Grand Parkway Baptist Church

Lessons Along The Way

Grand Parkway Baptist Church

Apr 21, 2024 

Neil McClendon, Lead Pastor

Lessons Along The Way
Acts 16:1-15

1. Our experiences are not always intended for our benefit, v.1-5

2. God leads by closing doors as well, v. 6-10

God doesn’t always send you where you want to go. He puts you where you need to be in order to hear what you need to hear which prepares you for what you will need to do. This is so that when you get there, your faith is proportional to the task at hand.

Three things about a closed door in your life…

a) it’s not punishment but invitation
b) it’s not no but better
c) it’s not now but later

3. Evidence of faith is what you do with your stuff, v. 11-15

Here are some other successful business women in Acts...

leading women of Thessalonica, 17:4
women of high standing in Berea, 17:12
Damaris in Athens, 17:34
Priscilla in Corinth, 18:2

Notice two things in this section…

a) they thought differently about family back then
b) they thought differently about their stuff

There is a difference in entertaining and showing hospitality…

Entertaining is about impressing people with your home, your decor, my cooking. Hospitality seeks to minister, it doesn’t try to impress but to serve. 
Entertaining puts things before people. “As soon as I get the house finished, the living room decorated, my house just like I want it- then I will start having people over.” Hospitality puts people before things. “We have no furniture; we’ll eat on the floor.”
Entertaining subtly declares, “This is mine- these rooms, this decor; this is an expression of who and what I am. Hospitality whispers, “What’s mine is yours.” 
              -Karen Mains, Open Heart, Open Home

Mental worship…

1. Are other Believers strengthened in the faith by the way you live out your faith?
2. Has God ever closed a door in your life and how did you respond to it?
3. How do you use your stuff/home as a tool for ministry?
4. How do you think about your family? Corporate or individual?
5. Have you been baptized since professing faith in Christ?