The Fleabag Situation: A Fleabag Fan Podcast

"Season 1, Episode 3"

September 11, 2019 Chrissie Moore and Allie Lemco Toren Season 1 Episode 3
"Season 1, Episode 3"
The Fleabag Situation: A Fleabag Fan Podcast
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The Fleabag Situation: A Fleabag Fan Podcast
"Season 1, Episode 3"
Sep 11, 2019 Season 1 Episode 3
Chrissie Moore and Allie Lemco Toren

Phoebe and Andrew handed out G&Ts to people and pet a dog together, but Chrissie and Allie managed to start breathing again and burrow into episode 3 of season 1.

Show Notes Transcript

Phoebe and Andrew handed out G&Ts to people and pet a dog together, but Chrissie and Allie managed to start breathing again and burrow into episode 3 of season 1.

spk_0:   0:00
this episode of the fleet back situation is brought to you by cravings. The number one adult toy store in London. Cravings is your one stop shop for everything from your basic

spk_1:   0:09
bunny toe. One of those frilly pink

spk_0:   0:11
feather whip things don't have a

spk_1:   0:13
vagina. Get one here

spk_0:   0:14
and carried around with you. Just kidding. You can't carry a vagina around with you. That's much too provocative. For a limited time, all borrowers are half off and ask about our corporate retreat Discounts on blow up dolls. What are you craving? Chances are they've got it over at cravings. Perfect for birthdays and other last minute gifts.

spk_1:   0:33
Tell them the fleabag

spk_0:   0:34
situation sent you and get 20% off with promo code. Rodent,

spk_1:   0:38
we have a cupcake situation. Okay, Mom, I will be there to cupcake. Hello, everybody.

spk_0:   0:53
And welcome to Episode three of the fleet back situation on Christine Moore. I'm Allan Poe, Torren, and we are super excited to be back. And we want to thank everybody who has joined our new has started subscribing this week. Who's been finding us through the Facebook group? We keep seeing some comments of people who have found it and are telling us that they listen when they walk their dogs or they're out and makes it feel like they're chatting with friends, which is exactly how we feel. Eso We are thrilled to hear that that makes us so happy because that's exactly what we're trying to do here. So please keep those comments coming. We we love know you guys were out there and and hearing us because it's the two of us in like the guest room of my house. You were very professional, which can feel a little like we're in a vacuum so thrilled and ovaries out there. So we have a couple of little things that happened this week in flea bag. Well, coming up next Saturday is the Western Show. Closing. This is Phoebe is last self proclaimed last performance of the character, and she said, I saw one interview. She said she might do another season like 15 years

spk_1:   1:52
from now. Oh, I heard 50. Well, when the characters 50 0 math. Yeah, maybe that interest cuts

spk_0:   1:59
said he would be on board, but he's like I'll probably be dead, which we were like. You'll

spk_1:   2:03
be 57. Don't scare us like that

spk_0:   2:07
way have the That moment's gonna come sooner than we want. But maybe he did think she meant 50 years, 50 years when they're 95 or whatever. He

spk_1:   2:17
could still be a 85 medical.

spk_0:   2:19
No, I think she meant when the characters around. Okay, this makes sense. Yeah, so that could be interesting.

spk_1:   2:24
So we have a little ways to go. Yeah, but in the means. And we'll still be doing the podcast. Yeah, we'll be in season 45 part of a fleabag situation. Speaking

spk_0:   2:35
of things that almost killed me, the big the main event last week. This past saturday, Andrew and Phoebe were outside the theater of the West End, heading out cans of Jeanty in the tens from M s to the people who were queuing in the lottery. Q, Where the ticket lottery. And I mean, are you okay? I'm not because

spk_1:   2:56
it was so cute. I was. Are you trying tow like murder us like, Are you trying thio like, How much more do you have to do? Because I

spk_0:   3:04
wake up early on Saturdays, too? And

spk_1:   3:05
this is what's great with Andrew because you

spk_0:   3:07
want one of the benefits of being in America in terms of the fleabag obsession is that when I wake up in the morning, a lot of social stuff already started happening because of the time change. So I get up early on Saturday morning to get up with my son,

spk_1:   3:19
and I gotta say, I have to get up early so I can see with Oh, I got that. Yes, that my arm, you know, people countries up. Remember how they

spk_0:   3:26
set the alarm for, like, the royal wedding stuff like, That's what I do just to see if there's any news. Well, speaking of Royal, actually, my son's name is Archie, which I just want to specify. Week had first because he's almost five. And so we thought of that first, and it was funny. We were on vacation and had actually taken a nap, and I woke up. My phone was like, Shut up. They named him Archie. I was like, Oh my God! So we had that first. But anyway, and waiting till this episode, to say that she was just trying to figure out a good one doesn't mean that any good.

spk_1:   3:57
Uh, you know, I and it's really kind

spk_0:   3:58
of hard to wake up early on Saturday. Get up with him. And then I saw these videos started coming in, and I was just, like, all up. And my son didn't get breakfast cause I

spk_1:   4:07
just stayed in there for days. I mean, it was

spk_0:   4:11
so ridiculously cute. And I mean, I'm sure it was some kind of PR stunt. I don't even care. Whatever. It was super cute. And, uh, I literally was like, my husband's gonna come in here and find me, and he's gonna call the police. Not gonna be like what happened. Like, I think her heart exploded and we'll be like, what? You know what she was looking at her phone. He's like, Let's take a look. It's that video just on a

spk_1:   4:31
loop eventually, and then you get a ticket. Okay? It was super cute. Then, As if that wasn't enough, suddenly a picture came up. Someone had their dog in line. It was the two of them petting this dog. That was when it really that was blaming over the edge. Like, how is this legal? We can't We can't handle this now too much. So that means. And then the funny

spk_0:   4:51
part is is I then see my husband. I act like this is like a main news story. I'm like, Did you know what happened? He's talking to some the u. N. Or what? No, Um, Andrew and Phoebe were handing out gee aunties, and he's like, Okay. And they had a puppy and they had a proper together

spk_1:   5:08
right in front of us, right in for in public. One hasn't aside. My husband was

spk_0:   5:13
telling me that he actually does zio in another podcast like a fantasy podcast called Dark Ages. I'll give him a plug. Uh and so he was talking. He had a table read that day, and he was telling me like I was telling him about your podcast and about you going to London to see under Scott. And like most of the gnomes, Moriarity And but then one day I was like, Oh, so she man, she's really into him. Like, Is he like her freebie? My husband, he knows what's up. And I was like, Yeah, sure, a lot of things would have to happen for that come true. So sure, but I was like, Well, joke's on him because all I really want to do is talk to Andrew for hours and brush his hair and baking cookies. So that's, like, creepy. That can still happen. That

spk_1:   5:56
might That will be my freebie night. So angry

spk_0:   5:59
is that to look forward to something. Yeah. I'm excited for you. Yeah. What's your like? If you could be, like, hang out with them.

spk_1:   6:07
What would I dare with Phoebe? I was thinking about this. I honestly think she'd be a riot at mini golf. No, but like, uh, like, there's, like, this monster many girls like an hour outside of Atlanta that I've been to before, and it's all its glow in the dark. It's, like, hysterical. And it's ridiculous. And I just I would, uh, she have a good fun. Take a pretty fun. Also, I I don't even need to participate. I would just like to, like, watch her interact with people. E don't expect I'm gonna send you

spk_0:   6:38
mini golfing by yourself. And I

spk_1:   6:40
was gonna stay here, take notes. It's just good to be like this. So she nodded. Did wonder. Okay, uh, some reasons just is a

spk_0:   6:49
side note. S o. I used to work in an animation network and uh, by husband. I got to go. He also works there, and we got to go out and see a voice recording of a T of a show. And emo Phillips was the voice. And so he's like in the booth, and we're with our co worker and and so emo Phillips comes out. You know, even if Philip's the comedian was very distinctive voice, and that's actually kind of his. I mean, it's not as affected, but our friend was like,

spk_1:   7:15
om Oh, I want you to meet Christine Alan, and he looks and he goes, Did you win a contest? God, we're like, No, we work here, actually,

spk_0:   7:25
uh, so every time I see, that's my do favorite. So that would be Phoebe. She

spk_1:   7:29
did. You wouldn't. Yeah. Yeah, actually, yes. Watch me play minigolf. Did it sound like Phoebe was here? Because that's my Yeah. No, I actually had to pinch myself, you know? Yeah, you're welcome. So I wanted to have a little aside, clear the air. Let's clear the air. I would like to apologize formally, apologize to Dina, because last week we were talking about how she e mailed us and she was saying how she felt like flea bag was not looking to get with that drunk girl. Instead, she was being a really good human and was gonna help her home. Um, and I like the rest of people. The people in flea bags, life thought the worst of her. And I really was like, No, she just wants sex, that's all. Just sex, sex, sex. And then I re read the play, and then that play, the same sort of thing happens, and it's a little more clear that she's just like, No, come home with me so that you make it to a bed, right? And so, Dina, I apologize.

spk_0:   8:24
You were I'm sure Jane is deceiving. No,

spk_1:   8:26
honestly, I felt pretty bad about it. So, um So anyway, I just want everybody to know that if you email us with a theory, I won't shoot it down. Are just, you know, very open now. Yes, exactly on. Then. You

spk_0:   8:39
You saw a little scoop on Reddit.

