Desert Voices: Critical Thinking to Cultivate Well-Being

66. Egalitarianism & Complementarianism: Meanings and Impact with Riley Powell - Part 2

Shaleen Kendrick & Ryan Lambros

PART 2 Continues the conversation on "Egalitarianism" & "Complementarianism."

What odd, funny words!

These weird words seem benign and archaic. They are mainly used in church settings as background words that we overhear but don't pay much attention to. Why should we care about fancy words that don't mean much to us?

Rhetoric is used to persuade us. WORDS MATTER!

So, what is "complementarianism," and what kind of life and culture does it persuade us to create? Same with "egalitarianism"? 

Are they both Godly similar concepts, just different as we have been convinced?

Is "complementarianism" or "soft-complementarianism," as many churches claim to be, a kind, Godly and harmless way of living?

Join Riley Powell, one of Desert Voices' favorite theologians, as we unpack the meanings and impact these words have on our lives and Amerian culture.


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