The Fleabag Situation: A Fleabag Fan Podcast

BONUS: Emmys Recap

September 24, 2019 Chrissie Moore and Allie Lemco Toren Season 1 Episode 7
BONUS: Emmys Recap
The Fleabag Situation: A Fleabag Fan Podcast
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The Fleabag Situation: A Fleabag Fan Podcast
BONUS: Emmys Recap
Sep 24, 2019 Season 1 Episode 7
Chrissie Moore and Allie Lemco Toren

Kneel before the Queen! PWB was the MVP of Emmy night, and Chrissie and Allie stayed up late so they could break it all down in a special bonus Emmy recap episode.

Show Notes Transcript

Kneel before the Queen! PWB was the MVP of Emmy night, and Chrissie and Allie stayed up late so they could break it all down in a special bonus Emmy recap episode.

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This episode of the Fleabag situation is brought to you by[inaudible].

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Why don't we have a cup? Texas

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Oh my God, you guys. I'm Christy lympho and this is a special bonus post Emmy recap episode of the Fleabag situation because, Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Yesterday was a great last night. It was really good. I didn't get a lot of sleep. Nope. I don't even know where to begin. This first of all, Emmy day for me is like Christmas morning I wake up and I actually woke up in the morning and was kind of like, I think it's going to win. I just had this like if I made it happen guys, I manifested it. Thank you. Because I think just on Twitter, so many people have been talking about the show in general and all these like big names are really starting to tweet about it and I just was like, I just feel like this could happen. And then I texted somebody and I was like, I think if it wins for writing, if she wins for writing, that means it's going to win for comedy. And then when she act is what, we'll get into all this. We're going to like break the whole thing down. Don't worry Gus. But needless to say, I could not be happier right now. Ditto. It was I, I was like screaming in my living room with people that didn't care. It was so exciting. This must be what it's like, like for people who love sports. Exactly. That makes me feel much better about the whole situation. Yeah. I guess we'll just dive right into the show because I liked what you found with the Guardian's headline was today guardian spoke for all of us. When it said today the world belongs to Fleabag because it really feels like that. It really does and Fleabag kind of belongs to the world now. You know? It's like everybody knows me for those people that their lives are going to be, yeah, exponentially better. Now I saw somebody, some journalist tweeted today, he's like, I've never seen it. I guess I have to watch it now. A guy I haven't heard from in like 10 years when I used to work with, emailed me. He's like, so your messages I should watch Fleabag that's the takeaway and I was like, yeah, yes. Have you, I'm glad you got that. I was like clear. We needed a room full of Hollywood's best and brightest to confirm it. I know. I feel very validated. I know. I always wanted to just like post a Facebook message. It was like toll jam, like suck it everybody. You thought I was crazy and I am, but you can be too. Right. If that's true, that all of Hollywood is crazy. Yes. All right, so first of all, red carpet, her, her dress. I know we're not supposed to talk. Maybe this is like bad feminists. No, we can acknowledge it, but we just need to acknowledge that she goes, Oh man, you're a bad feminist. If it's the only thing you talk about that is, but I don't think they do that

Speaker 3:

so much anymore. Yes. Dress was, you know you like see those, I don't know. I do this whenever I see, whenever I watch a red carpet I'm like, Oh, that's the one I would do. Like I'm always on the search for, you know, when my, when I inevitably get an Emmy, obviously, well I'm 30[inaudible] of time picking it out, but I always am like, Oh, that's the one I'll do. That's what I'll do. And I that damn she look all our bridges dress

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was perfection. I mean it looked classic. It was like a little episode. It's like a little bit sexy. Her boobs looked great. She said she, I in one of the interviews with the Sharon Osborne people and she was like the girl. Yeah. Like the girls are like trying to come out so I can't move in different direction. They have to, they're not coming to the party. Yeah. You could tell it was very secure. Yeah. But I mean it was just perfectly, it was just like dressy enough. I'm not a fashion analyst by any means, but her makeup looked beautiful. It was just like natural, just this really chic, Oh my God. It's really chic away. Exactly. Yeah. She was ready for the MES or a funeral and it was perfect because she was just the star of the night. And so for her to just make that stunning. Yeah. And Sean Clifford looked fantastic. All the guys looked great. Yes they did. Um, I mean obviously Scott is just gonna rock, whatever he's wearing. A Dior tucks will do just nicely. Yeah. So that was already when those red carpet pictures started. I think the first one was maybe her stylist or somebody tweeted out a picture. I have to just give a shout out to thank the members of the Facebook fan group and like all the Andrew Scott fan groups and, and people who are just out there doing the hard work of scoping out these photos for on us. Thank you for your service. Agreed. And also when a certain podcast host is delayed watching the Emmy's and you're not with anybody to who the one person you thought would be there

Speaker 3:

that you could text and get an appropriate reaction. And then you literally text 27 times in a row over 45 minutes. And I like, I was like, Oh my God, I should call the police. Chrissy's Christie's she's dead. Or I thought you were DVR ING it to like skip the commercials. And I was like, girl, fuck that. Watch the fucking commercials. Like no

