Funding the Dream

EP 321 Three Things to Do When Relaunching Your Kickstarter

June 27, 2019 Richard Bliss / Wes Woodbury Episode 321

Wes Woodbury, from Fundamental Games, is a returning guest. He relaunched his Kickstarter campaign, Legends of Novus, after appearing as a guest on the show in Episode 293.

With advice from other guests and fans, Wes went back to the drawing board and retooled and relaunched his campaign.

There were three key things he did to increase his chances for success:

#1 He worked with Manufacturers to lower is overall production costs by a significant amount. This allowed him to lower his overall goal.

#2 Finding alternative methods of adding content without adding costs. 

#3 Helping others succeed. Wes has been heavily involved in helping other Kickstarter creators put their board games on Tabletop simulator in order to enhance the overall experience.

Wes goes into details on each of these as well as other strategies. This is well worth listening to as he is on his way to having a successful Kickstarter project.