The Gory Details Horror Show
The Gory Details Horror Show
"A Dark Song" and Dark Rituals
In the thirty-sixth episode of the podcast, Casey and Alex discuss the film "A Dark Song." Enjoy this fun episode!
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Speaker 2:z
Speaker 3:and I'm Alex
Speaker 2:and we are going to discuss a film today that we just got finished watching called a dark song.
Speaker 3:Well first welcome back to[inaudible]. Well welcome back to your right.
Speaker 2:Alrighty. I was there by myself.
Speaker 3:I am sorry you recorded without me knowing.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so that's also going to be part of I guess a new format type of thing having you on when you can. So probably every other episode I would imagine. So like kind of a biweekly one with us together, one without, anyway, so that's the new format that we're discussing. So if you didn't check it out already did an episode on a vendor's end game and the golf and finale on the previous episode. So we're also on a iTunes, Spotify, Google play music, Stitcher. Basically anywhere you're going to finhellpd your podcasts send, maybe YouTube. We have a couple of episodes, but no we don't. Anyway,
Speaker 3:let's talk about the movie man. Okay. About the movie one. Beautiful artwork. The cinematography was beautiful. Whales was beautiful. The location for the movie. I think it was the only location for the movie. They didn't do multiple ones. They can just stay them wills.
Speaker 2:Yeah. I mean they were in the house pretty much the entire time. And then the train station. Yeah. So not a whole lot of different places, but yeah, the cinematography was awesome. I actually had to look up the cinematographer to see what else they did and it doesn't seem like a lot. Same with the, uh, the actual director and writer of the film. Um, not a whole lot. Uh, now hold on. Movies in there. Um, also just nothing that I've ever heard of. So Liam Gavin is the director and writer for the film and it looks like, when I'm looking at the filmography, I mean there's like six writing credits, six directing credits for things like short film, short film, short film, short film. So it looks like this is their first full length movie, which is pretty fucking impressive.
Speaker 3:Yeah. This one was, I thought like maybe I'd seen this movie before and it has like a feel like you've seen it before, but you had it,
Speaker 2:right, right. It's, it's, I wouldn't call it derivative, but it's definitely something that's in a way been done before, obviously, um, ritual and all of that kind of stuff is in angels and demons and blah, blah, blah and trying to get revenge or trying to bring back the kid or whatever. By the way, spoiler alert, before we jump too far into it, they're going to be spoilers. So yeah, it is, it's like a refreshing take on something that has been done before. By the way, the, a, the male actor, he reminds me a lot of that, uh, dude, who's in like Shaun of the dead and a bunch of those.
Speaker 3:Well, yeah, but a little more serious, but
Speaker 2:Oh, well, I'm worse yet. Every time I looked at him, I was thinking, I was thinking of that comedian. I was like, Oh, that's, he's breaking[inaudible]
Speaker 3:take him seriously, honestly.
Speaker 2:Yeah. Yeah. You, you know, it's supposed to be overbearing and aggressive, but you're just like, eh, more off is no, I dunno. Oh, he's definitely an asshole. Especially the whole jerk and off thing. This supposed to be a sex ritual. It's like, Nope,
Speaker 3:Nope. I just needed to relieve myself and I saw it coming. Spoiler. Of course, when he's like rubbing her back or putting the symbols on her back, she takes off her bra. It's like the littlest things set him off.
Speaker 2:[inaudible] yeah, sometimes you just gotta beat it. And that's, that's the, yeah, that was one of the things that I didn't, I think there were a little inconsistent with the, uh, the roles of the ritual because it's supposed to be all this cleansing and all of this. Did you have any sex? Did you do this or do that? And meanwhile, dude is like beaten off and drinking whiskey and smoking cigarettes, smoking weed. So the question I guess is like, does his involvement, like is that necessary for the ritual or is he just walking her through the ritual?
