Mission Focused Men for Christ

How Can the Helmet of Salvation Protect Us?

Gary Yagel Season 5 Episode 34

Summary: This episode continues the series, Winning Spiritual Battles Because We Use Our Spiritual Weapons. As we seek to run well the race marked out for us, this calling means advancing the righteous reign of King Jesus in our own hearts, attitudes, and behavior, not to mention and shaping each sphere of life with Christ’s agenda. But it is very easy to think, “Who am I to spread righteousness anywhere? Whoever thinks that’s my job in life, doesn’t understand the corruption of MY heart and weakness of MY flesh.”  But it is Christ who told his followers to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. Jesus calls us to this primary life focus, knowing the weakness of our sinful nature because his plan has never been for us to seek righteousness in our own strength but in his. He tell us. Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. This episode tries to define in practical terms how to put on the helmet of salvation and how that protects us in the fight to do the right thing.

For Further Prayerful Thought

  1. Why does taking up the helmet of salvation mean something different from just thinking biblically about stuff.
  2. How does putting on the helmet of salvation protect us from thinking we are too dirty for God to love? 
  3. Why does being saved by grace alone cause a true Christian to be drawn to those who need mercy?

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