                           current flowing between the
                           multiverse! Ultimately this
                           current flow can lead to

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Minchia!  Cancellation, that
                           sounds bad!

                           Very bad, you might just
                           disappear, having never existed.

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Are you sure its safe to do this
                           in this room?

                           Of course. Look, if proper
                           precaution's are taken it's safe. 
                           Like nuclear energy, you don't
                           poke the dragon unless its in a
                           cage.  Elipas, please set up the
                           table, candles, decks and prepare
                           the silver iso matrix and
                           grounding straps! 

                 JACINTA looks glaringly at GANDER as she doesn't like
                 being ordered around. JACINTA stomps.

                           Hmmm, fuurfffmf, grooosdnf!
                           (Actually saying-What am I, your
                           personal servant?)

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           She's not invocating is she?

                           No, not at all, she just called
                           you a greasy wop!

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           (Leaps up and speaks through
                           gritted teeth). Fregna! I'll kill

                           Sorry, that option is off the
                           table, she has to serve her time. 
                           Don't touch her, she is still
                           dangerous. All class one wizards

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           She's not going to kill us with 
                           her suit is she?

                           No, not at all. I control it. 
                           It's been a long day, she gets
                           hungry and tired.

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Can I get you something from our
                           kitchens?  Some cheese condiments

                           Why thank you Mr GAMBINO that is
                           very kind of you, but at this
                           stage a small cup of herbal tea is
                           all I need, thank you.

                           (Slight grunting as she lifts the
                           trunk) Hmmmff, argghhh!(Actually
                           saying-This is nanofraging heavy)

                           Mr Gambino excuse me for my
                           directness. What exactly are you
                           expecting from my reads? 

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           It's a delicate matter.

                           In my experience, MR GAMBINO, It
                           always is!

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Ms Etteilla, I need,
                           clarification. I have been having
                           some, troubling thoughts, and

                           I see, can you be more specific?

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           I think it may be my poor Mother,
                           I have seen things, disturbing
                           things, so have others. It
                           troubles me.

                           As it well might, but, you do
                           understand the Tarot is a form of
                           divination, not a communication
                           with the spirits such as in a
                           The cards act to focus my
                           abilities, they have no special
                           purpose other than as an aid. If
                           there are spirits in the inn, this
                           process will not rid you of them. 

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           I see, (disappointed sigh) I was
                           hoping it would help, I am willing
                           to try anything. I just need a
                           good nights sleep.

                           I might be able to pick up clues
                           from the multiverse, which might
                           help MR GAMBINO, I just don't know
                           at this stage. Given that, are
                           happy to proceed?

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Of course!

                           Very well, I will conduct the
                           first reading. Prepare yourself! 

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           How, what do I do?

                           Relax! let me give you some
                           context, this usually helps. I am
                           sure you are aware that tarot is
                           derived from Ancient Egyptian
                           divination and early hermitic
                           traditions.  Some think it is
                           directly related to the Book of
                           Thoth.  The more scientific minds
                           amongst us attempt to explain this
                           through micro-tubial wormholes,
                           Baumian type, quantum
                           entanglement, and the multiverse,
                           but I'm a traditionalist and I
                           like to think its just in the
                           ether!  MR GAMBINO, Tarot can be
                           dangerous as I explained.  You
                           must follow my instructions to the
                           letter, failure to comply could
                           lead to injury.

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           How can a pack of cards be

                           The cards are not dangerous MR
                           GAMBINO, but the knowledge they
                           confer is challenging. 
                           To be clear I follow the path of
                           Etteilla, the light bringer, hence
                           my moniker.  There are other
                           paths, dark knowledge. Wirth,
                           Dawn, Rider-Waite-Smith, and of
                           course Crowley, are these names
                           familiar to you?

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           I think I have heard of Crowley, I
                           know of someone who likes him.

                           They were all necromancers,
                           followers of the dark arts.

