Funding the Dream

Richard Bliss Gets Married

May 03, 2019 Richard Bliss

Richard Bliss Got Married. 

Why the two-week hiatus? Because I was busy getting married. I occasionally share personal items in my show, but this episode was all about what is happening in my life. 

I also wanted to thank all of you for your support. Recent decisions in my life have made it possible for me to dedicate even more time to make the show a success. And when you, the fans, reach out and share your own stories, it helps keep me motivated to keep going.

In this episode, I also ask a favor...Help spread the show. There are so many great guests with great insights, that it helps when you, the fans share an episode.

Also, take a moment to go to iTunes and write a review of the podcast. This also helps a great deal.

And finally, please continue to support the show through Patreon. Every little bit helps and my new wife is cool with me spending even more time doing this. I want to show that it is having an impact.

There you go, a personal episode to say thank you.

Richard Bliss