The Fleabag Situation: A Fleabag Fan Podcast

"Season 1, Episode 1"

August 28, 2019 Chrissie Moore and Allie Lemco Toren Season 1 Episode 1
"Season 1, Episode 1"
The Fleabag Situation: A Fleabag Fan Podcast
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The Fleabag Situation: A Fleabag Fan Podcast
"Season 1, Episode 1"
Aug 28, 2019 Season 1 Episode 1
Chrissie Moore and Allie Lemco Toren

Chrissie met Andrew Scott (twice) in London, then she and Allie decided to start a FLEABAG podcast because it was becoming medically necessary. We start breaking down the full series, scene by scene. 

Show Notes Transcript

Chrissie met Andrew Scott (twice) in London, then she and Allie decided to start a FLEABAG podcast because it was becoming medically necessary. We start breaking down the full series, scene by scene. 

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So it turns out it's quite hard to come up with something original to say about flea bag, but I've had to go. Fleabag is awful. It's awful painful. It's frightening. It makes you doubt yourself creatively. Judge yourself existentially distance yourself from the other people in your life so you can binge it for the 14th time. It makes you selfish because you want more. Even though you know the ending was perfect makes you creepy because now you're always on the lookout for foxes. Makes you obsessed with your hair because hair is everything makes you cruel to anyone who doesn't like flea bag, makes you say and do things you never thought you would do. Like fly to London for the weekend just to get a selfie with Andrew Scott. More on that later. A perfect show like flea bag is all any of us want, and it's hell when we get there. So no wonder it's something we don't want to obsess about on our own. I was taught if we're born with love for complex characters and layered narrative than watching TV is about choosing the right show to find it. People talk about that a lot feeling right when a show is good, it's easy to watch, but I'm not sure that's true. It takes strength to know what makes a televised work of art and loving flea bag Isn't something that weak people do. Being a fan of pop culture takes a hell of a lot of hope. I think what they mean is, when you find a Siri's that articulates your doubts and fears that reassures you in its honesty and humanity, feels like hope to take words from this script of flea bag be strong and take heart all you who hope in the Lord Phoebe Waller Bridge. Now, let's get on with the big bit.

Father, we have a cupcake situation over here! Okay Pam, I will be there to cupcake.

Congratulations, you assholes. You're listening to the first episode of the Fleabag Situation. I'm Chrissie Moore. And I'm Allie Lemco Toren.

And we basically needed to start this podcast because everybody was tired of hearing us talk about fleabag. Um, and we decided we needed to talk to people who appreciated people who talk about fleabag incessantly. And everybody needs an outlet. Yes, exactly. So, uh, we just what was funny? So I have a friend, Dana, who basically just texted me. Hey, you should start a podcast. We were even talking about flea bag. She just goes, You should start a Fleabag podcast. And I kind of turned to my husband was like, Okay. Oh, look. And I got stuck with me. Yeah, a month later, here we are. And so Allie and I talk about fleabag a lot at work, so we should just, I guess, set up exactly. Kind of who we are. Why? Who the hell are we? And why do we have permission to do you prove gave us permission to do this podcast? Uh, so we both work at a health website in Atlanta, which has nothing to do with our appreciation of Fleabag. It's just who we are, where we're based to kind of ground us and it worked out. Yeah, um, so I guess we'll to start by talking. Well, let's talk about the reason for the name, the fleabag situation. It started as the cupcake situations. It which is a nod to our favorite church employee, Pam. Um, but then we decided flee back situation kind of fit better because we know the people listening to this will probably get it. Yes, but better to reach all body. And also like, I think the fleabag situation kind of just refers to my life right now, which is kind of just a whole fleabag situation. We're in, fleabag flee, Buck. They are in a fleabag heaven lately. It's all idea. Well, for us, it's head. Yeah, I think for the people around us, Well, that is why I originally watched it is because I like having conversations with you, and I couldn't. So Yeah, I think if you asked our husbands, they would say we have a very big fleabag situation on our hands. So let's go back to when did you first start watching flea bag? How did you hear about it? Whoa! Oh, my God. From ah certain Chrissie. Oh, well, she has great taste. I did see the image on Amazon Prime. They wanted me to watch it, and I was like, it was the season after season to season two. Okay, They whatever the current thumbnail is of her like, tear streaked face on the road. Right? And I was intrigued, but not enough to watch it. Yeah, and I will forever be grateful she sees Well, so you're pressuring me. And now I have to make a confession, huh? So to speak that I did not watch season one when it first came out, and I had seen a couple people on Twitter raving about it. And like you, I saw the image which was her tear stained walking down the street. And it's called fleabag, and someone's like it when it's British. And I was like, Okay, is this some kind of weird artsy? Why did a weird, like, depressing British thing British thing? Um and because I'm not that smart. So uh, yeah, and that's why I never watched it, even though one of my friends whose taste I trust implicitly on Twitter was like, This is the greatest six episodes of television I've ever seen. Well, and that's what you told me. And that's why I watched it. So that was after season one she was raving about. I still was, like, slow on the draw. So then sees two obviously came out again, and I had actually quit Twitter at this point for mental health, and it obviously didn't work because I'm back on it. But I had quit Twitter, so I wasn't seeing a lot of talk about it when it came out in Britain. Then I kind of rejoined like around and May, which is what? It started coming out here. And so were Americans. Kiss you didn't know and so surprised. Yeah, it Lana, probably give that away. So then I, um and I so clear. Remember my friend Emma was over here. She's about to have her second baby, and it was like our last, like, get together before she had the second baby. And we're all starting on TV. And I was like, I keep hearing about Fleet A areas like raving about season to a flea bag that it's amazing. It was funny because she goes, Oh, and it's got Adam Scott did it. It was like he does. And then we looked and she's like, No, that's wrong and because it's a guy from Sherlock and I was like, Oh, Andrew's like we looked it up was like Andrew Scott, and it's so quaint to remember a time when Andrew Scott was just a name I didn't know. I don't things how things have changed because we're gonna get to the story where I flew to London to meet him. Yes, you to do that. So, Hi, Um or was I am a little this Emma, just like yeah, you know what? We'll put that on list. And so then she I think what homes were watching it that night and started texting me. And we've all anybody on this. A lot of people from the Facebook group. We all start getting these texts from friends who start watching it, and it's like, Oh, my God, Christie, this show, you need to watch the show. I need you to watch because I need to talk about it. And so I was like, Okay, that she's like, Oh, my God. This priest And so even. But season one, she was already, like, into it. So I told Alan my husband was like, Well, I guess we gotta get on this. And so we probably watched over three nights like first week of June. And by that I started texting Emma. Oh, my God. This show. Oh, my God. Those priests, when he's like girl. And so it just went. She was waiting for you. She was waiting for her. She was ready and I was like, Oh my God, this haircut She's like, I look like a pencil. Like we just started trading alliance. And then the whole week after that, I was just like, Oh my God! And then when you know the dinner scene and then he goes out and, you know, fuck you, then whatever. And she's like every scene, every scene is great. So it's then I kind of like, OK, this will start to fade And it hasn't No, But I think it's built. Actually. Yeah, I think it's the opposite of Fade. It's gotten more intensified. Intensifies were writers. Yeah, we are, Believe it or not. Um well, where it's our first podcast, you know, baby steps when we're talking about feedback. So, like our I'm verklempt, our energy levels air like peek, eh? So how many times have you watched it? I

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watched season one, I think, four times and seasoned to be honest, safe space,

