Sincerely Yours

A Love Letter to the World

April 09, 2020 Cece Denno pulling inspiration from Dear Sugar Radio and Millennial

Here we are, coronavirus has taken over the world. As much as I did not want to address the coronavirus on the show, I feel it is unavoidable. When will there ever be a time when we are all, everyone around the world is experience the same crisis. I share my thoughts and hopes for what is to come. Things might seem break but we will rebound. We always have. Includes "Les métamorphoses du vide" 613 Album by Chapelier Fou

Please be safe and healthy from the virus, these are scary times and if you need anything, I am always available to lend an ear.

Send in your quotables! Yes, you! It is super fun to get quotable from listeners so if you have a favorite quote, song lyric, or group of words that have meaning to you, I would love to share it on a future episode. You can email them in, the email is

Or you can find me on Instagram @ceceknowsitall 
also Twitter @sincerelyceced

If you find me on social media, send me a little note saying you listen to the podcast so it will give me the okay to accept and follow you back!