AI and the Future of Work: Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace, Business, Ethics, HR, and IT for AI Enthusiasts, Leaders and Academics

Merve Hickok, one of the "top 100 most brilliant women in AI ethics," shares what you need to know about the blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights

Merve Hickok Season 3 Episode 46

Merve Hickok is one of the most recognized thought leaders in the emerging field of AI ethics. Merve is the founder of and Lighthouse Career Consulting. Her work is at the intersection of AI and data ethics along with social justice and DEI policy and regulation.

Merve was recently listed among the top 100 most brilliant women in AI ethics and in the past she lectured at the University of Michigan’s School of Information on Data Science ethics. Merve’s at the forefront of this emerging field that will define how we live and work for the next several decades. This is an important conversation. Enjoy!

Listen and learn… 

  1. What led to Merve founding
  2. How the AI ethics conversation has evolved over the past year 
  3. What the White House got right (and wrong) in the blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights 
  4. What responsible AI means to Merve 
  5. Why regulation doesn’t necessarily constrain innovation 
  6. How AI policy and regulation are different around the world 

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