Mission Focused Men for Christ

Jesus' Promise of Escape From the Driven Lifestyle

Gary Yagel Season 5 Episode 17

 This episode is for those who find themselves feeling more driven than called as they walk through life. It examines the way Jesus addressed the relentless internal pressure many feel to have to perform, and the resulting internal exhaustion we experience when he said, Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light (Mt 11:28-30). This episode examines Jesus’ only self-portrait in Scripture—that he is meek and lowly of heart, and why those qualities make taking on his yoke the pathway to REST. 

For Further Prayerful Thought:

  1. This episode explains Jesus’ offer of rest to those burdened by the inner compulsion to have to perform to reach heaven, be loved, feel valuable, be accepted, and to be strong enough for others to lean on. Which of these reasons for “needing to perform” is most powerful in your life?
  2. If we are to REST in Jesus, why does it matter that he is meek, bearing no judicial wrath against you? Why does it matter that he is “lowly in heart?”
  3. A yoke is a yoke; it puts the farmer in control. So, in what sense can Jesus’ yoke be easy? In what sense is it light? Since you are yoked to Jesus’ power, how can you shift more of the weight you are carrying onto Jesus?

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