Sincerely Yours

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Cece Denno pulling inspiration from Dear Sugar Radio and Millennial
So much fun to share how I sponsored the Hummingbird Arts and Music organization fun run in Wrentham, MA. With breakfast bars baked, Sincerely Yours posters made, it was a day full of promoting the podcast. It was an honor to be a sponsor for the event, along with the help from my boyfriend Steve, roommates Rachel & Anne, made the event a total blast. If you ever look to sponsor an event look no further to find tips here! A big hint, don't wait until the last minute to get everything done. Also includes, "Les métamorphoses du vide" 613 Album by Chapelier Fou The organizations information can be found here: Also come find me on anything social (except for Twitter) Facebook if you would like to friend me, please send a little note along letting me know you find me through the podcast, instagram @ceceknowsitall website: Thanks so much for listening!! I love podcasting!