The Awakening Quest: 1001 Ways to True Power & Conscious Elevated Living

Awakened or Asleep: Gauging the Conscious State of Humankind

Liz Gracia Episode 208

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Embark on a profound exploration with me, Liz Gracia, as we unravel the complexities of human consciousness with unique insights from Brian Gibbs of

This week, we venture into the human psyche's intricacies, dissecting the vibrancy of consciousness levels that span from the precarious 200 mark to the spiritually charged 500 point. Our discussion peels back layers of humanity's evolutionary journey, inviting you to step into your power as an agent of change.

By aligning with authenticity and truth, we can collectively lift the veil from a primitive consciousness state and course through to higher dimensions of existence.

Our conversation navigates through the turbulent waters where a minority steeped in lower consciousness fuels global suffering despite most of humanity teetering between anger and pride. Brian's expertise illuminates the pivotal spiritual gateways at 200, 350, 400, and 500 on the consciousness scale, each serving as a beacon for shifts in perception and embracing responsibility.

This episode is your compass, guiding you through the spiritual thresholds that have a monumental impact on our paths and helping to decode the complexities of how our consciousness calibration influences our behavior and spiritual growth.

In the tender warmth of this episode's final chapter, I open up about traversing my existential chal

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Speaker 1:

Hey there. Have you ever wondered what percentage of humanity operates from a place of higher consciousness and how that impacts the world today, and what does it mean for our future, when we consider the balance between individuals embodying higher conscious behaviors and those still struggling in lower states? And where might you be in all of this? That's this week's main topic episode called Awakened or Sleep Gaging the Conscious State of Humankind. But before I get into today's topic, my name is Liz Garcia. I'm your happy host here at your weekly dose of higher consciousness, where you can discover where authentic power and truth reside in consciousness. I'm also the founder and editor-in-chief of the MindBodySpiritNetworkcom, which brings you this podcast. I'm on a mission to help you align with the authentic power and truth of your choosing and become the change you wish to see in your life and in any era of your life. There are no limits to your ability to choose authentic power over a limited victimhood experience. Whatever is important to you, be that relationships, family, career, financial well-being, creative expression or physical health and well-being you can choose differently and I'm here to help you do that. Today is no exception, and if you're new to your weekly dose of higher consciousness podcast, I recommend you stick around to the post-podcast message about accessing my foundational basics playlist so you can get up to speed on what the heck we're talking about around here when we speak about all these different levels of consciousness, and throwing numbers out there you'll get a better idea of what I'm talking about and put it all into context.

Speaker 1:

So let's get started with today's topic. Let me remind you to stick around until the end for this week's featured calibration. Again, it's a good one, and I put this one to the test for sure. So I've personally always wondered about the percentage distribution of levels of consciousness among humanity between the 200 to 500 levels. So anything above 200 is of higher consciousness and anything at 500 or above is the spiritual dimension. So 500 or above is love and above and thanks to Brian Gibbs over at consciousnesscalibrationscom, my question to this has been answered and I'm happy to say that my estimation of these percentages, which I try to estimate in other episodes, I'm like. I try to give you an idea of what I think the distribution might be at some of these levels, which is more in the range of where you or I may be at listeners to this podcast. You're kind of in this range if you have interest in this topic. So I'm happy to say that my estimation has not been too far off, but it's less than I had imagined.

Speaker 1:

So if you read any, I want to kind of set this podcast up, first by saying that I don't want you to be discouraged by the calibrations and you got to come into some understanding and acceptance that we are a primitive, evolving planet. And if you've ever read any of the conversations with God books by Neil Donald Walsh, you'll remember that God in the book says we are very primitive in our consciousness and he'll say you know, neil, in the book we'd be like you know where, you know where are we at? Are we in high school, are we in college? And God's like you're not even at a preschool. I mean, if that? So it's humbling and you really got to have just accept and understand that. We came here, all of us, to experience this level of consciousness and the evolution of our own consciousness and planet. So it's by nature. The planet is by nature of lower consciousness and we're going to talk about that distribution in a second. So let me get to the table here. So if you go to consciousnesscalibrationscom, you can subscribe to his calibrations for free and you'll get about 75% of the calibrations, and I'm assuming that this one is likely something that everyone can see, and but if you want to get all of the calibrations, there's a paid subscription option as well. So, anyway, if you go to consciousnesscalibrationscom, there's a post called percent of mankind per level of consciousness.

