The Fleabag Situation: A Fleabag Fan Podcast

"Season 2, Episode 2"

October 09, 2019 Chrissie Moore and Allie Lemco Toren Season 1 Episode 10
"Season 2, Episode 2"
The Fleabag Situation: A Fleabag Fan Podcast
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The Fleabag Situation: A Fleabag Fan Podcast
"Season 2, Episode 2"
Oct 09, 2019 Season 1 Episode 10
Chrissie Moore and Allie Lemco Toren

Fleabag is sniffing Bibles and swigging G&Ts as things start warming up with Hot Priest. From the counselor's dry forearms to Pam's cupcake situation to Harry's postnatal depression, Chrissie and Allie have it covered. Plus: a quick breakdown of PWB on SNL! #hornstorm

Show Notes Transcript

Fleabag is sniffing Bibles and swigging G&Ts as things start warming up with Hot Priest. From the counselor's dry forearms to Pam's cupcake situation to Harry's postnatal depression, Chrissie and Allie have it covered. Plus: a quick breakdown of PWB on SNL! #hornstorm

spk_0:   0:00
this episode of the fleet back situation is Brought to You by Horn Storm. The New Fragrance by Andrew Scott. If you could bottle natural charisma, captivating acting talent and deep brown eyes that stare into your very soul, that bottle would be filled with horn. Storm men and women alike can't resist the mysterious charm of Horn Storm. What's the secret ingredient? Will never tell. It's just listening.

spk_1:   0:26
We have a cupcake situation. I will be there to cupcake.