Speaker 3:I feel like his involvement should have been like a big part of it all because you need someone to act it out and you need someone to be physically involved in it. But his involvement does play an important role because one, she had to drink his blood and he has to recite everything, like he has to recite it correctly. So his involvement, he should've been 100% in it to begin with
Speaker 2:you would think. But let, once again, a lot of the, the actual um, ritual parts like the meditating for a few days and he said that like he needed her for it and blah, blah, blah for him to be able to accomplish what he wanted. Um, so yeah, I don't know to what degree he was involved. I know the drinking of the blood thing was actually not necessary for the ritual that was because she wouldn't like the forgiveness part of the ritual since she wouldn't do it, it required a blood sacrifice to circumvent that. And then it turns out, of course, that that is the entire reason why she needs to do the ritual in the first place. So like, yeah, so that is, I guess one of the themes that's being explored is, is the idea of forgiveness and um, to what degree of sin can you forgive someone and to what degree are you willing to put your life and your faith and your soul on the line for revenge and to just avoid forgiving people and forgiving yourself. And yeah, so there was a lot of those different themes involved.
Speaker 3:She lied a lot. She lied a lot because at first she's like, I miss my husband or the guys she used to love and it's like, no, it's about my kid. I want to hear my kid again now. Like they already are deep into this whole ritual. I want vengeance. Oh my kid is such a dumb.
Speaker 2:And that's when he called her. He's like, you know, I, we could've just done that the whole time. I'm not judging you. You can get revenge. You just need to be fucking honest with me. Yeah. And that's, that's the thing is they kept doing the ritual over and over cause she kept fucking it up. And it's just, I mean, he's like, well, you have to do this exactly correct or it won't work. And then she's like, well, why isn't it working? It's like, well, because you're lying to me because you're not taking this seriously. You're not doing exactly what I tell you to do. Like there's like at a certain point, if you're literally spending months on end trying to like communicate with the other world and there's an exact set of rules that you need to follow and you keep fucking the rules up that's kind of on you. Plus it was annoying that she saw so many signs and she does ignore them.
Speaker 3:Oh my gosh. The cold gleaning from the sky, the toy, it moving, just the dog park. Everything was a fucking Sy.
Speaker 2:Yeah. Even when she was like, Oh, I'm not seeing that sign. And then the bird flies in the window. He's like, that's a sign. It's a black bird flew into the window. Another thing though that I think broke the rules. She wasn't supposed to cross the salt barrier and he said that she would be trapped. I thought he said a truck forever, but she did cross a all barrier and then she wasn't in trouble.
Speaker 3:But then he also died.
Speaker 2:Well, I mean that wasn't in the game plan, but yeah, I mean I guess in a way he was the sacrifice. But it also, yeah, it also left, um, the, the question, cause he brought up the idea of whether she thought he was involved and she wanted revenge on the people that were involved with her child's death or disappearance or whatever. And then of course he like basically gets stabbed. Like
Speaker 3:I kept saying that it's like his, like the way that she picked him specifically and he already knew how to do this. It just didn't make sense in the fact that he was suffering for, he died. And like she did say she wanted them to suffer before they died and then be damned forever. Like it look like he's gone through that.
Speaker 2:Yeah. And he was in hell when she went down there. Yeah. So I guess he has damn for, I mean, you can only fuck with so much of that shit before you get damned. Anyway. I would assume, I know I'm not a religious person or anything like that, but if you're rolling with this idea that like demons and archangels and guardian angels and all this shit exists yet fucking with Blatch and black magic, it's probably a ticket to hell.
Speaker 3:It's like what form of black magic was that cause throughout the movie they're showing like different religions and different languages throughout each one. Is it all Christianity or is it like different forms of religion? Cause I know the Japanese and always worship Christianity.
Speaker 2:No, they were definitely pulling from different religions. I think the idea, they didn't state it, but I think the idea was that like every religion is maybe right to some extent. You don't have to pull all of them together to get the full picture. You know what I mean? I think that's kind of what they were, they were getting at is that like everyone was a little bit right, but then when you shove it all together you got it.