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like tender Aleshire. I

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mean, who's counting? My husband probably knows he doesn't talk to me anymore, because all I do is talk Fleabag. Although I finally got him to start watching it with me. Oh, you see, he? Oh, he loves it. That's how I know that choice Murders. We've been together 10 years, but this this was really the cherry on top of it was so funny because he was like, I can because I loved it. I don't know that I want to watch it 50 more times. I don't know what that means. Yeah. Um, no. I watched I watched season one straight through twice, and then and I think we all acknowledge, like Season two is the one everybody's like. Gaga over. Season one is also amazing. The more I watch it, the more the more you appreciate. Just I keep saying it's like that mean where it's like if you don't love me and my fleet back Season one, you don't deserve me in my sleep back season to, um So I've watched that one twice. And then, um, probably start to finish these into maybe maybe 10. Like you. Certain scenes certain we're in, like scores. Yeah, Yeah. Like in the YouTube clip compilations, compilations or just, you know, hitting that reverse 15 seconds over and over. You know, certain scenes may just a few times. Maybe close to 30. Uh, But as we've said, we find something different each time. So I guess that could Segway into what we're gonna do here with his podcast. Let's so we realize that when you watch these episodes and you re watch the watch them, there are new things. You see, we both are on the Facebook fleabag group. Highly recommend highly recommend we. It's official group. It's like a BBC three group. Um, lovely people on there. I It's like my new home. It's like literally, It's like 50% of my Facebook activities there the other fifties on the Inter Scott Group. Chris. He's a rising star rising within the group. I think I'm just a lurker. Thank you to the Facebook in a sentence team for giving us these arbitrary badges when you're in, it makes you want to keep it kind of does, like, remember, And then it's like a visual storyteller. That's my favorite creative. Um, yeah, somebody designed this. So yes, I'm a fast rising star, but I I said it's almost like a support group because it's people who like us who were desperate to talk about it. We keep seeing new people who join like I just watched it note none of my friends. Watch it. I need to talk about it, and I Actually, I now just call it like the group. Like it sounds like I'm in a capital T capital G. Yes. Um, and so, uh, what was my point in the group? Um, we were just talking about We're in a way we could record. We're wind. Um, more people coming in. It's a support group. Yeah. So here's what I'm gonna do here. Because on the group on the Facebook support group, we people will come in and say, Hey, like, I was just re watching the scene again. I'm actually still not quite sure what this means. Noticed, Doctor, We think the godmother knows what's going on between the two of them. Like, what do you think this means? Did you ever notice this detail? So we are literally gonna watch. We're gonna go through every episode scene by scene. I'm just break it down. Talk about ideas we have about it. Things we've read about it. Theories seriously, via trivia, just general raves about the performances and a lot of generating high pitched like Oh, okay. It's I'm going to try to not just make this, like Andrew Scott Drew, I promised way Get to see, maybe has obsessed with Phoebe while our bridge and you are with Andrew's got So I feel like we'll have a good belt. There you go. And there will be some Some I think we might just have to call her Phoebe, like we're friends. Yeah. R p W b p w b like we're really friends. Yeah, just he just, uh no. So that there may be will be some gawking over her, too. Yeah, Um, but we really do want this to be Can you? I dare I say, a thoughtful analysis of flea bag, but it really is because it's more than just like, you know, it's so easy to say, Oh, my God, it's amazing. But we really want to delve into why it is so yes and why, you know, people will ask, like, how can you re watch this so many times and like, Why would you do that? I was telling Allie, I honestly and this is not hyperbole. I really think it's a television work of art like it's a masterpiece. It's a masterpiece. and that the way you would hang up a painting in your living room because you it resonates with you and you want to look at it every day. It's kind of how I feel about flea bag and you see something new that gives you gives your life meaning exactly every time. Well, and it really there is something about her. I mean, I'm hardly the only person to say this. It just really resonated with me somehow. And I'm even kind of still trying to articulate exactly how Maybe that's what the goal of this podcast will be. But it's funny because it's hilarious because my mom died a few years ago, and I think people automatically assume that is what connects me to it. But honestly, that's I mean, it's certainly component, but that has never been like in the foreground of what draws me to her. And I think it's just for me, like I'm a huge nerd about burn a brown. Have you read any burn a bra like vulnerability and yeah, power, you know, powerful nobility and Jayme. Have you seen her Netflix special called a Courage? If anybody hasn't seen it and it's a fleabag fan. I really think it will resonate because all of burn a bronze work is about taking off the mask of who you know, these armor that we put on to defend ourselves against imperfection and not reveal the people that we actually are terrified. And we're on a roll. And we all have fears. Um, and so I feel I think that to me is what really resonates with fleabag radical honesty. Radical empathy. Yeah, go like that's what it's about for me and messy women love messy women like that's what's That's really life. Yeah, I think that's why a lot of people are caught up in it. Well, and I think to that with a feminist message, I think there's a sometimes the tendency to portray, like a feminist woman as like, impervious to any, you know, really powerful and burning bras. Yeah, and, you know, just completely confident in who they are. Yeah, and so I love that she is showing that doubt of like, I'm not perfect and actually might not even be a good feminists, right? And that I think for all someone I'm on my Facebook friends actually had a good point that is, that every character has good moments and bad moments on the show. Every interaction is layered. You can come at any interaction from a different angle and be like, Oh, I understand now maybe why she reacted that way. Yeah, and so which someone that makes it just innately human. Even Martin gets you at the end. Yeah. And you, Come on, that's saying something. Exactly. Um, well, on that note, maybe let's shift into talking about me going crazy and going to London. This was my, um my my fleet back situation, uh, reached fever pitch when so stroking out, like June, every start washing. So then, um, are actually in the maiI in mid May in the U. S. So then Andrew Scott in June started doing a play in London. He did present laughter at the old Vic and people on the group, and I actually have to give a shout out to a woman. And Julia Lister, who is in England who she was one of the first people I saw post a picture with him and had gone to see the show and realized that he would come out the stage door and you could get a selfie with him. So I texted my friend Madonna on was just like, Hey, wouldn't it be amazing if we were in London and could go see the show? This was like, mid July. And, uh, like, three weeks, Three weeks. Mitchell. And, um, I said, one of the amazing here in London and she goes, Well, let's go. And literally, this was the chain of events. I turned my husband. I went She's crazy. We're gonna fly eight hours for a five second interaction. That's dumb. And then literally, like 14 hours later, I was like, So I'm gonna fly out Thursday I right Friday because, um, it just kind of stuck in my craw nose like, you know what? Like, I'm 43 fucking years old yellow YOLO, and, um, yeah, the flight to England is very expensive when you're booking three weeks out, but, um, yeah, I just had this like and my husband was great and he was just like, don't worry about us. Just go. And, um, Chrissy has a child. A child who I clearly told put is a priority, and I kind of texted her. I'm like I actually just found a ticket on StubHub and I'm gonna and she's like, I'm gonna get one through the theater and like, Oh, my God, we're doing this. Next thing we know, we were like we had flights booked. And then it turns out another friend of ours had to go to London for work. And so she ended up getting a ticket. And these are two friends from college. So I was like, Even if disaster strikes and we don't meet after Scott, we at least we'll have this fun trip to London. Get there. And so here's my heart attack I had bought my ticket to stop. I had was for Saturday, August 3rd. That morning I go to the theater and there's all the chaos of, like the ticket lottery. And I'm like these suckers, I already have a ticket. And so I go up and this guy that I like all of my last days more he's like Hyun Ju. Is it an e ticket to have any ticket? And, um, I said no. It was through StubHub and his face just was like, Oh, well, and it sounds very Dutch, too judgmental because he's British British and you So he wasn't awesome. And but that his face just was like And he goes that the words were in my head forever. That word troubles me. And I was like, Oh, and he goes, It's legit in the US but not in the UK Because let me check. And then he goes, Well, your surname is on it, but more is not the most unique name. You're certainly a confirmation number matches, but there's the agency doesn't match. And what I call d d d d Can you come down like it was D What's she gonna do? She's everybody's so lovely. And I even looked on, like am I? I flew here from Atlanta to see this show, and she was like, We'll figure this out. Luckily, it panda, just like my heart attack that I'd flown, you know, 3000 miles. Or you could have never told us for nothing. Yes, I would lie. I met and we hung out. We had dinner. Well, you sort of Well, yeah. Oh, yeah. Basically, Um, So anyway, so then by other two friends, I want to go the evening show with Madonna. My other friend had a ticket for the matinee. I mean, it was just like, Well, I'll just get in the queue. The returns queue just to see what happens, ends up getting a ticket is right next to our friend and then turns out the reason there were house seats, like the seats that the theatre holds onto in case somebody shows up. The reason the seat open up. It's because Christiane Amanpour, his friend, decided not to come. Not only has been done like has this amazing see, she said yes to christen a member for the whole show. My favorite story from that, she said at one point. Like in the intermission, some song was playing that Cristian like turn, and she was like, Is this Depeche mode and man? I was like, I think it's new order in the Madonna goes Let me shoot Samit And she goes, I said to renowned international journalist Christiane Amanpour. I'm just saying that, um, so this podcast episode brought you So then, um, I met them. I I got dressed with uni show, met them and we went, and Ventana comes out because he doesn't do stage during the afternoon, I said says uh, she was one of the women inside. I said, Well, I've seen pictures on the group that he does, so we get in line. He has this bodyguard named Dan who people on the Inter Scott Group will recognize. He has a very intimidating neck tattoo. It is terrifying. He's very muscular and will murder you in a moment. He's Phoebe Waller. Bridge is too. He is. He's Yeah, the, um he's a star. That's right. It was just like this dude is not working around, but so we get in the line and sure enough, he doesn't come out and Dan yells, He's like he's only doing autographs. Um, you know, I always time for autographs, but it's so orderly, like I feel like here in the U. S. Is just like this, like throng of people. And here is like, get in the queue. And so I totally just got starstruck. And also I had seen the show yet, so I had to sign that ticket for that night, which was like, Oh, my God did address got just invalidate my ticket for this. After all that it's faux, but I I literally had that moment. I'm like, Oh, you've been on my screen for eight weeks. Are now. You are here. You were in my head. You're in my head now. You're here. The first of many shoutouts people. It was literally like that. And so this is the most worrisome part. He went to reach for my ticket to sign it. I thought we were shaking him. So I put my hand out to start shaking it. Very soft hands. Love, I remember, gets manicures very clearly. But then I literally because day on is right there with the neck tattoo that I Lori was like, um, I allowed to touch him. And then I'm also like, I just flew internationally. I don't wantto get under Scott sick. I learned so that I start pulling my hand away. So we did this weird, like finger tap. And, like, we're exchanging like, pixie dust or whatever. And so then he signs a letter. Thank you. Yeah, like, please let me buy buy. And so that Madonna got hers. And now we're just walking, like, in those days, all you could do is rethink what you should have said until we finally had to, like, acknowledge, Here's the thing. There's no scenario where we say something. He goes, Oh, my God, that was perfect. Would you like you are? You are perfect. Would you join me for dinner tonight? You know, so wait, D'oh! And we barely eat, like top because we're still, like, amped up. So now I'm gonna go back to the evening show, cause that was her original ticket shows. Amazing. So they're doing. I'm sure everybody knows that they're doing Auntie Live screenings of it first in the U. K. And then it's coming to the U. S. In January. So we get tickets for that highly recommended cause he were going phenomenal. It's book, and I really think they might I don't know if I would love to see them bringing over, like, a limited run on Broadway just to, like, get a Tony nomination or something. Yeah, he's got it. You got some day? Oh, my God. Anyway, um, so because the show and that I see, I can see Madonna from receipt, and she's like, Let's get down there So we get to the stage door and now he is going to pictures, and now we're more amped up like I've seen the show. I'm jazzed up. I'm, like, really with a nail it on. Uh, but take two. All we did was like I just said, This is so exciting. We flew here from America just to see the show at people that get you in a 1,000,000 and because I said was amazing. It was like home. So it was worth the trip and then took the picture. And then he grabs the phone, which is the best part he touched. My phone is still not clean it, um Well, it actually I wanted to have it already. I don't want to be that person who's, like, away it's that set on Panorama or whatever. And so I was like because, you know, I think it got messed up and it's Oh, and I grabbed it just like that. I was like, I knew I would screw this up and he goes, Oh, you're fine. You're fine. Past laid plans. So sweet. So that guy Yeah, So I'll post those pictures on the Web site and, um, on the instagram on the instagram. Yeah, so we're going to get to all of our true social in shots, but fleabag podcast dot com is where we will have our episode guide all the links to where you can email us, send us a voicemail, follow us on social. And then I also post those pictures because I know every racing to see them. Yes. Yeah. Like, you know, you don't have anybody to talk to about this. You have us now. I know. Call us and we'll listen to you. I know. Oh, so I didn't finish the story. So then we have our interactive, you know? So then we get our autograph in our picture, get our picture. We decided to just go to the bar at the old, which after 10 o'clock, it's like open to the public. But we could have gone anyway, because we had tickets. So we're like this. Describe a quick drink here. By now, it's like 11. 15 were starving. We're like, let's just grab a quick drink, and then there's a pizza place right nearby were to go there. So as we're sitting there, I just and it's small. It maybe has, like, eight tables. And so I just jokingly was like, Oh, I'm sure this is where he comes after the show, right? The bar at the theater doesn't have, like, a private spot goes to. And so as we're talking, my friend back like, is looking at the stars. And she's like, Sorry, interrupt, but somebody is arriving. And yeah, he's like bounding up the stairs and his friends with him. And so now we're just like, we're never leaving this bar until they're kicking us out, which is actually what happened closer. And it closed around one because back was like, obviously she's like that Pizza place is about to close. Were like, we are just eating ice for dinner because we're not leaving. Um, so anyway, so it was just find a, like, be in this vicinity. We didn't We didn't want to go over and talk to because we're like, he's with his friends. As you have standards. Yeah, you know, we're cool. Andrew, Um, and cool, obsessed fans that flew supercool over the pond. Um, across the land. Exactly. But he was Someone was joking that he was like the fox, like he was following a lead like Oh, my God. He's really it was funny, cause I did I confess I took one of those like sneaky selfie, you know, like, Oh, look, he's in the background. And, um and I sent it to a friend, and she was like, if the next picture is through a window and climb police like this is kidding the warning signs. But it was

