Sincerely Yours

Productivity Guilt(y as Charged)

January 16, 2020 Cece Denno

It’s the New Year and we have a million things to get done- eat better, exercise more, get enough sleep, don’t waste your money- all things we know we are suppose to do but honestly, sometimes it can be an accomplishment to get out of bed. Everything going on can be overwhelming which when I found this article about productivity guilt, I was like, yes yes and yes. Productivity guilt is the constant feeling we get that we should be doing more. And if you’re not then your lazy and will never accomplish anymore. It’s so harsh! Why do we have this feeling? Because culture and society tells us we need to constantly be productive. Well, we also need rest and exploration so we are going to check in on ways not to fall victim to this feeling.
Includes "Les métamorphoses du vide" 613 Album by Chapelier Fou

Here is the article:

Scott Young put everything I have been feeling into words and whys to combat it. Thank you Scott!

Send in your quotables! Yes, you! It is super fun to get quotable from listeners so if you have a favorite quote, song lyric, or group of words that have meaning to you, I would love to share it on a future episode. You can email them in, the email is 

Or you can find me on Instagram @ceceknowsitall 
also Twitter @sincerelyceced

If you find me on social media, send me a little note saying you listen to the podcast so it will give me the okay to accept and follow you back!

I love putting the show together and I love being a podcaster but I am too small to offer ad spots for big sponsors so all I ask is $1 a show or $5 a month! It would mean so much to be that you are investing in the show and keeping it alive. Please donate to the show through my Venmo account @cece-denno

Produced by CAD Signature Audio LLC