Speaker 1:

Let me just remind you again that the map of consciousness is a logarithmic scale from 0 to 1000. Each point is a log 10. So 50 on the map is 10 to the 50th power, 200 on the map is 10 to the 200th power and a thousand on the map is 10 to the 1000th power. And if you took logs you'll know that this one point on the map is quantum in nature. It's huge to go up a point, and even Dr Hawkins research shared that before we all came into awareness of this, the map of consciousness most people in their lifetimes would maybe go up five points, and even a half a point on the map can be life-changing, especially if you're up in the higher levels, because when you get up into the two, three, four hundreds, we're talking quantum leaps in power.

Speaker 1:

So let's talk about the distribution and also anything. Just remember anything below 200 is considered lower consciousness which is negatively oriented downward, pulling destructive energy fields. And again, this is not a judgment or opinion, it's just the fact of the energy. Like, let's just look at it that way, it's a clinical fact that these types of energy are destructive by nature and it's part of the whole contrast of life and it's certainly of a lower consciousness. There's going to be destructive energy fields and then everything, 200 and above is positively oriented upward, pulling constructive energy, which is where I like to recommend you put your focus, and it's not to say that you can't be angry or resentful or feel guilty or anything like that.

Speaker 1:

Those are all human emotions, but you just don't want to get stuck in them. You need to turn your attention away from them and be willing to let go of them, which is what many of the episodes that we share here are about. You know how to let go, why it doesn't make sense to give your attention to it, because you're going to be in an endless loop of something you can't get out of, because you don't want to let it go. Okay, so I'm going to share the percentage of levels, which is super interesting to me. I'm geeking out on percentages here and it's something for you to consider, like, where do you think after all of this time, if you've been with me for a while, where do you think you're at on the map of consciousness? And it's funny I asked this question to I used to have an online meetup group and I had some people think they were in the five and six hundreds.

Speaker 1:

I'm like, well, if you were in the five or six hundreds, you wouldn't be on this meetup group. For one thing, and it's just understanding, I've experienced some a quantum spiritual awakenings on two dozen times and I had those levels of consciousness that I encountered calibrated for me, because I can assure you they are not of this world and you're for sure not in Kansas anymore. When you get, when you make a leap from anywhere below 500 up into the five, six and seven hundreds huge shift in perceptions and connection to you know, when you get up into the, if you make a leap, like I did, from, I don't know, between two and three hundred up into mid five hundreds, into the seven hundreds, I can assure you it's, it's not of this world, it's God, intoxicated ecstasy on many occasions. Okay, so, which is just you know. I just want to, you know, give you some perspective that I've experienced this. This is why I came into my interest of understanding what. What was I doing to create this experience and where was I like? This is how the map of consciousness has helped me, along with dr Hawkins, because he was the spiritual leader, an enlightened human being that came into this world to think about at 450 or 460, which is the level of like a scientist, which he was an esteemed psychiatrist, and he left this world at a thousand.

Speaker 1:

So, and he mentioned that he was a, he had awareness that he was a like a Zen Buddhist in another life and Zen Buddhism is in the 900s, consciousness wise. So he was a gift to humankind in many ways, which I think I shared last week. That he was a gift it calibrates is true. He's essentially another, the second coming of Christ, to some extent, for for many of us, okay. So let's talk about the levels. So this is interesting.

Speaker 1:

Dr Hawkins did a calibration of low levels of consciousness, like super low and anyone. So there's the level, the levels from zero to fifty. There's eight point nine percent of the population is calibrating at this level and he I think a figure was something like 70% of, like major human suffering comes from this level and problems like criminals, dictators. They're coming from super low levels wreaking havoc on the world. So they're problematic terrorists, for sure, and there's not a lot of them well, there kind of is. But you know, nine percent of the population is causing 70 percent of the problems. Just interesting to consider Don't quote me on those numbers because I'm just kind of off the top of my head trying to remember it, but I knew it was pretty significant like a small amount of people are wreaking havoc on the world and destruction. Okay. So level from 50 to 100, 11 percent are 50 to 100 and if you add that up from zero to 100, 20 percent of the people are calibrating at 100 or below. That's super low consciousness. 100 and below, that's super low. You don't want to be hanging out there for long. And then from 100 to 150 is 14 percent and 150 to 200 is 16 percent. So the the largest distribution of consciousness is the 150 to 200 range and that's the energies of like anger, resentment, pride, perfectionism, politics are in, the politicians are in this range. So it's just interesting to to see it in the numbers. And this is um.