Speaker 3:That's the first time I've ever seen that done in a movie too. Like each religion has its own take on the whole ritual. In like info[inaudible]
Speaker 2:well that's what I'm saying is I think maybe each part of the ritual was taken in part from different things instead of all one a thing. Also, it's interesting that he said that he's seen demons, angels, but I think he said gods plural. So there is the concept that like it's more than because Christianity is monotheistic, so there are more religions involved, neuro more God's involved. So basically the mythology behind this is pretty abstract because it pulls from a lot of ideas and a lot of rituals and a lot of different things. Um, and kind of crams them together into its own mythology. And because it's only one movie, like they don't really have to take the time to explain any of it. They're just like, this is how it works. And you're just like, seems legit. Like you explained enough of it that it seems to make sense, but not so much of it that you start asking too many questions
Speaker 3:just like him and be like, out all starts. I liked this house. Let me throw down a bunch of cash on it and let me throw down a bunch of cash on this random dude. Like they really give you no context as to what's going on at that moment.
Speaker 2:Yeah, she's going to have to use that 70 grand or whatever to clean that house. She left her mass. Yeah, they know our name. I mean, unless she disappeared somewhere. I'm still curious about that car at the end besides just the show that there were other people on the road. Well, I don't, why would she, I mean she basically hit his body. I mean she put it out into the water and it got sucked under. So I think the assumption was that something took it under so the body's gone. So basically the only issue is there's like a mess in the house and DNA with like, well, with 70 grand you can definitely afford a maid, clean up crew.
Speaker 3:The only thing she cleaned was like the hand prints off the wall.
Speaker 2:Well that's my point is you could probably bring in a cleanup crew to completely clean the house from top to bottom. That only costs you a couple thousand dollars, I would think. Right?
Speaker 3:Yeah. But this is what kills me. She did all this just to hear his son's voice and trust me, she heard her son's voice couple of goddamn times on this movie and they didn't give up after that
Speaker 2:trying to scare you con[inaudible]
Speaker 3:I'm just using your son's voice to scare you.
Speaker 2:Yeah. But once again, we, we did find out that it wasn't just hearing her son's voice. So that was bullshit to begin with. I didn't like the hell hound thing that they brought in the idea of a hell hound. Um, and the, her actually having to descend into hell and then return to receive grace and forgiveness. It was kind of, I don't know, Dodd tasting. It was some sort of allegory. They kept mentioning Solomon too, which was, um, I guess known for his wisdom and the results. Some other worldly shit with that too. So she kept calling him Solomon, which makes sense I guess, cause he's guiding her and he's, and it's funny that everything was redacted after he died. And I was wondering if that was, if he did that or if that was the spirits that did it.
Speaker 3:You mean? You mean after he died?
Speaker 2:Yeah. All, everything was crossed out after he died. I'm wondering if he did that or if the spirits did that.
Speaker 3:I can't. I don't, I don't remember. Cause you remember he, his body did turn up at the bottom of the stairs along with like vomit and what
Speaker 2:[inaudible]. And there's also like the, the various spirits are, I think there were demons, but whatever they were, I don't know. They looked like they had their own kind of personalities to them. And I'm gonna kinda, I was kinda curious to see like what they were cause like there was different ones in the house and it, I guess they didn't really explain any of it, whether it was souls or demons, although it seemed like maybe she literally has her demons calling at her back when she's trying to see her Archangel angel and ask for the ability to forgive. So I feel like that was a big metaphor that she had to escape hell with demons on our back. And beg for the ability to forgive,
Speaker 3:but maybe it's the other souls that got trapped there. Cause this, this whole ritual has to be repeated. I don't know how many times to know that if you fail, you're basically fucked. So it was probably all the people who failed.