spk_0:   0:39
Hey, everybody, welcome to another episode of the fleabag situation. I'm Allie Lim Cho Torrent on Chrissy Moore, and we're super excited to be back talking with you today. We're back at season two. Yes, we had our episode with Jonathan Polgreen, which was so fantastic, awesome, and we're getting. It's good to hear response from people who have found it interesting and like some of the stories he shared. And like I said now I just want to go back and re watch the show again and look at none of the people, right and only the sets in the problems sounds very, uh, healthy. Healthy Also, not that likely. Where I will just shot Andrew Shot is Andrew Scott of the scene. Okay. Good luck. Yeah. Oh, no. I really just wanna look at those cabinets. I mean, anyway, So we had a big weekend with I like how I act like way We did it. We did it. It is us. We were on a three state home and watch start alive. L asleep right after we conducted. Right. Drink coffee at 9 30 to try to stay awake and thank you to everybody who joins us on the podcast Facebook page and kind of live Chatted through. That was and honestly, help me stay awake. Yes. So and just in case you haven't realized, we're discussing Phoebe Waller Bridge is hosting of Saturday Night Live on Saturday night, right? Live with musical guest Taylor Sweat. Yes. And what was funny is this is the first because we were doing the live chat. This is the first time in a bar chart it live in real time since, like, 2008. Really? How? Because normally when my husband goes well, we have a child. But also, what we would usually do is like, wait until, like, like, 11 45 and then started on our DVR I'm sorry. I'm turning off my phone. Um, no, we would wait till, like, 11 45 and then started so we can skip the commercials more and or the musical guest we've never heard of. I know I have a shoot out lady, man, don't tell me how is your bad? Because like, I know that's like an amazing chance of a lifetime and it's really great Toe Lake. See new artists and get supposed to them and all that stuff but like I usually skip and that that's actually happen to me of the couple of bands where I skipped it. And then I'll hear a song Dream like That sounds great. Sounds like by the way they were on us. And I try to listen to the first song, sure for like, a couple minutes, and then I'm a sort of make a decision, and it's all my question turning into my mother. But I did know Taylor Swift, but yes, I haven't watched us a known real time in a long time, but and then I used to go to bed after weekend update but power through. I was watching it with my dad and I was like, It's okay if you fall asleep like I'm 30 years old, man. It's like all for Chile. Whatever. And then I woke up around when it was over, and my dad was like, Well, you fell asleep after a weekend update. Uh, it was it was pretty good. You'll I know you'll watch it tomorrow. And I was like, Ooh, uh, feel real super keen. Yeah. So I just talked going through the episode. I mean, it's been funny to see the reaction on Facebook group of people who are not familiar with Sarah Night Live both American and U K. And like we said last time like we're both kind of die hard fans, watch it weakened. Wait week out. And I always use the analogy that to me it's like my sports team where there are some seasons that air just total winners. There's some seasons that air rebuilding years. You have some legendary players on a team of mediocre pop here. Sometime I got that Such a good Yeah, it's totally true and you know, every game, most of the time you're going to strike out like a good baseball player strikes out seven times out of 10 and SNL Kind has a similar ratio. But then when they have a really good one, it's great. So for people who were kind of like, Oh, I thought this show was supposed to be funny. Uh, it actually kind of reminds me of back when Rudy Giuliani was the respected mayor of New York City, saying, And after 9 11 when SNL came back and it was kind of their first show back and they had Giuliani on there in Lauren was like, Can we be funny and doing? I was like, Why start now? Her and that? But that was like such an iconic moment. Waas. So they it's yourself self awareness that this smell is not always funny, correct. Even among I saw some of the British comments saying like, I just don't understand American humor. There are Americans who don't like us, and I know it's not. I'm sure there's a lot of cultural part of yours, but it's also just like they right the show in a week they don't sleep, and there used to be powered by cocaine. Yeah, not so much anymore. Yeah, that we know. No, but it is It's a crushing nuts and, you know, they're also gonna work with some celebrity. They don't know what their level is. They don't know where to put them in. So I felt like, personally, I would have I. I thought it was a good fairly about Bob above average up exactly. But I did think they tried. They put her in there mold, and they didn't go off right. Her well, maybe strengths. Or that you'd think. But yeah, maybe that will just be for next time. She hosts well, and that's and I think they do. Once they kind of find people they're comfortable with. You get a little looser like Paul Rod can go there and, like, they'll kind of let him go. But, you know, I think I might have said this on the group. I don't know, but like you're saying it wasn't a good fit like they didn't elevate Phoebe in the way like her writing wasn't reflected or her style. SNL is like a barge. It's like a host of SNL is like they're boarding a barge and being told like you want to drive it for a while and it's like there's really not much they can do from the host perspective. They're kind of coming into that playground to play in that format, right? And every mean they're cast members who were in sketches that they know. Like we know this is not funny, All right? Just just worked a dress for some reason. Yeah, or we just had to get something on there. Exactly. I did love her monologue. And I think that's kind of what was everybody attended to love that which is unusual. The model like is the highlight of the show. Actually, the model a stinker like you're kind of like, Oh, this is so awkward. Just go like, pretend to be somebody else because they usually don't have somebody who can write a monologue. So especially if you get like, a sports star somebody in there, They have usually have to write some kind of bit for them. But yes, she clearly wrote her. Yeah, and her timing was impeccable is great. I really also especially enjoyed just like the rial hard emphasis on genitals while I was sitting next to my 63 year old father. That one really well, the good ones keep saying that they that say the word horny again. Really? Double down on that. Have I recommended me back to my dad? No. Well, I felt a little embarrassed when she was like, Toma, how hot Andrew Scott is next to my husband, who's been like watching me, just like I'm gonna go over this guy. And I thought it was funny because So there have been some talk of like, Oh, would he be in the audience, or could there be some kind of cameo interest? Got? Yeah, And then we had all seen at the end of the week that he was in Russia for comic con Russia, and it was even at one point were like maybe he could catch like, a red eye and just go to New York like Moscow. Tokyo for him. Yeah, who fly, I felt I found him a flight. He couldn't do it and then hop right back. And so there was a brief moment of, like, maybe his appearances over, and he'll come in. And then when she started talking about it and, like, I wanted to get Andrew Scott and a true dressed like a priest and tell me he loves me and I had this quick moment. I'm like, Oh, my God. What if they cut to him? That would be so funny. And of course they didn't. And then her line about I don't care about awards. I just went gay men to love me. I love that. And I saw some people in the group had the same reaction I had about four months ago. It's like, Oh, I didn't know he was gay and like when you told me right, like, 00 and I'm now fascinated by that response because then you kind of like, Well, doesn't matter, because I get annoyed now when I'll be especially on the group that sometimes like no offense, men, but like a guy will kind of swoop in on the Andrew Scott on the Andrew Scott Group and be like, you know, he's gay, right? It's like, Oh, really? Because it doesn't matter. No, it doesn't joke, cause he don't you understand? If he wasn't gay, he would find me. Yes, and we would get married. Totally. Obviously. Exactly. That's the only thing stopping us right from you know, you remember that story about the celebrity who married a fan. Oh, yeah, I know. It's a total thing. Oh, yeah. Oh, wait, no Nobody. You know what, though? Matt Damon did marry a waitress that served him, but he is the out liar. A very special man. And you What? Yeah, So it it wasn't like she was in a crowd at Comic Con and he was like you. So that, to me, is what's interesting when you kind of break it down where it's like the whole thing is a fantasy. So the idea that he's gay doesn't change that fantasy of and doesn't change that he's very attractive, very talented, very charming, very funny. So, yeah, we can all have a crush on Andrew Scott. Yeah, we're allowed. You're allowed. Doesn't matter. I like Bradley, Whitford said. Any across the spectrum, they all want to go at him and Cupids have a brisk workout in Cupid's gymnasium. And then you see the new clip somebody posted of him talking about because he was saying how much he loves believe that this was a separate interview. Bradley Whitford apparently superhot interview right now beyond next next episode of Oh, sure, yeah, he might say. She's been saying a lot of stuff, but he was. It was like like an AP interview or something and talking about flea bag. And he was like, Everybody loves this guy's, like manner in love with them Women are in love with him and I guess he's friends with Lin Manuel Miranda. So he's like Lynn's doing this show with him in London now. And I told him No, no, no. He's kidding his dark materials, that one And, uh, I would love to see under Scott if we start looking for a second. I was like, Oh, I know that That's a thing that's happened, Wraps. He's a rapper and know that because I told Linn like you have to tell him I love him on that. Lynn's response was, He knows. He knows everybody loves him. Oh, yeah, and he's still such a nice I know so And actually, if you can find the clips of him at Comic Con Russia, not Bradley Whitford, Um, Andrew Scott, it's really fun to see because the crowd is so and it must just be so excited. You just realized like pop culture goes everywhere and like they were clearly there for Sherlock and every time he'd mentioned something. Sure locker. Moriarty. The crowd just go nuts. And they were like giving him Russian chocolate. And like it was, it was really sweet. A weird life that Well, that's just And then there was something where they asked, like, what are three things you couldn't live without? One of things you couldn't live without. And he was like Russian Russian chocolate. Oh, and my friends and family. And then he goes. But although they said which of your characters would you want to be friends with? And then he knows how to play the crackers. He goes, probably mor e already and the like. But then he goes, I don't need friends. I have all of you got Milligan it. I mean, you know what he's doing? Yeah, so anyway, anyway, so then they had that. Yeah, the model. It was awesome. Not the model are great. And then the So there was the What's wrong with this picture? Yeah, which I thought was cute. It was cute. Her American accent was good. I was actually very I mean, I I expected it to be good, cause I'd seen her do some impressions and stuff like he was there. She was thinking about it. But also, like, Duh. That's what you weigh. Don't have the same muscles in our mouth. Yes, exactly. So, yeah, I thought that was pretty cute. I like tea. I don't know how she didn't break on some of those lines about key poops out comes out the front part. I'm sure that's when a lot of new viewers were like, what they make Theo Do they know who she is? And then you have the best. Was that midday news sketch? I mean, separate of Phoebe being in it. That was just That was one of the stronger sketches they've done a long time. Agreed. It was just like a relief. Yeah, kind of what? They've done so many news parody sketches. Yeah. Yeah, but when it came into, it was like supporters. This thing, this doesn't seem very creative. Yeah, but yeah, they got into It was really funny. Agreed. And that hurricane chatting, that's a white man's name of I've ever heard. I said I was telling Alan I wonder if it was inspired by you. See what Hurricane Karen was? I'm gonna go up the coast No, there's some tropical storm became Hurricane Karen and people on Twitter like Hurricane Karen. It's storming up the East Coast, demanding to see the manager. They put like a white wig on like a white hair wig on it, that it was really funny. And then and then the war letters they've done that. That was cute. They are definitely too long. I'd laugh when they cut back to her wig her different ways chopped off and she played it really well. Played a real straight Yeah, um, the Hitler of it all is still. And then and then the British, the interracial marriage that we understand. I thought that was clever. Mean, it was ridiculous. Yeah, but that's the point. That's one of those sketches were Keenan Thompson has been on that show for, I think, 16 17 years. He's going. I think he's the longest. Just passed. I think it was Darrell Hammond, but yeah, he's been on for a long time. And he was a kid star in America. Oh, Chrissy, we know very where all that telling you jam he was on an old Nickelodeon show tonight called Keenan and Cal, and kills out there too. But Keenan has really They're actually working together on a reboot. But he was on all that, which was, like SNL for kids and that got me that just got me started wing. So he basically is, like, the star of the show now. And that felt like one of the sketches where they're just like it was like, Keane and go through this thing. And I remember hearing one writer say Whenever we're in a pinch, we just right. Keenan reacts because we know you kill it. And then that last get my missing one or the last sketch. Was that buddy's bar? Yeah, and just fine. It was fun. You could tell they were having fun. And that makes it more fun, which technically, never necessarily compliment. Right? Let's perform something. What do you think? You look like you're having a great time. You enjoyed it, but outfits were great. I'll reiterate the wigs were great. The habit like humping the well, then just all beck Bennett tail is wax to the head. We have stunt props. Now they put they pull it off. Yeah, but I did like about Phoebe Did a good job with that So I think she looked like she had a lot of fun. Yeah, And then at the end, someone was pointing out in the credits when they're all like hugging each other like you can literacy Taylor Swift like chomping at the bit, waiting to hug her.

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I know because then she she said something

