Sincerely Yours

Summer Time Chit Chat

August 10, 2020 Cece Denno pulling inspiration from Dear Sugar Radio and Millennial

I’m back! In my best attempt to avoid podfading, life went upside down when we got the okay to move foward with our wedding. Who plans a wedding in the middle of a global pandemic in only three weeks? This girl! So with that done, we move forward and are getting all caught up on the latest summer time things with this chit chat. We will get back to normal topics and discusses in our next podcast, I promise. 

It means so much to me that you continue to follow along in my journeys. Although I sometime feel like I got this life living down, the pandemic has really thrown a curve wrench into a lot the things. We must move forward and adapt. 

Send in your quotables! It is super fun to get quotable from listeners and I love to share them on future podcasts. You can email them in, the email is 

Or you can find me on Instagram @ceceknowsitall 
also Twitter @sincerelyceced 

If you find me on social media, send me a little note saying you listen to the podcast so it will give me a green light to know that I can accept or follow you back!

Produced by CAD Signature Audio LLC