Speaker 2:Maybe also, I don't understand why they took one of her fingers. She broke away. She did. But I'm so, I mean that's from a filmmaking standpoint, I'm wondering, first of all, they were using like a bolt cutters, which is kind of a natural world thing. It's kind of weird that they would use that. And how, um, second of all, it was just once again an interesting that they decided to take a finger. Maybe it was some kind of a sacrifice. Um, also it was her ring finger. I don't know if that was important. It was or ran your finger on her left hand and she was unmarried, the entire movie. And she was initially saying it was about her ex or whatever. So maybe that was somehow significant. I have no idea.
Speaker 3:Well, I want to know where the boy's father was with this boy cause she never mentioned the boy's father.
Speaker 2:Right. And that's what I'm saying is um, he wasn't really involved. That's my dog. He's being annoying. He wasn't really involved. So I'm not exactly sure what that was all about and what the finger gets.[inaudible]
Speaker 3:fuck sister. I take my sister has something to do with it.
Speaker 2:What the kid disappeared. I don't, I think her sister, I think her sister was supposed to represent like the op the other side of like her sister's got a nice family with two kids that are alive and she's trying to pull her sister out from the darkness and her sister's like, well you know it's easy for you to believe in God and it's easy for you to believe that things are going to work out because you have a good life and my life is difficult so it's more difficult for me to, so I think it was just supposed to show a contrast. I am curious cause she keep, she said that her kid was taken and they said that they never found the body. So I didn't know if that was gonna come into place somehow that like maybe he's not actually dead.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah. Cause we never see the results. Like her son never comes to her and actually speaks to her.
Speaker 2:[inaudible] well, once again, that wasn't her goal. When she saw her Archangel, she had the ability to ask for what she wanted and the thing that she wanted was to be able to forgive. So instead of asking to see her son, she decided to see that was the thing to shoot the whole movie was her stewing and her resentments. And finally she gets the opportunity to get revenge or be selfish and see your kid again. In a sense, she chooses to be altruistic and ask for the ability to forgive
Speaker 3:because she pop. Honestly, in my opinion, because she does put like the kid, the kid, as I say, which isn't him, he says that she was late to pick him up. Hence the reason why it's her fault that he's gone. So probably she's doing that to forgive herself cause she blames herself so much for his disappearance.
Speaker 2:Hmm. And she was tortured and damned. So I guess she got what she wanted, the person responsible to some extent that she was responsible and yeah. So I don't know. It's tricky. I like the arc. Then started the guardian angel. That was kind of crazy.
Speaker 3:He handles the superiors in the room. Huge. Like this massive dude just with a sword, his legs out and stuff. He looks on majestic and his eyes are glowing for no apparent reason. And then his eyes stopped glowing sometimes and they started glowing again. I was like so confused.
Speaker 2:I liked that there was that little smile, a little smirk when she decided to ask for, for like the ability to forgive and he was like, see, there you go. You figure it out. There you go. You got it. I knew you'd get it eventually.
Speaker 3:So let's talk about how he died. So she's arguing with them, they're going back and forth and suddenly gets a knife stuck in his side. Gratefully. I didn't watch her take out the knife cause I'm very squeamish.
Speaker 2:It wasn't even that bad. She just kind of pulled it out. It wasn't, there was no like skin tog or anything. She just literally did that. Yeah. Obviously it wasn't cleaned since it got infected. It looks clean. I guess it wasn't
Speaker 3:like w what, why did he have to die in such a way?
Speaker 2:Why did he have to die at all? I'm not really sure. It was interesting. That's when I was thinking about, um, how he said that he wanted to be invisible and when he was laying in bed and she was in that one room, she saw somebody smoking and when she went, there was no one there. So I guess that was kind of him being invisible, maybe not a suit sort of thing. Some reference to that.
Speaker 3:Realize when that figure was smoking, it was smoking actual cigarette. Meanwhile, the things that he always smoked were hand rolled.