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to her like she Yeah, I was just like, yeah, I like that one point. Phoebe like, turns the other way and you just see Taylor's arms are just starting to like somebody Please hold me. And yeah, I think it's like mutual admiration society with those two. Absolutely. I actually, as a I forgot to mention before have actually gotten go to a taping of SNL, or I guess, not taping Well, they tape it. There's some of it anyway. But I got to go the one with Tom Hanks and Lady Gaga about three years ago. It was actually kind of, ah, supporting. Excited. Yes, frankly. But what was funny is when they do all those hand the good nights and everything, someone like, Oh, do they just hang out on stage for a while after the cameras go off? I was like they could not have gotten out of there faster. It literally is like cameras off. Beeline Noor get drug. But then I saw Sean Clifford against was there. She might have been at the show. She was at the after party. Oh, fun. Yeah, couple people. There were a couple pictures posted with her. Cute. And I wonder if bright Gilman was also there because he had mentioned after the Emmys that e I think it was the e. T. Interview or something. Somebody brought up starting at live. And, um And she was like, Will you come with me? And he goes, Yeah. Ha! Of course, we'll we'll say he was there. Yeah. So it was fine. It was really like somebody said that. The disappointment is we're kind of now in a little dry spell of Phoebe content for a while. But we do have Andrew Scott is gonna be on Colbert. Yes. I can't wait for that. Yeah, coming back in all the way from Russia from Russia, Maybe he'll told Russia stories. And then, uh, modern love comes out October 18. Yes, and then Brett Gelman is also gonna be on Colbert and Wednesday and this is a is an amazing lineup. It's J v n Jonathan Jonathan Van Ness from Queer, but yes, Breck Alvin. Um, Special appearances by Elizabeth Warren. Bernie Sanders, Pete Buddha Judge. A musical performance by Big Thief. Who? I'll look up. Yeah, probably. They're probably someone I would have skipped over on this, but I'm sure you're amazing. But that's really I also think this Bert Gillman appearance was actually taped last week because he on his instagram stories had posted from Letterman. Letterman. I I'm 85 years old. Colbert. Welcome to Tony. Um, yeah, he had post, so I think maybe they taped it, got dumped or something. So and then actually meander Scott's on with Will Smith. So that's pretty fun match up to. Yeah, so all right. So a lot of fun stuff and then But we have to get down to business. Allie, You guys, this is not just a way didn't make our listeners wait a little while. Sorry. I'm sure most people skip this part. Yeah, it's fine. So we will be back after a quick break to talk about episode to season two. Okay, we're back, and we're getting ready to dive into episode to Season two titled Episode two Let's Do It. The sequel on this one Absolutely Obviously written by Phoebe Waller Bridge and directed by Harry Brad. Beer. And we open Now with fleabag at church, something we probably never thought we'd see. I know. And they're all doing the handshake of peace. Is that what it's called? It's called Handshake of Peace. Educate me, the Catholic Over here, the, uh, lapsed Catholic. Somebody always said we asked Billy Oh, how are you? I was raised Catholic, which is code for let me emphasize I'm probably a straight of easiest. So anyway, that Yeah, and you know they do this handshake of peace and then in here, then they do the our father which, by the way, I was raised. I don't know if it's different in other parts of the world. Actually, you say the our father first, and then you're not kneeling, you're all holding hands on, and you're even If you're the person on the end of the aisle, you're supposed to hold your hand up as if anybody who wants to come here hold my hand. That's nice. It's open, and then everybody like what's that the Jews call Elijah. Yes, leaving the chair open. Elijah just comes in. Chill sometimes. And he's He's actually a guest on this podcast because you just you know, you know, we know he's here. There's a chair here. But, like, just why is this podcast different than all of us? I know. Well, Judy, you

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told me should not

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know trying. Yeah, it does that. Don't know. That's not an alien language. That is before happy. Yes, it was Russia. Sean Young. I know I'm not a young poor. Now we're not bad ones. Haven't. Easy, fast, Thanks. I haven't done it in a decade, but so it's super easy. Things has been religion. Eso no, but they from the Catholic Church, you say the our father. And then after that, there's the creases. May the peace of the Lord be with you in whatever it also, if you let us take a moment to share a sign of Lord Christ peace with each other, whatever. And then you shake hands, say peace be with you. That's very nice. So here they're starting with it first. And then I also like the idea of peace be with you. being kind of a theme of her. And the season. Yeah, they're looking for everybody's looking and just of life. Yeah, and how it affects everybody different ways. So the idea of finding peace, but then, um so she may have just taken some creative license to go to the are better that way. Yeah. You and someone pointed out Khaki had mentioned on talk About Episode One that the family seems to have kind of all not great relationship with religion, necessarily. But she seemed to know their father. Like you could tell she had she knew all the words. It's a mindless thing because she's probably did it when she was a child. Almost Chris home. Yeah, I think I know the Jewish prayers. Haven't you know? Yeah. Some of the text of the our father also seems to kind of fit, especially the part about forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespassed against us and lead us not into temptation. Pretty on the nose there. Yeah. I think we can figure out how that applies here. Great. Then I did love that. She's just like looking at all the paintings, really taking it in I mean, kind of like later. She smells the Bible. She's like, I am in a church, right? This is unexpected to everybody, but she really it's sort of like a nostalgia. She's like relative relative. She's really relishing it. And then you kind of it. She helps you notice it. Yeah, I think it's a world she is foreign to atleast at this stage of her life. Yeah, and I also felt it was a little bit like feeling the scale and the scope of kind of, on some level what she's up against. Well, right, she really, really priest. He's a real priest, but he's really like the church is a mean that we're talking thousands of years old. These air paintings that were painted hundreds and hundreds of years ago like and yes, Jesus is naked in them. Jesus, Mike Lee bag Yes, and I also found maybe I'm reading into it too much. But if you raise Catholic, remember to religious imagery quite a bit. But it seemed like a couple of them were just like images of him suffering or him on the cross. And there is a resurrection kind of theme to this season. and, you know, I think it wasn't just so she's gonna I think that's where I get That was the quietest sneeze I've ever heard Allergist sneeze, But nobody heard it really stressed out about natural pro. But I really felt like you were overhauling really up to you. You just wait until, like, your own little vortex. She's back. So so that that I didn't interrupt your thought processes. I'm so glad that we get, like, authenticity Alley. No, the, um, but the idea of suffering leading to resurrection. And that's what I say when people kind of just pointed to like, Oh, it's the hot priest and she wants to sleep with a priest. And she's the sexual, sexually depraved woman or whatever I feel like I mean, we've said oversimplifies to me. What makes real up with this season so special is it's really about forgiveness and redemption and healing and knees and kind of this rebirth, if you will really tight, totally ties in. Yeah, and she had said, like she wanted to explore religious themes. That's almost like she did that on purpose. Well, that that led to her dating a priest. It wasn't like right. Why don't we get a fucker pretty right? It was more of like I want her to explore kind of faith and religion. That kind of led to this priest character. Yeah. Yeah. So she's looking around. They finished. They are father. And with her she has her back to the camera. She turns and looks at us and says, I'm in, uh, and is that the process? But you're like and we're back. She's like, she's like, You know what I must do exactly. It's that it's a little bit of like the cat with the canary. Yeah, well, she's showing off to us and she likes that right. She's, like, exciting. Like I'm doing something fun, right? So then they come back from the quick opening titles to everybody singing and she's gone and I love that Cut. I love that Cut by Gary Gilmore because it's like flea bag and then, like like just like a week congregation is done, does it all the time. I don't really think about it like everybody knows that that play John Mulaney has a great bit on his kid. Gorgeous, Yes, but theories like the bread of the bread everybody just nobody's into it at all. That's that. Ah, that's Dana. Taught me a lot about Catholicism's. Yeah, so thank you, John Lennon, as is this show is a real education for me. Yeah. So then the priest says, Please be seated and flea bag is still standing and says, and also with you. And here is the question friends. Did she mean to do it a key? I go back and forth because she So here's the thing. Please be seated and peace be with you. Similar phrases. So she could have just like her, You know, the whole time she's just saying stuff like mindlessly because just knows it. And so is it That just made sense to be like and also with you. Right? But when

spk_1:   25:36
she said that, she looks a little

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surprised if she doesn't look at us like yeah, exactly. Doesn't acknowledge it, right? But it is a way for her to call attention ourself and make sure the priest Yeah, I I think I go see, I go. I go back and forth. Yeah, and another Catholic fact. Check it again. I don't know if this is only us, but a few years ago. So I basically we learned this on from Donna Lady. I would go to church like, twice a year, but you don't see any. They call it Christmas and Easter Catholic, but they changed it from and also with you too. And with your spirit just to catch everybody. I don't know if they were just like, Yeah, wake up. Uh, so obviously didn't say that here. I don't know if that is again. Something is only the U S. Or just she just did it cause that's what most people like me think of when they think Catholic. Traitor. So then the best thing is when the priest notices and we actually are gonna play the clip from that because it's just so hurt. Meltingly adorable. Yes. And that's what he should have won an Emmy for, To be quite honest. Exactly. Let's take a listen.