spk_1:   8:40
Oh, yes.

spk_0:   8:41
Always the Read it.

spk_1:   8:42
I really like troll. Um, so I just thought that everybody should know that Andrew Scott and Ben Aldridge, the awesome Arsenal guy, um, have dinner together the other day. But the Reddit person who posted it was a really good human and didn't take a photo because, you know, respect respect her privacy. Like

spk_0:   9:03
I mean, how could you eat the rest of your meal?

spk_1:   9:05
I know. And also is our sole guy gay? And are they in love? You know? No, I d yes, probably. Yes, I know.

spk_0:   9:11
So the the West End G and T thing went all over Twitter, and when my favorite was Dave Itzkoff, who's the New York Times writer and I posted this where he just wrote This is season three and this is Kang.

spk_1:   9:24
Oh, yes, OK. I mean, they're giving us open a watch. They know what they're doing. Yes. Oh, and then Ben Platt, from my dear of Enhancing. Did you see this? Where he was like, if anybody has his contact info, can you DEA may? Oh, that would be a dream. Although I like Joe kind of

spk_0:   9:40
old for him. Yeah, Ben's like, 25. Yeah, I definitely didn't look

spk_1:   9:43
a lot of talent.

spk_0:   9:45
Yeah, very talented. Yeah, Duo. But I think I mean, obviously it was a joke because Ben Platt in knows howto touch. Hey, he's got people in conditions. Perfect money. Okay, so I don't Between Sam Smith and Ben Platt. The Twitter replies were also very funny because people were like, There's a queue. Get in line. Take your place, right? Yeah, we're late to the party. Good job. Good luck to him. We'll see what happens there.

spk_1:   10:13
Nice. Um, I did have one more announcement when we get into it. Yeah. This is sort of strictly for our millennial be wears listeners. Um, okay, that really? If you were not aware, there's a Lizzie McGuire reboot coming to, actually, I don't know what channel. I'm pretty bad at this announcement by and he plays it. So that would make sense. Yeah, obviously. But it did hit me that Lizzie McGuire is the adolescent version a fleabag because she talks to the camera using a little cartoon version of herself. Okay, which honestly, sort of brings up the idea of, like, what was Lizzie's mental health? Like if we're, like, concerned about flea bag and she had a lot of anal sex, which I know way too weird for dinner. Bold. It was a bold, but Hillary does got a great career now. She married that hawker hockey player. Yeah. So you're you're speaking things. I'm late. So I'm gonna trust you on all this anyway. To celebrity does. Yeah, that's that's what I

spk_0:   11:13
have to fill areas. All right, We're about to take a quick break, and then we're gonna jump into Episode three of season one, And in the meantime, we do want to invite everybody to reach out to us. You can email us at the fleabag situation at gmail dot com. Our website, which alley is vastly improving, is fleabag podcast dot com. My It was a real basic bitch when I put it

spk_1:   11:34
together. So it was like, by the way, I'm young, and I know that. Yeah, I kinda her face. What? I said, I can give you

spk_0:   11:43
the password if you want to go. Okay. It was like she was watching the video again.

spk_1:   11:48
It was not It was fine. No. Yeah.

spk_0:   11:50
He was pretty happy then, um, again, through the web site, you can leave us a voicemail, which is free 100% free. It's not an international call. It's just through your website, um, and or through your computer. And we would just loved.

spk_1:   12:02
Like I said, there were so many people

spk_0:   12:03
who are meeting Phoebe and I want to hear these stories. Yeah, I want to know what it's like to be in the presence if you're able to talk about it. I was politically able physically, if I would still just be in shock. And then our Facebook group, which a lot of people are joining, is just searched ifly back situation. It will come up on instagram. Uh, we're up over, like, 50 followers, which was pretty good. A couple weeks of excited is that fleabag situation podcast. And then Twitter is that fleabag podcast. So we look forward to hearing from everybody and we will be right back to talk about Episode three season one. All right, we're back on the fleet back situation, and we are getting ready. Time Episode three of season one Written by Phoebe Waller Bridge Directed by Harry Brad Beer and we open up in a cemetery. Yes, and we see fleabag start coming in, and, uh, she's obviously clearly jogging, which then she stops and turns. The Camerons is jogging, just in case You didn't

spk_1:   13:10
know what I was surprised that she has any form of self care. Yeah,

spk_0:   13:14
I thought it was interesting. And it is finding Steven kind of stretches like the way you're supposed to. Kind of like I'm a real athlete. Stretching and I'm jogging. Like she the way she kind of says it in. The camera's almost like I'm a person who jogs, right? Bet you didn't think you got that. Yeah, uh, So then we cut to the next scene is, uh, the two of them. It's her and Claire are now sitting on a bench looking presumably at their mother's grave, which convenient placement that take up that worked out right in front of the bench. Fleabag says, opens the conversation with I did a fart the other day. That was exactly like Mom's. And I love that Claire's immediately. You think she'd be kind of disgusted by that? But immediately, she kind of pulls up this memory of door opening or suspicious

spk_1:   13:59
duck. And I would like to add that I Googled suspicious duck. Uh, and I would highly

spk_0:   14:04
recommend it, cause there's some good. Oh, my God. Suspicious ducks. Wow.

spk_1:   14:10
Wow. Okay, there are some good images of suspicious ducks on the Internet. and I feel like we should make it a thing that we have. We both have

spk_0:   14:18
to look at Getty stock images for our job. It is super fun. And my favorite shoes need a suspicious stuck. My favorite is to Google on emotion like person, jealous or whatever. You'd get some great great results make. Oh, yeah. So, uh, yeah, it's just all so funny. What I like about this is like exactly the kind of thing you would share with a sibling. Yeah, and that again, Claire, this is one time she's, like, not grossed out, and she actually just connects to it. And then Claire says that means you're getting Mom's bomb.

spk_1:   14:52
But I didn't really know that was how that

spk_0:   14:53
worked. No, I don't think that scientific and, uh, name fleabag talks about how her bum drop two years ago and her farts after, like, fight their way out. Uh, which again is another comment on her kind of fear of losing her youth and her body. Ah, that's

spk_1:   15:12
my favorite clear response. I haven't

spk_0:   15:14
farted in about three years,

spk_1:   15:18
which is just like there have to

spk_0:   15:20
be outtakes of the first of all, and then where, like,

spk_1:   15:24
she can't even

spk_0:   15:25
admit that she does something that, like literally every human does. And that's just how, like, no buttoned up she is, I don't even do that. And I actually have a friend in college whose roommate actually swore that she never fired it, which is, like, I would be like, You should go see a doctor. You should probably go see a doctor. And my my friend was like, uh, that it must see about her pores. Something smells.

spk_1:   15:47
I also remember

spk_0:   15:49
when I was pregnant reading a message board, which I don't recommend it in general. And

spk_1:   15:56
this woman was

spk_0:   15:57
like, Guys, I have this problem. So I'm pregnant. I'm, like, six most pregnant. It's just really getting to the point where I just have so much gas on. I really

spk_1:   16:05
think I'm gonna

spk_0:   16:06
have to fart in front of my husband.

spk_1:   16:07
Oh, my God. We're like, Why are you have if you can't

spk_0:   16:10
fart in front of your husband, you should not be having a baby with him. Jesus, Like I think that's the reason most people get married is like one

spk_1:   16:17
of you know you can

spk_0:   16:18
Well, or or one of you like accidentally fart. Sounds like I guess we gotta get married now because this is embarrassing.

spk_1:   16:23
And also, when you

spk_0:   16:24
give birth, you're probably gonna poop yourself. Yeah, she was. That's a major problem, right? That's fine. Yeah. Anyway, so Claire has not farted in three years, and I what I think is funny is that clear? Feel, like, doesn't really fleabag. Doesn't really overly react is either. Like she knows that's the way her sister is, like she'd actually believe.

spk_1:   16:43
You know what? It's kind of it's kind of like that. Girls don't poop thing, like, right correlates with that, right?

spk_0:   16:49
Like to really be a lady. There's meaning. And I would even do that.

spk_1:   16:51
Then I think it's funny

spk_0:   16:52
that that reminds her to, like, pull out a piece of cake. A god I know. Jesus. Happy birthday. And, um, looks at the camera so she won't eat it. And clear actually takes a bite, Which is kind of funny, cause clarity was you look genuinely happy for a moment.