Speaker 2:Yeah. But you can handle all cigarettes. I don't know. It was, I don't know who else it would be though. That wouldn't be smoking. I mean he wanted to be invisible and that thing was invisible. So that's the only thing that I can really think of. I do think it's funny cause he's saying like he wanted to be invisible and he's like not because of what you're thinking about, which is perving I would imagine since he wanted to jerk off to her, she's like, Oh, you want to be invisible? Huh? So you can go into the girls' locker room. Is that what that's about? No, I just want to disappear from the world. And you kind of did, you're out in the middle of the fucking woods for months with just one other person. I mean like if you want me to fuck off and disappear from the world, you already did it, sir.
Speaker 3:Exactly. There goes your wish. You're going got paid too and got paid to die.
Speaker 2:Yeah. You got, he dude went off the grid completely for months. I mean you think he'd be happy, but he was miserable, man. That's, he was just smashing shit all over. And I get it though. Like he's like, this is what you're paying me for. Also, I'm sure he was getting frustrated cause he wanted his wish to be granted too. It's been fucking months and months and they keep having to restart the ritual and then she's finally like, I was lying to you and he's like this, this bitch, this bitch. And I told you from the beginning when I cut myself when you said that you spoke German. Well yeah and she didn't. So it's like she just wouldn't stop lying and like I understand this is some dark shit she's dealing with, but she's literally trying to like reach into the fucking nether realm. I think there are darker things that play than like you wanting revenge.
Speaker 3:I just can't comprehend her character. It's like you want to be on her side but she just spews everything. It's just I want to like her but I really can't and I'm more so standing on his side at this point cause it's like she basically caused his death even if she didn't mean to or not. She almost killed herself in the process too. And she doesn't realize what she's doing.
Speaker 2:Yeah, he is straight, straightforward and honest the entire time. And she kept that. Yeah. Well, besides the second off thing, that's true. But so she kept questioning it and it kept working and under a certain point I get it that she was still on the fence, but at a certain point she knew it was working and she still kept lying and she still kept fucking around with the ritual on. It's like, I would get mad too. I mean, it's just like, come on dude, you know, it's working, you're seeing it working and you're still trying to bullshit your way through it. It's like you want revenge? We're fucking with demons here. Like just tell me, you know what I mean? Like you're already fucking with the, ah, the other world and she knows it there. I mean, that was just trying to reach her guardian angel, but you know, I don't know. You know what I mean?
Speaker 3:He did not forgive him at all for, okay, now that we keep talking about the sexy, unless we're just talking about the whole sexy one, there wasn't any intercourse. Uh, he just like says, take off your clothes. You know she's ready to have sex with them. Cause that's what he says. And he just like beats off on the chair. It's like bend over. He finishes, which was pretty freaking quick.
Speaker 2:Reminded me of like Louis C K cause he's got the red beard and then the bald head. And he's sitting there beating it and I'm like,
Speaker 3:and he's like, yeah, no this was private. I just needed to relieve. And the fact that she did not forgive him, she just got back at him. I think that was probably also the cause. Like he probably got sick from that.
Speaker 2:I dunno. I mean you can drink pee. It's sterile,
Speaker 3:not hers. No, she was fascinating. Drink cans blooded and all types of shit.
Speaker 2:I don't know. I mean I think she'd be fine. I have a fasting. Doesn't fuck up your PIs. I don't know. Whatever point being, I like the ritual part. So I thought that was kind of interesting.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, just get rain. Oh yeah. Have cold water. Pour it onto you. Let me drown you first without telling you. She was pretty pissed on that one.
Speaker 2:Yeah, she wanted revenge. So badly that she literally went like two days at a time with no food and water, just staring at a rock like, man, you must be super pissed. Really pissed off.
Speaker 3:I'm just going to stare at this rock for two days, piss on myself at the same time.
Speaker 2:And that wasn't just two days. Remember it was like two days and then they ate and then she went two more days and they ate and she went to, she had to go six days at a time.