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apologize. Toilet legit and find, um so that was the Andrew Scott Madness. You have. You You got everything you wanted we dare. And with three separate being in his vicinity experiences. And actually four because you saw him in a play. Sure. I was in the same building with him. Yeah, Uh oh. In McKellen was with show, which is also kind of fun, because in the morning I had said to the box office guy, you guys were like Nazi. Really? You're like most popular people in town. He's like, Well, Ian McKellen's coming Tonight's over these crazy. So, uh, yeah, big night. Uh, anyway, all right. So let's, um we could shift into it like some stuff that is happening. Like, flea bag is over, but a lot of stuff is happening. Yeah, including we're recording this today. On the day that they announced that Phoebe Waller Bridge is hosting Saturday Night Live October 5th Musical guest Taylor Swift. Which it's gonna be not pretty fantastic. I'm excited because I hope all those Taylor Swift girls, yes, realized that they should be watching fleabag if they haven't already. And Taylor Swift even, like post on instagram like, Oh, my God. Um, love Phoebe, this is amazing. Um, so, yeah, we've got that coming up. The fleet back stage show is happening in London right now. Those lucky people over there, those are the new pictures. And I know that I love her out. Her outfit solution. She's just Yeah, everything is adorable. She looks so happy. She looks a general exciting people, um, and then the U S. Screenings of So that's gonna be live in the UK on anti live on September 12. And then the recorded version was gonna be is gonna be in the U. S. In November. Way we have tickets to the tickets for that? Yes, they're releasing a book. We all know that preorders pressures preordered that includes all the TV scripts with stage direction. I would like to point out that in the notes for this it's parentheses with stage direction, exclamation point. I'm very excited with stage direction because I know that's important. Yeah. So we're going to do an episode with that we're gonna comb through. Don't worry, everybody. Yeah, you'll get that. Subscribe now. No. Rest assured. And then, um, yeah, it's also have, like, production notes from her that's coming out November 5th. But you can pre order it now on Amazon in the U. S. And some other. Well, we prayer it from like a British. Yeah, we did for a cool X, and we paid a lot of shipping. Yeah, we split the shipping. That's fine. We did, actually. Yeah. Um, I actually ordered a, um, program for present laughter through eBay because they were when they were taking cash at the theater, and I did not have cash. And, um and so I were on eBay, and then the shipping, for some reason on eBay, was like, £16 and I like those lines. She still quickly back Situation was like, give it to me, and even the seller was like, this is really like eBay sent this price. I didn't do this. And so yeah, he was like, this is kind of insane. So He was so sweet, cause I was like, Oh, you know, I explain why I was getting the program. I'd come see this because he goes with shows. Amazing. I'm like, I know because I knew religion. Exactly. And so he took $10.10 pounds off just for yeah. Really sweet. That's lovely. Um oh, the part of story I forgot to tell it was lift driver on the way to the airport in Atlanta. Who's like, Oh, you know why? Where you going? I'm like London. Know how long you'll be there? Two days, you know, psychological d'oh! And 48 hours and he goes, Oh, what for? I'm like, Well, a part of these, Like, Do I engage? You know, it's almost like don't ask. Yeah. And, uh, so I was like, Well, I'm going to see this play that this actors in the my friends and I like Oh, who is he? Andrew Scott? Mmm, That sounds familiar. And this dude, I should just give back what he had very strong opinions about the end of Avengers and getting on like plot holes that Captain America should have done something differently. He was very vehement about this and I'm like, Can we just get to the airport? But But then, before that, he had gone. He's like Andrews guy. So I mean, I live on I am to be a love movies. And earlier, Yeah, And so then I said, Oh, and then, Ah, because what's he been in? And so it's like, Well, um, I went for the big ones like Sherlock. Did you watch the BBC, Sherlock? No. Ah, he's in the last James Bond movie. Specter No, uh, like he's on this show. Flea, that We'll go for it. He's on the show. Fleabag. Uh, do you see a picture of him? And so you're driving while we're at it, We're gonna stop. Okay, let me see a picture of Do you have a picture of him on your phone? Yeah, uh, let me dig one up. And so I did have to google it. Don't just have pictures of it. My phone, I have actually was like, Oh, she just hasn't album. You're very kind. My son is not my wallpaper. And so, uh, so I show a picture. This do goes. Oh, was he and John Adams and I was like, Yeah, actually, Iwas like, 15 years ago. He was in, like, two episode, like five scenes. And he looks, he goes,

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Oh, yeah. Um, he, like,

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wanted to marry John Adams daughter, and he wouldn't You don't want to let him. And like, Yeah, he was just so vulnerable. And like, he was great. Like, you are either full bullshit. Or but that's actually completely accurate. And I for faces, Yes. So he and I would take one together. We're married now. Oh. Did you tell Elinor it's were married in England? Oh, doesn't. It's different. Yeah. So, actually, I'm going back there in a couple of gang found. Thinks it's to see Phoebe, but it's to see Eric the lift driver. What? Um, okay. Then Andrew Scott is announced is in the new HBO BBC. Siri's his dark materials. Yes, I'm very excited about that. Super excited. I have not read the books. I haven't either. But I have friends that obsessed with obsessed, and I'm pretty sure I would be too if I got it. But I'm really busy watching fleabag for the 15th time. So have you seen that mean? I think I posted it on the group of It's the Drake name where he's like, Oh, you know And then, like, yes. And it's like watching a new show. No, what should flee back for the sixth time? Yeah. Uh, yeah. No, I've heard people are crazy about the books and are very excited specifically about his casting in this role. So everybody who watched who knows that is like cringing because they're like, You're not even talking about the bus stops. Sorry, guys. Sorry. And then Sean Clifford is in a new now. I should have my research if it's a movie TV movie Siris. But who wants to Billy, Who wants to be a millionaire scandal in the UK call quiz? And I was looking this up because I don't think we know the story very well. Now, here. I don't really know what you're talking about. He apparently was this guy. It was a couple, but the guy was contestant and they had an accomplice in the audience on he would read all the answers to outlet to himself, and the guy would cough when it was the right answer. Get how? Yeah, when in the nine years Yeah, I'll have you know, that 12 year old alley walked around in. Ah, is that your final answer T shirt For, like, the majority of 1998. Actually, that's not the math. Doesn't add up there, But you get No, I get it. I just might buy. Excuse us. Thank you. I can get your pictures. It's all I worked. That show was a killer when that came out of Loser. What the hell is this? I'm in. And the lights? It was the height of its kind of the fleabag of a state. The flea bag of game shows. If it was a gay version. Yeah, you said that vulnerability humanity to, uh, well, you know, what would I here? Let's bring it back to flea bag. Oh, should we have no speeding of vulnerability? Yes, I did want to mention we were talking earlier about you know why this really resonated with us. So what I really love about flea bag and Phoebe Waller Bridge is how, like you said, Renee Brown style, vulnerable, But also she injects it with humor so that it's like you can You can do it if you're not depressed by the end of it, you're just emotional felt your feelings, which I think it's hard to do. And she said about her one woman show on some podcast, Because I listened to all of them, she said. When people are actually laughing, they open their sternum and they open their mouth and they go, Ha ha ha right at you. And it feels like people make themselves so vulnerable when they're laughing. And I she just opens people up to be punched in the heart. And I think that's why the show resonates because we all have to deal with these issues. But you may as well make them funny. But I don't think her humor discounts that think it, it shows you it actually like, enhances it. And I think that there's something magical about that. Yeah, I just saw, um, YouTube suggested a clip to me. That was Andrew Scott on BBC One show, and he had Jimmy. Jimmy Carr was the other guest. Yeah, and, you know, and his thing about that the shortest distance between two peoples. Laughter. Yeah, and so I think there's that, too, that, like if she could make us by making you laugh, you're immediately now open to whatever she has to tell you. Yes. And then yet when it's something really serious and profound and like you said punches you in the heart, you're like, Wow, I'm already in. So maybe we'll just watch of 60 more times. Exactly. All right, so we're gonna start with season one. Like I said, um, and one thing, even though we are starting the season one, this is geared for people who have seen the entire show. No spoilers. Certainly. By this time, if you haven't watched the full seasons, you're like, Well, I'm out of this intro because I don't know what this document. So, yeah, we, um you know, we're gonna go through season one first in season two, but we will refer to things from season two because I think that's what was interesting for me when I re watched Season one of like, Oh, there's some themes here that that have connected into season two. So, um, interpret exactly. Um, the other thing I was gonna mention with us being American, we will apologize in advance to our British listeners because there were things that we did not get because the references we might still not get some of them. We might actually be asking you to email us your man A voicemail on the website fleabag podcast dot com If, um, if we're misinterpreting something or not getting the job, we will make that. For example, it will be very embarrassing when we get to this episode about what we thought tooting meant that took me a while. Yeah, so we'll get to that in season two. So the way we were saying like, we kind of summarizes podcast is like the show's over. But our love for it goes on. And now we need somewhere to put it, Ugo, right? And we're gonna you know, we got together, we watched it, we talked the whole time. And we're just going to do that for you now. Expect Lee, and we want to hear from you, too. So we've got email at the fleabag situation at gmail dot com. Our website is fleabag podcast dot com. Like I said, you can leave us a voicemail through the website and this could be like we said. Ask us a question. Tell us your theory. Tell us something. We got totally wrong. Quote your favorite line you could, even if you just need to gush about the show. We're here for you because we d a also did not talk about the experience of a friend who did not like, Yeah, I just took a deep breath. Yeah, so we've seen some of that on the group to where it's like I so. And of course, I'm setting people's expectations very high. Now, when I recommended, you told me it was the best six episodes of television you've ever, ever seen. And I mean, I agree. So you got lucky. And I've watched a lot of television. Yeah, exactly. So But then so what? I said tell people And also when they know I have started a podcast, I'm shopping guitar Center to buy equipment. And they're like, OK, so I should watch the show because you seem really into it. Um, either you're batshit crazy or this show is really good. And I like a little old but But somebody a couple people whose again taste I really trust. Yeah, like, I just didn't really didn't grab me. And we'll talk a little bit about that when we start getting into Episode one, but it's like it tenderly grabbed me. I don't know. I just and then I'm like tennis. I've gotten to a point, will be like, just jumped into Just get to season. But you'll really love it if you just and also like Seth Meyers was saying, like the fact that you could just say it's 12 half hours. Yeah, this is not a huge commitment. Just give it. Give it a shot anyway, if you are in a position where your friends don't understand you, I think also because it resonates so personally with me. And I feel like it just reflects me so much that if someone doesn't like it like, well, then you don't like me, right? Like it's a personal. It's very personal. We have totally different worldviews. Exact. That's what it feels. You are delegitimizing me as a human. What? Yeah, that's what I should have let my T shirt, though. So we'll also be starting a Facebook group, which is just searched the fleet back situation and you'll find it. And then we're on instagram fleabag situation podcast. Hard to get a consistent name. By the way, on all these different platforms, you do what you gotta do. And then Twitter is just flee back podcast at fleabag podcast. And then wherever you're listening to this, you can also just hit. Subscribe. Which means you won't miss an episode whenever we start publishing future ones. And then, if you like what you're hearing or you like what you hear, please leave us a review, please. Because we love hearing nice things. And also it helps other people find us. And I think it kind of helps us in the podcast app. It's a service to the world. Exactly. Helping other people, right? Find us and sharing this experience with us. Okay, so we are going to take a quick break. And when we come back, we're going to start talking about Episode one. Let's get into it. All right, Ali, Believe it or not, we haven't even debuted yet. We already have a sponsor. What? Yeah. Do you have a mortgage? Yeah. Is it a sexy mortgage? No, it's the opposite of that. Oh, Well, have I got news for you? We actually our sponsor today is sexy mortgages. So let's take a second here from them. Great. Is it time to feel more adult looking for the rock hard security of a long term investment, ready to learn the ends and outs and ends and outs of buying real estate. Sounds like you need a mortgage. 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spk_1:   41:56
We're back. A great sponsor. Yeah,

