Under The Arch

Under the Arch | S5 Ep 6: "Artists of the Movement"

ArchCity Defenders & Action St. Louis Season 5 Episode 6

How does our creativity ignite the soul of social movements and turn our visions into reality? This week, come along for a dive into the intersection of social change and creative expression with two St. Louis natives using art to fight for access and equity in our community. 

Damon Davis is an Emmy-award winning Post-Disciplinary Artist, Founder of @wearefarfetched, & Co-Director of @whosestreets. His work extends across many different mediums and his storytelling explores how identity is shaped by power and mythology. Tracy Stanton is an internationally acclaimed poet, Director of Movement Building & StoryTelling at Freedom Community Center, & Founder of @some.thingsmustbeheard. In addition to being a motivational speaker and wellbeing coach, she inspires growth across many change-based organizations.  

Through a uniquely artistic lense, this episode goes outside of the box and back to the roots of what inspires us. Listen as Damon and Tracy break free from conventional legal & social frameworks and call us all to live more creatively. 

This week’s Music Minute features the song “Go Flex” by Daemon. Follow him @songsbydae on social media and listen to his music on your favorite platform.