spk_1:   17:04
Yeah, that was pleasantly surprising. Yeah,

spk_0:   17:07
like happy that she remembered. Um, so thou Claire is outlining that she is planning her surprise party and says it's really a business birthday thing. It won't be much

spk_1:   17:19
fun, because Claire doesn't. I know how to help, but I don't think she allows herself to have fun outside of work. Yeah, I didn't think Don't expect

spk_0:   17:26
a party party, and then this. I like to If she looks back up and down and says, like, maybe just wear trousers, which either she's like your Is she expecting her to come in here like jogging clothes? Or don't wear a suit. A short skirt? Yeah, like maybe fleabag. Don't be yourself. Yeah. Is that like, I have to tell you what to dio. Don't drink too much. Well, then we kind of s o now she explains that there's this promotion in Finland and these are the people who probably coming to the party and flee that kind of look to the camera, like, Wow, there's a huge piece of news. She just like, casually drop yes, and that it's basically a business meeting. Sounds like a blast Heart, eh? Yeah. Then flea bags asked if she could bring a date which it's like your sister's surprise party. She just cannot be there alone now he

spk_1:   18:13
doesn't know how to exist. right? Yeah, And clear. Nothing there for her. There's like Finn Landy and finish. All right. Well, let's edit that out just to be finished. People there. Well, and then also, if

spk_0:   18:26
she's yeah, in, uh, again because she's in front of her family. She can't show that she's learned. Show that she's got stuff going on through, um, and that it's basically a businessman. So then, um, Claire says it's not inappropriate for her to jog around a graveyard. It's like you're flaunting your life is inappropriate. It isn't a program. I'm sorry. So clear says it's inappropriate to jog around a great because it's like you're flaunting your life,

spk_1:   18:51
which was annoying cause I was like, You're having such a tender moment and then clear you have to do a little dig like Come on, girl. But even that I think it's

spk_0:   18:57
also kind of just showing where she is in life because she goes, I can't wait to be old, and it's almost like she's depressed, Like I think she just isn't really enjoying her life in Almost sees it like, um, yeah, I don't know, get it over with or

spk_1:   19:11
and she could have

spk_0:   19:12
also act she kind of acts like an old person.

spk_1:   19:14
Yeah. So she'll

spk_0:   19:15
finally be, like age appropriate on. Uh,

spk_1:   19:19
yeah. She like size and looks at the headstone. I'm like, Oh, she misses her mom like this. So sad. And then

spk_0:   19:23
she's just really think about how badly she wants to be old. Yeah, it, like, not have expectations to live up Thio. And I almost wonder two of its like flea bag is like she's almost flaunting declare, like how free she is. Maybe. Yeah, and Claire kind of feels herself like trapped a little more. Yeah, Phoebe is probably listening, right? Dr Chrissy being like guys I wrote, I wrote, But we're gonna dissect every word that if it's any consolation, you look older than you are. Which is just sisters. Yes. Uh, so then Claire's phone rings. I think it's fine that first she says sorry to her mother's grave than to flea bag. And so I want to bring up Somebody brought up a really interesting point on the group that, um and it's interesting how flea bags mother is a character in her absence, and we later I think in season two we get more of a sense of who she was as a person. But just seeing the impact of her loss on the two of them and on her dad and everybody like that was a really good point. It's almost like a character by absence.

spk_1:   20:23
Yeah, she's there. Yeah, she's not there. But

spk_0:   20:26
she's there, right? We feel her presence. Yeah, we get the fourth Wall Exposition that her mom died. Their mom died for three years ago, had a double mastectomy, never quite recovered, which is particular heart cause she had amazing boobs, which is typical fleabag to kind of go right toe, like the body

spk_1:   20:42
and the sexual Slash Funny Roger,

spk_0:   20:44
right And which I guess we know from the statue later that that was true, right, But and that her mom told her she was lucky because she didn't have any to get in the way. Hers would never get in the way. And I thought it was, like, kind of a take, maybe again, a hint of water Mom was like of just like that wasn't something she was focused on, and that it's like a grass is always greener, like a thing you think is such a plus someone else sees is a hindrance. And I kind of get that here. Like we get a sense of fleabag always thinks Claire's like, more physically beautiful. Yeah, And then she is. Yeah, And then she also brings that up When she goes that clear, got all of Mom's good bit right, which I mean, she could also mean emotion, but I think I'm more like physically, mentally. She got all the good cause. That's what he's focused on is like, What is what's physical fleabag s? What's Martin giving you for your gift? And she's his cursory stroke would be nice,

spk_1:   21:34
Which again is kind of funny

spk_0:   21:35
that Claire is a talk about something sexual, but also is opening up. Something's off.

spk_1:   21:41
I was surprised that, and I, like, sort of had to look it up because I was like, What? I immediately went to like a medical stuf. Thought it was like a real thing. Like like oxygen got cut off from I don't know, guys. I'm pretty smart. Yeah, always like. What does that mean? I'm like, I think it meant like finger like give her something sexual like a quick thing? No, I don't think she did say she was ready

spk_0:   22:07
to grow old. You

spk_1:   22:08
know something? It's totally fine. But that Jesus Martin's

spk_0:   22:12
got that thing on his cannot say Penis, Uh, which It's hilarious.

spk_1:   22:17
I hear. I think

spk_0:   22:18
it's funny that Martin is the one who doesn't have sex with her. Yeah, like, why do we think that is?

spk_1:   22:22
So I feel like Claire's just so Claire. She was real, and she's such a perfectionist. He could never probably give her what she wants. Like I wouldn't wantto be with her in bed. That would be like, You can't do anything right, Right? Like it's obviously something

spk_0:   22:37
has happened with their marriage. I

spk_1:   22:39
do want to know what's on this people. Do you think he actually does have something else Penis? Probably not.

spk_0:   22:44
Or he's just

spk_1:   22:45
He's just a yes. See, um, and I kinda ties

spk_0:   22:49
back to like if he's like, if he is like looking a lot of porn and like, obviously he's there is something he's just doesn't feel close to her at all. Yeah, so she finally gets clear to say Penis Clear apologizes to her mother's grave, her mother, the artist. Yeah, right, I'm sure, would be so appalled by. That's another walking, and they see this man sobbing it a grave. And Claire is so sad and thinks it's tragic. And fleabag was kind of dismissive. And she's like that shit grieving. Nobody grieves like that unless you're in a film from Italy, obviously. And I thought it was an interesting comment, a kind of this to the portrayal of grief on the show. And even, you know, Claire kind of like, Who are you to pass judgment on his grief? And I think that's almost appointed to show that they're all grieving in their own way. No one way. Yeah, even though they are all kind of passing judgment on it. Oh, yeah, flea bags. Way of Grieving is is abhorrent

spk_1:   23:37
to Claire, But then it turns out that this dude is a con and he doesn't have a grave, a different grave every day. I wasn't sure what the con

spk_0:   23:45
is. Is the con just he wants attention or Yeah, that's true. Or I guess maybe that maybe it's just a way of saying it's fake. Yeah, and he's just got some kind of complex for He just

spk_1:   23:55
makes you wonder, though,

spk_0:   23:56
and so fleabag knows she's like, No, he's a con like he's here every day And you see Claire just kind of stared her for beat. You kind of think like, Oh, she's gonna judge her again for, like, looking down on this guy. And she's like, You come here every day and she gave that away. Yeah, mentally and again, she's actually passing judgment on flea backs, greet or into realize like,

spk_1:   24:14
I mean, three years

spk_0:   24:15
later. That is a lot. I mean, unless there's just her jogging route. But,

spk_1:   24:19
well, she's stuck. She's kind of

spk_0:   24:21
stuck. And she obviously is. Um, it is still a huge part. Absolutely. Yeah. So then they switch topics to the party, and she's like, Don't do a jumpy Audi. So she's still controlling every element of this part. She already planned it,

spk_1:   24:34
and at this point, she probably knows that fleabag like jumping out the things right. That's truly has to be said. That's true. Harry

spk_0:   24:41
might have even told her what happened,

spk_1:   24:43
and she's looking forward to it like she's. She's like, I'm actually looking forward to it, which you never think they would say about anything and because she has created a business opportunity and right, but, you know, beyond just like all clear legs work. It's also gonna be a life changing situation in

spk_0:   24:57
Finland promotion. Well, right? And I think because we know she's obviously things weren't happy with Martin. So she I think she's looking forward to this idea like you said of a new new life? Possibly, yes. And then well, now we see fleabag calling Harry,

spk_1:   25:12
which I was like

spk_0:   25:13
she's so desperate, can't help herself and even, like, you know, I know we're broken up and he's probably screening her call.

spk_1:   25:21
Yeah, well, it's also, I mean, I guess it's, you know, they've been together, probably for a few years, on and off. And so it's probably impossible for her to be like, Oh, he's actually out of my life forever, right? I get that,

spk_0:   25:31
Yeah, we kind of got that at the end of last episode, where she's so used to him leaving the thing in the dinosaur and and when he took it, it's like, Oh, now hitting her again that like, she just can't beg him to come back exactly.

spk_1:   25:43
So then she wants this kind

spk_0:   25:44
of the weird sane of this whole season where she walks by this dog and it just kind of stops and like, is distracted. Leaving a message for Harry. She

spk_1:   25:52
doesn't really good job of getting turned on front of us. Well, she's, like, flattered. You're Yeah, and just like looking at this dog, he's just doing what dogs do being. And she's like, embarrassed. He's, like, feeling. Yeah, yeah, And then looks like I can't go out with a dog. That what I was like, All right. So far, it's been, like, semi realistic, This one. All right? We just went over the top there, which is Vibe. Yeah, but I was, like, on that might be an

spk_0:   26:17
example, because, you know, people always talk about, like, Season two is perfect, like there's nothing. And maybe that's a moment where yes, Season one veers a little off. Yeah. Off to off. Beat me. Yeah. Uh, because I

spk_1:   26:27
just don't really want to think about being sexual like it all. So even though my doctor looked a hump is bit, but like, you know, that's in the

spk_0:   26:36
privacy of her home. Look, if that dog has half a better life in CC Did that anything, anything didn't, uh he didn't do much of anything. Yeah, shoot was too depressed. Even masturbating. Okay, now, speaking of sexual things were back

spk_1:   26:54
at the cafe thinking of sexual things. Fleabag, Fleabag

spk_0:   26:57
is at the cafe, and she's now taking up skirt pictures with her camera. And it's funny that she knows nobody's coming into the cafe. Yeah, uh, and she talks about how this previous boyfriend of hers requested pics of her vagina 10 or 11 times a day. And this flashback we see, she's clearly like, not even intuitions, annoyed,

spk_1:   27:16
bored and annoyed. And also it just shows how she just will do anything because what, like that's terrible. She's also temping like she's not trying to be good at her job. She's just like, Okay, I'll go take a picture of my vagina or anything, Some of it.

