Business Career Success Podcast by Elevate Career Network

Blackstone Private Equity and Harvard Business School with Kelsey H.

Elevate Lab Season 1 Episode 5

On this episode of Elevate Career Success, Kaushik is joined by Kelsey Hilbrich from Blackstone Private Equity (Background: Blackstone, Harvard Business School, Goldman Sachs Investment Banking, JP Morgan).

In-depth discussion into the following topics:

  • What is it like to work at organizations like Goldman and Blackstone? Discussion around "teamwork" at Goldman and "ruthless efficiency" at Blackstone.
  • How do you start developing an investor's mindset early in career? 
  • When someone sends you an email looking to connect/network, what makes you more or less likely to respond? 
  • What is the role of the Private Equity Associate at Blackstone? How are teams structured? What are day-to-day responsibilities? 
  • How did you prepare for the recruiting process for Private Equity? Why talking / learning from others who have been through the process was the most helpful; how to be "politely persistent" 
  • What is the top advice for those recruiting for the buyside? 
  • Are analytical parts of the job in finance eventually going to be done by algorithms? If so, what types of skills should be built? 
  • What was her experience like in Investment Banking (JPM & GS)? 
  • What has been her experience as a Woman in Investing? What is her advice for other women interested in investing/finance?

Elevate is a career success network for the next generation of business leaders, pursuing business, finance and technology careers. Founded in 2019, Elevate reaches students & young professionals from 25+ universities, and has conducted Career Success workshops at 23 of the top 25 universities. 

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