spk_1:   26:50
Um, sorry. Uh, yes. Today's, um, today's notices. There's a ruffle, um, tomorrow's face to raise funds for the ad Excuse. Sorry. The diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes. Congratulations to sent afterwards. Football club 31 victory. Next Friday is the first Friday and I'm going to be making my usual sick calls to the House band with the Eucharist on Finally, on Thursday, I'm going to begin Holy Communion preparation classes on There are more details about in the parish newsletter, along with my latest review. That's all, folks. Uh, please stand for God's blessing. Oh,

spk_0:   27:38
okay. Couple things. He should have not only been nominated for an Emmy, he should have won an Emmy for that scene alone. I'm with you because there are so many layers, I think she watching that again. She definitely meant to do. And I think she faked like oops oh, homie, for the benefit of the crowd. But he's happy to see her. Oh, yeah, But then, like aware that he is now happy to see her, and yeah, has to grapple that having everybody much for wait for everybody trying to stay focused. He's nervous that she's there now, trying to stay focused on the task at hand, trying to like keep his parishioners engaged. It's just like, don't beware, don't be weird. Yeah, so happy. But he's also struggling with why he's so happy to be happy and, uh, totally, uh, but then, you know, I had said before, we've talked about how like economical her writing is. And she kind of like there are a lot of lines here about all these notices. I mean, they mentioned the painting at the faint, and so we kind of mentions the raffle at the fate. So that is where they're giving me the painting. So there's a little bit of a connection there in the football club and all these things that he's doing, and I think it's just to show that he actually loves his job. Yeah, it's, like, so cute. I got that, too. I was like, he loves the football club. I also I thought him mentioning the football club and then the Lady Wu Ping. Yeah, I was like, Okay. And we're back. Like I feel like that Grounded him a little. He was like, Okay, back on. Back on schedule. Yes. We can move forward. Yeah, it took him back to that world. Yeah, but you're right, and they like him, and it just shows you how much he loves it, too. And that's really like he's so he loves being a priest. He loves his parishioners so obvious. And he's good at it. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah, and then I think this is such a minor thing. But I wouldn't have thought of it if Khaki hadn't mentioned this last episode of how a couple of flea bags like looks to the camera and some of her mannerisms reminded her of Bugs Bunny. Yes, and ever since she said that I see it all the time now that same reaction. And so then just now when he goes, that's off books. I was like, Oh, is that a little loony Tunes Wing? Right? It is Now it is for May. We'll just have to ask her. Yeah, and then it was so sweet as he, you know, as they wrap up service and people are leaving and he's greeting everybody and, you know, he just like he, like, loves it. He like he's not gonna develop personal relationships with all of them. In fact, he hasn't right. He loves being of the priest figure right with them. Yeah, that's what I thought is He sees these people every week. It doesn't feel connected to them in any way because it's just a roll relationship. Exactly. He's their priest. He's there. His parishioners. It's basically his job. Exactly. You know. And but if this scene is so striking to me of how his tone changes when fleabag Ben shows because he's not being phony with the parishioners, it's just a different aspect of his personality of his persona. And then when he sees her now, he kind of shift into this different one that maybe is a little more relaxed and a little more him, right? Like I just fed him some bullshit. Well, yeah, I liken bullshit. I do. I mean, you can tell all these women love him. Oh God, yes, like it's not just flee back. That's thought like, Oh, he's pretty cute. No hot priest is hot, but he's they're aware. And But I love the woman When she was just, you know, he goes, I'll give my regards. Oh, I love the story about your eye and he's like, Oh, you know, he kind of laughs it off. Then you could give my regards to those budgies, which I guess, her bird's eye. It was like a word. I was familiar, and I don't even think that's a British word. My grandma, you know? Yeah, that's just how did you get that? Like he just He's like, he knows about our lives and he cares enough. You know, that meant so much to hurt. You hear that? Yeah. And what also, what I really loved about this scene is when fleabag comes up to him and you can just tell like you know that feeling when you are like, Oh, my God, I'm so attracted. Horn storm real A real horn. Storm eyes Phoebe described the reaction Andrew Scott Yes, on on her death in her SNL monologue. But we we, like, see them trying to play it cool, aware of their space. Yes, they're very hyper aware, but it is fun, like on repeat watches to just be like, Oh my God, you guys were like, Yeah, and even when she has to offer money and like, there's a little bit of that kind of playfulness like, Yeah, we might touch. Yeah, yeah, it's all very charged. Well, and then she you know, and like his face, that's the way he turns. He goes, Hello, like here. He's so nervous when he saw her, but now he's kind of playing out. If he's playing it cool or if he's just like, yeah, it's not surprising. I know who you are. Yeah, and then But there is a little bit of familiarity. Yes, of like I knew we'd see each other again. Yes, or I think, baby been drafting off of that cigarette scene where it's just kind of like we're gonna keep you like this is going to continue. Yeah. Yeah, this back and forth between us. Yeah. And you had mentioned that, like his, you know, another way. His demeanor changes it, like, reflects, sort of what Fleabag and Martin are like. When clearly is the room right is like, OK, now we can be a little bit. We could be ourselves. Yeah, like chiller. Cool, right? More swear, E because then even when someone else comes up And also he's like, Oh, wait, because I told them some heroic heroes Bullshit about my height. He's like, Oh, God bless you. Really good, good. Great recovery. Love to see that happen. And I also like she kind of immediately starts with a little bit of a sarcastic. I love this like his vestments. He can't not, but then he doesn't. He's kind of shoes right back at her about. Like I thought you'd be in prison by now. And there was a little It's funny that you mention Martin because there is a little bit of that back and forth. But this is on such a oh, it's better. Better? It's a mutual respect level. It's not a vindictive, resentful Well, because we you know, we know that she and Martin, they may have some their integrity. There are spirits, but she and pop Priester kindred spirits, too. But it is healthy and yeah, well, well, it's almost like, great. It's a little like a devil and angel on your shoulder thing where she's kindred spirits with Martin on the bad aspects of personality. And now the priest is a kindred spirit is gonna bring out the good aspects of it that injects right that does it for this episode. Um, so, yeah, I just like that. He could give as good as he gets. And, yeah, keep up with her. Yes, Absolutely. I also found this interesting. People are walking out that he knows where we hear a lot of names. Like we're hearing, like Sandy or Gina like they have Nate, I don't know. I just feel like we hear a lot of names of people who he doesn't really know that well, right? But then we never know fleabag name or his name, but we know so much about them, right? I like how you said Fleabag brings out the truth. Yeah, And people, I think that's her roll through. That's why they don't like her. Yeah, nobody wants to talk about uncomfortable. Yeah, and so he has. He's, like, gonna be more of himself because he's truthful to Exactly Yeah, exactly. So she says she came to pay him back for dinner, and I thought, when she goes, I don't have to be in installments. I was like, Well, how is she gonna pay for it? I guess with a credit cursed something which is there. But it's like I thought the cafe was doing well because it's an excuse to see him multiple times. Yes. Pay you like a pound at a time. Exactly. Oh, no. So then we get to meet Pam, who's played by an actress named Joe Martin. And my favorite thing is like, Phoebe didn't have to give us Pam. Yes, but she did, right? She did that for us. Yeah, it's kind of stealthy. It really reveals a lot about the priest. Yes. Pam's present? Yes. Absolutely. And, um, I like that shift change when that she is so intense that she's gonna The candles are con father. Father, I'm going to I didn't know this until I looked up the watch it with subtitles When she's like, I'm good a knife, the candles Was that Oh, I think I thought about which was Yeah, human knife. The candles have been clogged up. I initially had to rewind the scene because I thought I missed something because Pam was so intense that I was like, Oh, wait, something happened. So I get it. But it turns out, just pants, that's that. That's our way. That would be a sitcom, but that's our fam like concerts. Laughter here. But I also that's what I enjoy is like the show can be dark and hard and that times but because Phoebe injects things that are whimsical and weird, like Pam in there be, like, playful and bring us out of it. And she trusts us to catch up with her without having all this exposition like he doesn't. So her interaction, she comes up and you know she's so serious. The candles are clogged up, and then he's like, Oh, well, the hair dryers in the walkie drawer And she was like under the walkie drawer. I know it's like, Why did you come over if you knew? But she just wanted to let him know she I have value what I'm doing for the church, like I'm taking my role very seriously. This chick you're talking to and then I also Yeah, I also like the the contrast of the pomp and circumstance of the Mass. When Phoebe, you know, if you when fleabag is looking at the crucifix and the paintings and the music and everything to oh, it's also a small business where they have to melt down the candles with a blow dry hair dryer like it's a little like pulling the curtain bag, which is kind of a metaphor for with the priests. Like even though he's a priest and he has kind of all this pomp and circumstance around him, he's still just a dude on some level. This is also a time when I thought that I discovered something new about British language and culture because I was like, What's a wonky sure Ohio devour that keep the walks e mean other than the fact that that's where they keep the lungs as you d'oh um, I was like, It's a wonky door. Is that the word for a junk drawer like, Wow, this is fun. And then I like Googled it. Google was like, It's a, uh, drawer that's doesn't work it straight. It's wonky. And I was like, I am trying too hard. It's almost what we inherited English from the thing. The other thing. I was gonna say what you're talking about. Pam, like with her with Phoebe is writing how again. She's like, so economical and subtle because she trusts us that we like. He doesn't have to say, That's Pam. She works here. She's an assistant deacon at what? Like you know, we don't have to hear the exposition of who she is. We know everything. We don't know about Pam from this interaction to the point where he could just say to her, That's Pam and she knows that we all know that Spano, it's it's brilliant. Yeah, I also the fact that you said like we don't necessarily need Pam But to me, what she reveals about the priest is we understand why he's lonely, because we find out later that Pam lives there like technically, they should be friends, like she's probably his only friend she obviously adores. I'm like everybody else and once. But she channels that until like, look how devout, right? Yes, and on some level he should have way more in common with Pam than he does with Flea Bag. And they should be like B F F's, but he doesn't connect with her. And it's that idea that, like loneliness, is you could be alone in bad company. And so that, to me, is kind of. Pam's role in this is to reinforce that, like just cause you're with someone who you have something in common with doesn't mean you're friends. So I love you know. He's like, Do you want tea or do you like tea? Like let's please, you're here. Go and keep going. We go into his rectory. I think that's a word. I wrote it down. I should've left right, And it is really silly that she liked looks around photos of Jesus, and he's like holding his robes chest is exposes women on her knees reaching town towards him, and she just looks at us and, like Jesus, perfect it really perfect. And I looked up because when we talk to Jonathan, he had mentioned that there was, like, specific paintings that she wanted. And that painting is actually called Touch Me, not by Titian. And it depends depicts Jesus telling Mary Magdalene not to touch him before he's resurrected. And we looked out There's this theologian who Maurice on Zundel. Sure who interpreted that saying that, uh, jeez indicates once the resurrection is accomplished not to touch him the link between human beings and his person must no longer be physical but must be a bond of the heart to heart. You must establish this gap. She must understand. The only way possible is faith that the hands cannot reach the person and that it is from within and from within on Lee that we can approach him mean the Lord. Yeah, but it feels a little, little sexy. Well, and also describing this really knows. Yeah. So she's looking at that painting, and then he and then she picks up the Bible. Oh, yeah. People get all the dust mites up in there. Yeah, And then he comes in with the tea, and she merely puts it down. And I love, like we assume he hasn't noticed. Right? But then we just want to play the clip of this scene when he spills the tea. Let's spell the teeth.

