Sincerely Yours

The Deed Doesn't Fall Far from the Tree

Cece Denno pulling inspiration from Dear Sugar Radio and Millennial
We have an update for my deeds promise ! Listen in as I attempt to keep my promise of doing a deed a week that will directly impact someone’s life. It sure has been keeping me busy! In turn, I hope that they provide some inspiration where they can be an example of different ways to share your time and energy with the communities around you. It is a bit of a challenge but that’s what keeps life interesting and fun! Also, I hope that this episode does not lean too political but it would be disingenuous to not share what’s going on or how it may be affecting others. Please know it comes from a place where I love America and I love the people in America. ​ Includes "Les métamorphoses du vide" 613 Album by Chapelier Fou Let me know your thoughts! Find me all over the social sphere Facebook and Instagram @ceceknowsitall Twitter @sincerelyceced Don't forget, I have a website! ALWAYS looking for quotables, send them in any way possible! I will gladly give you a shout out at the beginning of the episode. And if you like this podcast, share with a friend!