spk_0:   42:00
totally Riel. I mean, I got to get a new mortgage, so I will get to the reference for that. As we start talking about this episode, everybody knows already. All right, so we are gonna talk about Season one Episode one, which, like all the other ones, were just called the episode. So it's just Episode one, um, obviously written by Phoebe Waller Bridge. This is the only episode of the series directed by Tim Kirkby, is the credited director, and then it has a credit for additional scenes directed by Harry Brad Beer. Who? Ben continues to direct the whole rest of the series. First scene she's We just see the door we hear heavy breathing Um, which I think my first thought when I looked at the shop a sea change departments in season two because, um, which makes sense because cafe was doing better, Harry. But it's so it starts with this heavy breathing. We kind of know what's happening. We don't know if this is, like, dangerous or must of suspense. Suspense. You were so lots of suspense. And so then this is where we get the first look to camera and her whole. You know, that feeling speech and which is also funny that she has underwear under the trench coat, which we know of later is her go to move? Um, um, yeah, yeah, I love that because she's immediately You're, like, in there with her. She's chatting with you like you're her friend, and so you have to respond. I was like, Oh, yeah, I do know that feeling, man. Don't I don't actually know that feeling. Like I could know that feeling. Yeah, um and I think it's so effective that she puts us in her shoes. She also immediately from the gecko, is tuning out from her own life by looking at the camera. So it tells you what the show is gonna be like. But then it also she's distancing herself from her life. Yeah. Um, so yeah, I Andre that well, and I think that me and I've heard some other people say this There's that kind of moment I'm like, Oh, it's this gimmick of talking to the camera and we've seen this before. Risky, and it's risky. It's kind of like the mock you mentoring thing. And it can be a crutch like instead of almost, like, showed hotel like just show right seeing instead of just telling me about it. But this is what a CZ we find out as we watch the show. Like you said, it's really a device for her relationship with other people with herself. With what we find out later is boo and, um, that it has a deeper meaning. It actually has a meaning rather than just It would be kind of quirky. And why do you talk to the camera? How do you What do you think she actually looks like I think when she's looking at us and not what they see is just kind of hurt. She gets, like, dead eyes. Yeah, I think it's kind of like what the priest notices. Yeah, like, it just means that you just kind of disappear. Like we've all kind of seen somebody like It's obvious when you're talking to them. They're not yet hearing you. So I think it's just that. And even if she actually is physically turning away from somebody that they would notice that what word they don't. That's what's really interesting is that he's the first person actually noticed that. I know, but maybe subtly along way, people just know that she is not present, um, and doesn't let anybody get very close anyway, so right, uh, moving on from the 1st 5 seconds. Yeah. I mean, this is, like, already your look in it. So then we get our first look at our soul guy. Um, who is objectively hot did good. There are some debates later that we will have where people are like this. Andrew Scott, actually hot. We'll save that for later date. But objectively, Ben Aldridge is He's a good looking guy straight up. 10. And, um, he's actually on the new penny Worth show. He's playing Thomas Wayne, Batman's father, and apparently he's good friends with Andrew Scott, who has gave him giving him the nickname Back Daddy. So there's a hashtag bat, Daddy. So then we kind of go into this. You know, she's like some traditional bouncing. Is that what she said? Yeah, standard bouncing your standard bouncing doesn't look like she's really enjoying right, exactly one in the fact that she's talking to us. Hey, and now this is an interesting point, because, um, I hope so. No, because she has brought out that a lot of people say, Oh my God, that show is so much nudity and she's like they're actually zero nudity in the show. I think the closest you get is the woman at the end of this episode at the bus stop, whose boobs hanging out and even though you don't look like a bullet, yes, you don't really see the whole thing. But yeah, there's actually no nudity. There's zero Phoebe immunity like No, no. But I think she said, the reason you think there is is because of the sex scenes where she's actually looking at you, that there's this weird intimacy so that it kind of makes you uncomfortable. You just you It's actually like it's kind of naked and that you're what you're seeing into her psyche like we're not allowed in there. Exactly. Um, which of course, comes out later when she's actually the priest. But we'll try not to just make everything out season to, uh, TBD. Well, but, um, so, yeah, and then when she talks about you starts edging towards your ass hole. Now, we're literally less than two minutes, and we're already at anal sex. So I feel like this is a litmus test for, like us, whether your inner out, so to speak, with the show. So I feel like when I recommend the show to people, I kind of give that warning up front. But it's like it's not. I won't say graphic sexually, but like very frank, yes, and how it talks about it. And I feel like at that point, if you're turned off by that, you're probably just out for the show, right? Which is a little bit of a shame, because Season two does not have that I and so I almost feel like when I recommend black mirror to people and they come back, they're like, Is that a show about people who fuck pigs? You're like, No, that's just the first that was just please skip the 1st 1 Um, so Well, yes, I think it sets the tone for sure of like what this is gonna be, by the way, we will be swearing. Oh, is e so just like I mean, if you're talking about flea better, Uh, yeah, I guess you can't know where. So then he talks about how I've actually never managed to a bum and she said, Well, to be fair, it does have a large Penis. And then at the end, when you when she said he gives this genuine Ernest generally earnest, they moving, Yeah, it's yeah, it's almost moving, which it's funny to that, she said. It's only because, like, there's no motion in this at all. And we could already see that he's kind of no good for her. He's just like like, that was his connection with her. And then actually, did you see the thread on the Facebook group about whether he might actually be gay or bi, uh, because they said the fact that he likes that. And then he talked about how small her boobs are, and then the lines at the end. When he at this exhibition, when he sees all the penises, he goes my mouth, this one. Oh my God. So there's some question about he's at least you know, um, there's something there anyway, but we're already seeing that she's using like that. This is obviously not an emotional connection. Like you said. Transaction. Yeah, um, and then we cut to her. You know, she's cut to hearthe cafe, wondering what you spend the rest the day wondering. Do I have a massive asshole? Which is not a crazy question. No. And also to me, this is like again almost like the the premise for the show. Like if because this is the cut into the opening And again it's another litmus test is like If you think that Linus hilarious, you're you're on board. If you think it's disgusting, then this isn't for you. Yeah, I thought I was, and I love because it gave my house. My boat is like huge laugh and then immediately into that random opening title, and I think you had the best description of it where it was just like, this is Cal chaos Boom, go. Yeah, it's just like because, you know, it's like jazz. It's just so quick and the fact that it's cut so quickly and we get into this later, like with the editing that because you're so used again, you're used to like an opening whatever to have it. It was almost like it was like, legally required, like we had to have an opening title card here. There you go. Yeah, here it is. And like you said, it was just like an afterthought, but obviously with. But, you know, our life is chaos. Yeah, it just really again set the tone for, like, anything's possible here. Um, so now this is what we get into. This is a quick shot of the newspaper she's reading, which, as a side note, I think the fact that she's reading a newspaper is interesting and so is Bus Road. And who are going to meet cause we've talked about this that Season two is actually the Onley technology. Really see is her Googling Katie priests have sex, but there's nobody uses phones now. Isn't season one? She does. She gets a text from Bus Road and she like, there's a little bit of sex, the act. But really, in general, the show's very timeless truth, because there's no bars, tech, tech and also no reference to current events. No jokes that rely on politics or anything. It's like which I think is another thing that resonates. It just just really focused on just the emotions and the characters. But so she's looking at the newspaper, and you get a quick shot. And if you look at the headlines, one of them is, Has the word feminism become dirty bait? Chief's face House of Commons inquiry, which seemed for shit for shopping to the sea with the bank manager. But then there's an ad and the cramp bottom left corner that says, thinking of getting a mortgage. And there's a picture of a naked woman on the bed. And when you freeze frame that she's actually master.