spk_1:   41:14
Great. Don't boast. Make bastard. Sorry. Oh, faster. Let me just let me just get this. Oh, dear. I was the holy biz less than it was before. Uh, you understand? He didn't understand its course. Okay,

spk_0:   41:37
I love that part. Yeah, he's so well, I admit I was a little startled the way he said. Bastard. So slick. Sorry. Andrew Scott were like you something. It's, like, super intense. And you're like, Oh, what's happened? Because you mean you do know him into so well, Yeah, we were best friends. That that that's so Andrew, let me tell you. But now, as an actor, a lot of his performances he does have the sudden moment were like, Whoa, that just got really intense out of nowhere. Not even as a villain necessary. Like they're just times when he's like energy changes. Yeah, and it just kind of caught me off guard because he's up to now has been kind of mild mannered. On some level, I think it's just like chill right, and I think he's just so nervous that he wanted to do everything right. And he's just like mad at himself. That's why I love. That's like the first date nerves thing like you spill the drink, you're trying to press the girl and like you trying to keep his hands from shaking like that just seems so vulnerable and, like, really was okay, it all. And it reveals to us how, like, hyped up in kind of nervous he is about it. Well, I think the tension of the whole situation is at the surface from of like, he knows he's attracted to her. But he's also trying like even the fact that is bringing her tea like we know this is not him. Yes, he's trying to be like proper Yes, but well, and he needed a reason to, like, do something. Yeah, but even he doesn't offer her a drink right away. He look Oh, it has to be t cause I'm because this is what we d'oh! This is what you're supposed to do it, and he's so end. But you can tell he's just so annoyed that something went wrong. Fuck, fuck. Fuck. You know, like that, exactly that, like, really? I don't know. And then I love the timing When he said when she's like, Oh, is that holy? Ah, bit? Yeah. Less than it was before. Like that. That just delivery was Yeah, because you think he's just saying a bit right then And there could be a little, uh, sort of applied to him being a priest. So he's a bit less holy than he was before. I don't know, but fun fact. I spilled three Diet Cokes on my first date with my husband. Yeah, one went into the case. Oh, and like, buy this, You ruin the case when he still married you, He didn't know it was a date. Actually that Yeah, At one point, the waitress was like, Okay, there's enough of this three. I'm bringing you a very damp towel. Wondering from her, um a bib bib? Yeah, I just just spilled all over the, um I Also one thing that I really love is when he's like, he'll understand he's an understanding that was really meaningful to me. Because I love that the God that he believes in is the understand, sir. And it mean it's not the Jewish god. I don't know. We have a very very mean God. I've uh yeah. No, that's the thing. Yeah, he's not a nice guy. Bastard. I know he but I e I mean, it makes sense because he wouldn't have become a priest, right? If you do the ideal that exactly like he we know, he said, struggles with his vices and self control and making decisions. And that's why he's priest, like That's why is to find peace. He could. He couldn't control himself. So he's letting somebody else control him, and that works for him and he could do a lot of good that way. And he feels good. So it's a win win, but the point being like God has forgiven all his mistake and l his mistakes and in his eyes given him another chance at a good life. And he reveals all of that to us right there. But I just I loved, you know, side note. You know, I'm, like, obsessed the show, and I'm gonna make shit up that I think it sounds good, but I think the theme of the show is forgiveness. Yes, and that they're both. She's looking for that now. He was looking for it before, and he found it through religion. He's gotta trying to use religion to help her find it, because that's the only way I am that return Toso, right? Yeah, he knows she's not religious, but I, in a way, feel like he represents kind of some of the better aspects of religion in terms of of acknowledging kind of powerlessness in the larger world and allowing yourself to be forgiven, being open to forgiveness, the importance of just being kind. Yeah, kindness and kindness to yourself. Yeah. Um, so no, I think that's a fair point. Well, speaking of forgiveness and his past struggles, have you watched the show dates on who, Lou. Do you know that he's in this? There was this British circled dates that was like, kind of an anthology where it was just a bunch of different pairs of characters going on dates. And that makes them so. Andrew Scott is in one. No, and look it up. It's on who in the U. S. I don't know where it is elsewhere, but he and people have talked about on the Andrew Scott Group, So he basically he goes on this date. Spoiler alert for anybody who's waiting to watch this episode starts off where it's like always seems like this really nice guy. There's a very little sexy moment where someone was watching her like, Oh my God, it's not safe for work And there's a lot of, like, nuzzling in bed anyway. But the character turns out to be like, have this religious aspect to him. And he's talking about, like how he's not part of organized religion and he's part of this group and that he struggled with addictions in the past and, like he and this other group of men have written like a new version of the 10 Commandments. That's friendlier. Wait, he actually so there's a part where he's like, under the covers starting to go. Then he pops his head up because it's not a cult, and she's like, okay, but he, uh and then it kind of turns out that he's not a great guy after all. But there's like this religious expect to it. And so somebody brought up there like, Oh my God, What if his character is who is the priest? But before and now he's, like, overcome all that stuff. And so I'm accepting It is can just got universe because the character name is actually Christian. So I'm considering it. Cannon, you know, I'm done. Yeah, so look it up. It's infuriating right out, Fan, it's good. So then he points around two. They know he finally gets the tea sorted out and looks around. He says sorry for all the tat. So I had to look up. It's just like it's just stuff young perfect, Alia Yeah, stuff and that There's a garden party fundraiser thing tomorrow and then he goes, Oh, you could volunteer if you like. And she kind of like, Oh, these are just joking because like, Oh, you want me, you want me? Oh, okay, well, and this this whole back and forth because they're kind of trying to say something about themselves and find out something about the other person because he says, like I'm just joking like you wouldn't want to do that right? You probably probably got a life. Is way she and she sees is like, Oh, he wants a wait. No, he doesn't write me, like, because this whole time they're trying to confirm if the other feels the same way as they dio. Really? They're just, like, just that there is still this. Do you feel this? Do you feel this, Do you, Right? Yeah. And just the idea that, like, they each think the other person has their act together. Like, you think she's cool, right? She thinks he's, like, totally appease. And then, you know, as they're talking, he kind of suddenly is like, enough of this bullshit, like, Do you want a proper drink? Feel like he can't hold up this charade? And yeah, like, he thought he could pull it off. Yeah, but then he's, like, with the tat and the and he's like, I just need a drink. Give me a drink. Yeah, And then when you guys like, what time is it? And you know, I've got jean teas from reminisce also. What time is it? Well, it's That's okay. This has come up a couple times. John. Are they drinking gin? And he's 11. Or Alec? What is the time frame of the season, right? How much time has passed from that dinner to the wedding? That is unclear. There's some because Martin's eyes still a little dark at the wedding. I don't know, but there is here. It's like if this was a Sunday Mass than the other Garden Party thing would be on a Monday, which seems odd. But there is a Saturday evening Mass, but it seems like he wouldn't be concerned about what time it was to have a drink. Yeah, that's true. It's like during the day like this during the day, and he's like, It's 11 30 in the morning. I will, if you will. The Marquis knows she will. Healthy drinker. Oh my God, I know. And I did think of khaki again when she's like he's got his drinking buddy. I'm right, but also and that's his comfort zone. He's like, Oh, all right, I have my support, right? So and she's like, I shall look with you in this room now. Yeah, and I editing throughout this whole scene. Like when we talk about the moments lingering at the dinner. Like basically, this scene seemingly plays out in real time. Even down to these laws of them opening the drinks, taking a drink, waiting, swallowing, then saying something. And on some levels, like why do we need thio? What? All this. What a ride, Really? But it creates kind of an intimacy that you're just in the room with these characters and you're feeling every beat of their first. Because we actually are were in her head, right? We see what she sees. So I think it's it's really effective. Totally. We're gonna play again. We're just gonna start playing some clips here trying to perform the I mean, I know you loved that. I know. You just feel like you're listening. So sorry. So this is the scene that kind of became like the go to clip when people were sure it was in the trailer clip of flea bag exactly