spk_0:   27:30
And so I have been married for a while. You've been married for a while. I feel like this is from stories of like single friends. It's like dating now. Just socks ass so bad, and that it's almost like this is the cost of doing business somewhere, Man like it's pathetic. But I also think it's funny that he goes the one. The flashback boyfriend is like, Send me a picture of your favorite part of your body, and then his next line is like your procedure. Like his favorite, this fate decides exactly like those would be. Do you know her favorite parts of the body? But he basically and then another one. It's just gross. Yeah. Now we're back

spk_1:   28:04
to present, You know? What's I know? Delighting be any good? How could you really see actually what you were looking at? Yeah, like there. I just found a plot hole right there. Look at me, e.

spk_0:   28:16
I don't know. I don't experience with it. No, no, I mean lately.

spk_1:   28:19
No, you did it with, like, a Polaroid. So gross. I did a sketch. I mail it to guys. Wait, like, do we create? That was a fact. Is

spk_0:   28:32
that what they didn't like? The 18 hundreds would be a pony express. Yes, they hire a portrait, our pursuers, artists, Or it was really embarrassing because those cameras would take, like, an hour to expose. You have to, like, sit there with your skirt up for, like, an hour. So it's better now and then go get it developed in one of those, like, buckets of water in, like, a dark room and then give it to guy. I'm like a fucking pony. Did

spk_1:   28:52
you know that? Yeah. That westward ho. Ha ho. Thank you. Good. I liked it. Okay, uh, moving on your

spk_0:   29:00
back. So then, uh, now we're back to presentations. Like time to throw the net out. I mean, she literally just

spk_1:   29:06
and she's just setting. It's like Randa Randa.

spk_0:   29:09
And like you said, probably some like

spk_1:   29:11
men. Some women who just she's again. She's trying for all the fish. And I would like to

spk_0:   29:16
know who were the people who got it. Who are you?

spk_1:   29:20
Don't remember. Use this right. It's like that part of the arrested development when they

spk_0:   29:25
think it's a photo of Iraq. But it's actually a photo with scrotum.

spk_1:   29:31
It's just like that.

spk_0:   29:32
Really growth. So now Martin busts in the door, and she I think its face was like, Jesus Christ, Like he's the one doing something inappropriate by walking into a public establishment. Uh, and then he immediately starts with. I'm not drunk. She tells us he's always drunk, which is odd, because Claire so straight. And then he's now panic. He's meant to get her the perfect president. He's coming to her for help, to sober up. He's, like, smack me in the

spk_1:   29:55
face of scenes of the show. This particular one? Yeah. I just really enjoyed watching him get slapped. And I enjoyed watching her enjoyment of slapping him, But then he enjoyed

spk_0:   30:05
a little too much. Yeah, I think I think you've given me a sense that ruined immediately. Horrible.

spk_1:   30:10
Uh uh. I didn't try that. The some dude walks in, sees that. You just go okay, like, Oh, it's that kind of cafe. Oh, my God. I'm so sorry. I didn't realize it was slapping cafe. Yeah,

spk_0:   30:23
so that and then he's like, Can I eat a water or a sandwich or something? He's so drunk, and she's like, the man's got a problem, but nobody talks about it or wants to admit it, which is like the theme of a family. Nobody wants to admit there's a problem. Yes, and that they don't want to. They don't want to talk about it because they don't get to have crazy nights out with fun drunk Martin, and that he's one of those men who is explosively sexually inappropriate everyone but makes you feel bad if you take

spk_1:   30:48
offense because he was just being fun. But like I said, this is also kind of her. Yeah, that's

spk_0:   30:53
her whole thing. This is her. Her stay and again, we're like the two of them are kind of similar. You and I actually really like this whole next scene of the two of them out together because I think you do start to get a little more of, like, the human side of Martin. And you do see that they

spk_1:   31:08
do have a little bit of a connection

spk_0:   31:10
that he misreads, obviously, because he's drunk on the joke. This is from the play the Joker. He's like, you know, someone runs to the loonies like I'll pull down your knickers, come in, I'll come in and

spk_1:   31:20
fuck you. It's not even a joke. No, it's just a weird thing to say. So then he's now

spk_0:   31:26
looking around the cafe, and he's like, You won't ever come in here. It's creepiest fuck like he's looking at like the little cute guinea pig stuff, which I just realized will connect later. I had this note of when, um I mean, I guess we'll get to it when bus rodent sees Hillary. But I think there's ah kind of symbolism of the guinea pig of like something that actually is really sweet but kind of looks unlovable or some people think is a rat or is like, you know, not hygienic and gross. And I feel like that's a good metaphor for kind of how for fleabag. You know, people look down on her, but she's

spk_1:   32:01
worthy of love.

spk_0:   32:02
Oh, so the fleet hacks suggests, Why don't you give Claire a guinea pig? It was a surprise hit here, and he asked if he could take Hillary, which don't even, um and that he said, There's something wrong with that one, his death in his eyes,

spk_1:   32:14
which is like funny when you think about it. And then, yeah, he's really he's

spk_0:   32:18
probably poking a little bit at it. And she said, Yeah, the vet says she's depressed. He's like, Aren't we all girl,

spk_1:   32:25
which I feel like there's This is a

spk_0:   32:26
little bit of Martin, maybe revealing, like being a lot more vulnerable. Yeah, And so then Martin actually does tell fleabag that guinea pigs could die of loneliness,

spk_1:   32:35
which would explain why Sisi was such a bitch. But he didn't die. You have to

spk_0:   32:44
be an asshole about it

spk_1:   32:45
is just an apple. But now I actually feel pretty bad about it. Because what if we got him? A buddy could have changed his life.

spk_0:   32:52
What if you lived in Switzerland? You would have been allowed to have him

spk_1:   32:55
alone. Yeah, Apparently it's illegal. Tow only guinea pig. And is it one town? They heard the story

spk_0:   33:01
of C. C. And they were like, guys, this can't happen again. And also forever bar that chick from coming. Yeah. You're from Switzerland.

spk_1:   33:10
Oh, good. Um what What? He talks

spk_0:   33:14
about getting picks and die of loneliness. Loneliness is obviously a big scene with the show. I think Martin is lonely. He recognizes fleabag was lonely. And I think he thinks that's why they're gonna have this amazing connection. Yes. Um, the company owned. So then we see this flashback center of boo. Try to get flee back to hold Hillary

spk_1:   33:31
because she needs it. It's just so

spk_0:   33:33
sweet. And then we cut back and Martin

spk_1:   33:36
lovely. But he's not

spk_0:   33:36
talking only go sh. And then he's like, I have an idea. He grabs her by the shirt. We kind of see this again in season two. We're late is I think, me because he wants to be sexually physical with her. But so instead, he's just kind of aggressively physical with her. And so then she was like, You know, he sexually inappropriate eats raw sausage. Feels so crews. But nobody's made her laugh the way he does, so I guess I have to give him that. And we see this flashback of him like teasing her with her coat. Yeah, season Claire with her coat and like putting it on top of her head and like it's actually genuinely kind of sweet. And she's really laughing, which I was like I just made eclairs wound so tight that this is her idea. Hilarious comedy

spk_1:   34:15
that seems, in a way, yeah, it's just

spk_0:   34:18
playful. I think maybe she's not used to being treated playfully, and, um, yeah, it is kind of, but at the same time, he's also kind of treating her like a child. But that's something I would do with Archie would be like, Where is this? Uh, then they come back and he says, Look, I'm an innocent man which What's that about? He's just kind of letting it out. Says that he bought her a necklace that she found he was going to buy our necklace that she found told him not to buy book. She already has. Don't buy clothes she's not gonna wear like, basically, nothing is going to please her, which is really the marker marriage.

spk_1:   34:54
Yeah, it's really that

spk_0:   34:55
Martin is not pleasing, right? So anything he does for her is irrelevant. He's like, she scares me, that it was like, Well,

spk_1:   35:01
just look. But that was probably the only time I've ever liked something that Martin said, Because you know what? Sometimes the same would really is good thing, which is good, because the one thing in my life is good, right? How's the sandwich? And we all know that feeling when you're drunk and you're like, Yeah, whatever. I could put in my mouth, right? Oh, my God. And then she's like, just this London. Just fuck off. Fire something weird and expensive. And, uh, anything art dealer should be that hard for him to find something you think so? He finally

spk_0:   35:29
just like, begs air for help and even offers toe she goes like Pay me. And first she's like Fuck off. He's like, How much? £60. 70? She's like,

spk_1:   35:37
Yeah, and I think it's probably

spk_0:   35:39
because it's an art dealer. Maybe he's used to driving prices up. Yeah, and he's just confused. He's drunk, so she gets more out of it. And, um, so

spk_1:   35:47
now they're looking at these shoes and I love this scene. Yeah, I really

spk_0:   35:50
do. And I I mean, it's kind of speaks from a woman's perspective when you're shopping and a lot of shopping is aspirational were like something that I think is me. And but I'm gonna end up getting this thing I always get like everybody else. So now

spk_1:   36:05
they're looking at the

spk_0:   36:06
shoes, and he's like, I don't know who she is, which is again the the whole problem with their marriage. And, um, and in fairness, Claire doesn't really know who she is either. She's kind of, you know, pretending to be this successful, powerful person. I mean what she is, but that's she's still just kind of playing a part, trying to fit the role that she thinks, right? Yeah, and he finally is, like, just get whoever you are. And in a way, it It's almost fitting because we see that Claire tries to be like flea bag in a lot of scenarios. Uh, and so then, uh, she goes, I want to be that person. She points to the He's really sexy heels.