spk_1:   51:21
I actually

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didn't see yeah released his hand out there. It's happening. And so this is what he does. Phoebe Walbridge has talked about that in her twenties. She just really was struggling with, like, body image and the media projection of women's bodies and that she said you would see, like women objectified in ads for, like, mortgages, like things that have nothing to do with sex. So the fact that she put that in there is hilarious. And there are sponsors. So we are thankful to sexy mortgages for making the first episode of the fleet back situation possible and really inappropriate. Yeah, I've never felt sexier about mortgage. Okay, so now we're on the bus and look over and we see Bus Road for the first time. First time we just see a little smile. We're like, Oh, he's kind of cute guys. Nice eyes. Then he smiles big. And, um, what's funny? Is this after name? I'm open pronouncing right? Is Jamie Dimitrios. How you would say that? Um, we're not his real teeth. There was an article. I was wondering about that. Yeah, there was an interview with him where he said What's hilarious is everyone who recognizes him demands to see his to you. What a question. Yeah, and so weird life. But they're not really. But you said he was in. I did I enjoy our connection, right? So themes, guys. So we all know Andrew Scott is crazy. Moriarty? Uh uh. But did you know that Jamie Dimitriou voiced Moriarty opposite Johnny Depp's Sherlock in the animated feature film Sherlock Gnomes that writes itself? Sure, like, you know, make sure remember that. Very. Remember the movie? Is that when was that? A few years ago. Anyway, I just enjoyed that. And yeah, What I what I saw both rode in. Didn't you know the flesh? For the first time in the tooth in the tooth, It's really the majority I Sometimes when I see people that are, like, a little interesting, I try. I just sort of immediately think of what they would look like. His Children. And I couldn't. I got I drew a blank with that never happened. I was picturing baby with those teeth people. Yeah, Yeah, it is in just her kind of reaction at it. And, um and she kept going. She kept going for him. And that is such a good way to show you like she does not care. She's right. She's wants the attention for the thrill. Yeah, and I have a theory to get later when they have her date. But, um, you know, I think it's funny when she turns to the camera and they actually smiling that she goes, I hate myself. I feel like that's kind of the, um, the season one version of this is a love story. It's like it's kind of like a statement of purpose for the show of like I'm presenting this outward image to the world. But I actually I hate myself. If we were studying this in like English lit, Seriously, this is the seat thesis. Yeah, and it's funny because I've heard Phoebe talk about that. Talking to the camera in some ways is a performance to us of like I have everything together I'm like, But then sometimes it's also she's performing to the world and kind of telling us the truth. Yeah, but then she said, You know, that's kind of the heartbreak of the end is she kind of looks at us like I've been lying to you, too. So there's just a lot there about outer persona versus who she really is. Everybody's been like you're not gonna Well, I'm not goingto Most people are gonna be like, straight up. Rude. But also, you know, you're just Everybody knows that feeling of when you're, like, chatting with someone you're like, What? Why is this happening to me? One is it's gonna be over and you're But you're, like, super pleasant, enthusiastic. And she's just so brilliant at showing that yeah, it was incredible, cause its combination of like, why? Don't be rude, Which I think excuse combination of Don't Wanna be rude which I think is a female thing Oh, first 100%. And I've bean I've read books about, like, safety. We're like there are so many women who get attacked because they don't want to appear rude to the person they're talking to the man they're talking and, yeah, anything in this case, it's like she would be rude, but also she just wants the attention. Yeah, and that's all that's the only human connection. I think she's comfortable with. Just the only thing she doesn't have a go for. Exactly. What's also funny is he asks her, You're going to work because, well, actually, and she starts talking and he just cuts her off. Which again, foreshadowing to the season two. I think that's such a moment when he asked her, What do you do? And he's genuinely interested in the eyes of God I didn't even see Yeah, theme. And so in here he's just asked, and then it kind of will tie in later, like you were saying with the bank manager where he offers her water and she says, yes, he doesn't get her any. So it's just like and I think again, women can relate to this feeling of mean Everybody can on some level. But I think women maybe are heightened to a yes of the idea of like, I need something, but it's like, Well, I don't I think I probably don't go out of your way. Yeah, so or nobody's actually interested in my answer, Right? So, yeah, he cuts her off and then asked her out. And, you know, I think I need to get your number and in a way, is actually kind of charming. Yeah, that's pretty, you know, and you're kind of like, Okay, he's Oh, if he was like without the teeth, this would have been like a dream, right? So then he asks, you know, she starts to hesitate. He's like Oh, you've got a boyfriend. And then now we get the kind introduction to Herr Iwas. And then it's funny when she says, We just broke up and he's like, I'm What did he say? I'm so sorry slash really pleased. Hey, delivers that so beautifully. But yes. Oh, now we get this flashback to Harry and Hay. And now here I says, another litmus test where she's in bed watching Barack Obama on her laptop and then starts master. And who among us who among us does not like it could be this, to me, is a community. I feel like this again is like a snapshot of the series and like another turning point where it's like, Okay, if you don't appreciate the humor of this moment again, you're not in. But I thought it was so brilliant and so especially watching it now in the in the political climate we're in because there is a little bit of that, like, Oh, remember that are wonderful ex. So the idea she passed Barack Obama is phenomenal. And then when he asks her, what was he talking about? And you said Iraq, I died of then I died hilarious and it was funny is that that could be like, Yeah, he had, like, a 50 50 shot. You What? The answer is he did? Yeah, that's the others. Like you said, a lot of we both know something's true, but we're not going to say it exactly. So she knew she didn't, you know, But also funny, the way he's like, Please don't stop me leaving. No, seriously don't like. It's like he's playing through this. Like going through the motions. Exactly what a breakup supposed to be? Yeah. Um, so that actor's name is Hugh Skinner. I hadn't seen him before. I haven't either. I'm sure it looks like he's gonna cry at every minute. My friend Emma calls him Harry. The man who takes on all of his girlfriends. Emotion. Oh, my God. Uh, um, yeah, he's a great through line on the show, and I think also a nice setup for, like, what a normal nice person would be for her. And like, I think you were saying, like on paper. Yes, Perfect, right. Great texture. And she even we know when she starts telling him telling bus rodent was kind, thoughtful, like going through all these things that you're like, Yeah, why doesn't she want to be with him? But there's just something missing there, and we find out there's a little something missing with her. Yeah, you know, And he's a little bit of a dick. Maybe a little there. Um, we're just not quite. He's also not on her loving right. He's not, really appreciate, not on the island together. Exactly. And I thought was interesting is when you watch it on the second viewing is him saying I really tried to be with you through this and it's kind of the first illusion to something being off, but we obviously don't know what that is yet. I also hadn't caught this to the second viewing and actually watched the second time with the captions on some American of me, um, accents or just