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one time of year we watch live TV. Here's what happened. My son had the nerve to get croup over the weekend. Oh yeah. And we're a little buddy. He was has that really distinctive cough and just sounded really horrible. And my husband uses excuses and my husband happened to be out last night. He already had plans and so I was home alone with our son and had a brief moment where I'm like, you know what? He really needs his rest. He should probably go to bed at like 6:00 PM but try to get him down early. He just was not really having it and so it was a lot of back and forth. So I started the show an hour and 15 late and for that hour and 15 I was, I gave up on her, but then I just started like I found solace in the Facebook group. Like thank you, all of you, whoever started that started that thread, thank you for your service. And I needed that. I needed an outlet. She said she was going to do that. I was like, Oh, this will be great. And I, you know, I can't wait to just be part of this and it didn't happen. Yeah. I kept having to have that conversation to myself of like, he's only going to be this age once and you know the Emmys are going to be there. They're on, they're on DVR, there'll be there forever. It's okay. I forgive you. Yeah. So once I finally started watching, well, and I hid my phone because I knew they were doing the comedy categories first. So I hid my phone so I wouldn't look at it. I did happen to glance as I turned it over, I had a lot of notifications, so I thought maybe something was going well and when I finally got caught up at the end of the cat, the comedy categories, and then we're getting into variety and the Kardashians, which, Oh God, I love that the audience laughed. They were not, they were like, why are you here and what are you wearing? They were saying something about like the real drama of a real family and like literally the audience just laughed in their faces. It was really awkward. Anyway, once we got to that, I looked at my phone, I had 28 text messages. I'd never have three text messages like, well I did, I didn't know that number. Went to double digits and then I had like 19 Facebook things or whatever. Yeah. So that I opened up by the tags. I, Allie and I were like, we feel like we just won an Emmy. See, no, you know what I liked is that somebody told us that and I was like, well at least you, I'm glad you said it cause I felt that. I really did. I think we all source. I think we all did. But it was very sweet that the first person people, cause they literally were like, you must be so proud. My mom was like, I'm so excited for you, but you don't, I didn't do anything other than obsess about the show. So then we started getting some of this stuff that I'm arriving. There's this really cute GIF of Phoebe and Sean and Andrew Scott, like trying to pose and like rearranging themselves on the red carpet, the purple carpet. Um, also did we mention her dress is just no, but also that also hurts her also the dress. And I noticed when the show started, the seat placement seemed to change because somebody had on Instagram, I think it was even like the TV Academy or somebody. Yeah, I think I saw that you had posted like all the different seat cards of where people were going to be sitting. And everybody was like, Oh, cause it was Phoebe. And then Lin Manuel Miranda was right next to her. Yeah. And then they were like, Oh, and Andrew Scott's obviously gonna like sit right there. And then it turned out she was in the front row. They must've, I don't know if they got a hint that she was going to be up there a lot. I needed a clear path, so I already made the right choice. Somebody made a good call. Um, and then, yeah, so I started watching and saw a Phoebe wind for writing first. And we kind of expected that. I think we had talked about that being one that she would definitely thrilled, but I was like, okay, totally. You're like, all right, now we're on screen for that one. And then exactly. And I had kinda thought, Ooh, this could be the way the Academy just acknowledges the show. Like you one, you're writing one, now we're gonna get back to these old, these old heavy hitters that have been around forever. So yeah, I kind of had kind of thought, well, maybe this is going to be it and let's be excited. And she seemed kind of prepped in that way too. So speaking of, we're going to go ahead and actually play a clip of her winning and then her speech,

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Amy goes to Phoebe.

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can you say thing? Oh my God. Look at, huh? Oh my God. Thank you so much. I'm ready to taking out something to say. What was it? Um, Oh yes. I, uh, I find writing really, really hard and really painful and, um, but I'd like to say just honestly from the bottom of my heart that the reason that I do it is this. So it's made it all really well. Hey guys, thank you so much. Um, I'm gonna say a huge thank you to the feedbag family who have been behind every single word of this. Um, and uh, I mean it's all cost incredible. Um, Sean Clifford and Andrew Scott and everybody else who just brought so much heart to this, uh, how he brought that on director who is so involved with the, uh, the writing process. So thank you. I love you. And to Jenny Robbins who is between every single letter on the page. Um, thank you so much for being there for me with this. And yeah, it's just really wonderful to know and reassuring that a, um, dirty pervy angry, uh, messed up woman can make it to the Emmys.