spk_1:   50:37
to a cool breeze. Cool priest. No, I'm a big reader with no friends. You cool person. No normal person. I know that makes him a normal person. I don't believe in God. So what? What is that

spk_0:   50:55
highlight when he does that? I just again, the writing here is like Larry in, like, six or eight lines. We find out a lot about both of them because you know, he gets like you said they're feeling each other out and kind of revealing and also asking he reiterates that he's lonely. What? That line. I'm a big reader with no friends, although I because I think that's true. Oh, it is right. Yeah. At first I thought he was like Like this Ha ha! But like, you're like, you know? You know he's telling you. You Are you okay? No, he's telling me he's lonely and I first wanted the first time I watch it, he said, I'm a big reader. I thought he might, cause I read the Bible so much, but I think it's also just I'm a bit like I like nothing to do, right? And he says, It's so fun Funny deliver. Yeah, because he kind of rolls right through it like he doesn't wantto rest on it too long. Right? Because I'm a big reader with no friends. Or what about you? Are you just like, eases off of it? And you know, she kind of confirms her atheism, that she doesn't believe in God and the painting falling. Oh, so sad. It's so funny is the one she was looking at and just his island. I mean, like I said, I love it when he's like I love it like it's so he's so satisfied. He's so enjoying it like he thinks God's on its side with their this Well, there are a lot of moments where we talked about before, that he comes off a little childlike and and this is another one where he's kind of like because, like, friends got a trick. Yeah, loving my friend and plays that prank, right? Yes, absolutely. When he's on my team, Yeah, the editing again here. I just want to call out because I'm in my Siri's in my head called on a lesser show on a lesser show that I love it when he does, that would have been like the punch line out of the scene with the writers called The Blow Like That would have been the cut to commercial on a sitcom, or we would have cut to a different scene in this. The moment keeps going, and she's kind of again taken aback by his just reaction to that was hilarious. Almost a joke at her expense and I think she's like, Oh, wait. God, are you Yeah, I used my God, It's me, fleabag. Like the two of them are on the inside joke together, and now she's kind of left out, right? But they thought that moment linger. And then now we come off of that big laugh into him changing the tone about her miscarriage. Yes. And before we go into that, I do. I also love that. That's another way there, like this show, is in a big dig on religion. Look proof of God right here. You know, like we're covering all the bases. Yeah. What? It depends what you believe. Yeah. So the tone shift said he leans forward, and I love this moment from her when he goes S So you were in my prayers last night? Likewise. I know. And you could go the timing again here. Like, did they have dinner last night? Or is this a few nights? Like he's been thinking about her every night at nine, but says she's sorry because he goes I'm sorry for your loss. And she is totally for him this lie that she's told, uh and Oh, yes. Thank you. thank you. That's that's all she could say. There's nothing else to say. Yeah, yeah, And I feel like even though he's genuine in his sympathy, this does feel a little like you could argue this starts to not quite manipulative, but he wants. He wants information from her. Yeah, he wants to know What's your step? Well, yeah, because when he goes, is the father all right? But he's definitely interested. Genuine, But he's also interested. Yes. Is there a father in the picture? And when she says he doesn't really exist, his little smile like he can't hold back his election. The smile, even though you know inside his head he's inside his mind. Prison, if you will. He's screaming like Not that it matters like this is fine. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you have somebody, right? Nothing could happen. Doesn't affect me one. I think there is still that when you have a crush on somebody or somebody that you don't like, we're seeing with Andrew Scott like somebody's unattainable. In real life, there is a little bit of like Okay, well, if they're also single, that makes me feel a little better. Even though you know, until maybe, or we're just, you know well, they're not having a better time than me. I'm not familiar with this feeling at all. All right, I've heard from friends, but that Yeah, and even about his face when he's like, I understand there's just no judgment with him, ever. That is also important. Isn't like Oh, you know, this slut got herself knocked up and Dad's not even in the picture. It's just kind of like, I understand you were in this part of me almost wonders if he knew it wasn't real from the start, But I don't know. Why would he? Why wouldn't he? When we can explore that we have. But we do have a podcast, so but he does. Then he goes into more of just like him trying to help. He mentions the funeral little liturgy, um, about life being changed. That ended, If that's of any help and she's like, thank you very much. I really am an atheist. Yeah, I gathered that from the smelling of the Bible, which were like, we're surprised with her because we didn't know he noticed that you he constantly surprises her with his How observant. Yes, especially no one Is that all observing of her, eh? So it's like a total extreme. Um, I do it. I feel like that he would. He just wants to have a relationship with her. He just wants any dynamic. So be it. So the tool in his tool box is the priest thing, right? So he's gonna go in on that and also because he does care. But I do think like he goes into it carefully, which shows how well he reads people, especially her. You could just tell you, genuinely wants to help her and be a comfort. Yeah, and there's been arguments, you know, they're a couple of like, Hot takes about the priest is actually a bad guy, and he's manipulative, and he's abusing his power in his position to get closer to her and eventually have sex with her. I I think there is an argument to be made that he's manipulating the religion a little bit, I think, but I never took it as any kind of evil. Yeah, malevolent. Just sexual predator, right? Take. I really think he just wanted to know her, and that s the other he wanted. He does want to know her. I think at this point he really just wants to spend time with you. He's lonely. He's connected with somebody. He I mean, she is attractive, but I think he just wants to talk to her. I really think at this and the priest thing is there's only a fool's got use any generally does want to help her if this is the situation she's in. Yeah, exactly. He sees a kindred spirit. It also occurred to be throughout, sort of their whole scene when they're talking. Is that like, Yes, she's obviously physically and emotionally attracted to him, But she's also kind of curious. I think like she gives her the Bible, she reads it like E think she can tell he's got some demons and there's clearly such a connection with them. A kindred spirit. And so she's like, Well, what do you doing a deal with these? Like So, like I think that also encourages her to take a deeper dive. Yeah, and if at this point she's gone a year without seeing her family and she's been really isolated and we know she doesn't have a ton of friends Yeah, she's funny. She's really aching for a friendship, too. You're so right. And this moment keeps lingering. Um, and even, you know, you mentioned the father. And so this, uh and she said, Oh, Father doesn't exist. Linger some more, and then she sees his notebook and asks if it's a new sermon. And so we're gonna go ahead and play this clip to

