Sincerely Yours

A Year Four: Advocacy

September 22, 2019 Cece Denno

It’s hard to believe but Sincerely Yours turns 4 this year! There is so much to share but I found that this year has been focused on advocacy. We are all advocates of the things we love- what we buy, the way we spent our time, where we live and listening to Sincerely Yours is no different. Thank you to all from the bottom of my heart for listening, I am your biggest advocate to do all of the things your heart desires. When I talk a big game, I have to believe in myself the same things and I share my strategy for that.Includes "Les métamorphoses du vide" 613 Album by Chapelier Fou

Send in your quotables! It is super fun to get quotable from listeners and I love to share them on future podcasts. You can email them in, the email is 

Or you can find me on Instagram @ceceknowsitall 
also Twitter @sincerelyceced

Find Sidra on Instagram @sidlavie
Also my other Disney loving Instagram @trainlikaprincess

If you find me on social media, send me a little note saying you listen to the podcast so it will give me the okay to accept or follow you back!

Produced by CAD Signature Audio LLC