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I love her. Like my heart just filled. I just did. I just exploded. I w I, I just look, I can't even talk. It was just so delightful. I just love her. She just seems so genuine.[inaudible] the whole joke about like, and the reason I do it is for this, so thank you for me. The is so naturally perfect, charming and charismatic and gifted. I also just loved that she said it's really wonderful to know a dirty pervy angry, messed up woman can make it to the Emmys because also because if you don't know what Fleabag is about, you're like, okay, what the fuck is some British thing? But like that is what it is about. It's about that those people have value can do it and also that we were all those people to be honest, so I just love that she was like suck it all. Like I made it and she's like referring to her and playback. I have to say at the beginning when that Ben Stiller bit, which was real awkward when it started, I was like, what the hell is this? Especially coming off of, just to sidetrack, coming off of that opening of the whole Anthony Anderson running find a host which went on way too long. I did think it was funny, the stealing the Emmys, but then when they get, Oh, gay, Brian Cranston, who is very funny, usually I was like, okay, all right, it's going to happen. So we're going to go out and he's going to do some kind of comedic thing and then all of a sudden this like tone shift of like we went to the moon 50 years ago, television saved mankind and it will save us in the future. It just felt so like what is happening right now then anyway, um, what was my point? The opening, Oh, the Bob hope or the Bob Newhart thing. And when Ben Stiller described it as like, imagine what would he would think of a show like Fleabag a show about a sex addict. And I was like, it is about a lot more than that. You're not oversimplifies leave me side note though. I thought Bob Newark did such a good job. I got pay off. He's not dead. But then I looked and I was like, Oh, but they have a wax sculpture of him, but then he like blinked, started blinking. Got me. Got it. Well I would, would they revealed him. I was like, okay, this, this might've been worth it. Um, cause he is still so funny and even when he goes this, uh, weird wax museum of comedy you have here, you could just feel the relief in the audience that this was a bit, yeah, it worked. So yeah. Uh, what he's like, I'm copping about sex addict. I was like, Oh Ben, it's very complex actually. So one other thing in this speech when she goes, I want to thank the Fleabag family, I really had a moment where I thought she would say the Fleabag situation. I really thought she was going to give us a little shout out. Especially if you think I would have like peed my pants considering she has no idea we exist yet. And literally my ultimate goal is just to talk to her. The whole point of this podcast is just to, maybe we're just going to have to record it. I just want to have a conversation with her period and take her mini thing. I do want to take her and just watch her mini golf the way we should just like secret that out there. You know that book the secret where you just supposed to like say what you want. Just secret that out there that we want to talk to Phoebe Sunday. Yeah. The wacky windmill whole 19 yes. And that, so then that was like amazing. I was so excited and kind of expected. Yeah. Expected. Then when Harry Bradbere won for directing. Ah, that was I think a surprise to some people. I don't know enough about who the buzz was around. I th I had thought bill Hader was going win that cause that was also a great episode of that app actually is the one episode of Barry I saw last season. I happened to be up late and turn it on Ronnie Lilly with a little, it was fantastic. I mean it's a brilliant show and everybody loves bill hater. Right. But yeah, so when Harry, Brad, your one I literally wouldn't like, yeah, like I cheered my son. So we have a one story house and so my son's room is just like off the living room through the monitor. I hear any six, I hear mommy and I was like, Oh sweetie, what do you need? Can you be quiet? It's like, Oh shit. Yeah, the four year old shut down his mother, can you be quiet? She'd been like, no honey. Yeah. And I just went, Oh I'm sorry sweetie. I'll be quiet. It's hysterical. I like, I just, I, it was so unexpected and he was so lovely. Like his face was so lovely when he likes, when they read his name that I just, you know, you just kind of eruption in a sound that you have no control over. I just did that and my dogs literally kept barking for 10 minutes. They were like, what the fuck is going on? Like she is food defender. There's a disturbance in the floors. I think I just like Yelp. Like I just like it. Yeah, they thought you were barking. It just erupted out of me cause I was just so thrilled and he's still, she's so low. Like you said he was, he was so sweet and you know how, uh, how complimentary he was a Phoebe, you came into my life like some kind of glorious Courtenay now what a compliment honestly. Well, and throughout all of it, you can just see how much they adore her and you feel that love. It's like so clear. It feels good. Yeah. So we're actually going to go ahead and listen to his win and his speed.

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[inaudible] goes to every brand.

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well, that was a good stuff I think for a director and I will earn, go on. But I think for a director, something like Fleabag and he comes along once in your life. It was like a perfect storm of support and trust. And as a loveliness, I have to thank my producers, Lydia and Sarah and Jenny. I Goggle 28 seconds. Um, I have the Amazon and the BBC. Of course I have a prospect, thank my crew who made something beautiful from almost no money, uh, costs that just had to open their mouth to make me look good. And of course I have to thank Phoebe who thank you for coming into my life, like some kind of glorious grenade. Uh, your extraordinary, you also trusting scientists are still trying to work out how somebody, some incredibly talented can be so utterly lovely. Um, this is for you and your perception is all and uh, thank you to everybody.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So he's awesome. Now we know again why that's another thing with the show. Every person who had a job on this show was the best person to do that. Competent. Everything just came together. Yeah. And yeah, just the, the, the mutual respect that they have for each other is so clear. Yeah. Now we get to actress and also when they did this Alexa bid I was like, Oh, is that, that's like the only bit I like. Well I like, I really love Stephen Covera. So I was like, whenever you say I'm going to like it, but I actually thought that one was pretty cute. The other ones I was like, okay guys, but I've done the LASIK, reading the names wrong. That was funny. It was funny. But also like you took away their moment. I know you didn't. That's what I was thinking is like they wait, you wait your whole life to hear your name and then it wasn't, but then I was sort of like, wait, maybe all these people have had their names said before but still not for these projects. They seem to appreciate it. I mean I did laugh at Vicki two times for Michael Todd. I mean if you, it was going to be anybody that's my Rudolph Vicki to tie. Like they, they really pulled it off and then there wasn't a funny punchline of, and Ted dancing for the good place. It was pretty good. Anyway, when they got to, um, for actress and they were doing this Alexa thing, I dunno, I just kinda just focused on that and I almost forgot about Julia Louis Dreyfus. I know that sounds terrible because when they showed her and when they went to Phoebe, it got a cheer in the room and like that was the thing throughout the night. Every time they did the nominations and Fleabag got mentioned, there was an audible chairing rooting for them. People were rooting for it and when they got to Julio drive I was like, Oh, I forgot she's winning this one. Oh right. So when they went Alexis like Phoebe while their bridge and then the way Stephen Colbert even held up the envelope, I think to be like, it's true. Like she really wants, it's like the new Merrill. Yeah, it'll be well cause exactly. Yeah. Cause it almost felt more like Julie Louis-Dreyfus loss. Yeah. But it also, to me it was a little bit of like a changing of the guard. I mean I loved Julie Dreyfus so much. I would have been thrilled to see her. She's won so much and I think you probably, maybe she's even like, guys, I get it. I think the tricky thing is that it was going to set a record for any actor, male or female, of how many Emmys they've won. Julie drivers will be back in another project. She will win like six more amputees. That's a category where you could have given it to anybody in that category. Oh, they were all so good. They were all fantastic. Yeah. And then I heard that, I didn't notice this, that after they announced it, they went to a lot of reaction shots with not to joy dry for. So I don't know if they saw a look on her face that they didn't want to show. They did show her I think after the speech and you know, she was fine. I mean she is a girl, like, yeah, I really again yelped because when she, that was another scream and I'm not a screamer, I'm not a woo girl guys, but I was just overwhelmed. But um, I did feel like, like Phoebe started out as an actress, she went to acting like drama school. She only started writing cause she wasn't getting acting gigs and she had to create the opportunities for herself. So I've, I was like, Oh, that's the one that really matters. Like that's the one that she probably dreamed of her whole life. So I was like, ah, that feels so good. That must feel so good. And she looked visibly shocked and she and her boyfriend, Martin Madonna was like, they both had their mouths open like, Oh my God. And I think you could even see Phoebe start to go, Oh, unless stop herself from saying, Oh fuck. And yeah. And then to get up there and be like, Oh, I'm the person who took this record away from Julia Louis Dreyfus. But I thought she, yeah, go ahead. No, I was just gonna say, I did love that. She like reused the bit. Like it's acting is very painful for me. Well, let's go ahead and play that clip now and hear her win and her amazing speech

Speaker 4:

and the Emmy goes to CD wallet.