spk_1:   59:37
trying to

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understand. Uh, you put on an accent. You put on an American, put on an extra man. No, he goes, trouble comes back, he goes, I'm taking that posh shampoo, which is also the illusion to Harry. Being a little feminine is awesome. So that made me laugh. And then when he turns back and because he was talking about Denmark and we get the first jump up. He was talking about the mark, Venus, And so there's like that. One of the first jump cuts, which also becomes kind of a hallmark of this show. And the owner's name is Gary Dollar, who Phoebe Waller Bridge has said is basically like another writer for the show. But the way he times to edit and he's nominated over. You didn't mention the Emmys. They're they're nominated for a tonic for 11 Um, and one of them is for editing, which I really hope he wins because it's so phenomenal. He got nominated for Episode one of Season two, and, uh, does that mean we'll get there? But we'll get there, But it's great. And there's a great Indiewire interview with him and Phoebe and Harry Brad Beer about that first episode where they really break down, how they shot it and edit it. And it's genius. Fantastic. And I also enjoy that in the last episode. Season two, we will call a little wink because the bus stop board says donor have, and he's also worked on Killing Eve. Okay, PW be nice. So sticks with the best. Yeah. So then she goes through all the nice things about Harry and how she be help. You cared about her word. Really great with effectually. Fucking affectionate again, Like she is not into that bus run. Thinks he's Joe. He's like, Yeah, it sounds like a real dickhead like, um, So then, you know, she gets off the bus, they have their exchange where he gets her number. You so excited. And she's, you know, and what's even if she's not. And then also when he gets her number and he says, I'll be sure to treat you like a nasty little bitch. And that's where the famous gift now where she is laughing and then has that, like, disappointed look when he said he's joking. So it's a little like she does want to kind of be treated negative because she doesn't value herself right. And also, you know, maybe that's your kick butt. Yeah, it's kind of funny, too. Just like Oh, no, I'm kind of into that. But perfectly fine. Yeah, And so now she is gonna She runs to the bank. Yeah, that You know what? That also shows you like she knows this bank loan is literally the most important thing in her life right now, right? But she is late to it because of getting a date that she doesn't really want. Totally like Boom. Yeah, exactly. That's how desperate for attention. So now she's, you know, sweating at the bank, and we need the bank manager who's Hugh. Dennis who? Um and this is a scene? Well, clearly, we never thought we would see him again. And I think this when we get to the silent retreat again, is another turning point for the show in terms of the depth of it, because I thought this was just an interaction to show how men are terrible and you know, that exchange at the end of pervs that you're just like, wow, these this guy's disgusting and point made point made. Yeah, exactly. And so the fact that we are going to see him again later is just really redemption. Yeah, and very poignant. And I think to me added just a lot of depth to the show. Yeah, uh, you were saying that his dad's actually his dad is a bishop. That is true. So it's funny, too, says he says uh, your application was funny. Yeah, which I heard in an interview with her. I think it might have been a wonderful is on how to fail or one of those, but where she said that she auditioned for Downton Abbey and was trying to play it like, super serious, like, made a point. Made a point. Not to be funny. And they were like, That was hilarious. So I feel like that's kind of the call out here. So one thing to that, I think is funny, is again watching it with captioning and catching some other lines is what they talk about. Their sexual harassment case and the line he actually says almost right before she lifts up her top, he goes there one or two bits of peace. Sorry. He actually says there are one or two bits and pieces I'm gonna need to see some more of right before she loves you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And here, again, is where he offers her water. And a first even is like, no, like Oh, but then it's like, actually, yeah, and then you doesn't even get for no. But I did. I think I thought it was really fun that he thinks that her application was funny, ties in with the down happy audition. But then in the last scene, they come back to that and they share that moment again. And it is funny. Yeah. I mean, is he reading art? But it is funny. Exactly. Exactly. I also I love that kind of thing will get you very far here any more. And I also think that's interesting that this came out like two solid years before Me too. Oh, yeah. Not like this was, you know, not like this wasn't happening all the time. Which is why me do happen, right? But I do think it's a bit on the nose, pre pre on the nose. Right again. Pressure? Yeah. So then the stock exchange this to me is because I'm not trying to shag you. Look at you. I know. Which is kind of like our first glimpse that she's not a nice person right here, and I think kind of will tie in later with bus rodent, because I and I'll say that when we get to the date. But I think, um, just this idea of, like, everything comes back to who's sexually attractive. And if you basically that's her giving herself higher status. Yeah, because that's her only currency. Exactly. That's agreed. I honestly was surprised that she didn't find him attractive because we see some of the other conquests of her life. And like that one guy who thought she was so young, I was like but Hugh Dennis though, right? Oh, like I had a braid. A plan put flat tire. Platt, huh? Okay, so then we come out of this scene and she now is arriving at the feminist lecture. Um, which is where we meet Claire. All hail Sean Clifford. Worse, Claire. She's a feminist. Lectures. Um, And so Sean Clifford went to Radha with Phoebe Waller Bridge. They said they always wanted to play sisters. Um, so it's amazing. She's also the only cast member who does her own social Esso. And she's great. She actually has a, um she founded coming called Still space. That's all about, like, meditation and mindfulness. And Claire really could have used pictures. It's like the opposite of Claire. Claire would actually mean, Shawn, we probably love the silent retreat. Right. Um, so this is funny when she arrives and, um, she was You're almost late because I headed to a flash poo at prep. I didn't get that the first time. Yeah, pretty Mosher is the It's like, you know, fast casual. They have him in New York. It's over here and sound. So fancy malls Sometime when you tell somebody. Oh, by the way, it's like owned by McDonald's. I think it's so funny that clear. Esther, did you wash your hands like they expect? The very least of her. Everyone in her life expects nothing of her. Yeah, And then And believes her even when she puts her potentially poopy hands. You are centered Aussie. Yeah, And look, of course I did like what you know. And then that say was in the line about it's not like I grew up without a mother. And so, yeah, we she mean, they grew up with a mother, But then we Its second isn't the fact that they're two motherless daughters. They've lost their mom. Yeah, um, and that there Tad deals with it by buying them feminist lectures fucking our godmother and eventually stops calling. There's a lot of exposition here. This is a case where the turn to the camera does give us some back story, but it's also kind of funny. Like, Why would he pick feminist lectures? I know so many questions like, Was it was their mother a feminist? Or does he just because they're women, they must. We feminists. And there's like, not a female role toe look up to now. So you're trying to fill that hole somehow? Yeah, which, ironically, not yet. That's not. Is that the correct usage of, Ironically, her mother, Phoebe? Phoebe Waller Bridges. Mother is re election. Sure, yeah. At women speak the feminist lecture. Yeah, and I would like to add a side note that we've discovered a great mystery and we are looking to you to help. Baby would like to call in and confirm this voicemail, that fleabag broadcast dot com The credits for Phoebe Well, our bridges mom says Tree Waller Bridge in t R E. Right? And I initially thought that when Christie had written that out in our notes, that was auto correct type. Oh, yeah, values are Theresa because I later looked it up because I was like, That's insane. And her name is Teresa Wright. Nickname us Petri right, And that adds to There's a locker. What? There's a lot to unpack there because her nickname was Fleabag is a kid. Lee just flee. Her sister was mouse right? Her mama's tree. Yeah, maybe her dad is rock getting big. Yeah, her dad's running for days and her brother Fox, and I think it's maybe that started her interest in the importance of names in the lack of name. Interesting of Yeah, that's one thing We were just talking about. The fact that so many characters on here don't have names. I I probably made it to maybe season Episode four or five before I even noticed she didn't have No, I think I finished the whole first year because I wanted to. I was referring to some telling somebody about I was wanted to refer to her, and I was like, Wait a minute, What the hell's her name? And I had to look it up. And then I realized that she was just called fleabag and the credits, but, um, fun tool. Yeah, and it's kind of because again, it's something that could be kind of gimmicky. Yes, similar to the fourth wall, but in a way in like she obviously couldn't do with everybody. Think if she did, with every single character that would start to feel like a gimmick, but and I feel like the call out in the very last episode is almost a little much. That was the only thing I didn't really like. Only. Yeah, but when the little man God, Mother doesn't know his name. Yeah, but the, um, to me, it again goes back to what you're saying about, like, the humanity of the characters, Where because when you think about it like we have not been going back and forth like Ali, I think this will. Christie, this is where I think Good point Alley. Like we just talk to each other's people, and they obviously know our names, but and so it kind of just cuts right past that. It just gets you right into just the essence of you because you're part of your in her head, so right, you're exactly Yeah. So then we would intend to clear. She's wearing the clear the top that Claire lost years ago. Which did fleabag steel. She for sure stole it. She

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had 100%. Still, you know what? That's not

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even like that. I mean, neither of us have sisters, but that's a thing. I'm fairly sure. Yes, I do. So I don't even think that's like out of the ordinary. But she's certainly way have friends of mine who have sisters have said this is one of the best portrayals of sisterhood. So I would say, if you're listening to have a sister and you want to speak to that, please let us know. So I think the fact to their parallel of her saying, Do you wanna take your coat off? Which again parallels back to the priest? Um, and also, it's funny because Claire has record on for the whole city. I saw that, like the you know, fifth time. Yeah, so again, we were saying like, they both know the truth, That but I was obviously wearing the top, but they're just gonna pretend they're ignoring it and carry on. Um, so then she asked like, uh, your hair looks nice, which now we get the first call out that Claire has always been obsessed with her hair, and then Claire ass like business is good and yes, it's really good. It's really good. It's really good. It really is. And I feel like that's a parallel to the dinner and Season two. And she's like it actually like here. She's pretending it is actually. And then we're getting closer to her, actually being truthful. Yeah. Okay, so then we cut pack Now to this cutaway of the guy setting up the lab are done speaking. The women have. Well, we just have this quick. What way? Didn't know this is just the cut away when she goes, business is really good. And then we cut to see that it's actually not. And, um, I just This scene is one of those, like, little throwaway scenes of the guy setting up all of his devices and his plugs, like, 45 minutes. And it's so brilliant because the patient's toe let the scene play out. He does it perfectly. Um, I think it stands there. Yeah, what's funny? This his name is Sean Richards, Mole Zack. And he's clearly a young actor because his I am to be photo is a still from the scene, but he deserves to be huge because he was so good. But the thing that got me is when he switched to the adapter to plug in more than what we owe three devices. I was like, Oh, my God, that's amazing. That was the scene where my husband, like, burst out laughing for the first time. And I knew he was. Yeah, And that was when I was like, All right, Yeah. I made the right decision to marry you. Job. Uh, and I love what you were saying. Every time you watch, you see a new guinea pig. Oh, my God. There's guinea pig salt shakers. There's guinea pig lamp like that. It's like the best. Well, where's Waldo ever? I want that apron. Really? I know there's somebody selling it. Well, there's a lot of stuff on red bubble dot com, but not in some etc. And some extra stuff, But someone get on that apron. Yeah. Come on. Don't get drunk and shit in your sink again. What the hell haven't made clear shit this thing? Well, we will probably never know. And what I love is that she mentions Phoebe. Well, Regina, an interview mentions that people go up to her sister who coincidentally, do music. Um, it's a family affair, but they will ask Isabel if she shat in her sink. Nothing could prepare you for, like, hundreds of strangers approaching. Yes, toe. Ask if you shot. You're saying and you're Oh, yeah. Actually, let me tell you this, but yet no, I will clarify that she Well, her story is Oh, there is really not okay. She is saying she did not missing. Let's believe so. Let the U S. So that is just a great detail. But, Claire, um, I swear their pants that give you thrush. Oh, my gosh. So found, you know, get finished. Listeners are like, Yeah, no, this is because I listen, Thio a friend was a podcast about Harry Potter. Um, erotica. Well, you know better about my It's hysterical. Anyway, there's a lot of mentions of pants in Harry Potter erotica, as you could imagine. So, um, I'm barely educated. British people call underwear. Okay. Pants and pants. Our trousers. That makes more sense now. Yeah, that they would give her throat. Yeah, I have not delved into the fleabag fan fiction. No, I haven't either. Yeah. One of the women from the group has sent me some links that I'm She said They're not a smutty ones. A lot of life. The point a lot of like, what happens after the bus stop in all that? I'm gonna let that sit for a second. I agree. I think it just But it's it. Yeah. So now, uh, we have a flashback now to boot. So this is our first introduction to her, played by Jenny Rainsford. We don't know how far back this is. We don't know if this is just someone who still here. And this is just a side note. Um, very funny to that. And then she comes out and says, like, I hate my body. I hate my body. I hate my body. Which again is it another theme? Feminist theme? Every woman can relate to them. You know, it's like you say, it's feminist, it's just female, right? But like it's feminist because she's pointing out What women? A message? Yes. And like you were saying, the friendship with her and boo is kind of reminiscent. Yes, her in Viki. I loved hearing about her talk about that because I think I think like in season two, when she says this is a love story. It's a love story. There's a lot of love stories. It's a love story. I think probably the biggest one is her and her sister. Honestly, obviously, I know you're offended because you're no, I mean, I think increased. But I think it's her and her sister and her and her self 800% herself. But it's also celebrates her and boo and this strong female friendship that I don't think we see that much where they're really on it. They're not against each other. They're not competing. They fully love each other, right? They totally get each other. They have no one. They don't have anybody else. They pour their entire relationship. You know all their love into each other. And I just think And so that's what Phoebe Walbridge has said she has with, um, Vicky Jones, who was the original director of the stage. Play own dry, right? Yeah, they created a theater company together, and I think it's just incredible to like, have a really positive example of a true love, right? Female friendship, totally and then very funny. That boob comes on since she hates her. That does nothing for you. Uh, so I think it's kind of that contrast between, like, the playful relationship she has with Boo versus this kind of stiff one she has with Claire. Well, that goes back to Lake Boo. Expects? Well of her clear expects Portland. Well, and even though booze saying something very judgmental of like that off, it's terrible. You know, it's coming from a place of love. Exactly. And even when they're like, Are you joking? Like And she's so cute about, Yeah, um, these are my clothes today, so I think, Yeah, I think the part of the reason for that scene is to show that contrast with Claire. So then when, um, her mom comes out as a lecturer and which tree comes head? I love that. It was such a perfect portrayal of those kinds of lectures that we've all been to Where you're like, I want to love this, but I she pretty easy. Her question relies thereon question. I need some reassurance. Um, but about raise your hand if you would trade five years of your life for the so called perfect body. So I ask you, Allie, would you trade years of your life? I mean, you have it so Maybe this is That's right beneath. Ready to say this is the thing that I think about a lot? No. Yeah, because I, like, probably know, right? Probably want to say that I really want to, but here my these it might The factors that I'm taking to account the last five years of one's life. I mean, if you could choose right, which five years, right, they're

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no is livable best. They're not always the best. I

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mean, we live in a cool time of medical innovation, so we might be fine, but I just feel like if you could Honestly, it's really about eating whatever I want doing, whatever the fuck. And if I could do that and look good in clothes,

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I'm not.

