Coffee with Congress
Welcome to Coffee with Congress, a new podcast by the Veterans Education Project where we get to know members of Congress and key government officials. Every episode we ask questions that have nothing to do with politics, policy, or legislation. Instead, we focus on getting to know the real person behind the office. Join us as we talk to your elected members of Congress and get their take on things you wouldn't normally get to know.
Coffee with Congress
Worst Day of Your Life: Coffee with CSM John Troxell
CSM John Wayne Troxell
Episode 10
Command Sergeant Major John Wayne Troxell has served in the Army for over 30 years and most recently served as the principal military advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Secretary of Defense on all matters involving joint and combined total force integration, utilization, health of the force and joint development for enlisted personnel. Listen in as CSM Troxell discusses riding alligators, what’s wrong with the panthers, and preparing for the worst day of your life.
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