Speaker 1:

Brian, at consciousness calibrations, created a map of spiritual progress and he calibrates things a little bit differently than Dr Hawkins does, but he uses the same map. It's just a different point of observation, which he calls, and all dimensions, all points of observation, uh, calibration. And Dr Hawkins did it from, I think, um a motivation context. So Brian's calibration is more encompassing and kind of more forgiving than Dr Hawkins. So in the past Dr Hawkins uh, distributed said that 85 percent of the population calibrated below 200, which is more filtered, much more filtered in the calibration, whereas Brian's is more expansive and inclusive, which I feel like is fairer, you know, to be more expansive in the context of how calibrations are done. So he's got 49.9 percent of the population calibrates below 200. That's much better than 85 percent. So okay.

Speaker 1:

So when you get to the 200s, now you're entering, 200 is the level of consciousness, of courage, and now you're stepping into true power. And the percentage of people from 200 to 250 is 15 percent. So that was that's interesting to know. And people from 250 to 300 is 14 percent and, um, people from 3 to 350 are 12 percent. 350 to 400 6.7.

Speaker 1:

So 350 is a gateway. So look at how much it dropped off at 350 when you hit 350. That's what Dr Hawkins would call a spiritual gateway. Because at 350 you've got to be willing to accept that you're the creator of your own experience, meaning you've got to take full responsibility for your life. And you can't. You got to stop blaming and shaming others. For whatever experience you're in, whatever you've, you're the creator of it. So, whatever it is, you can't blame anyone else but yourself for it. And that's um. That's why Brian would guess that there's that huge drop off. So again, from 3 to 350, 12 percent of the population. But when you hit 350 to 400, it's 6.7 percent of the population. So there's that was the one I've always tried to figure out the 350, you know, 350 and above. Well, maybe I'm about correct, because when you add it all up it's about eight, eight percent, eight to 10 percent. That's what kind of what I guessed.

Speaker 1:

And then, when you fit 400, get to 400, which the, which is the high level of consciousness, of the mind, of reason and rationality. There's only 1.8 percent of the population there. From 450 to 500 is 0.6 percent, which is less than one percent of the population, is in that range. And then, when you hit 500, you get another spiritual gateway. This is where you've got to let go of the linear mind and thinking you know it all and thinking science knows it all and most of us are not there yet because only.006 of the population is at 500 to 550. And then from 550 to 600, there's only.005. And then people from 600 to 1000 are anywhere from like 6 to 18 people out of 7 billion of us Super low.

Speaker 1:

Then Brian says so when you look, when you get to 350, it drops from 12 percent to 6.7 percent of the people are 350 to 400. It drops big time again from 400 to 450 is 1.8 percent and then when you get to 500.006, so it's huge drops. And Brian says here the drop-offs at 350, 400, and 500 reveal the apparent difficulty of these gates in consciousness and those gates are at 350 it's acceptance and forgiveness, at 400 it's reason and at 500 it's love. And there's only a slight drop-off at 200. So from 150 to 200 is 16 percent and then 200 to 250 is 15 percent, 250 to 30 is 14 percent. So most of many of us have already maneuvered our way into courage. At least there's a large percentage of us. So 50, over 50 percent of us are above 200. So we're operating with some integrity and courage and energy levels like that.

Speaker 1:

So let me see what Brian has to say. Mankind's level of consciousness is at. This is overall. He did a calibration and mankind's consciousness was at 207 for years, from 1986 until COVID hit. We were at 207, I believe, and then during the whole COVID thing and the politicalization of everything and the mess going on that the media likes to exacerbate, the level of consciousness of humanity dropped to 191. And I'm just reading this and I'll read it to you in a second so this is as high.