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           What's this have to do with my

                           Nothing, (pause) probably! However
                           with light comes darkness. Ying
                           and Yang. A small error on my part
                           could destroy you and your
                           organisation with a turn of an
                           unfriendly card. Previous
                           cartomancers have destroyed
                           clients through their
                           incompetence. You are lucky
                           however, I am a senior member of
                           the cartomancers guild and follow
                           their guidelines strictly, so blow
                           back issues will be unlikely.

                                        `VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Will this hurt?

                           No, it's just my standard warning. 

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Are you sure you know what you are

                 GANDER cuts off VINCENT GAMBINO

                           Of course! Mr GAMBINO, we are
                           talking about powerful mystical
                           forces. If you reject these cards,
                           they will crush you. The leakage
                           can even damage those near and
                           dear.  Be warned, once you start
                           down this path, there is no
                           turning back.  You either accept
                           the will of the cards, or you will
                           be utterly destroyed. 
                           You can't out run them, you can't
                           escape them and you certainly
                           can't fight them.  Destiny Mr
                           GAMBINO. Pauper or King, the cards
                           don't care.

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           You dare to threaten me! 

                 GANDER signs with her hand

                                                           RUSTLE OF CLOTH

                           Elipas, don't move!

                 GANDER flicks a card on to the table, it shows the fool.

                           Oh, how appropriate, the cards are
                           always right!


                                        VINCENT GAMBINO

                           I picked the first card in the
                           major arcana, completely by
                           chance, and it was the fool.  Is
                           that you Mr GAMBINO, the fool? 
                           Could the cards be sensing your
                           hostility? The fool represents new
                           beginnings, a change oncoming.

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Don't be ridiculous!

                           You think it was chance. (Evil
                           laughter) Lets see what the next
                           card brings! Elipas hold the grid

                 GANDER lays another card there is a crackle of
                 electricity and a smell of ozone.

                 THE MYSTICAL

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Merda I saw a spark.

                           The grid is loaded, what ever you
                           do, do not touch me, or the table.

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Who's that on the card?

                           It is Etteilla Mr GAMBINO, also
                           known as the high priestess. She
                           represents a going within, the

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Nonsense, thats ridiculous!
                           Anyway, thats your name.

                           It's my moniker Mr GAMBINO.
                           Etteilla was the pseudonym for
                           "Jean-Baptist Alliette".  I follow
                           that path through the cards. 
                           You're asking the wrong questions.

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Am I, so what should I be asking?

                           The questions that really matter,
                           the ones closest to your heart.

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Thats easy for you to say!

                           Do you value your destiny Mr
                           GAMBINO, do you really believe?

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Believe what?  All you seem to do
                           is ask questions and I still don't
                           really understand, why you need an

                           She is the mistress of ceremony,
                           Mr Gambino.  You have your
                           consigliere. I have Elipas, she
                           allows me to focus. This is a
                           lonely path I tread, it helps if I
                           share some of the burden.

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Why did you pick an incompetent
                           operator then, whats that about?

                           Like I stated, she did not follow
                           strict protocol, she is not
                           incompetent, if anything she was
                           too competant, arrogant even. She
                           thought she could cut corners and
                           the back wash nearly killed her,
                           and breached a habitat. Thank
                           Maritsuba we managed to Earth out
                           the changes.  Elipas barely
                           survived, she was in the auto doc
                           for three months. I took her in,
                           out of pity.

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           This earthing, does it prevent the
                           spirit world from entering ours?

                           Guild rules prevent me from
                           answering that question. All I can
                           say is it's something like that!

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO

                           I have a question in return!

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Ask away!

                           Is this inn haunted, I have heard
                           some rumours!

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           No! shit, so it has got out! I
                           wondered why the take was down.
                           Gamblers are very superstitious.

                           As they should be, given their
                           business involves the sacred
                           geometry of chance.

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Could you cheat at the card table?

                           Probably, but I am prohibited from
                           playing any other games of chance,
                           be it cards, or dice.  It would
                           dilute the readings.

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           I see, I could see that!

