Anti-Aging Lifestyle - Longevity, Aesthetics, Health, and Beauty

Does Running Age You? - 029

Paul Tomko

In episode 29 of the Anti-Aging Lifestyle I go over the pros and cons of running in regards to its potential to age your body.

Some highlights from the episode:

Intro: Running is a part of our childhood, culture, and evolution.


Myriad of Health Benefits: Increased telomere length, improved blood circulation, improved VO2 max, brain function, heart health, body composition, mood, and overall health.

Low Cost: Compared to other forms of exercise, running is relatively low cost and convenient to perform at any time.

Fresh Air: The potential to run outside in the fresh air with nature is a huge health boost.

Bone Density: The impact nature of running can help increase bone mass and bone density, helping to prevent osteoporosis.

Immune Boost: Helps boost your immune function so you get sick less often.

Social Benefits: Running is normally associated with social activities which are beneficial to overall wellbeing.


Overuse: There are many common overuse injuries associated with running from the repetitive motion especially when someone ramps up intensity too quickly.

Bad Form: Poor running form can exacerbate poor body mechanics.

Dehydration: Especially when running outdoors in the summer heat, heat exhaustion and dehydration are common.

Breathing toxins: Depending where you live, the outside air may not be suitable to outdoor exercise and heavy breathing.

Osteoarthritis: Running can damage previous joint injuries and contribute to further misalignment and inflammation.

Breast Sagging: The dynamic impact nature of running can cause unsupported breasts to sag substantially over time. 

Skin Cancer: Over exposure from running outside can lead to skin related damage and diseases.

Free radicals: Running, when taken to excess and without proper recovery, can age the body faster through excess levels of oxidation created.


Avoid Hard Surfaces: Run on soft, forgiving surfaces when possible.

Wear Protection: Good shoes, protective and supportive clothing.

Work Up Slowly: Increase your running intensity over time to reduce your risk of injury.

Indoors: Stay indoors when you exercise if dealing with low quality air.

Good Diet: Follow a diet high in antioxidants to help negate the oxidative stress from exercise.

HIIT: Try to build toward intervals for maximal health benefits.

Non-Impact: Remember, running isn’t magical, there are many other non-impact options that will give you most, if not more of the same benefits as running.

I finish the episode with Tomko Tip #29 where I talk about the connection between progress and happiness.

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