spk_1:   36:41
No, those are those. Are those cool sandals? Cool. I wanna be

spk_0:   36:44
that person. I've been that person. Yeah, hell, yeah. And that he's, like, hot. And she's like, like, not a sexy. He says it's not our soul guy. And the most time, like everybody else. And

spk_1:   36:55
then I also was like is like, I don't know that

spk_0:   36:57
I'd ever want my husband to buy me shoes.

spk_1:   36:59
No, I think you should just buy

spk_0:   37:00
shoes for yourself. Unless you're like aura is like a mother buying for your child. Yeah, that just seems seem like a little bit weird Gift from a husband,

spk_1:   37:08
but a good little scene. Good little bit, though. Yeah, s so now she checks

spk_0:   37:13
her phone again, which, like I said, we don't see a lot of tech, but it is finding that she kind of disengages from that moment by looking at her phone rather looking at us and, uh and

spk_1:   37:24
I even people have I don't know

spk_0:   37:25
if this was intentional. I took the whole fourth wall thing in a lot of ways to be a metaphor for social media and like that in the middle of a conversation you, like, disengaged with your phone and that you also kind of your social media life is like You're performing version of your life. Yeah, and that fleabag us sometimes is kind of mean. Sometimes she's letting us in on what she really thinks. Sometimes she's also putting on

spk_1:   37:46
she's trying to leave, but make us think a certain way about her, right? Yeah,

spk_0:   37:49
she's not in the moment. And so he kind of steps were out of it was really like being a douche. Yeah, nobody loves you. Checking, checking, Nobody loves you. Help me here and again, it's the two of them know howto push each other's buttons. Oh, yeah, so that holds up the gold sneakers. Who is this person and that it's perfect. Get her something she never get herself, which later is kind of what, Claire or what Fleabag actually does. I think with the vibrator she gets or something that she needs what would you get, like, probably physically unable to get. So now they are starting to walk away and you hear this woman laugh and fleabag notices this male store clerk and they recognize each other, and then it gets really well, My first take was, he's another X, and I think that's what um, Martin thinks later s o that were, you know, but there's definitely a tonal shift. It's not just like to embarrassing one night stand. Well, she's like, frozen. She totally freezes. Now we get this flashback to her and fleabag hurt flea bag and booed together getting

spk_1:   38:53
high. I love that scene. Yeah,

spk_0:   38:55
they're just such a good friend and heard trying Explain who it is that she fancies that she's like, I'm gonna hold my hold his face in my head so you can see him Make your face his face. And so she guess who it is.

spk_1:   39:08
Well, she kid, she knows she could tell he's bi racial right there that she might have known who she was talking about. And, um, I think it's

spk_0:   39:18
kind of poignant because seeing his face now reminds her boost. Like whose faces boost phase. Dr. Christie strikes. Yeah, that's charging 100 college. Yes. So then, you know, they see him and outside the door and like, she thinks you're lovely and, like, we want to see what

spk_1:   39:35
you've got. Points distract him. That's like such a comedy classic that Marx Brothers Total a Lucy Ethel. Yeah, I loved that. And so we get that,

spk_0:   39:45
like, sound design of the distortion again, coming back kind of exchange an awkward wave. And so now we assume maybe they're just both in shock over the death of their mutual friend. Or like whatever. I still hadn't even jump to the conclusion of like, oh, they dated. And this is the guy who cheated on boo. Yeah. So now they cut the the dramatic moment with the humor of Martin coming out in the heels going Oh, my God, Look at my elegant feet. We laughed so hard at this line, and it was, like, actually speak to look pretty elegant. And again, it was kind of Ah, like, this is fun drunk, Martin. Yeah, that was

spk_1:   40:19
a funny moment where

spk_0:   40:21
he's kind of being generally charming, but she's too distracted bolts out of the store, and

spk_1:   40:27
you can just feel, Oh, God, just such a good job. I mean, I think the sound and just every the whole way they present that. Yeah, my chest tightened like I was like, Oh, God, she's having a panic.

spk_0:   40:37
You leave right? And then what's funny about her running out of stories? Now Martin has to run down the street in the hell Do you have another vision? Trauma? And he's like, You know any seriously, what is your problem? Who is that? And she's like, I just need to get another drink. Which, of course, he's like, Great Done. Yeah, And now, when they're at the bar, look easy, Tiger, which I mean, she even calls you being criticized on your drinking by Martin. Yeah, Achieved goes coming from you, and it's like, Well, yeah, that says more about you and he assumes that he's an axe. He's like, Who was that heartbreaker? And she tells him the story. And, um not the full story, obviously. But just that they use got with Boo. He slept with someone else, and he's like, Oh, yeah, I remember.

spk_1:   41:20
Yeah, and he doesn't He doesn't want her to, like, keep going. He's like you got it right right up,

spk_0:   41:24
like almost like don't get emotional. I don't want to have to deal with that. And as I was interesting, what somebody said on the group and this had popped in my head about the name Boo that it's a term of affection, which is kind of mostly How here everybody boo. Yeah, and that it's also the sound of Ghost makes. So it's like she's being haunted by this image of your friend. Yeah, so then and he's like I never said I'm sorry. I waas And so she kind of cuts him off, gets back to the shoes, like just go to the trainers. Yeah, and he's like she'll say, I don't know her. And she's like, Well, you don't because Well, you're You're not at your Justus bad and it is they both. Everybody's just so disconnected from each other, and they're trying to pretend that they they're trying to go through the motions of what a family does exactly. But they're not actually connected exactly. And then she kind of reveals that Claire has talked to her about their lack of sex. Jesus. Just fuck her. Yes. And that you know she's almost in a better position to like, because Claire would never right. I mean, I wouldn't bring it up to him, so she's kind of in a better position to do it. She thinks, like, Is he having an affair? And then you think, however little put

spk_1:   42:42
that I think I involuntarily would have punched him in If somebody said that to me, I just I think my body would have acted on. Yeah, toward what? I think

spk_0:   42:52
she just always has his number, and it just drives him nuts. And

spk_1:   42:55
it's hard to also tell, like if she did catch him and something,

spk_0:   42:58
or if he's like, No, you just think you're so ahead of the game and you're not here. He turns real quick. Yeah, so then he is basically like, Would it kill her to take me out to dinner like she needs to court him for sex?

spk_1:   43:13
This whole interaction. So, like Phoebe said in some interview that she wrote flea bag out of the cynicism I was feeling in my twenties and also wanting to play a character. I really relate to you and also a touch of female rage, and I feel that female that I was like, Bingo, I got you, I got it. Yeah,

spk_0:   43:31
it's pretty enraging. And again, it's a little bit of like a gender reversal, almost of like, what's clear to understand emotionally and court him. Yeah,

spk_1:   43:41
And of course, there's

spk_0:   43:41
also a little bit of that Lake Wonder if it's quite not gaslighting but of like, I'm the jerk. How come nobody's paying attention to play and my problems right? Then he goes. You know, if anyone said that to her, they be hung and she's like, What? They were hung. They brought you in. She probably wouldn't be complaining. I love that, Um, and then he's not turning tables. He's like a little advice from married. You should probably get yourself out there, sweetie. You're just tipping your problem

spk_1:   44:07
way. He delivers that line. He's such a

spk_0:   44:09
good actor, No good. So and now he's kind of trying to push status over her again, and and he knows exactly what her insecurity is. But now they just kind of like I

spk_1:   44:20
think it's

spk_0:   44:21
interesting that you kind of have these little passive aggressive conflict moments, but then it's like we're gonna keep talking. Yeah, you know another drink, and she's like then her phone business, but was bingo like a She gets out of

spk_1:   44:32
someone like to my vagina. Someone like my vagina,

spk_0:   44:34
and I get out of this conversation with Martin. Oh, so she tells him, Get the trainers. So now we're assuming he's getting the trade. So now we see that the person

spk_1:   44:42
was responded is bus rodent Course he is. And she hates Yates, and she knows

spk_0:   44:47
that she looks like she's like, Shut up!