                           Mr GAMBINO, may I call you VINCENT
                           this seems so formal!

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           You may!

                           VINCENT, the way to think of the
                           cards, is that they are a vessel
                           for the process, which in some
                           unknown way, collects information
                           from the potential future, and
                           projects it into our present. 

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           So, you're saying that I need to
                           focus my thoughts on each card?

                           Each laying of a card, therby
                           directing the multiverse. I am
                           here to aid in diagnosis and
                           interpretation. The card I lay is
                           out of my conscious control.

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           OK, I think I get it, so what is
                           this "High Priestess" card telling

                           The High Priestess is an unusual
                           second lay.  It usually symbolises
                           the female indwelling presence of
                           the divine. Tell me VINCENT
                           GAMBINO, are you willing to
                           discuss the personal?

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           I am, but not in front of the

                           I understand, chain of command and
                           all that.

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Yes, and I assume that nothing I
                           say to you will go beyond these

                           Absolute discretion, is rule
                           number one with the guild.

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Good, its the same with my

                           Yes, I have heard that might be
                           the case!  So tell me VINCENT is a
                           female component part of these
                           'experiences' or dreams?

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Possibly, maybe.

                           VINCENT, please, this is not going
                           to work unless you are open and
                           honest with me.  I know that is
                           not the normal modus operandi in
                           your 'business', however in
                           spiritual and multiversal matters,
                           I need to know everything.

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO

                           Yes, everything, pertaining to
                           your dreams.  Its all connected! 

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Even business matters?

                           I don't want or need to know the
                           Machiavellian details of your
                           criminal network, unless they
                           relate to the matter being
                           investigated spiritually. Its your

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           I see!

                           I have laid card one, which always
                           relates to the target subject.  I
                           have laid card two which always
                           relates to core. This tells me
                           that there is a very strong female
                           component. The cards don't lie
                           VINCENT. My question is, are you
                           going to become the first card,
                           which is the fool, or will you
                           proceed throw off the Baumian cone
                           and give the third lay its freedom
                           to really aid your decision

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Are you calling me a fool, I will
                           have you killed.

                           (Interrupting) Therby confirming
                           the first lay, but strangely I
                           know this will not eventuate. I
                           know this, because before this
                           meeting I did a self read, and the
                           prediction was that you would run
                           through all three cards.  Do you
                           think it don't use my own tools? I
                           don't wish to erase you from the
                           timeline, as my prediction says
                           that leads to a sub optimal
                           outcome.  The best result is to
                           proceed to the third lay, the
                           outcomes look better! In addition
                           VINCENT it's not sensible to kill
                           clients, it leads to uncertain
                           finances! So I will hold Elipas
                           back out of respect.

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           (Spluttering) But she's a prisoner
                           in an exo-skeleton, and I have my

                           (Laughter) What him, I don't think
                           so! Remember ELIPAS's exo-skeleton
                           is controlled by me and I
                           currently have my finger on the
                           button! Now if you please, lets
                           focus on the third lay, so we can
                           proceed with our meeting, shall

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Go on, I have paid after all.

                           You will find in time it is money
                           well spent VINCENT! Really! Now
                           focus on the cards, good, I feel
                           something towards this one. No! It
                           is too early to pick, I feel that
                           the coalescence is unfinished.
                           Elipas hold the grid!

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           What, whats wrong?

                           Not so fast VINCENT can you move
                           back from the table! 
                           For me to gain an accurate lay I
                           need further insight which will
                           inform my foresight, and that is
                           why I am going to ask for more
                           details. Tell me more about these
                           visions? How often do you have

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Perhaps twice a week, it depends
                           if I sleep well.

                           What do you see?

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           It starts with a sound, a deep
                           wave like sound, this grows in
                           intensity and suddenly I'm on this
                           beach.  It stretches for
                           kilometres on both directions.

                           Are any people or animals in the

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           No, well at least at first.  There
                           is a terrible sense of infinite
                           isolation, like I'm the only
                           person the that world. There are
                           no houses, no features at all,
                           just nature.  There are these huge
                           breakers rolling in across the
                           white sand.