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I find acting really hard.

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Q to be nominate. He's hit with these unbelievable actresses who I have just looked up to and watched and loved for so many years. Me so much. Um, I mean that in a good, like nice way. Um, this means huge, huge amounts me, um, huge things against the free band problem, their own belief.

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I'm so supported on the show, as Harry said, we will a is sickening how much we all love each other. I'm so supported by this unbelievable car and a Honda civic sounds out to my acting agent alien. Um, McEwen from Hutton weekend, Penn fit. He has been rooting for me from the, literally from the very beginning. So thank you Eileen. And uh, um, yeah, Amazon, BBC. Thank you for letting us do this. And uh, and I didn't see, I really wasn't, I just, I'm going to restart repeating myself. Goodbye. Thank you.

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just the best and I, and when she won for actress, that's what I mean. I think everybody was like, okay, they're going to win for comedy. See, I was still like, Oh, see, to me that was a huge upset that true for that to happen. I felt like it must've been just a wave for Fleabag though. I did have a thought that, Oh, maybe a lot of people voted for Phoebe, assuming Julia was going to win and assuming everybody else was voting for her and it'd be like, well then I'm going to throw my vote to Phoebe. And that enough people did that, that it was like, Holy shit. Never mind. Also her dress guys, by the way did we mentioned how amazing she looks. I mean it's just literally radiant, like all over pictures. Like she just had a beam up. Like she had swallowed a light bulb before she got out there and just was like emanating joy. I felt it from my couch. Yeah. Yes. I did think what was interesting is I saw later on like the EET M post-show interview when they were talking about tonight, Oh I'm sorry, entertainment entertainment tonight. I think they do go by 18 now. Everything's like just letters. Anyway, but they, she did, they were sort of asking her, um, you know, why does it feel to be up against these amazing women, blah, blah, blah. And she was like, honestly, I feel like I've come in the back door and just like nicked something. Like she likes Dolan and I mean it's true. It's enough. That's why it's an upset. It's, yeah. And you take something that you didn't, they didn't expect to be given to you. She deserves it. But I read him something else today that was like, it's not an upset cause she deserved it and upset if it's like, well, I think it was more the upset that everybody expected one thing to happen and something else did. And like you and I were saying at the beginning, like this was one of the few MES where they got a lot of these winners, right? So satisfying. So satisfying. Did they actually pick the right people in our eyes at least so many years. It's just like one critic said they just rubber stamp the same people and for this to actually break through. And I wonder too, when she said like, I came out through the back door. I don't know if them being an English production feels like in, because they're not, they don't all live in LA. They're not all necessarily. Um, I mean that's kinda just speculation on my part, but also maybe it was a reference to, um, up the bum. So I thought you were going to say the statue stealing the statue. You know me. Yeah. Um, there's a great, um, I'll mention this now. There was a great picture and video of her, cause I guess when what they do is they go back and like they get handed a statue on stage but then you go back and get one that's actually, that has your name on it and stuff that has been engraved with your name. And then, cause they, I, the Academy had a bunch of the backstage stuff on Instagram and I guess you literally like sign for it. They've got a book. Oh I missed that was really cool. Yeah. They've got a book of like all the, all the awards and like John Oliver had to sign it and so they just don't show that they have gotten it. Yeah. And the fun historical document. Oh my God. Best autograph book ever. Oh my God. And, yeah, so she's carrying three MES and like juggling them. And this one TV critic totally. And this one TV critic I um, follow Alan Sepinwall had said had that and he goes, well they didn't show us. She dropped them and they shattered and she had her run and replace it with the topless statue. And so then I re I replied to him with this picture that this woman named Naomi on the Facebook group had posted where she photo-shopped in amazing Phoebe holding the Emmy, but then she photo-shopped in the statue and it's like taken off, like flee the Fleabag account, actually retweeted it and was like, um, she's won the best woman in quote show, parenthesis show business award, which is really brilliant. So if you guys hadn't noticed, this is sort of a secondary 30 rock podcast mostly, cause I'm just like almost equally apples and oranges. It's different. They're different shows. I refuse to rank them, but I'm very obsessed with both of them. It's what ad sales would call added value. Oh God. But I honestly had like a 30 rock 30th birthday party. It was amazing. Yeah. So I'm just pretty obsessed. Um, this is a pattern with me, but point being, um, Phoebe Waller-Bridge is the second person and Emmy's history to win lead actress and writing of a comedy series in the same year. And the other was a young upstart named Tina Fey for 30 rock. So like, that's a cool thing to have in common and have like my two favorite people of life. Yeah, I'm into it. Well, did you read the Vogue thing where she interviewed? Yeah. Oh, did I read, did I read the Vogue? Do I not have it laminated? Tina Fey interviewed Phoebe[inaudible]. Yes. Do I have it memorized? Yes. Well, and not even actress like anybody, the only two people to do that, which is incredible. Phenomenal. One thing we did notice that person she didn't mention was Vicky Jones. And I think, I don't know if it's one of those things where it's so obvious to her that she just forgot. She didn't say it like in her head, it's just there. Um, but I did see in one of the, after a show, like a backstage speeches, they mentioned her. Okay. So it could just be, it was one of those like, you know, just Myobloc even when you win three times and you get to do three speeches, it's still very overwhelming. Oh, totally. She's like, I'm praying. She goes, I'm properly shaking. So British then, yes. Yeah. Jenny, Jenny Robbins was there who she mentioned in the one speech and a story editor and so many on the Facebook group caught this. She is the woman in the elevator if the, um, when Fleabag farts the woman who walks in and goes, that's lovely. I love that. I had no idea. Phenomenal. So good. Good, good. I on the Facebook group, then we, she comes, we knew she was presenting and they paired her with bill hater, who, which that's great because he has talked to multiple times about how much he loves Fleabag. They're both great. And everybody on Twitter was like, okay, let's get these two into a romcom ASAP. Or you saw someone say like a buddy cop comedy. And I was like, yes, absolutely. Another person was like, remake the Philadelphia story with these two. Okay. Like, let's do anything. Yeah. Like we all saw it. So we're actually going to go ahead and play that clip of their intro.