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Not because you're about it. Don't already look good in clothes. Thank you, but But like, let's partner look good in all close Look, getting all the clothes smaller. I mean, I think again she's bringing out the fact, too. And I am thinking that that's the thing. You have to think about it. You Really? Yes. You're questioning it. She's making us all think about this. Well, in the fact that they both raise your hands, You s o b. I think she's showing that, like even the best of us fall prey to these yes, messages and perceptions. And and so the idea when she turns that were bad guys. And it's also a nice little monument like the two of them both said it. I mean, it's even like her describing her is anorexic and then just passing it off because it's just the norm. This is what women Yemen just take their bodies and women are anorexic. But also then she's kind of judging clear also. Oh, for sure avoid. Even though I direct your guinea too, and I need L u B A friend of mine was like, I don't really buy it when she's like, Oh, she's the pretty we know she's beautiful. Cycle Syria. Yeah, but I think again she doesn't perceive herself that way. I think that's the bigger exactly the more important point. And ironically, we see later, Claire wants to end up looking more like fleabag. I know. So everybody wants what they don't have. Well, so wait, Would you trade your body, trade your body? Would you trio think that's gonna go afraid 55 years of your life. Um, I kind of like what you were saying. I could have five extra years at this age for sure. Then no. Yeah, I don't know. I body image is a tough thing. It is. It's, you know, I try to, like, try to tell myself like, Oh, I'm like Liz. Oh, I'm just like I'm loving the positivity duty and, you know, But that same time we work for a health site all day. I'm reading like, Oh, you're killing your bones and your back isn't loving this and, you know, visceral fat and all that I I go back in for I try to just have said this before I find nothing more boring than women talking about their weight. Oh, it's the worst. I like. Someone pointed out there like it was someone on Twitter. I feel bad that I'm blanking on the name but saying like Short, a column about how, like Oprah Winfrey is the most successful one of most successful people of all time, and she still talks about her weight on his Weight watchers. And she's like no one's Weight Watchers owns Weight Watchers. Everything in her you know everything about like and I mean and she's not skinny now, and she's definitely trying embrace this healthy idea. But there are times where I'm just like guys stop. Men do not sit around talking about this show and they just start getting shit done. So I think that's been the bigger thing for me. Like now we're kind of on a side note, put like Lindy West and shrill. Did you read the book? No. But I saw this on the show and I loved it and her whole, Like I heard her do that NPR story where she talks about, like, coming out as fat. Yeah, because they even and you could even hear the interviewers afraid to say the word. And she was like, No, I'm telling you, I am fat on. I'm saying that I'm saying that because that's not a bad word. It's a descriptive word and we immediately place a judgment on it. And the thing that got me with her was, if I keep telling myself, Oh, I need to lose £80 then I'll do this. My life is in perpetual darkness. Yeah, and I'm not valuable until a certain things happened and then what if that doesn't happen? I've just wasted my life. So that's yeah. Even partly doing this podcast is just like, you know, I'm overweight, but I'm not that you're seeing that cause it's a podcast. But I have had that mindset where it's like I need to do this first. Then I can do X y Z. And now it is refreshing a little bit to just be like, Well, I can do this other thing That doesn't have to be a prerequisite. Yeah, and also, a child came out of your body. Well, they come out of my body, you know, it looks like they're still one of the O. Yeah, but I don't want that. Second one's gonna pop out, and everything's gonna surprise from back down. That's how that works, right? Well, it's funny because as you're pregnant, you're like, Oh, my God, I want to have this baby. I'm just gonna drain out like you know, to me. It's like it's just gonna be like tapping a keg right here. And I'm just gonna you know, I'm gonna lose, like, £80 when I have this baby and the Urawa's. Anyways, like nine. So what's the other? It's not all placenta, Um, but I'm glad that she's bringing. Look, we're having the conversation. Women 100% having this conversation. Absolutely. That's really important. Yes. And the idea? Every you could talk to any woman and she will find something wrong with her body. Oh, yeah, for sure. Yeah, that's great. So now she is. Claire has called her out of the fact that she has her shirt now again, wearing nothing under the trench coat on. And I said, There's kind of this theme of hiding something underneath. Yes, vulnerability underneath something that's hiding it. Yes, the best Claire attempting to give her heart is I laughed out loud so hard the fact that she thinks she's like attacking her. I can't accept any gesture of kindness now, love or physicality, physicality. They don't touch, don't touch and then clear and writes her out for a drink. And she says no, like immediately, just immediately says No, I have plans. Yeah, so then clears just like all right, see you next time. It women speak like this is just are forced interaction with the mayor. The very next stranger believe axes. She asked you out for a drink because she needs that thrill of being wanted. But she couldn't give it to your sister. She can't acknowledge to her sister that she needs help. Right? And ask this total stranger who looks at her like, What the hell is your problem? Uh, as you would do. Yeah. So now she gets a text from Bus Rodent, which again is a rare show technology here and now. She had what you said. He has to has to take it cause she's just desperate to go out with anybody at the point. And you could tell that's all she's thinking about. Just I need to be. But I can't be alone, right? I need to be wanted by someone, right? And I can't acknowledge to somebody that I'm hurting. Um, the cut now to the date I love this line. My sister blows glass. Just that line s o perfect of all the things the sister could D'oh in our notes were preparing for this Christy, just right out. My sister blows glass L a. Well, because it's the best. It's just a good throw. And then my colors this season are sort of Brown mainly. But I wouldn't say no to a maroon. Also a little feminine by true like who is this guy? But yeah, it's against specific. And it is. This guy's just like a talker. Oh my God. Well, it was fun, The first inkling. I had no inkling, but first example I had that she was like soap, Really in a at imitations is an accent. She is in an interview, but it was, um, whatever is a podcast, sort of music and rhythm. And she was talking about the rhythm of his voice, and she she imitated it perfectly. Like how everything he kind of waits. And then he says everything all at once and so you can just tell. She thought that, like, I just think that's like her genius because she thought that through. And she communicated that to him. And it's just perfection. They're not really having a good time. He's, you know, again he's confident. He's just talking about himself. He doesn't let her talk, and I was really let her talk just trying that hard, but still right. And then, which is funny, like he said, cause he's like I like you. Yeah, he has. You don't know her. Nothing about her. She steals money from his wallet when he goes to the bathroom. Um, which again? Feels like a transaction. She's just gonna take this money. But then when he comes back, she's just like we just go to mine, right? Go to yours. And he's like, No elder, Bewildering. Kind of like, No, I really do have to get up early, and I don't think he's like blowing her off like, you know, I don't like it's just like we've just met right? And and really just kind of wants to get, you know, er, um and I think it's it's bringing up a lot of women wouldn't do that and it's not. I think it's fine if you d'oh, but that is not expected. And she also is not doing it in any kind of romantic or for anyway. It literally just like, Well, let's just go to yours. What? That's just get this. So that's why we're having this exactly. Let's just do this. And so I also because then when he or she calls him pathetic that he doesn't want to do. And I think because of how he looks. She thinks he's she's doing him a huge favor by having sex with him because to her, the currency that he said is being found. So actually about that the value that's the value. So for her to say, I'm willing to sleep with you, you're welcome. And for him to turn that down, she's now like, Well, who the fuck do you think you are that you're going to say no to me? Right? So it just really there's so much there where you're learning more about her mindset, even though I mean, she kind of just comes off like an asshole for shit. But at the same time, we we understand why she's her. She's got this twisted logic when I feel like she also had her head. She's doing this so she can have sex, right? Like the drinks, the talking, listening name. Talk about Maroon, right? You're told me for nothing. It's for nothing. And she's like, What the fuck? Why would I give it just waiting for my life? I don't even get the 30 seconds that I'm looking for. Exactly how you underestimate a bus rodent there? No, but that's because she's not going for the 2nd 1st of all, but also because I think the 30 seconds of being wanted you and the thrill of electricity, that's all. That's what she's in it. You're right. So he actually picks up the money that she dropped its hiss that she stole because he's really just being kind of nice. And she's looking like you said, looking at us like she knows she's Oh, uh, you know, like you said. So now we see the drunk girl at the bus stop and I think this is interesting because it's now giving fleabag another chance to feel high status. She looks at her like air. You okay on? Girl looks at her like, Are you OK? Like sad eyes? Yeah. And yeah, like you're not any better than like you're also sitting on the curb with me. Exactly. Exactly. And now I was kind of confuses. It's funny when she goes, you're You're such a lovely man, which is kind of a first reference to flee back coming off his masculine because later, when God mother talks about the portrait, she's like no pictures or use Children. You look like a boy And it's also funny because we've both heard an interview that Phoebe Waller Bridge went through a phase where she wanted to call Alex. She cut her real short, like years. Three years of her childhood. Yeah, so she's got a connection to to being perceived as masculine. And I think she's just just playing more of the masculine role. She's right, you know, reckless about sex. She's not making a lot of human attachments. She's rejecting, you know? It's that sort of showing you, You know, um, I think it's intentional. The woman looks a little like boot. Oh, she looks really rides. Remind you, boo. Yeah, only. And then fleabag invites her home, which I kind of just thought of. Like, Do you need help? Maybe I'm just really naive. I guess she was hitting on her. I think she was. I think when she when she feels a splinter of a connection with somebody, she thinks they should have sex. I'm at the end of the night. It's like she needs to fill the gets like that. It's like well, over the last two people here, Yes, we're doing this. Um, yeah, I think she doesn't know what else to Dio Doesn't want to be alone. Right. So now we have this flashback when she's in the cab talking about, um Oh, no, I'm sorry. Oh, yeah, I got the cab yet. And actually I wanted to say what I also think is important about the boo look alike is that she's she can't even have a platonic interaction with somebody. And that's why I think the bank manager coming back is so important because he is her only platonic, non familial relationship. You're right. And like, that's extraordinary, I think right for her, right? And not unexpected. Yes. So now we just have a flashback to boo and her in the cafes, smoking and drinking wine, Which to me, it wasn't still clear that this was their cafe, that they ran together. I thought they were just somewhere. Um, but and even here I was actually a little unclear what the relationship was. I wasn't sure, like we're more than friends, but again, this is like women can't just be affectionate with each other without it being like, Oh, the most valuable lesbian. Like I think that was another important portrayal of them Just being physically affectionate with each other. They love each other, They love each other. And I love that they that song which I get second my head all the time Yeah. So happy to be a modern woman. I love that they wrote that That's

