The Neurodivergent Professor

If Natural Selection Determined Human Value Systems: NDP Episode 178

chris burcher Season 4 Episode 178

Do you suffer?

Humans have problems. It’s hard to deny. 

Despite many pleas for ‘looking on the bright side of life’, we live in a world full of suffering. For whatever reason, I think about these problems, the causes, and potential solutions. 

While it is difficult to maintain a positive mental attitude and growth mindset, I strive for a balance. I consider how we might improve humanity while not getting bogged down in depression.

I think existence consists of two main branches. These are the biological or physical, and the spiritual or metaphysical. You probably have different names for these things, but hopefully, you get what I’m saying. 

As an ecologist, I see the biological side being defined by growth, maturity, and reproduction. The biological purpose of life is to find group immortality, despite individual mortality. Species seek to persist. Life goes on. 

Biological organisms persist through time because DNA facilitates adjustments, acclimations, and adaptation. 

One purpose of life is to participate in the cosmic dance of natural selection, genetic expression of traits, and a changing universe. You might even say this is a universal biological value.

This article, however, is about the metaphysical aspects of evolution. For more about the purpose of evolution and human life, see The Evolution Paradox and The Uniqueness Imperative

Humans also have metaphysical human needs. 

While we have a sound understanding of the biological and physical elements of life, there is less consensus about our spiritual or metaphysical purpose. 

If the biological purpose of life is to reproduce and persist, what is our metaphysical purpose? Why are we here?

The ecological realm of existence is examined by science, but the less measurable elements are left to spiritual leaders, philosophers, and thinkers. 

How we define the purpose of life is highly varied.

There are many schools of thought about our metaphysical purpose, but they all begin by understanding our non-biological needs and values. What ARE our needs and values? Are their universal values?

Whereas the biological explanation of life is hedged somewhat in the realm of science, these metaphysical questions are more subjective. I suggest one way to approach this type of investigation is to ask which values are adaptive and which are maladaptive.

What values might be maladaptive?

 As in, what are humans doing now that may be causing our extinction? 

What are we doing wrong? 

What do we currently believe in? And how’s that working out?

I suggest that our current human values are focused on money, status, and power. Focusing on these values may be helpful in the short term, but it is not adaptive in an evolutionary sense.

Values like money, power, and status may be maladaptive

In other words, these could be among the problems that contribute to human suffering.

What values might be adaptive?

What other values might help us avoid extinction? This is the question that drives me to share my thoughts. What can we do to change direction? What are we doing wrong? 

These are questions for today’s thinkers. The most important questions we can ask.

What would life be like if we prioritized the values of kindness, cooperation, and love?

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