Speaker 3:Double that because they had to restart.
Speaker 2:Well, I mean at a T, yeah. Each time she did it, they had to do six days of basically not eating or drinking and she was doing all this knowing that she was fucking up the ritual, you know, it's like at a certain point it's like, come on man, you know, you're not, you're, you're lying so it's not going to work. So you're just sitting there staring at a rock and pissing on yourself for literally no reason.
Speaker 3:Yeah. That's probably why she had to die. Honestly. She did die. We all know that.
Speaker 2:Yeah. He drowned her and then she came back and was reborn
Speaker 3:piss buttery book.
Speaker 2:Yeah. Well I'm sure if he said I'm gonna drown you, she'd be like, yeah. So he's just like, ah, we've already tried doing this the easy way, so I'm just going to drown this bitch.
Speaker 3:I was wondering like if he can't resuscitate her, this is gonna be a bad shirt for everybody.
Speaker 2:Yeah. Whoops. Yeah. Wonder what happens in that, like if he couldn't finish the ritual or whatever, if he be stuck in that house or what do you have to do with himself? I don't know.
Speaker 3:Honestly at the keys regardless, stuck there even after he died because he got pulled into like, what was it pawn that's like right behind the house.
Speaker 2:Yeah. Well also like apparently he was capable of doing the ritual, so I don't know why he didn't do it.
Speaker 3:It seems like he's done it already, so awesome. Well yet. But he also lied in the beginning. He's like, you can't find this on the internet
Speaker 2:then in front of it. Well no, he PR he found some parts of it. And I don't think you found the entire ritual on the internet. He just, it was just printing pages from some main ancient texts. But yeah, I don't know why. Like, cause he's making her do it and he knows how to do it. He knows all the rules. So I don't know why he's not doing it to people to do it. Maybe it was also funny cause like he, he only succeeded one out of three times without specific ritual. I mean I guess they also make reference to him. Um, you know, Oh I'm a warrior. Demons are afraid of me. I they made a lot of references to the fact I've seen God's, I've seen demons, I've seen angels. So if you only got that ritual to succeed once, I guess the implication is that he does other rituals too, you know?
Speaker 3:Yeah. Cause then like why would she personally hire him then? Cause he looked like he sees some shit regardless when she first met him.
Speaker 2:Yeah. I don't know. So overall did you like the movie?
Speaker 3:Yes. So I still have many questions.
Speaker 2:I do as well. I was thinking about doing some more research beforehand, but yeah,
Speaker 3:I'm honestly thinking, you know the person who loaned her the house are, they're going to find that shit.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I was thinking that. Especially if like she didn't get rid of the body. You just show up and there's a dead body and there's stuff smeared all over the walls and a bunch of circles and the Floyd candles. Yeah. It's like, Oh well this is, this is some dark shit. At that point, this is unplanned. This place is going to be super haunted. Probably is super haunted now.
Speaker 3:It w it baffles me that how many months they spent in this house in the salt was still there.
Speaker 2:Okay. Well once again I think it was cause it was ceremonial. I think the salt held up through unnatural means like it wasn't washed away because it was supposed to be a barrier. So I mean I think that's why although she wasn't supposed to cross the barrier and then she did and it was all fine.
Speaker 3:See, honestly, I would have went to go see if that black bird was actually there because she couldn't see it.
Speaker 2:Well, it'd be like decade by then. That was literally like almost a year later. But
Speaker 3:well that's probably the car that was driving by the person going back to the house.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that would be awful. But yeah, I don't remember what the car that real estate person's car was, but it did seem to pick up after she left. So maybe her leaving was necessary for the ritual somehow. Cause like once she got back, shit really went South. Yeah. So I also
Speaker 3:see, it's like I told you this law watching movie, the ending felt like the void to me when we saw the void. Everything started picking up really fast and you're just like getting it all on the face at once. Like, here's the money shot, here you go. I can't help happen.