spk_1:   44:48
Yeah, exactly. And but then he also is so fucking desperate because she treated him like shit

spk_0:   44:54
last time, right? And he's just like Thanks for

spk_1:   44:56
the text. Saucy Onda. Well, essential. Interesting, too. Is

spk_0:   45:00
that what he didn't like? What kind of driven part last time was that he didn't want to have sex, She was being overtly sexual. And then he's like, Sorry, I'm late for this last minute thing, which she brought up, and, uh, he tells the story about like, the reason

spk_1:   45:14
he's just late you got is a coat cut on someone else's coat. I had to separate Selves. Tend, tend. I had to give him my coat, and I just wish we had seen that. Honey, how do you get your coats are stuck on somebody else? Coat and see, I think

spk_0:   45:28
that's one of those girls were, like, the image of what that looks like. You're right, it's funnier. Um, and

spk_1:   45:33
he's just like what we do. He doesn't know what

spk_0:   45:34
the plans are, just there for it. And so she explains that they're going to this surprise party, which is like, Oh, my God, Oh, my God,

spk_1:   45:40
we never lets her finish a sentence. No, but what I love is she, um pw be in, like, the place She describes him as he's like telling me a story like he doesn't want to let the words out and that is it, like, so good How he took that direction clearly, and

spk_0:   45:55
that's awesome. Held it hilarious. Well, actually, before she mentions surprise party, he just was like, I have to get my sister gift, and he's like our nose beautiful. So

spk_1:   46:06
it will get you right in the bath. Yeah. Who is this guy? Yeah,

spk_0:   46:11
and I feel against a little gender reversal, but and this

spk_1:   46:14
is what I was thinking a

spk_0:   46:15
little more like and how she takes him to this great cuss sex shop. Yes, and he's holding. That still does. He's

spk_1:   46:23
so out of his comfort zone. Oh, my She did that on purpose. Oh, yeah, She's like I was gonna fuck of you now, although I think

spk_0:   46:28
maybe she was genuinely gonna owe Claire. But she's enjoying the fact

spk_1:   46:32
that she could have said Meet me at Claire's

spk_0:   46:34
apartment, right? And so now this, uh oh. Then we see the blow up doll in the background, which is I feel like a little foreshadowing to the silent retreat. And like, she's just like casually walking around this little whitefeather thing. And then this woman comes over and is

spk_1:   46:53
not interested in bus. Rodent is very interesting. Very fleabag. Well, I think she can

spk_0:   46:57
also tell you who The sexual person.

spk_1:   46:58
Yeah, well, like what are you craving? What l like I mean, after she says that, like, 15,000 times a day there, like it has to sound. Yeah, and I did enjoy that. She was just immediately into fleabag. And that's something I like about. The show is like the portrayal of the spectrum of sexuality Just attracted to figure attractive. D'oh! Yeah, and I think that's very 2019 but also just well, actually, I guess this is 2020 16 and everyone, but it's just, like, refreshing to see that portrayed right. We don't have to have labels.

spk_0:   47:28
You could just exist. Let's see that again in Season two with Christmas crap. Yeah, exactly. Uh And so then I think it's funny how bus run then kind of tries to engage when she's like he's like, Oh, no, it's for her sister Like she's not that kind of girl. I hope that she is. And, you know, she's like, just a basic bunny. Like I'm really well versed in all of

spk_1:   47:47
yes, And then he Then they come across the pocket vagina, which is a brilliant scene. Yes, life's exchanges really funny. Oh, my God. And likes it the way he, like,

spk_0:   47:59
jabs his figures. It's probably what he does with the real thing. Well, she kind of looks like he has this woman for, uh yeah, and then the this classic dialogue about you should get one of those. She's like a

spk_1:   48:11
vagina. Already got 10 my God. You've

spk_0:   48:13
got one. Take it with me everywhere. No, You lie. You lie like you don't have one on you now and she's never going to get it. And, yeah, I don't know, you know, it's just it's a commentary on men. Just see vaginas. Is this, like sexual target that don't equate that they're attached

spk_1:   48:31
well and that all the men she's with are just such caricatures of men like he can't see her perspective, but all he can't imagine what you have to have a vagina, right? You can't like. He doesn't even consider the fact that she has one,

spk_0:   48:42
that it's part right and part of her holding her

spk_1:   48:45
body. Yeah, and then when she's like, I don't

spk_0:   48:47
carry around for China around,

spk_1:   48:48
maybe way to provide My God, I love that.

spk_0:   48:51
It's just like singing. This is being a woman is existing is right. So now the sales lady comes over and gives her the borough ER, which is the name is so brilliant. Um, and you looked up to see it was a real thing, but it

spk_1:   49:05
did. It's not. It is like a 19

spk_0:   49:07
eighties horror movie, though also very rock, so that if that movie doesn't end until you

spk_1:   49:13
come, you can rent it for half price. Uh, it's also funny that it's a funny

spk_0:   49:20
name for a sex toy, but also the fact that we've said he looks like a road. No, my idiot of a brewer. Uh, but now, when she found he finds out, it's exciting, it's a surprise parties like Oh my God, I love, love, love, surprise parties and that parents adore me and I want you to be totally in love with me. But

spk_1:   49:35
how everything's about hit and like, welcome like, Hi. Would you like to be

spk_0:   49:39
introduced to your relationship with her? Because it's

spk_1:   49:41
not like it's not like that at all, but right now he's just way jumping ahead. In a way, he's jumping

spk_0:   49:48
ahead like emotionally, the way she's kind of vast. Sexually. Yeah. Um, so then they clear, See someone honks and he was high. It he's like, you know,

spk_1:   49:57
grabs. And again he doesn't listen or doesn't listen. You know, ever, even though I mean it's a natural

spk_0:   50:01
reaction of like, Oh, she not supposed to see us, which is like this, their families just like the opposite of what a normal dynamic is, and then they would cut, declare.

spk_1:   50:09
I'm so surprised and I had absolutely no idea.

spk_0:   50:14
But I love a fleabag with you. Just like she's very good.

spk_1:   50:16
Yeah, I want a GIF of that. Just gift. Whatever I like. Just wanna have that for a while. And then God, Mother, what a lovely husband

spk_0:   50:22
you have. Where is he? Is she? No, I mean again. She's so passive aggressive. And then Martin's not even there. He's off drinking. Wasn't even part of the surprise because it happened completely without him. Yeah, it onto it to her, you know? And now and then.

spk_1:   50:37
But I had no idea. Hildegard, can I describe you immediately, Start a full agenda? Yeah.

spk_0:   50:42
Already off to work. And And I like what Bus runs like a

spk_1:   50:46
dad. Ah, hi. Hi. And again, Fleabag has

spk_0:   50:50
not introduced him to anybody now, I guess they were running late, But the fact that he's just immediately jump into this of, you know, acting like we're all gonna were also close, right? And then now we cut to them talking. And I love bus rodent. Essentially, a documentary maker

spk_1:   51:05
docks like Look, I know the lingo means that really inside and

spk_0:   51:11
the way Martin last so loud because he was like a He knows that descriptions ridiculous and also just laughing at flea bag.

spk_1:   51:17
And also you just tell that somebody in bus rodents family was like a Lord or whatever. And he just coast soft Daddy's money and doesn't really do well in Times

spk_0:   51:26
of Peace is essentially, it means it's not really happened.

spk_1:   51:30
Essentially, is

spk_0:   51:31
the new like stall word in presentations. Listen,

spk_1:   51:35
for next time I call or something, it's usually if

spk_0:   51:37
someone who's not good at what they're doing,

spk_1:   51:39
but they'll be like, essentially, what

spk_0:   51:41
we're doing is we're gonna make it so that the Internet will imploded on itself. Essentially, it's going to change the way we socialize and essential in years, essentially, over this call. Then the fact, too, that Martin we know Martin's been drinking since the afternoon, so he is just like sweet lass turd. And then he's now Buster is telling Godmother, telling all of them, I'm interested in life and how it affects lots of people in all sorts of different ways. And I love the look at me Livia Coleman's face, because godmother, like we said, is actually talented artists with a specific point of view. So she knows just like puffery. Bullshit when she hears that. But in a

spk_1:   52:20
way, it's actually kind of the underlying theme of the show Off, like a Life affects everybody. Yeah, like that's

spk_0:   52:25
technically the theme of the show. It's Everybody has a story, but like you shouldn't get paid to do that bus right in. Yeah, to get your elevator pitch right?

spk_1:   52:35
Right? Yeah, I get it together. Combat. So then Martin asks, How did you two

spk_0:   52:38
meet? And like he is just trolling fleabag hard, like he he's just playing along and then so annoying Buster and like, spins the story of like, Oh, I met her on the bus and like she could, you know, here's my number, like, basically forced it on him, giving Martin more ammo.

spk_1:   52:54
And that's because he's that sucked up. That sucked because he's clearly trying to suck up to her family and like, show off right. It could be like this funny, but it's like she she didn't do that and she could of right there. They expect her to do that, but she didn't. She didn't do it, and ironically, he threw her under the bus. Thank

spk_0:   53:15
you. I'm here all night. Yeah, all right. And then Godmother excuses herself. Fleabag follows, can't resist. And then, just as soon as this is go, it's just like underlying tension. Oh, God. And her godmother immediately digging in asking about Harry mentioning Harry's new job that fleabag knows nothing about. Nose flew back, stole the statue. And so she's passable, depressing at no. Did

spk_1:   53:38
you hear something happen? Yeah, so she's just doing

spk_0:   53:41
everything she knows that will hurt fleabag.

spk_1:   53:44
But Fleabag sought it out. She followed her. That's true. Didn't have to do that. Like she put herself. She's giving Godmother more opportunities to be a cunt, right, which I guess that

spk_0:   53:54
makes her feel. But like seawater countries.