spk_1:   58:28
you. Summoned? Oh, that's I right. Uh, restaurant reviews for the parish magazine was just finishing up the last one. I actually just came up with a really good title. What is it? Uh oh, it's not cool. Well, neither release. I'd spend 40 days and 40 nights in the desert. Fancy priest,

spk_0:   58:52
and so do we. All that is another great back and forth where he wants to tell her. He doesn't want to tell her. He wants her to know that about him. He doesn't. He's embarrassed. He reveals he cares what she thinks. Yes, yes. And that's something that, actually priest wouldn't really worry about. Yeah, because cares. Well, even the fact that he does the review no is cute, cause it's like he just wants to do something that's not related to the church necessarily. That's why I love fleabag, because it's this really fascinating story. But then also, there's a priest rates restaurant reviews in a girl who owns a guinea pig theme cafe. Yeah, and I wondered, too, is his review of the restaurant. The Ali dinner at that time thought of. And some people didn't catch the joke that the his headline is a play off of Jesus spending 40 days and 40 nights in the desert being tempted by Satan. Satan, I said, That's very articulately, which is a good way. Actually, that's the, uh, pneumonic device. Remember, Desert versus desert. Having to s is because you always want more dessert. I don't want much dessert. Brilliant. You're welcome. This is in grammar chat. Ah, but I just love that, like Corzine, reservoir of views and because it's showing us he's like it's chosen is it shows us his personality beyond like, yeah, Preece. He has a personality and an interest in other things. Exactly. And even though that headline is super punny and silly, that's almost why she that's what does it for her of like That's what doesn't love all of adorable dork. Honestly, I think if somebody said that to me, I would not have a choice but to fall madly in love. He's so proud of it. That's what I love. He's a simultaneously proud and embarrassed because, like you said, he's afraid she's gonna judge it. And of course she adores it. Now. We cut to her in bed with her laptop, and this time she's Googling priest sex and other kind of related search terms. This is what happens when a priest has sex and have you Googled this? I did. I did, too. And I want to know the stats that one of the top whoever wants to spite I mean, they must have, like, their server must have crashed along with, um you know, pornhub reported like a 23% you know, 100. Yeah, because it was the gin and tonics were up 23% sales. And then Pornhub said searches for religious porn were up 120% or something. I mean, I doubt they were that maybe they weren't that high to start. Yeah, true, but still, and so I'm revealing a lot about my Andrew Scott media consumption habits. There's another movie called little white lie that isn't like an Irish romantic comedy. And there's a part where he's bummed about a break up. So he's got this like, you know, pervy friend who brings over like he wants bring him a porno to, like, show him, like get back in the game or whatever. And it's actually like a religious puts a priest, a nun out that's his stairs, critical areas and versus weird I know. But if you I found like, a couple of message boards are like questions about and then I saw one thing that said it is possible for like if a priest decides he wants to leave the priesthood, which they said, it's very complicated that he can then Mary and have sex with in that marriage. You even get married in the Catholic Church but not be a priest anymore. He can't have right here right now. You no longer have a congregation or or minister to people. But he is actually still an ordained priest because he went through holy orders. Oh, and that they said he could technically perform communion or perform a mass to some people, just not in a formal church. Sounds complicated is also unlike war or something. No knows who answered that. Yo wishful thinking. Bible stud. 58. Some answer about Oh, you talk to Bible God, he knows everything. That's actually just the pope's online. No, nothing out of the pope. Speak of the pope. Very great sideway. They know they have said that he's kind of opened up the discussion for eliminating celibacy for priests in the Catholic Church, which is huge. I mean, even being talking about it sane, I guess it's specific to like the Amazon region of South America, because something like 85% of churches there don't have priests. There's such a shortage of priests, which is happening worldwide. I think, for obvious reason, they're dealing with other issues. They're dealing with the child abuse cases, and I mean, there are systemic things need to change. We could have a whole episode about the systemic problems of the Catholic Church. Everybody wants that. So I'm not there anymore. Everybody wants to hear my take. Ah, Canadian Jews, girls take American Gothic. No, And so that's kind of it's really just like a human resources issue on somewhat well of like we need people, and we think maybe this would bring an absolutely You talk to any moderate Catholic. We're almost any Catholic. They would acknowledge it. It should happen that it's a contributing factor to the abuse case. It's a reason there aren't young priests joining. It's I mean, yeah, no, it's a whole thing. It would really be remarkable. And of course, some people were like her power. Phoebe is power of the Papacy. She is the pope And that if it actually goes through well, now she has to do a season three kind because he could be like, good news. He runs back to the bus stop. Wait. I just got a text from the pub. My God, I love that, you know? But we're good anyway. Then we move on from way. Let me beg, huh? Have a nice time in bed. And then she wanted somewhere President Obama. Close. Honestly, Um and then we head to her cafe and let's listen to that clip.