Speaker 2:It reminded me of a house of the devil at the end of that movie. It kinda like gets into the sacrifice type part and then it does that Oh, in and out, kind of fading and moving more quickly. Yeah. So there's definitely that, that peak, it's, it is kind of nice that there was a happy ending. I mean it was happier than most horror films.
Speaker 3:Yeah. Especially most you have to keep the money that she's supposed to give them.
Speaker 2:Yeah. And she got to like, she got her wish granted and she got to see a bunch of cool shit. She got to meet her guardian angel. She never found her. She never wanted that. Remember? Like that was a lie.
Speaker 3:So I guess you never wants to find his son at all? Probably.
Speaker 2:I don't know. That wasn't her goal. If your goal was revenge the entire time,
Speaker 3:that means you probably know how your son, you probably know that your son is dead.
Speaker 2:Wow. I mean, I would assume she's probably just assuming cause they called off the search is what she said. So I think she's just assuming make, I wonder what's with the old lady. Yeah. I wonder if the old lady kidnapped him. What the fuck that was kept saying? LA Loma. Oh yeah, yeah. Um, child stealer. But I guess it was supposed to be some teenagers trying to do some black magic shit. They didn't really even get into that very much. She lied about that too. It was weird. Yeah. Cause it was just like a random like them teenagers try and uh, some of the devil fucking teenagers. Right. But they're black magic and child stealing.
Speaker 3:Well it's whales. Yes. A lot of black metal and black magic stuff were around. It's still around at this point. I've heard there was more like Norway, Norway, Finland and Wales. Are you sure about Wales? I think so. I'm pretty sure. Well no, not whales but like that general area cause they went to Wales for UK and that, yeah, they still have that shit. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Well I'm saying like most of the church burnings and all that shit was like the Netherlands, not the UK with the black metal scene. That was all like I think Sweden and Norway and all that shit.
Speaker 3:Well it, they didn't mention where she's from. They just said they went to Wales.
Speaker 2:Right, right. Okay. But she's British. Like she had a very distinctive, even said posh. She has like a, an upper class British accent. Like she pronounces her ease a lot of that. So he was obviously a little bit more, uh, his accent was more slang. It was more like lower income or different parts of the UK that are a little bit more, um, I don't know multiple languages he does, but there are, you know, there are different accents in the UK and he had more of an accent that was indicative of a poor area and hers was more indicative of like proper English accent, you know what I mean? So yeah. What else? Anything else on the moving that you wanted to discuss?
Speaker 3:Mm, no, I don't think so.
Speaker 2:All right. Well once again, that movie is called dark song is available currently. I don't know how long but it is available currently on the Netflix[inaudible]
Speaker 3:my bed. Why is it called the dark song? I don't know.
Speaker 2:We probably shouldn't have looked at least that up cause they have no idea what the fuck the name was about. Yeah, no, I don't know. But it's a good movie. Check it out. Once again, it's on Netflix from like 2016. It's got a lot of good reviews by critics and usually I don't pay as much attention to that. But as far as that goes, I think it was pretty on the nose. It was a good movie. It's something different if you're a fan of more indie horror, slow suspense, like, uh, I was in a message board or maybe YouTube and it was discussing hereditary and that's how I heard about this is some guy said that it reminded him or when he was watching hereditary and Walton reminded him of this movie or whatever. So I'm like, Oh, I gotta check it out. So if you're a fan of those kind of horror films, like this slower burn more, I guess, I don't want to say psychological, but like, you know what I mean? Like[inaudible]
Speaker 3:does kind kinda put on psychological religious aspect.
Speaker 2:Exactly. So if you're into that kind of stuff, you'll enjoy this movie. Well, thank you guys for joining us. Subscribe if you haven't, we will be back eventually. Eventually. Depends on my schedule. Depends on her schedule. Well, have a good day. Goodbye.