                           I see!  The card indicates a
                           presence.  Do any figures appear
                           at all?

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Yes, later, I see movement, in the
                           distance, I move towards it and
                           then see a large lumbering
                           reptile, it has its eyes on me. I
                           turn and start running in the
                           opposite direction.  Its hard to
                           keep ahead, it is relentless.

                           Does it catch you?

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Ah, ahhh! This is difficult for me
                           to talk about.

                           I think this is important. 

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           At about this time, I see my
                           mother, she is calling me.  She is
                           on the dunes.

                           Dunes, this is significant, go on.

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           As she calls, the creature sees
                           her and starts running. (Sobbing)
                           It catches her, and tears into her
                           flesh.  (Sobbing) No, no! 

                           ELIPAS, hold the grid! Yes, yes I
                           feel the power now!


                 VINCENT GAMBINO is swaying back and forth, eyes closed.
                 GANDER looks at JACINTA, she looks back eyes slightly

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Arghhh! Noooo!(Sobbing) Mummy,
                           nooo! Oh god! 

                 VINCENT GAMBINO falls to the ground sobbing and slowly

                           ELIPAS reduce the power! VINCENT I
                           have the card, we have completed
                           the lay!  What did you see?

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           It's horrible.  I have to watch as
                           the creature devours her and then
                           turns to me.

                           Does it see you, or is it looking
                           through you?

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           I, I don't no I think its looking
                           through me.

                           Good, thats good. What happens

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           It stares, and then turns away. 
                           This is when I usually wake up.

                           Elipas, prepare the special candle
                           to close this lay.

                           Hrmmph! (Actually saying-Wait
                           until he smells these bad boys)

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           What's she trying to say?

                           She is asking for you to stand
                           back.  I need to concentrate for
                           this one. Yes, yes, I have the
                           card, but I need to turn it over,
                           this is the dangerous part, as the
                           universes anneal!

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Shit! OK, OK I'm standing back!

                           ELIPAS prepare the containing
                           pentangle, use high conductive

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           This is a wood block floor!

                           Which does not conduct and
                           therefore will not contain the
                           leakage out of the multiverse. 
                           Who knows what creatures are in

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           You said this isn't a seance.

                           Its is not, but we are playing
                           with the multiverse, spirits exist
                           outside of time in all universes. 
                           Need I explain how dangerous this
                           might be. This is a powerful
                           precognition. I need to gather all
                           my skills for this third card lay. 
                           Now stand back, I'll not warn you

               VINCENT GAMBINO)

                 In this scene the last card of the first reading is made
                 and Gander really starts planting the key messages about
                 VINCENT's mother.

                 VINCENT GAMBINO moves back away from the reading table
                 that JACINTA set up. GANDER selects a taper and lights
                 the candle and takes a deep breath and starts chanting.

                           Ohhmmm!(Deep breath out and then
                           in low voice) Dawn of light lying
                           between a silence and sold source.
                           Chased amid fusions of wonder, in
                           moments hardly seen forgotten.
                           Coloured in pastures of chance.
                           Dancing leaves, cast spells of
                           challenge. A muse but real in
                           thought.  Dawn of thought
                           transferred through moments of
                           days under searching every
                           feeling.  Corridors of time
                           provoking memories, disjointed but
                           with purpose. (Breath). Etteilla I
                           am ready, give me the power to
                           read the card.

                 GANDERS hand wavers and moves across the cards.

                           (Séance voice) It is this one, I
                           feel the energy calling.



                           Oh shit, fire, fire.

                 JACINTA-ELIPAS grabs an extinguisher and puts out a small
                 flame licking at the sleeves of GANDER gown!

                           Hmmmm! Hmmfff!(Actually saying
                           Shit, shit.s, Shit)

                 GANDER quickly recovers and gets into character.

                           The card is Judgement.