Speaker 7:

I'm feeling older bridge. I'm bill, and we are the two finalists, the tallest people here. Also here to give the award for supporting actor in a limited series. What is the limited series bill? A limited series is a TV show that was canceled because some of these shows that's just a bit too much. It doesn't matter how good the show is. No one really wants to see seasons of Chernobyl. Correct. No one needs to see the shell pissed of decks. They do not. And if they escape from Dannemora more than once, that's on you. Dannemora

Speaker 2:

share that. Al is. So now that we're all in agreement,

Speaker 7:

the nominees for most limited actor and a canceled series,

Speaker 1:

well, I just love them. And I love bill. I've loved bill hater from before all the, I mean, obviously the SNL. This could also be a tertiary. How's that for a word SNL podcast? No, just good comedy. We can't help it. And another little fun fact if we watch, here's our fourth record. The good place. Uh, Darcy Carden used to be his family's nanny. Get out. Are you serious? Yeah. Wait, that's hilarious. She worked for them while he was doing UCB and then he saw her at like one of the Sunday ass cat shows and he goes, Oh wait a minute. Darcy GTS. She's like really talented shit nanny but great. Our kids are a Tramble ramble. That's not a word. Atrocious shambles. We were really overwhelmed with happiness right now. Anything goes honestly. I also love that Jody Comber won best actress in a drama killing Eve, which totally surprised her face. I was like, girl, you have to get out. You have to, you have to go. Right. Cause I think it was expected that Sandra Oh at least, but, but the two of them together, they're hug that they did. I know. I also love that. Like that's a female lead character. That BB wall, this was her night. Oh my God. Well, and when, when she won that I, a lot of people there was like, Oh, could she also, cause if killing Eve winds for drama, then she also becomes a second person other than David E. Kelly to win as a creator of both a comedy, the best comedy and the best drama. Cause David E. Kelly did it with ally McBeal and the practice, which God, the God, the days when the practice was the best drama on television, peak TV. How quaint. I'm sorry. I mean the budget of that compared to something like game of Thrones, it's really not even funny. I know that we remembered. Oh no. Then I remembered, Oh, game of Thrones exists. Nevermind. Yeah. Um, Oh goodness. All right, so now they get down to comedy series, the big one, the big one. And so I literally like skipped through the middle of the show. I have to go back and kind of, so I didn't cry. I, there were some great speeches to crying when any Fleabag person went. So that kind of like primed me. But then when Jarell, Jerome one murder, now they see us and the five guys were there, I was balling because it just, it was cause then you know how much it matters to them and how important that visibility is. And also the show actually did not get that much, uh, recognition, which I disagree with, but it just, Ugh, it just, that one guy, even just that still from the show that was behind him was pretty powerful. You know, the exonerated five were there. Right. That was, yeah, that, that one got me. But I, I felt like I've been kind of ramping up to it. Oh, it's Borstein speech. She should talk to her, her grandmother and at the concentration camp. And then Michelle Williams was great and she just was flawless. That whole thing was flawless yet, like we were talking about earlier, this Emmy's, honestly it was like the, the, the winners were the highlight and they were just quality. Yes. So, well done. So now they get two outstanding comedy series and I had even seen, so I was still a little behind, frankly, on the DVR, shaking my head guys. And I saw somebody on the, um, on the group say, Oh, wouldn't it be great if she got this from Norman Lear? And so when I saw that normally or came, I was like, okay, this was the one. Yeah. And that is phenomenal. I mean talk about a legend. Yeah. And so now, I mean at this point I was like, well, they've got it. They've got to win this. I just want to mention as a separate thing to hearing that theme song played every time they won was so just fucking bad ass. I wanted to party. It was so energetic and it was just this like, like yeah, we fucking won. Yeah. It wasn't some somber thing, you know, it just energize the whole thing and the best. So now they win for outstanding comedy series. And one thing, like a trivia thing I had seen was that somebody had mentioned that they thought it could win because the last four winners about standing casting, also one comedy, which makes sense I guess. Yeah. Some people you would think writing or directing might be more directly linked to winning, but for some reason there was this connection and the fact that Olivia Scott Webb won for casting last weekend, they're like, Ooh, this could bode well for Fleabag. So now we just have to talk about this moment. I posted this that I like live in this video now of Harry Bradbere like dancing his way up toward her and then Andrew Scott kind of like George Castanza pushing him out of the way. Not quite. He just like gets past me. I'm in here too. It's a little like a Heisman movie. He's like, I'm just going to scooch right by here. And then they both just hug her. So genuinely I died. I rewound that thing 15 times. I like texted Chrissy and I was like, Oh, I guess we can't do the podcast now cause I'm dead. Like Oh yeah, that's it. But again, because I hadn't been posting anything on Facebook, one of my friends was like, Christie Moore, are you still alive? Are you okay out there? And I just was like, I am texting from the afterlife because I am dead now. What is even though reality, honestly I feel like that's a good one to keep in my pocket for when I'm having a bad day. He just looked so happy and again, the adoration for her, they just love her. And then in the background you could also see Sean Clifford and Brett Gelman give each other this huge hug and it was just nice to imagine Martin and Claire actually getting along, enjoying each other. Yeah. And just to know how happy they are. They all were to win and I think because they weren't expecting it. Like I do think that added to the, no, that was huge for huge eating Veep after its last season and it was so celebrated. Barry was getting the turbos. No, that was, Oh God, that one felt so good. Yeah. I had already been crying, so I was just like, fuck me. And the room again, just kind of was really behind them. And then so charming when she's just like, does anybody else want to say anything? And I don't know if this was a planned thing with the show. They didn't cut anybody off. Like everybody really kind of got to just speak like Patricia Arquette got to talk and Oh my God, talking about her sister. And then when Harry Bradbere comes out and he was like, I need to mention my wife. It's been a very difficult hour that I forgot to mention my wife. And then the room again was like, I love you guys. You can just feel the room mean like you guys are just the best. And I think that's what warmed my heart was like seeing this. Oh the other thing was my friend Rebecca Keegan, who was on the London trip with us and she writes for the Hollywood reporter and she tweeted a picture of what Phoebe was talking and then the group behind and she goes, find someone who looks at you. Like I look at Andrew Scott looking at Phoebe Waller-Bridge cause he was, he was just beaming, beaming. And then even again when she kind of again was like, anybody want to say anything. And they all were just like, fuck you girl. It's all just take this moment. I did love her shout out to Andrew Scott. Oh yes. Cause you know what? It was a snap. It was a shame that he didn't get nominated. Also. I, you know I was, I was disappointed for Sean Clifford to cause and as, what's her name? Oh, it's worse, Alex foreseen. I loved her performance but I'm straight. But what it last year. So it's like give somebody else, just not show him another chance. Oh yeah, exactly. Yeah. And this is the last season and Fleabag whatever. But I mean it's still, I'm sure she's still ecstatic. Oh yeah. I mean she was tweeting like I can't believe this is real. And then somebody even land like, cause she was tweeting like when she was getting ready to fly over and then I think someone from the LA times was like, she's the one who deserves to win. And she had, they had done a profile of her and so she had tweeted like, here's the one who deserves to win. And she was like, Oh my God, get off the plane in LA to, this was so heartwarming. And like you could tell they all were just having the best time. Yeah. Yeah. And so when Phoebe like called out Andrew Scott and just set the room cheered for that too. So I just thought that was really magical. I mean, we're, we keep talking about this moment. Let's just go ahead and play this clip real quick.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 4:

just getting ridiculous. Fleabag sounds is a one woman show in Edinburgh festival 2014 and, uh, the journey has been absolutely mental and I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who's been involved. Everyone who's standing behind me, his unbelievable team two probably is how many Jack Williams who I told them two jokes over a pint and they said, well, option you, um, it's that kind of, that's the kind of meeting you dream of. And uh, thank you for supporting me in every way. Lydia Thompson and[inaudible] you produce series one to like, just in a way that every single heart knows. I mean all heart nosy. Um, and obviously, you know, how are you, I just want to say this is about, um, as season two. Um, obviously is wrapped up with season one in my home, but season two would not have happened or exploded in the way that it did if it wasn't for Andrew Scott

Speaker 5:


Speaker 4:

well like, Oh Whoa wins and gave a performance of such depth and complexity that just elevated the whole thing for all of us. So thank you for trusting, I think coming in and doing all that for us. Thank you to um, I just wanted to quit being, so I got to say it's thanks to my family and so amazing especially um, so mom, dad and a jazz band. My sister is a who wrote all the music for the series as well as a huge thank you to her and to my amazing agents. Do you guys want to pay anything?

Speaker 5:

My wife, when I was up there, we've had a very difficult[inaudible][inaudible]

Speaker 4:

I'm a normal person who, um, uh, really, really was acutely, um, important to us was Gary Dona who edited the hell out of the series.

Speaker 5:

Thank you so much to him.[inaudible],

Speaker 4:

like you said, most of my amazing agents, ECA and I advise the independent and just my goal. Thank you all so much for voting for us. It means the absolute world to us. And um, yeah, just pretty back says

Speaker 1:

