Hopping Mad with Will McLeod & Arliss Bunny

Trumpcare, Medicaid & Rights

June 26, 2017 Will McLeod & Arliss Bunny
Trumpcare, Medicaid & Rights
Hopping Mad with Will McLeod & Arliss Bunny
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Hopping Mad with Will McLeod & Arliss Bunny
Trumpcare, Medicaid & Rights
Jun 26, 2017
Will McLeod & Arliss Bunny
26 June 2016 - Most of this show was recorded within a few hours after the Senate released their "Better Care" bill and we were lucky enough to have Linda Benesch (@LindaBenesch), the Communications Director for Social Security Works, with us to spell out the depth of the depravity of the GOP. I began by asking her "On a scale of 1 to I'm moving to Norway, how bad is it?" She recommended the Arctic. And she's not wrong. Linda got into some detail (because we, at Hopping Mad, love to go out into the weeds) but she was also very clear that we need to be talking about people's lives, not statistics. This really is an "all hands on deck" level crisis and none of us can afford to just hope for the best. I recommend going to the site for Indivisible's targeted campaign, aimed at the ten (or so) GOP senators most vulnerable on this. The other real stroke of luck this week is that I was joined on air, for the Hopping Mad Lying Liar Lie of the Week segment by one of our three new associates, Joel Dent. Joel begins by telling you a bit about himself and then goes right into why he thinks Jason Chaffetz is the Lying Liar of the Week. (Thank you to Rebecca Romans for nominating Chaffetz. Excellent choice!) I reserved my wrath for Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke. You'll hear why. Oh, and I took just a minute at the beginning of the show to update everyone on the change in the line of succession within the House of Saud. MBS is in. Will is actually traveling this week but prior to leaving he recorded a brief segment on rights. We on the left are the party of expanding and ensuring rights but defining them can be interesting. Will gets even further behind the curtain when he talks about who it is that "grants" rights and the purpose of the social contract and of government. I thought it would be helpful to talk about how Medicaid works and what it is right now. Since the GOP is getting ready to completely end Medicaid as an entitlement program (as a foot in the door to privatizing Medicare and Social Security) it seemed to make sense to talk about why it is so critical that Medicare remain a fully functional part of the social safety net. Wow! I know this is the fourth week but I'l still just really, really glad to be back on the air. Carrots! - Arliss
Show Notes
26 June 2016 - Most of this show was recorded within a few hours after the Senate released their "Better Care" bill and we were lucky enough to have Linda Benesch (@LindaBenesch), the Communications Director for Social Security Works, with us to spell out the depth of the depravity of the GOP. I began by asking her "On a scale of 1 to I'm moving to Norway, how bad is it?" She recommended the Arctic. And she's not wrong. Linda got into some detail (because we, at Hopping Mad, love to go out into the weeds) but she was also very clear that we need to be talking about people's lives, not statistics. This really is an "all hands on deck" level crisis and none of us can afford to just hope for the best. I recommend going to the site for Indivisible's targeted campaign, aimed at the ten (or so) GOP senators most vulnerable on this. The other real stroke of luck this week is that I was joined on air, for the Hopping Mad Lying Liar Lie of the Week segment by one of our three new associates, Joel Dent. Joel begins by telling you a bit about himself and then goes right into why he thinks Jason Chaffetz is the Lying Liar of the Week. (Thank you to Rebecca Romans for nominating Chaffetz. Excellent choice!) I reserved my wrath for Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke. You'll hear why. Oh, and I took just a minute at the beginning of the show to update everyone on the change in the line of succession within the House of Saud. MBS is in. Will is actually traveling this week but prior to leaving he recorded a brief segment on rights. We on the left are the party of expanding and ensuring rights but defining them can be interesting. Will gets even further behind the curtain when he talks about who it is that "grants" rights and the purpose of the social contract and of government. I thought it would be helpful to talk about how Medicaid works and what it is right now. Since the GOP is getting ready to completely end Medicaid as an entitlement program (as a foot in the door to privatizing Medicare and Social Security) it seemed to make sense to talk about why it is so critical that Medicare remain a fully functional part of the social safety net. Wow! I know this is the fourth week but I'l still just really, really glad to be back on the air. Carrots! - Arliss