Sincerely Yours

Fulfilling a Promise

September 05, 2019 Cece Denno

Here in America, we take civic duty very seriously and I am super glad to highlight one of those duties that I feel is super important. 31.8 million people get jury summons mailed each year and about 1.5 million people end up servicing on a jury. There is a common cliche when it comes to servicing jury duty but I am here to share why it’s super important and how it’s a valuable contribution, helping our country go round. And most importantly, you will find that you are fulfilling a promise granted by our founding fathers to give us a right to a trail by a jury of your peers. So pour yourself a fresh coup of coffee, get your socks on, and hear about how great it is to service on a jury. Includes "Les métamorphoses du vide" 613 Album by Chapelier Fou

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Produced by CAD Signature Audio LLC