Chrissy, I'm offended. You didn't want me to just keep saying what I thought. I remembered them say we well we actually had to listen to it just to listen to pure joy in an audio form. Um, so yeah that shout out to Andrew Scott was so, it was just lovely generous of her and because it was a way to acknowledge like he didn't get nominated and was also true that he was a huge driving part of season two. Oh he's part of the whole like sort of the culture around it is hot priests. It's, he was, and even as I had wondered when he didn't get nominated, like did this whole hot priests thing do him a disservice where people who did, cause I have a feeling a lot of people watch this show for the first time, the voters after it got nominated. And I think it also helped that the show is so short that people could watch it in an afternoon and maybe actually saw it instead of having to watch like 18 episodes of Veep or however many, well, I guess I had like 10 or something, but you really could burn through it pretty quick. Yeah. I think Veep was short, much shorter than that. But you know what I mean? It's still shorters it's still, it's just so quick. It just goes down so, so smooth. Yeah. Um, but yeah, and, but his performance is what made that character so good. And I think when they just heard hot priests, they were like, well, we're not gonna give an Emmy to a guy cause he's attractive. Right. I, that's just, again, speculation on my part. I also just think that category was crazy crap. They were also really all very talented. Right. So that was nice. And then she also mentioned Gary Donner for editing and you could see Harry Bradbere in the background, like do that, like worship hands, like praise Gary Doner. And I saw him retweet or somebody had mentioned like, Oh, Phoebe Walbridge called out, the editor like that never happens basically. And he was like, she's as generous as she is talented. And he was a huge part of the shit. She credits as, I'm a writer right now, it's like, and he won so it was nice to call, call him out. So you could just tell. What I also love is you could tell the room appreciated not just the talent of the show, but that they are also obviously wonderful people. Yes. Like they, there was nobody in that room going, Oh, I hate seeing these people with, Oh, it's such a nice feeling when you're like, Oh, they deserve it. And they're great. Like, Oh, take all my love and your bribe, your said something like that about Phoebe, about science hasn't figured out how somebody so talented heard it. But yeah, it could also be so lovely. So yeah, when she, uh, at the very end when she just like looks at you and she's holding the stat, the Emmy and she's goes, Fleabag says thanks. I bet if I hadn't had before I died. Yeah. But if talk about a redemption, I know, right. So then now the show finally ends and I'm just jazzed up. Like I posted a picture of myself. I'm like, I don't know how I'm supposed to go to sleep right now. And Allie and I were texting each other and cause now you were finally paying attention. Yeah, now I was actually caught up around 1115 so what time did you actually go to bed? I went to weigh, do, I went to bed at like one which was really dumb. It was like one 30 like I was just too excited. There was too much to learn. We also should not complain because people in the UK basically had to wake up overnight to, uh, because the air, it started at like one in the morning live there. And I was talking to Julia who we've mentioned before and she was like, yeah, well I woke up middle of the night and saw that they'd won the three. So yeah, this one should, we have no complaints about sleep deprivation, but it was worth it. But then all this stuff started coming out and I was like, I can't keep up. There's so much to read. And like literally everyone on Twitter was saying Fleabag Fleabag Fleabag I know. And then there was that, uh, like I said stuff to started trickling out again. Thank you for your service. The hardcore fans. There was that TV Academy, like slow-mo video, cause I had seen they were starting to do that with all these winners. And then w and then the Fleabag one like EDRA Scott does this like hand throw thing, like he's crouching and crouching. And then he's like, wait, you're like such a door. It was really an adorkable moment. And then, um, you could tell all of them were like, I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing right now. And like Brett Gelman's kinda like, like kissing the statute kind of weird and like, and then even at the end, Andrew Scott like has his head down. Like, what did I do? What was I like? Oh good. This is going to be preserved on the internet forever. Cool. All right. But I don't, that didn't stop me from watching it about 20 times cause it's delightful. It was like a victory lap. Like I, that's what most, when all that stuff was watching all the content come out. It was just a victory lap. I know and felt so good. I had this, it was such a bittersweet thing frankly because there was part of me, like you said, that felt super validated and was like, you know, we started this podcast like what, six weeks ago? And now it's like, Oh my God, we bet on the right horse. No, you guys, there's a reason this is legit. Yeah, that's a lot. Like I've, I tend to be kind of an overly, if you couldn't guess I can, I tend to be an overly enthusiastic person. I'm like very easily excitable. And so like my friends don't always take my opinion seriously because I'm just so excited. Everything's great. So everyone was like, what about bread? Bread? It's amazing. But like, like I had a friend visiting me, uh, and I've tried to get her to legit obviously, cause you know, that's all my relationships now. But, but at the end she was like, okay, I'm going to watch it. And I was like, yes. Okay cause you trust, you trust the experts. Right. It's fine. You don't trust me. I understand that, that it's perfectly acceptable. But like, yeah, I was right. Well and I literally felt like when the Cubs won the world series, because I grew up on, that's the only sports is really, I watched the Cubs and not the, you know, just that idea of like just waiting and waiting and, and getting in a way, I almost felt like this was a show I've been waiting for that I didn't even know I needed it in my life and I just was so excited in my living room by myself cheering if you do, I had this quick twinge when I started seeing all of the people on Twitter and everybody like just being like, this is Phoebe, Phoebe and Fleabag. I had this like little twinge of sadness because, and not that like it's mine that this show, I'm the only person who watches the show. Obviously everybody has been watching the show, but it did. It did have for awhile, the sense of like, Oh, only a few of us really know about this show and we really appreciate it. The cult band. And now I'm like, Oh no, I know how hipsters feel when their band gets signed by a big label. This is like, no, this is my thing. And I kind of was like, Oh, now I know also how like the Andrew Scott fans from Sherlock felt when all of us from Fleabag were like, did you know Andrew Scott was great? And they were like, yeah, we knew that about seven years. Yeah, actually Kumo and then Johnny's wife. Oh, I'm Emily Gordon. Yeah. Tweeted that out. She was like, I'm everybody just discovering Andrew Scott, welcome. And she had like some GIF of him, I'm sure. A lot. Yeah. And then I, I started just feeling anxious of like all this content started being generated and I'm like, I need to go to bed. Like there's no way for me to keep up with all this. And I finally just had to concede and just go to bed. But then this morning we were kind of getting caught up that picture of her like sitting in a chair that literally looked like a throne, like with a cigarette in one hand and a drink in the other. It's like is that the dress in her dress looking still amazing and it was like two in the morning and I was like, is this the most Fleabag moment ever?

Speaker 3:

The queen? Honestly that that I have considered, I'm like seriously considering making that my phone locked screen because it gives me so much joy.

Speaker 1:

It's inspiring. Yeah. Just so fucking good. I was like, this is one of the, I said the only thing she has zero of right now is flux to get, cause she is just like just killing it, killing it. But she never, that's the thing throughout the whole night you'd never were like, Oh tone it down. Like you never felt like she was just full of her. So you could tell she was just having so much fun. She was like surprised. It wasn't like, Oh my God, me

Speaker 3:

sort of a appropriate, respectable amount of surprised. And then she just took it and went with it, you know? Yeah.