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what doesn't

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exist. I wondered if it was like drinking, so yeah, I think about, you know, um but I just enjoyed that. They wrote a little song, and part of me is, like, only did Phoebe and and Vicky Jones come up with that. And then they inserted it in just so maybe maybe probably smell probably wrote it. Oh, you're right. I'm not. I'm not a cinematographer, but I have a good night, I think. Um, yeah. And then she goes, Let's never asked anyone for anything. They don't get it. I kind of had a moment. We're like, What does this mean exactly? But I think it's like they don't understand what this is. We're not gonna It's just us, because that kind of thing doesn't always exist, and it's not portrayed anyway often, and they don't have anybody else right. They have secluded themselves. I kind of took it is like when she was. They don't get it. It's like not only do they not understand us, they don't They don't get to have what we have. Yahoo don't get a double. Least that was No, I like that. You're right. Um, they don't share. Right? So now we're at our We're being on a door. We find out it's her father's house saying, Look, I'm absolutely fine. Everything's fine. Little d'oh! At two. In the morning. Uh, her dad is played by Bill Patterson, who my husband dubbed a shorter, more hesitant Tywin Lannister. Just so check in, see, really is not the very different personality. So now this was We have the I have a horrible feeling that I'm a greedy, perverted, selfish, apathetic, cynical, depraved, morally bankrupt woman who can't even call herself a feminist. So this kind of became, like the logline of like for the showed for the character. And it's actually a little bit of a confession to a father. Uh uh, Well, bit of a stretch, but I like it, but yeah, I like she's just kind of in a low point. Yeah, And she What would hurt tow watch is that this is the first time she is actually expressing something that she's feeling to a person, especially a person who's close to her like her father. And he does not know what to do with that. And he just turns it back around. Not only sort of dismisses it, but also points out that her mom is not there to be there for her right point. That points out the hole and then just does nothing with that and then says, Let me call you a cab so you can leave. And I you know, it's like there's tenderness. Yes, and there's there's love there. Yeah, but he cannot give her what she needs exactly. He just doesn't through no fault of is right. He does not know how. Yeah, so has her come in. Don't come upstairs. So she could you mean immediately goes upstairs And now we meet godmother Olivia Colman All hail the queen, literal literally gonna be in the crown next season. And I gotta say, this looks awesome. Like very cozy painting the mill the night with his jazzy music I looked up on Amazon X ray that the song is called I can't stop crying, which is everything is until perfect. So she's not an evil stepmother. She's just a cut. Uh, which, by the way, that's a word that Phoebe has said she loves. She knows Americans hate it. A lot of women her and hate it. It is awfully descriptive that in the right scenario, so and she is a cunt. She kind of really is, uh, even though not not initially we're not seeing it. And I think you said like at this point, she flee Max not entirely reliable. Narrator right. So by all measures, like, she seems perfectly pleasant because, you know, I thought that must be you. Oh, it will sing, she says is a dig. You don't really realize it until you know, then you know later on. But first thing she says, is like, Oh, who else would be knocking on my door at two. In the morning? Yes, the problem child. And then night times. Very peaceful. Usually which, which kind of connects to Here's to peace and those who get in the way of the, um so that's not the first time, uh, where we you know, we see that again later. See the statue. First time here is a story there. Um uh, which I think is interesting. Like you pointed out that she doesn't offer up front that well, it's based on her mother, which I mean. In fairness, Phoebe might not have known that when she wrote this season. I think actually she didn't they actually, I listen to some podcasts. It was sort of figured out. What's the end? But also kind of fits the way we're not going to work. That she wouldn't offer that right away with holding her mother. She's yes, she's like actively trying to replace her. So and people have brought that up like, Why is the godmother attracted to the father? What? You know, she seemed there's such different personalities. Is she just taking advantage of him? I think she genuinely loves him. And I think people have pointed out that the godmother takes her worth from the interesting facts about the people around her. She makes herself interesting by the people around her. My death friend Daniel. Yes, exactly. And obviously from what we hear later about Phoebe but flea bags mother from her dad, she was a very outgoing, very loved, very kind person. So it seems like maybe the godmother is trying to apply that admiration to herself by just stepping into this role. Yeah, not recognizing that it took more than that. Just that, right. So I think there's a theme as you start to watch the season two of people asking, Are you okay? Yeah. And I could almost be a drinking game of every time a character as someone. Are you okay? And I think it's fitting because I feel like that's a question we all ask each other or like, how are you doing? But we don't really mean it. I really want to know the answer. So there's just 1/2 just what you say. Yeah, And I think the idea that, like most of us, are at any given time or not. Okay, So, um, I really like that. All right. Then she gives the thing about women that the statue means women are subtle ward warriors, strong at heart. We don't have to use muscular force to get what we want. We use our innate femininity, which I feel like ties later to the Christians. Got Thomas speech. Oh, yeah. About wearing and men. Well, I think I do think it's fitting here, too, is that that's actually an interesting point that God mother makes, like they point out later, like she's actually very talented and perceptive in that way. I would love to know the story about the statue as a prop. Like, Was it made specifically for the show? Is it something I looked? This was not. The only thing I could find was that Sean Clifford took it home. Oh, I love it, but that's it. That would be great if they win an Emmy. And that's what they give them for their holding. Both one on each leg of the amazing I love her that her self portrait is just this, like mush abstract. I don't know if that's like a anything about how we see ourselves. So then when she goes down to get her dad, if you watch closely, you can see fully back stealing the statue off camera and then comes back up. Please look after yourself. You look gas. Do you really do look ghastly? Uh, enjoy. That's like the one everybody some someone says to you. Like you look tired. Yeah. Fuck you. Oh, that's what I mean. Claire says That's what Sleeve access to Claire at thing. Yeah, thanks. I've been actually sleeping really well lately, which is probably not true. Um, so now she's in the cab on the way home, and I just want to Alcide start when we were in London, I didn't know this. The cabs have a window behind the driver, but then there's like a little light that says the driver may be able to hear your conversation and then they talk to you through like a little speaker. So at one point, my friend, I was talking about something, and all of a sudden, like, We're like, you heard for hold. I'd like to just like through this speaker, where's like, what's happening? So anyway, But this was just like So she's in the cab, and now we get another big old exposition because the drivers like, you know, asking her to tell the story. And we get the whole background about what happened with Boo and that she, her boyfriend, fuck somebody else. She was depressed about it, wanted to just injure herself, to have to go to hospital and not let him see her. That that Miaoke leap of logic. Yeah, not only that, it wasn't just Oh, he'll have to be sympathetic and come to the hospital. See me? No, I want the power to tell him he can't come seem right, which I have been saying, Like clearly Boo is not entirely mentally healthy. And I think for all the guilt that fleabag puts on herself for triggering that she might also feel guilt for not recognising sooner. That maybe Boo is not entirely Yeah. Okay. Yeah, nothing a sane person does. And you have to wonder how wrapped up in herself fleabag was before blue before her mom passed away. Right? Who knows? We don't know. Right her before these traumas. And even that was after her mom had died. So maybe she was so wrapped up in that she wasn't really paying attention to boob. Yeah, and in the fact that three people die. God, no, she doesn't like you Said does. She has three people on her conscience is not just her soul mate, right? It's three random people. Yeah, you know, there's a lot there, and we understand, um, more now about why she's acting the way she is on course. Then she liked Unbuttons. Her jacket is like half naked in the capture was like, What the hell's happening when I personally love when she's just like three people died? What a dick She was such a dick. Such a, um yeah, And so he's He's just kind of flabbergasted by all of this, which is a little bit like the audience perspective. Like, I don't know what to make of all this right on down, Of course. At the end, we see she's taken the statue and that final look she gets the camera is just so bad. So bad ass and but also again, layered of like yeah, like, fuck yeah for you. And like also, I'm hurt, So I Yeah, it kind of hurt others, right? And just kind of like you have a couple problems, just a couple. Just a couple. But but it you know, and then the way the music kicks in like it definitely is just the energy of the show Feel like great. Absolutely. And it draws you in for that one finished. I was like, next, totally next up. And I think that's where again. At the end, people might be like I don't like this character. I don't know. That's what people say, what didn't hook me? But I I think it's speaking to what we've come to expect from television that standard where you like somebody cause it's black or white if they are a good person or night. And I think here the fact that you have this kind of gray throughout it. But also the idea that she isn't maybe is necessarily a good person here. But she's interesting, right? And there's reasons why she's acting the way she's acting right. I've heard like Phil Rosenthal, who did everyone's Raymond. He talked about that because he said, When they're which character was, Uh, I guess if you don't stop Larry David's character put, someone would be like Oh, this character's not likeable on And he goes, I don't need them to be likable. I need them to be funny. That's the premise of always sunny right. Is these air to get worse and worse every season, or like Archie Bunker and you act all these characters who are not necessarily good people or likable people, but they're funny and they reveal things about us, and I think with her You know, those are bad example Coolers that comes where characters don't really change. But true in this case, it's like I am very interested in this person. Yes, regardless of where she is morally right now. Um, so, yeah, then that gets us jumping into season Two years s 02 So we will be back next time to jump into Episode two, which starts with one. My favorite scenes. I think of the show on the bus. Incredible. Um, so but we will stop. We've been talking a very long time, and we won't tell you how long it took us to record. So that is Episode one. Um, we'll be back to talk about Episode two, but in the meantime, like we said, you can reach us at all of our different socials. We got our website fleabag podcast dot com. We've got the fleabag situation at gmail dot com. If you want to email us, Facebook group, flee back situation. Instagram flee back situation podcast and Twitter at fleabag podcast. And as we said, you don't have to wait till chatty Wednesday to talk to us. We would love it if he went to our web site and either sent us an email or left us a voice message with anything you want to know about the show, both fleabag and the show. And then wherever you are listening, go ahead, hit, subscribe and leave us a review. We would love it. Next time we'll be breaking out Episode two and, uh, we'll get chatty with you then Thanks for listening. Bye!

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The Fleabag Situation Fleabag Fan Podcast is co hosted and produced by Chrissie Moore and Allie Lemco Toren. Podcast Logo designed by Chris Corrine at Design in your head dot com Sexy Mortgages Voiced by Dana Swanson firm or visit us at www dot fleabag podcast dot com. Do you want to say something?

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I like to see the moon. Me, too.