Randland Wheel of Time TV Podcast

The Wheel of Time Season 2 Episode 5 "Damane"

November 07, 2023 Jay & Collin & Zoe Season 4 Episode 5

The Wheel of Time Season 2 world expands as we learn more about the mysterious Seanchan in Episode 5, "Damane." From sinister collars, golden pacifiers, to  some seriously intense manicures, the devil is in the details as we unpack the motives and culture s of the outsiders who have ensnared Ingtar, Loial, and Egwene.
Beyond Falme, Liandrin takes a trip to Trader Joe's for some asparagus, as a suspicious Verin tries to ferret out schemes in the White Tower.  Perrin makes some friends, Mo dupes Lanfear, Rand gets tied up (again.) Zoe questions Aiel accents, fight choreography, and the obvious lack of a pristine white dress in Lanfear's wardrobe. 

If you have read the full book series, stick around until 1:16:00 for in depth spoiler discussion and theories.