Speaker 1:

So the all dimensions calibration is 130 to 200 and this is as high as it's ever been according to his calibrations and significantly it's the motivation, capability and intention and energy of 190 is control. So you know what do politicians want to do and parties want to control everything. It's the energy of control. And Dr Hawkins calibrations looked mainly at motivations. So we saw most of mankind had motivations under 200, focusing on that which is inherently negative or self-serving. That's the motivation of Dr Hawkins. 85 percent calibration was self-serving, which is just an evolution in consciousness. You know, because we got lower stuff running, we don't feel safe and secure and we misperceive who we really are and what's going on. So what Brian is saying here. But if we include reality, testing, capability, effect, knowingness, intention and energy quality, the picture becomes more favorable and equitable.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so that brings us to our last topic this afternoon, that's today's. I wanted to share this great table that Brian put together, and if you go to consciousnesscalibrationcom and you search on percent of mankind, you'll find the calibration, and I'm not sure if this is a paid one or not. I doubt it. I'm sure it's a free one. This is something he'd want to share with everybody, so, but in any event, I'm sharing it here today. So that's it. This is like fascinating to me, so let me just look at those numbers that I like to.

Speaker 1:

I always wanted to know, when you add it up, where you know what's the percentage at 350 and above and yeah, it was about right, from 350 and above is about 10% of the population is operating from levels of consciousness where we're willing to accept with a creator of own experience. That's a gateway worth shooting for. That's what I've been shooting for, and when I heard I've shared with you that I'm a clear audience, meaning I hear messages from non-physical realms. I get messages visually from spirit, let's say who knows, and high intuitive levels. You know, coming from the heart is high intuition. So I heard, when I was in the middle of a existential crisis, to say the least. I heard you are the creator of this experience and when I heard that, I understood and immediately accepted it and I got it. You know, I'm like I get it. I'm in this, I created it.

Speaker 1:

I don't know how the hell do I get the hell out of here? How did I miscreate this? This is my journey to finding the map of consciousness. So that was, you know, understanding the map. 350 is a high bar in this world, right when only let's see, when only 10% of the world is at 350 or above. I'm like you know what that's my high bar, even though I've been in the 700s, experienced them, my consciousness, I just aligned with that level somehow. And the 600s and the high 500s, those are. I just came into alignment with that. It could be past life stuff, some sort of propensity to align with higher consciousness, who knows. So you know my just coming out of trauma. I'm like you know what I can? I can choose 350 and work with that.

Speaker 1:

Now I've cleared a lot of stuff and I've really reset my, rebuilt my foundation of higher consciousness and I'm willing to choose a different. I'm willing to go over 500. I'm willing to choose it as a guiding light. You know, apparently Jesus Christ's mission was to get you, or get us to 540, which is the level of unconditional love. So I'm like you know what I could set my sights on that. I could choose it as an attractor field, as the guiding light. I don't have to force myself to be it, but I can choose it and let the attractor field of that magnet get me there without a lot of drama and suffering.

Speaker 1:

And I have to say I feel like what I've been teaching you in this regard is helping me. Right, it's, and it's supposed to be helping me. It does. That's the truth of what I, the insight I had about it. It calibrates this, true, I think at about it's either 460 or 490, to choose something of a higher level. You don't have to reach too high, just choose one that feels comfortable to you. And I wasn't ready to choose 540 for years. I'm like I'm not going there, right, because it kind of Annihilated me, the repercussions of that. So anyway, which is not to scare you, you can still choose 540, but don't force yourself into it and don't disparage yourself because you're not even close. None of us, most of us, are not even close to that. So why not just choose it and let it go? It's like, oh, just choose that and allow that attractive field to shape my life and guide me on every step of the way. All right, so that's today's topic. I hope you found that interesting.

Speaker 1:

And now we're going to share, um, my calibration of the week, which is near and dear to my heart, and that is what's the energy or the effect of having and caring for a pet. And the energy of that, on average, is 500, which is the energy of love. And if there's a range, you know there's a context range of 260 to 500. So it depends on your level of consciousness, where you're at in the relationship with the animal, but the effect of it is powerful. And when I came out of my first round of trauma, I got myself two dogs and they have been with me ever since and have saved me From so much, because animals are of a 250 or 245 energy field, which is fairly neutral, and then, like the purring of a cat or the wagging of a dog's tail is the energy of love 500. That's why you feel that love when you come home and your, your dogs, jumping like a loony, can't so glad to see you. So the energy of having a pet is um super helpful to unravel any type of trauma or emotional blocks you may have going on in your life.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so that's it for today's Weekly dose of higher consciousness podcast. My name is Liz Grisea From the mind, body, spirit networkcom. Thanks for joining me. I'll see you again next week.

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