Sincerely Yours

Stability in Motion

Cece Denno pulling inspiration from Dear Sugar Radio and Millennial
Life is out of the things that we build. A beautiful story by Marina Keegan, "Stability in Motion" takes us through the adventures of being young and experiencing life for the first time. Framed by her connection with her Camry, the car evolved through her high school years taking along physical objects in addition to her memories. It also shares how to appreciate your life and to realize that with just one thing that is different, it can change your life. This story felt so close to me as I feel that so much is changing in my life. Includes "Les métamorphoses du vide" 613 Album by Chapelier Fou The story can be found in her first and only book, The Opposite of Loneliness by Marina Keegan. On the look out for some more quotables, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send them in by email ALSO check out the updated website, Thanks for listening!! Share with a friend!