Run a Profitable Gym

Episode 106: Building a Robust Business

Chris Cooper Season 2 Episode 5

Strong community. Strong clients. Strong staff.

Weak business?

An anti fragile business is one that grows while others are failing. Antifragility doesn't simply mean avoidance of problems; it means using problems to diversify and grow.

One of the first questions I ask gym owners when they book their free call is, "What are your revenue streams?" The vast majority still make most of their money selling group fitness classes: the service with the highest turnover, lowest ARM and least predictability. When clients take a month off in the summer, the business suffers. When clients overspend at Christmas, the business suffers.

The opposite of fragility isn't strength; it's robustness. It's diversification. In this talk from the 2017 Two-Brain Summit, I start by introducing the opportunity and necessity of giving clients a choice of how they train.

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