spk_1:   53:56
Yeah, I also noticed, if he has a

spk_0:   53:58
new job, does that mean he's not working with the lane? And then he

spk_1:   54:01
marries lanes? Maybe he got a new job so that he could date Elaine. There's a whole other subplot that we don't know anything about. Interesting. Just think

spk_0:   54:08
you're onto something there. Just a regular old Sherlock over here. Oh, I see. What you do know. Then Godmother says you were so pleased you found someone else so fast and I can't stop country. And it was you sear on that cafe just all alone feeling so terribly lonely.

spk_1:   54:23
And in this moment I noticed something. So I mean Olivia Colman literally right, queen. But But she delivers his lines up perfectly in all her lines. And I noticed that part of why it's so off putting is because she smiles the whole time. And, um, I am a person. That smile's pretty much all the time. And now I'm like, Fuck, is this how people perceive May and I being passive and mice accidentally being passive aggressive all the time?

spk_0:   54:48
We finally reached the point of this podcast, which is me,

spk_1:   54:51
Tel Aviv. Sally know how should go? Not at all. Uh, well, yeah, that's that's the thing. It's that passive aggression. Like I'm just so sweet and delayed saying these horrible things. Then fleabag makes

spk_0:   55:04
a good point, which we've talked about before. I don't think you've to be alone to be lonely. Dad always taught me that. And I think it's like reminding her of like, we'll always be close to you that you are, and like, almost like you're you're alone. But you know you're part of this family. You're alone because we don't really exactly right, because you're oh. Then she brings up the statue. They both Did Dad ever tell you that when my pieces has gone missing,

spk_1:   55:28
which I felt like first flea bags, like Dad taught me this a childhood with him, and she's saying like, Yeah, but do you talk to him now? And I got him now,

spk_0:   55:38
speaking of Yeah, did you tell you that this happened?

spk_1:   55:41
And I know you stole the statue,

spk_0:   55:41
right? And then that's when bus rodent cuts in. And I actually like my godmother's like, Do

spk_1:   55:47
you know

spk_0:   55:47
you are the most perfect looking pair and another major Dig it flea bag. And I like a way of saying that Flea, Becks, personality and moral character are as unattractive as because he is physically And

spk_1:   56:00
then he tries to do this

spk_0:   56:01
thing where he's like, because what does she say? Like what? You know what you want to do or something, Because what I really want to do Is this any dip, sir, Like he's gonna kiss her, and then he ends up crashing into all that

spk_1:   56:13
which I realize the 15th Watch is that it's her fault. Is is she doesn't let him guide her. She stays totally still. She plants her feet basically. And so if he if she had gone with him, it would have been I mean, it would've been awkward as hell, but she wouldn't have hit the glasses because she stays. They hit the glasses because she does not allow

spk_0:   56:35
him to control her. Boxes him out. Yeah. Yeah, and I think I saw it too. Is, like again he's doing this gesture that he has, like, scene in a movie. Oh, yeah. Anything. This is what you do. Yeah, but the reality is that it doesn't work it all out like crashes down.

spk_1:   56:50
Yes, I also realized one of the reasons he's so awful is confuse such a mouth breather. I didn't notice that has a former mouth breather till I was, like, eight or whatever. I'm just grateful to my mother who's listening to this for putting, getting really good dental care from you because of what I sound like friggin bus. Right? Did. I would love that,

spk_0:   57:12
but for a lot of that out, you should get that it's officially staying in now. Uh, the mouth breather, guys. You know that acting like nothing happened. It was really It was really sexy. So just pretending introduces buster and declare. And, uh, who is this? This, my friend. I know we've already met.

spk_1:   57:32
Yeah, another opportunity to, like, share name that we don't know which I thought was interesting. And then he brings in the gift Martin, my wife, that

spk_0:   57:42
right, such a weirdo. All your desires were wrapped up in here. He's just so fucking drunk. And so she goes, Well, gold has always and you just assume it's the trainers. And then you're like a fleabag statue, which is a great reveal.

spk_1:   57:57
Yeah, And then it is

spk_0:   57:58
a moment of, like, I got a They're going to see it and then also like Martin. Really? Yeah, is what you did. But

spk_1:   58:05
initially, she's kind of touched by. Oh, yeah, And seems like I genuinely happy

spk_0:   58:10
with it. But then fleabag, of course, has to hide it, so it's inappropriate. Martin says it's a shrine to your body,

spk_1:   58:16
which is? The statue is of her mother's body. We find out later. Yeah, I looked like her mother. It kind of is. That wasn't sure

spk_0:   58:23
if he was implying like I made, like I made, you know, not that he

spk_1:   58:28
made it. So she puts it

spk_0:   58:29
in a junk drawer, goes out to smoke, and Martin joins her. And she's just, like, smooth, like again. She knows, like a smooth move when he's like I told you if I had a buyer so I guess that means he intends to actually buy because then later goes, What do you want for it? Yeah, but, uh and he goes, What do you want for? Because he talks about like, your boy is so smart. Funny rabbit, Hilarious like he's just they know each other so well, he's like, you'd fuck anything. But that's, I think, the setup, Then for why would he makes this move on her, But because he's like, don't tell you got it for me. And he's like, How much do you want for it? Finger up the ass nipple tickle, like literally treating sex like currency that we said and, you know, again lighten up like Ha ha ha. I'm just joking. Yeah, but then she says, you know, she's gonna leave you one day, and she means it like because you're awful. Yeah, and he turns out like you're looking forward to that. But

spk_1:   59:25
then she kind of

spk_0:   59:26
doesn't like he's getting close to her and she doesn't pull away, which is like, Why would you not be like, What are you doing? But I think she just wanted to stand

spk_1:   59:33
up. Yeah, I think she was like, You're drunk. You're, like, leering. That's literally like you're leering towards right? And I wasn't. And I get to take this space, right? Yeah, I'm not backing down, Right? One, even

spk_0:   59:45
two. When she said she's gonna leave you one day she's coming back at him with his worst insecurity because he's just hit her with hers. About of just using sex. I know that she'd fuck anything.

spk_1:   59:55
Yeah, so he kisses her when I like. He must be something. He's clearly we know he's so drunk, but he can't be surprised like he doesn't for too long, and she doesn't move. She grimaces. So he's just kissing her teeth for a while and like, that's a kind of ah, red flag that you are.

spk_0:   1:0:13
This is not resisting potential, right? And I think again, where that Brett Gelman interview he talked about that this afternoon, they head out together. Martin saw them as having more of a romantic connection than they did and that if they were two people who sort of understand each other and the family and that combined with his drunkenness, that kind of led to this this kiss. But then you know what? She rejects it. He says, You're an asshole. Reminded me of the bus rodent dating because when fleabag, you know he doesn't have sex with her and she's just like, What do you know? This is rejected, is so offensive right? Like I'm willing to have sex with you looking fuck any. It's kind of like with the bank manager when she's like I want to show you Look at yourself and it's like, Well, I'm willing to Shaggy, you look at yourself and she's offended. So now he has just said she's there with this guy with Bus Road. He's like, you fuck anything and then the fact that she rejects him like Are

spk_1:   1:1:05
you kidding? I'm worse than that guy. Yeah, exactly.

spk_0:   1:1:07
On top of just also that he's gross.

spk_1:   1:1:09
Yeah, he knows. He knows it

spk_0:   1:1:11
was wrong to dio, but I think he thought they were gonna be kind of like they had this special connection, right? But

spk_1:   1:1:18
then after that, she doesn't She doesn't really want to share that moment with us. No, she takes a second

spk_0:   1:1:22
look at the camera. She kind of just like processing anything.

spk_1:   1:1:25
And then when she does look at us, she doesn't

spk_0:   1:1:26
speak. She knows. Just kind of like, uh, yeah, So then she's trying to get out of there. No bus road, and she just hightails it clearer, comes out chasing her. I think you took my coat, but it actually doesn't sound like an accusation like that. There was a genuine mix up. And after, maybe fleabag did take her.

spk_1:   1:1:44
I was like, That's just how flustered us you just left. I think she just lies there. Absolutely. And then she gives the reason she's leaving his concil ary needs her Earl Grey secure. Which, if you guys can tell, I like to look stuff up on Google. Yeah, uh, this episode brought to you by, um I did look up if what? The deal is with giving guinea pigs Earl Grey and you're not supposed to do that for several reasons. One thanks to online guinea pig care dot com. Sure, I learned that guinea pigs should stick to water because although a tiny bit of tea won't harm them, if they drink too much of it the caffeine most severe damage. Also, they can't drink hot liquids. And if you do insist on giving them t skip the milk

spk_0:   1:2:26
because they are lactose intolerant, the more you show. I hope you guys were taking notes. Yeah, if anybody owns a guinea pig, I certainly don't want war anymore by the NCC was begging for a cup of tea with fill it with half 1/2 just fighting rot and just injected into my veins. The faster the better. So then fleabag gives clear the vibrator and explains that it won't stop until you come. And she's six ounce horrendous, thank you. That was really sweet. Yeah, and, like, actually seems genuinely touched by it. And I think maybe also the fact that, like, fleabag heard her when she said, You know, this problem with Martin and I felt like I was actually kind of scene and listened to

spk_1:   1:3:13
Yes, And also

spk_0:   1:3:14
there's just zero chance that Claire is gonna go into a sex shop. Oh, yeah, She definitely bought her something she never would have bought herself, right? And then fleabag ask good birthday business. Not a party on Claire does say it went well. Could be life changing, which flew. That kind of seems disappointed. And I can't tell if it's like I'm not ready for anything to change. Or also, I'd like something life changing. Yeah. Um, And then Claire asks the drinking game, Are you okay? Drink and fleabag answers. Yeah, like almost like It's a question. And that's when Buster Rodent comes on. Kind of interrupts the focus that Claire was Tell the truth like you have a moment Bust road comes out and we had him with such a great night like we're all just think it's already right. And like they're already a couple

spk_1:   1:4:02
gives. Clear this if you juggle, but just literally her worst nightmare. That's true. Yeah, I hadn't even thought of that Total Street and then sees the borough. It feels it. I think he just tense because he's like, Hey did that to almost couldn't believe something about the interaction. Like he couldn't

spk_0:   1:4:18
believe fully back actually gave it to her.

