Randland Wheel of Time TV Podcast

The Wheel Of Time Episode 2 "Shadow's Waiting"

May 13, 2022 Jay & Collin & Zoe Season 3 Episode 10

Randland revisits episode two of The Wheel of Time TV show, "Shadow's Waiting" to see if their initial review and perspective has shifted upon rewatching. Amyrlin Jay and M'hael breakdown a spoiler free recap of the episode. Later they're joined by Tigraine for a spoiler filled discussion, dishing on episode highlights and grievances from a book fan POV.

In short, Trollocs can't swim. Fades are hott. Two River's kids sure can sing. Rand coughs up bats but still has the vocal strength to challenge Moiraine. Moiraine Sedai is tired, really tired.  Mat is holding everyone together by a thread. Lan makes questionable life choices. Perrin can't run up stairs with his silly flesh wound. And we welcome The Return of the Wisdom.