Dark Natter
Dark Natter is the podcast where your favourite works of horror and other dark fiction are sliced, diced and dissected for forensic analysis! Enter the Hall Of Pain, where creepy custodians Jon Richter (dark fiction writer and video game developer) and Liam Martin (dark fiction connoisseur and professional video game writer) will guide you through a fun and usually downright daft examination of your favourite sinister creations.
Dark Natter
The Binding Of Isaac
Following the recent episodes covering Berserk and Preacher, Liam and Jon thought they'd go for a hat-trick of depraved, disgusting works by trawling through the blood, guts and poo-infested subterranean depths of The Binding Of Isaac! This is a video game that features a sobbing child fighting the demons in his own mind by firing his tears at them; the fact that Jon has sunk over 200 hours into playing it probably says a lot about him...