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           (Slight coughing with the smoke)
                           What, what does it mean?

                           VINCENT, this vision is about
                           rebirth, a new phase, perhaps your
                           self judgement. It also represent
                           an inner calling. 
                           Could it be that some indecision
                           on your part caused harm to befall
                           you mother.  

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           No, basta, basta this is not true,
                           I loved my Mother, I protected her
                           from Father when he had his rages.

                           Stop!  Don't move your foot.  You
                           are about to cross the pentagram. 
                           VINCENT, do you want to die?  Now
                           back up carefully. 

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Sorry!  I was emotional, this is
                           difficult for me!

                           Of course, I understand, but it
                           will be more difficult if your are
                           dead!  Let me complete the
                           grounding and make safe, then we
                           can discuss further.  ELIPAS the
                           earthing rod.

                 JACINTA takes an extendable rod and very carefully
                 extends the end towards GANDER's hand inside the
                 pentagram.  Suddenly huge sparks cross the gap and the
                 whole pentagram is covered in a sea of blue discharges.

                                                                TESLA COIL

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Oh, my god (genuflects)

                           Ahhhh! (Pain as GANDER gets a
                           slight shock) Shit! (Cough) Sorry
                           the discharge.  ELIPAS that is
                           sufficient, we are at ground. 
                           Please remove the pentagram, the
                           reading is complete.

                 GANDER gets up from the table and moves outside the
                 pentagram rubbing her hands.

                           Hrmmph! (Actually saying-I'm going
                           to kick that CHEN fellow, this
                           stuff is lethal)

                           Thank you Elipas, the tea please.

                                                          TEA BEING POURED

                           Ahh, I feel the energies
                           dissipating!  Tea VINCENT?

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Oh, ah, no thank you. What does it
                           all mean? Why Judgement?

                           I don't fully know at this stage,
                           but I have a working theory.  I
                           need more information.  Did you
                           cause direct harm to you mother?

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           No of course not, I loved my

                           The cards say otherwise, and they
                           never lie. Perhaps by inaction
                           harm was caused? 

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           No, no, its not true, (then
                           becoming angry). GIOVANNI, remove
                           these two immediately.

                           You can remove me Mr Gambino, but
                           the visions will not stop until
                           together we complete the "card
                           trilogy". Spirits have been
                           activated, you can't stuff them
                           back in the box.  We have the
                           minor arcana to complete.

                                        VINCENT GAMBINO
                           Out, out now! (shouting)

                 JACINTA has packed the trunk and is wheeling it out
                 towards the door.  GANDER looks back as she exits the

                           When you are tired of the visions,
                           text ELIPAS, the fee has now
                           doubled, we might consider coming
                           back, if you change your attitude. 
                           ELIPAS, our subject is not yet
                           ready for the Tarot!

                 GANDER exits.  They move out of the inn and down the
                 street into a cyber cab.

                           (Whispered) Shit, that almost
                           convinced me, good job, that
                           bloody tesla coil nearly killed
                           us. (laughing)

                           (Whispered) Nearly killed me too. 
                           I'm going to kick MILTON for that.
                           It did add a certain X factor

                           (Whispered) The show, it looked
                           bloody amazing! I hate to admit it
                           but you even had me believing, and
                           I knew it was all smoke and
                           mirrors! DAVID, you could sell
                           salt to a slug!

                           (Whispered) Thank you, I really
                           started to get into the role! I
                           enjoyed stringing that bastard
                           along.  Do you think he went for

                           (Whispered) Difficult to tell with
                           a psycho, but I think so.  You
                           were like Lady Macbeth crossed
                           with Doctor Who, apart from the
                           burnt sleeves! Not sure about the
                           prog rock lines though?

                           (Whispered) Oh, I like those, its
                           a whole lot of mumbo jumbo. 
                           Anyway, he only listens to Italian
                           music, probably opera. Tonight we
                           turn up the

                           (Whispered) You're a bastard, but
                           he deserves it! (laughter)

People on this episode