Meditatie Amsterdam - De Meditatie Podcast
Wil je leren mediteren of je meditatie beoefening verdiepen en snel effecten ervaren zoals ontspanning, stress reductie en meer mentale helderheid, balans, creativiteit en productiviteit? Dit is waar je dat kan doen!
Roel van Meditatie Amsterdam neemt je graag mee in de wondere wereld van het mediteren en dat alles op een concrete, toegankelijke, praktische, eigentijdse en niet zweverige wijze. Naast geleide meditaties is er ook uitleg, verdieping en onderbouwing van het mediteren.
De afleveringen zijn in het Nederlands, or in English:
Do you want to learn to meditate or deepen your practice and quickly experience benefits like relaxation, stress reduction and improved mental clarity, balance, creativity and productivity? This is where to do that!
Roel of Meditatie Amsterdam loves to take you along into the wonderful world of meditation, all in a down-to-earth, accessible, practical and contemporary way. Next to guided meditations there are explanations and clarifications of all that happens during meditation. Check it out!
Meditatie Amsterdam - De Meditatie Podcast
68. Meditating for peace @ Meditate 4 Ukraine fundraiser
How can meditation help for peace in the world? I go deeper into this topic during the Meditate 4 Ukraine fundraiser I gave on the 13th of March 2022 and this is the recording of that part.
Do you want to learn more about how to help in these situations, sitting on a meditation pillow? And do a guided meditation aimed on sending good vibes to the Ukraine? Then this is where you need to tune in to.
The approach is a bit more spiritual than you are probably used to and is also one side of me, but I promise, it is still pretty graspable and down to earth and backed up with findings of researchers and scientists.
Appologies for the sound quality that is a tiny bit less than you are used to here, but it is a live recording in a quit big room.