Speaker 1:

And then now people are immediately, I saw one person on Twitter saying how much money are they going to shove at her to do a season three? And then somebody backstage was like, like on camera. They'd caught her and they were like, Oh, we're all waiting for season three Phoebe. And she just liked her face kind of dropped and she did like the finger across the throat and she was like, not going to happen. Which I don't want it to happen. Don't mess with it. Like, perfect. What do we want at this point? A lot more of what she wants, which is great. We're going to get that. Exactly. And then in the post show press conference, they asked her about that too. And she said, no, this, this is actually the perfect way to end it is on this amazing high of winning all these awards. Yeah. And then we saw Lin Manuel did not disappoint.

Speaker 3:

He, he posts, he tweets.

Speaker 1:

Well he started a thread that even night. That's only, that's his little thing, but have a night

Speaker 3:

tweets out a photo of him and Andrew Scott next to a photo of, okay, I'm going to say this again. So backstage, backstage, apparently they were putting photos

Speaker 1:

right on Lindt chocolate and chocolate had some kind of thing where they would personalize your chocolate so then you could eat your own face like we all want. Yeah. That's the dream really. And to eat under Scott's face,

Speaker 3:

honestly. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, but uh, but he posted a photo of his chocolate photo with, with, it was Lin, Manuel Miranda and Andrew Scott. I just goes a snack on a snack and like, Oh fuck yeah. If I can use that phrase in my life, I can die happy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. There were a lot of things coming out from, of course, cause I'm following all the Andrew Scott stuff, but there was maybe stuff too, but the um, uh, tan France from queer, I had a picture with him, but you saw Dan levy from shit's Creek tweets something. So he had this tweet on May 20th of this year that said Fleabag is so perfectly written. I don't quite know how to process it. And then shit's Creek. The show last night tweeted out that like retweeted that tweet and said, if you're going to lose out, do it to the show. Your boss thinks is absolutely perfect. It was like you guys, but you know why also they're Canadian shows. They are, they're so sweet. That's another show on my list of shits Creek. Yeah. People at work. Everybody's obsessed with it. Love it. Yeah. Um, I do before, uh, we, before I forget, I just didn't want to acknowledge Billy Porter's amazing. Like his wit. Yeah. That was, he is the first, um, gay black actor to win that award, which was so powerful. I, and I also love that when Kerry Washington gave him the award and hugged him, there was just like so many sparkles. Their outfits really coordinated, but also he's just so, he's so incredible. Poses amazing how he did his presence floats on the stage and like frolics around and yeah, that was beautiful too. I do feel sorry for whoever. I do feel sorry for whoever sat behind him. Oh my God. Yeah. Can it, can I just, I'll just sit on that. So the short angled side, it's like the, the, the wide part of the check Mark. Like can I, uh, Bradley Whitford has got a cricket as neck. Uh, anyway, so it was, it was just an amazing night. I really, it's everything we wanted it to be and more frankly, honestly it really was, it felt so I'm still on a high and I like can't believe, cause I think I just have to accept that like, Oh, SAS in the show and that's fine. I know we have a podcast, I should probably have accepted it a while ago, but it's, it's just, it's a wonderful feeling and it was really so nickel spend the rest of the week catching up on all these articles and asleep and gifts and tweets and people were writing those articles today. So there's more now, Oh, there's going to be tons of stuff throughout the week and obviously just like rolled to oyster now or mean she's already doing a ton of stuff. It's like she can't be much busier and we still have a week and a half from SNL. But some of her hostings yeah cause it premieres the 20th this weekend with um, who is it? Oh Willie Eilish and Harrelson and then she's the next week. So that is even with T Swift and that is going to be even bigger now because people who watched the Emmys are going to know who who she is. I also cannot fucking wait. Oh I love SNL. I love her. I love sketch comedy. Like just Oh my God, give me it all. October 5th is going to be big enough. Big night. And I'm actually gonna I'm going to watch it with my dad who like introduced me to SNL. Real cute. Are you going to watch Fleabag with him? No, I am not right answer to that question. My neighbor who I've obviously, everybody I talked to, it's like morning who actually back? No. And she had come over and she's like, Chrissy, you didn't tell me what it, what it was like cause she goes, I started it with my mom. Oh no, we were, I was down at her house for the weekend. I was like, Oh well yeah, I keep hearing about the show. Fleabag and so she goes, we started with season one and Oh my God. And I was like, Oh I'm sorry. In my defense there's a warning that comes up that says this contains sexuality and nudity and whatever. So you never, anyway, I deny any wrongdoing. She figured it out. It's not like you can and your mother the first five seconds of the show. So like you're going to know right off the bat. Oopsie doops seed. All right, so that is a Emmy night. We're still just gushing, floating. So what we ended up doing is we recorded our discussion about we're getting ready to start season two, which was so super excited about. We actually recorded that conversation before the Emmys. So we're gonna um, after this episode was out, we're gonna get that one ready and have that out this week as soon as we can. Cause we are as anxious as you are to pumped dive into it. Have a special guest. Yeah. So we, this is one where I'm a friend of mine, khaki Jones was we, she and I have been talking about this particular episode all summer basically. So when I told her I was doing the podcast, she was kind of like, I would love to come on and talk about it. So I mentioned it to her actually, and then it became like, if I do it, it has to be that episode. I was like, Oh, of course. So we are going to have that one in a couple of days. Yeah. And congrats Fleabag yay. Congrats. Congrats on all the work we didn't do. And we will be chatting with you guys again soon. Bye.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 5:

you don't know that my feed. Oh, wicked. Oh, me too. I'm just fixing to wear all day.