spk_1:   1:4:19
Yes, and I thought that was interesting because like, Flea Bag was just so torn up at that time. But then sort of seeing her. I mean, she gets pleasure and amusement out of watching people be really awkward. So I think she kind of put her master like, had a chance. Yet she's a chance to put the mask back on. She looks happy again. She's, you know, she's kind of like back in her stride. And then he does

spk_0:   1:4:40
that like we like, flips her hair back again. It's like something you've seen in a movie that a couple supposed to d'oh and you know, does the shall we? And I love this look of panic. She gives the camera like she knows she's about to have sex with this guy. She doesn't really want it to happen, but she doesn't have the strength for it not to happen

spk_1:   1:4:58
that it's the only reasonable end to her night again.

spk_0:   1:5:02
It's like she's at least put she might get something out of this horrible effort. Cut

spk_1:   1:5:06
to them in the

spk_0:   1:5:07
cafe, Um, not hygienic. Speaking of hygienic, speaking of not hygienic, but it's also she didn't want to take him home right, like she's here somewhere. That's just like, let's just get this over with. I'm not staying and doing other like standing. It's just nothing. Oh, totally. And then she's like he's surprisingly bony. It's like having sex with a protractor.

spk_1:   1:5:25
First time I heard or thought about a protractor in about 15 years, which I'm not mad about. I think he's giving like

spk_0:   1:5:31
these status updates along the way. And then when he's like, leaves around, he's like, I'm done like like you finished installing a light

spk_1:   1:5:36
socket. I get to confirm it was, Yeah, it sze over. And, uh, this is a sad moment because he said it. He hated having sex. Hated

spk_0:   1:5:44
it, even aside from just him physically, she knows this is like bottom. She's really scraping the bottom of the barrel. It's starting to crumble, and when he's like Are you done? It's like she never even started, Dude and, um and he keeps saying It's amazing. It's amazing and insisting again, like in a movie, we're like we just had this amazing moment and, um, you know, and he's she's just kind of smiling along, and

spk_1:   1:6:09
it's not even trying, though. She's like she's Really? Yeah, she And that's why I think it's interesting because she's usually a really good actor, really bad hair. She was like, Yeah, so crazy. But she just cropped. She's like, I can't just let the energy anymore. Yeah, I can't do that now

spk_0:   1:6:24
And he kind of calls around it. And he's like, You don't go through life with teeth like these and not know when someone's pretending some

spk_1:   1:6:30
rare self awareness. Yeah, And there was a moment

spk_0:   1:6:32
You're like, OK, actually, a little respect for you now,

spk_1:   1:6:34
even though she's been pretending this entire trial. So yes, I can tell you can tell because she's kind of

spk_0:   1:6:40
been faking this the whole time, but they

spk_1:   1:6:42
kind of

spk_0:   1:6:42
both have. I mean, I really haven't had a genuine interaction since they met. No. And in a way, it's like, Well,

spk_1:   1:6:46
if you've been kind

spk_0:   1:6:47
of vulnerable like this upfront, maybe you could have had a little more reconnection. But, uh, then he go, he starts walking away in heels. What the fuck is that? And you think he's just kind of like,

spk_1:   1:6:57
Yeah, do. It was like, Oh, this is taking a turn. Yeah, that was just him.

spk_0:   1:7:00
being emotional towards her. And then it's because he sees Hillary and I'll kick it, which is what happens in the play. He does get. He does kick it and it's horrible, But

spk_1:   1:7:09
he doesn't He doesn't kick it if it please, just like saying out loud, That's a man. Oh, ticket doesn't That's true. Thank God I know, right?

spk_0:   1:7:18
And, uh, so she picks up Hillary and he's like, That is a rat and she's like, It's a guinea pig, that is a wrap. And so then we cut now to this, like sweet guitar music, which is such a shift from yes, kind of lovely. The other stuff, you know, the harder stuff we've had. And, um, you know, and I think again, just kind of staring at Hillary, something that on the surface seems repulsive to people but is actually just wants to be loved and just wants to be close to something. Hey, I think she's like I was bonding with Hillary in this moment, Yeah, both as a memory of boo and as like realizing how people see her. Yeah, hub. So then they cut to boo with Hillary and the neighbor, and

spk_1:   1:7:58
that's her lighting is always so warm, like they manipulate us so well right now, we're getting a

spk_0:   1:8:04
less traumatic memory, like like it's the music has shifted. She's kind of having this happier memory and then men almost like a little wink to see that nut. It wasn't going to Season two at that point, but she picks Hillary up in this post. It almost looks like she's praying because we're

spk_1:   1:8:17
gonna find the religious symbolism everywhere Phoebe knew did headed before you knew it. But yeah, so she and I had the same thought

spk_0:   1:8:26
when like in the play like Is she starting to squeeze her

spk_1:   1:8:29
place? She squeezes her today and out of mercy, right? And I was like, Oh, shit. Okay,

spk_0:   1:8:36
so this montage continues, and we kind of Seymour of Boo and Hillary in them. And it's It's almost like Hillary's. Her last connection to boo. Yeah, for sure. And that I don't like feeling spiritually. It's like booze, kind of telling her through Hillary like it's gonna be okay. And, um, I don't like the way fleabag had to defend Hillary was like, you're together. You know, you're gonna find yourself against people who don't understand you Exactly. So now we cut to the end and we see start

spk_1:   1:9:05
in the cemetery and

spk_0:   1:9:06
in the Senate, right? So she's running, jogging to the cemetery again, sees that old man crying in the different grave waves at him. He waves back.

spk_1:   1:9:14
He likes stop sobbing waves like a normal human Canada news. And I saw that. It's like we're all just doing the best we can. I like that because I think she they acknowledge each other. Also, she's the one who jogs through a graveyard exactly there, though they both have weird shit, right? And so I have reading something right? I enjoyed, like, just radical acceptance. Just I'm sure he has a reason for doing what he's doing. She has a reason for doing what she's doing. It's like a kinship thing. Yeah, so it's kind of ends in kind of a comfort. They just accepted who they are. Yeah, I'm

spk_0:   1:9:44
just acknowledging somebody else's president. Exactly. So and I also think the music shift again because we go into the credits that with this kind of light acoustic guitar, yeah, that's really beautiful. And, you know, instead of the hard electric, we're getting this kind of bittersweet, and it's almost like her grief starting to soften

spk_1:   1:10:01
it. Sze cathartic to have that music and not be jolted back. You think they liked They took care of us. This episode really, like, rips you apart a little bit and they're like, No, it's a cage. Yeah, it's kind of

spk_0:   1:10:13
like a turning point of, like things might be getting better for her. Yeah, changing at the very least, right. So that is it for Season one Episode three and we will be back next time to talk about episode four, which is the fabulous silent retreat.

spk_1:   1:10:28
I've been stung by a wasp. It's that this I'm really excited. But I really can't talk about it, cause I feel like even for

spk_0:   1:10:35
people I recommend it to, this seems to be the episode. They come back and they're like, even in season one, if they're like, That's not catch me. And like, get to the silent retreat. Yeah, if you don't like it after the silent retreat, all of granite, didn't you? So All right. Uh, in the meantime, before we're back again, you can reach us out. Reach out, reach us out, reach out to us via all of our socials on email, fleabag. The fleet back situation at gmail dot com website fleabag podcast dot com where you can leave us a voicemail if you'd like our Facebook group. The fleet back situation Instagram is fully back situation podcast and Twitter is that fleabag podcast. And if you're on apple podcasts hit, subscribe If you're on Spotify, I guess it's followed. And then you just added us somewhere else this week.

spk_1:   1:11:22
Oh, and worry we will be on tune in, Which is that

spk_0:   1:11:26
I don't know any old thing our way If some of the

spk_1:   1:11:29
bad millennial it's just another platform. Okay? I

spk_0:   1:11:32
believe so If you're on their listen to I've already forgotten the name of it

spk_1:   1:11:35
with me Tune in, tune in to tune in Got

spk_0:   1:11:38
it We love all of you so much for listening End

spk_1:   1:11:41
up its season One episode for Yeah, well, get chatty with you Then you decided to do it. That's fine. Okay, I love it. Okay. What should we do? We do that, though. No, we're gonna leave it exactly like this. Bye, guys. Okay, so I think that was