The Wild Within

Deconstructing Your Personality to Discover The Real You

Season 1 Episode 25

Ep . 25: In this solo episode, we explore the idea of our ego and personality as a "construct" that we have the power to shift in any given moment, and I share some tools for making real changes in your life.

We explore:

  • What constitutes what we think of as our personality
  • How radical presence is connected to deep personal shifts
  • Why our sense of self is an illusion - and how this is actually empowering
  • Accessing our limitless life force energy within
  • Moving. from mind-based to body-based being
  • Discovering our true self in our emotional body
  • How language can limit our full experience of life (and why it's so important to come into silence and stillness to access our true self)

If you resonate with the topics in this episode and would love to share your thoughts with me, I'd love to hear from you!

You can reach out through my website at, send me an email at, or send me a message on Facebook!