The Neurodivergent Professor

KEW Episode 146: What Really Matters?

chris burcher Season 3 Episode 146

What matters to you? What is important? What do you value (Episode 46 Values)? We say things matter to us when we put energy into developing, protecting, and thinking about them.

Our families matter. Our relationships matter.

Things that matter have meaning to us. What is meaningful to me might not be meaningful to you.

But as I have said before, I think there are some things that have universal meaning. They matter to us all.

Life. Peace. Calm. Justice. Love. Integrity.

Many would argue these things matter.

But how about power, wealth, or truth? Do these things matter?

Probably there are some fairly universal things or concepts that matter to us all. Whether we realize this, of course, is open to debate.

What really matters, then, depends on awareness. About trying. About making an effort to do the things I talk about in other Episodes like 136 Human Values are Common Sense, 133 What Freedom Means to Me, and 123 Nature Knows Best, 121 Awareness. Cultivation and Growth, 82 What Do You Need?. We have to care about ourselves and each other. 

I also think that defining what matters can be incredibly helpful to us as individuals and to our society. I may even argue that it is essential to define what matters if only to reduce the things we spend time worrying about.

For those of us who are anxious, letting go of things that DON'T matter, or that matter less, can be freeing. We could all benefit from a personal inventory to help eliminate things we worry about but that probably don't matter.

Many of us probably waste time on things that don't matter. 

Many of us also probably never thought about it.

I invite you to take an inventory (Episode 51 Personal Inventory) of your life and ask yourself, 'Does this matter?'

If it doesn't, let it go. 

If it does, hold it close and protect it.

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