YIELD Today With Dallin Candland

Building a Dynamic Vision for Your Life and Trusting Your Intuition ft. Joey Drolshagen - #541

How do you build a vision for your life? Joey and I talked a LOT about it.

This was another interview from June 2023.

More From Joey:

Joey's Website: https://www.josephadrolshagen.com/

More From Me:

 My Weekly Newsletter - https://dallincandland.substack.com/

"God is Trying to Talk to Me" (My First Poetry Book!) -  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CN5WS9C8?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_dp_38CAR76S3MTH5M4JMJFH

Podcast YouTube Channel (For Highlights, Cool Shorts, and More!): https://www.youtube.com/@yieldtodaypodcast

Related Books to Check Out:

"The Power of One More" by Ed Mylett - https://amzn.to/4d4RoBC

"The Magic of Thinking BIG" by David J. Schwartz - https://amzn.to/3Wmds3E

"The Infinite Game" by Simon Sinek - https://amzn.to/3WlozLm

Time Stamps:

2:40 - How Our Thoughts Influence Our Impact
5:10 - Developing a Dynamic Vision
9:47 - Joey's Book of Miracles
14:00 - The Power of the Subconscious
15:15 - How Joey Got Into His Speaking
18:43 - The Open-Shut Door Shortcuts in Life
20:51 - The Living Word Can Lead our Lives
23:39 - Deep Thinking vs. Overthinking
28:00 - Appreciating the Little Miracles
28:50 - How do We Not Block the Messages We're Receiving?
32:45 - Doing Work That Sets Your Soul on Fire
34:30 - Being There for Your Kids
36:15 - The Tiniest Experiences Can Mean SO Much to People
37:30 - The Two Growth Signals Built in Each of Us
43:40 - Joey's Advice for Those Who Feel Stuck in Life


2:50 - "Guard the portal of your mind."
3:20 - "The situations never matter if we are not living a victim's life."
3:39 - "Guard the heart, because that's where the life flows from."
5:25 - "Live through the vision, rather than living through the situations and circumstances that are showing up."
5:58 - "That vision becomes our truth."
6:11 - "A vision gives us an elevated place to live by."
7:32 - "The vision does a LOT of the seeking for you."
13:19 - "The conscious is only responsible for 5% of our life experience."
13:57 - "The doing part of our lives comes from the subconscious."
20:32 - "It's not something that happened, it's something that happens."
21:23 - "Where you're placing your attention is where you're putting your intention."
28:37 - "If you're not blocking it it has no choice but to come through you."
29:15 - "Your subconscious mind is always absorbing what the conscious mind is focused on."
30:55 - "95% of our life's experience comes from the subconscious."
34:30 - "When I say my son is precious to me he really is."
34:42 - "I know the pains of missing out on the most precious parts of our life to make money and if I can help anyone not to do that that just lights me up and fills my heart."
38:23 - "The only purpose of discontent is to help us find what we do want."
39:41 - "My pain was guiding me. It was helping me. It was not holding me back or destroying me. It was actually how I was going to get to where I needed to be."

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