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Ep.#14 Russian Cyclist & Red Bush Millen's Tea // Surlisten to this...

Mr. Joyce & Ms. Lu Season 1 Episode 14

Surlisten to this…

Light-hearted, under-engineered podcast that keeps the improvisational muscle moving. Assistance by some annoying celebrity impressions, a variety of odd noises as well as the contributors continuously talking over one another; these short, rather harmless and completely non-educational soundbites act as time fillers...

Time fillers for whatever life throws at you.. Waiting on that bus or maybe you have a text message that just won’t send in bad network coverage? Well here’s your answer.. Stop reading this podcast description and throw on a quick episode of Surlisten To This...

In this Podcast...
Abbie describes the time a Russian cyclist came and stayed in the house. The Russian explained her experience and it reminds her of the time she was cycling in Dublin and had to take shelter from the rain under a tree.

A Greek woman who see's Abbie under the tree invites her in to see her Mushroom husband. The chat is topped off with a cup of Redbush Mill's tea.

You're listening to drivel and so it is with sincerity, we thank you for lending us your ears.