The Holistic Hippie Podcast

Episode 5: A Spiritual Path Pt. 2

Jessi Hoey Episode 5

This episode is a continuation of part 1 - it took me a while to finally record it, but here it is. In this episode, I answer some specific questions that I get about how to navigate certain challenges on your spiritual path, and I further discuss what it means to truly embark on a path like this. We talk about self-righteousness, about social programming and conditioning, and learning from your thoughts, emotions, experiences, and feelings instead of identifying as them or making them a part of who you think you are, or your sense of I.

Remember - everything in this life is happening for you, not to you. This is a tough paradigm to swallow, but when you can accept this into your experience, you begin to see the beautiful ways in which you can grow & learn from absolutely everything. In this way, there is nothing in your life that is not part of your spiritual development. Personally, I think that makes life pretty exciting. As always - thank you for listening! Please feel free to share your thoughts & insights & questions with me via FB or IG - I love connecting with like-minded souls on this exciting human adventure. 

Peace & Love
xx Jessi

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