spk_1:   1:4:45
What? Why? There's so many people here. It's just that why is everyone talking to each other? It was just a Wednesday. If you buy something and have a chat with someone, you don't know what I mean. It pays. Listen, can we? I know you and I have you had a checkup? Yes, it's It's fine. It's really not a big deal. That happened a long time. So I know where you from. I'm not. This isn't I'm I'm not part of this. I shouldn't have to. I don't want to tell you that. No, Sorry. No tooting. She doesn't know anything yet. Oh, shit.

spk_0:   1:5:29
Oh, great. There's so much to go pack first. I would like should we just start with the tutor? Yeah, okay. Yes. Will you go? I know I was gonna go. I just wanted to give everyone a friendly reminder that they're just singing cunt ass trick cock cock. Were you gonna say, Chrissy damn it, you stole it. Now it is funny, you know that? No. So we'll start with the funny part. Tooting Yes, when I I when I heard it. And now everybody in England is laughing. Their ass is off their arses off because apparently tooting is just a town outside of London. We didn't know that. And when I heard it, I thought she was saying like, move along and be tooting like a train. Like Like your tutu tooting away your train juju. Maybe I've spent too much time reading my four. Yeah, you're a real mom. Move. Yeah. So I thought she was, like, tooting off you go and then to live. When I went to London with my friends, my one friend was like, I don't even know we're just talking about or something. And she was like, Is she saying that she farted? And that he needs to keep moving? And there she is. Far because tooting is American slaying for farting, which is what we say with my four year old. Did you? D'oh! But I was like, I don't think, Claire. A little people here's by. Here's my repellent tea. Oh, I mean, yeah, I really, really didn't want to talk to Joe. You her body like you would announce, I think the first time I first times I thought I think my American brain just didn't even like Like it just wasn't something I read, like, even registered because I didn't recognize it. So I missed it and didn't question it. But then let me like the third or fourth. Listen, I was like, what the fuck. So then obviously I looked it up and I'll say, OK, this all makes sense, But I want to know, just asked on the group and they were like, Yeah, but I want to know is wrong with you People Baby knew knew that Americans, For now, I think it's just yes, it is. I mean, it's there's a reason it's used, um, in that way, but I just It's just like a totally, uh, dumb, unplanned, very was we felt really silly. So, yeah, I don't think Claire was letting go to get Joe away. People have also said, Joe, what's a little like Boris Johnson? He dies. There's like a little crazy eyes is a little long, but But on a serious level, I I do like this exchange with Claire when she's like, Why is it so busy you having an event happening? Event. And when she was like I get successful, I guess Yes, and I Yes, I love that because flashback to season one Episode two Flea bags asking Claire like you Okay? You look stressed and quickly came to the cafe. It was empty. Yeah, and Claire goes, Well, I'm successful. So And so I think that's like says a lot right there because in her, in Claire's mind, we talked about this. You know that in that episode, but successful means stressed out successful means, like always on your guard, always having a lot do Busy, busy, busy. And she doesn't really know what to do with flea bags version of successful, which is quite different from her own. And she's clearly successful, like just look at the bustling cafe. So now Claire is to question her definition of success like, Oh, I was just accepting that I had to be stressed out and fairly unhappy, right? Shit. How am I? How is she gonna validate her stress? Now, that's interesting, right? There are other reasons for our unhappiness, and she's not used to flee back like being successful. Yes, but that was something she kind of always had over her. At least I'm success, and I wonder if that kind of brings us to that builds when in the next episode, she gets a mad at flea bag out of the office parties because she's got everything. Yeah, and, you know, clears trying so hard thing. Yeah. Uh, and then there was some also Oh, the the idea for chatty Wednesdays at her saying Loneliness pays. I feel like fleabag of season one never would have started chatty Wednesdays. So the fact that she's even planning this event shows how much growth she's had and her recognizing the need for people to connect with other people and that it could be a total stranger like it was with the bank manager. Her right? And you're right. She's like giving that everybody else. Exactly. So. I really love that. She's she's creating that atmosphere. Not that something that old fleabag never would have done. And it's also just something that people don't dio like it is. But it's sort of like this big in your face like, No, no, no. The point is to talk to people you don't know, which is something that is not. I would never be the point right, And there have been studies done about Ah, I think I was just seeing something in their time out, like depression or something, but that that face to face interaction is like chemically necessary for humans and their social animals. Yeah, there's the It's not an original observation that we're more connected than ever with social media, and yet people feel completely. I stayed in alone, and it's because you need there's something chemical about when you look into someone's eyes. When you look into someone's eyes or you see their reaction, it's why people are meaner online. Yeah, because they don't see the appeal of this face, you know, and you don't get that validation. If you say something that gets a good reaction like, yeah, so it That's definitely what kind of a lesson I feel like we're all trying to grasp of like, Oh, we actually still even just like they say, Like going to the grocery store and talking to the check out like that alone. Some interact does something to your brain pheromones doing well. And there are people in, I think in London have started, like Chatty Wednesday's Oh yeah, he's official Chatty ones, a Facebook group where they organize it. Yes, we just think, and I know there's some like benches and parks and a lot of cities that are like if you sit on this bench like you're willing to have a conversation with times by, I think some schools are starting that with, like, lunch tables of like, Anybody can sit here and we'll all talk like it's Let's keep that going. Yeah, yeah. So then fleabag kind of gets right down to brass tacks about like, Have you had a check up and right? And then we're like, all right. She had a retelling, forgot about that. And how clear says she hasn't told Martin, because you're not supposed to tell anyone for the 1st 12 weeks. And I was like, Well, you can tell the father And Claire says she never wants anyone to know about it and totally bag, you know, you take it, you're better at dealing with awful things. Anyway, this this raised a big question for me. Who is better at dealing with awful things, though, because Claire ignores, represses and fakes until she's exhausted. Flea Bag, on the other hand, clings to sex and flirting and alcohol, and we all think of the show is like fleabag destructive choice parade. But is her strategy truly worse than Claire's? Who's like living in her? Let's go back to that mine prison, um, with nothing real in her life like that, just physically, emotionally exhausting. Well, I think that's the implication is she's making it sound too fleabag, like you've had to deal with bad stuff. I haven't true. She's actually like hell out as bottling and burying them and, you know, it never comes out. Yes, so I think that's she just doesn't acknowledge the bad things and fleabag does and powers through him. And so that's this idea of like, Will you live this life? I don't write, write, write and she left. She wants she she relies on that being the role. Yeah, And now we obviously know, too, that she and Martin are total mess because that was she was pregnant before the dinner. So it was before she ever saw flee back that she still wasn't telling Martin she was pregnant, right? So things it wasn't like flea bag showed up, and suddenly things imploded with Martin. And now we realize their whole spiel at dinner was like total bullshit, and they're not happier than ever. Totally so. Think so. Then Claire's goes. I don't want anyone to make a big deal out of this smash cut to brutal, just brutal. I love genius editing so so classic like just so well done. Yeah, and that's what gets me here is the role reversal now, because last time at the lunch, when fleabag and clear showed up together, Godmother was very deferential, declare and, like, kind of Oh, this is beautiful Note. Yeah, I'm kind of treating fleabag of second class and now flea bags. The one who has something interesting and tragic that happened, right? And so now she just, like, dumps the coats on Claire. It is really giving all over attention to flea bag and then until until hell over there, setting up this portrait and she can't just tell flea bag, I'm gonna have you face this way. And Claire Place this way. Even what ends up being actually a very striking composition like it actually is like we've said, she's talented. Instead of just say that, it's just like I'll just turn, Just just turn a little more. Okay? Now you're totally power in my God and how she goes. I have six friends Ally who have had miscarriages and the one who did conceive rather regretted it. I think you've done the right thing like you had a choice. Yeah, that makes the blood boil little because you're like as if she had any age in that situation. Another great little detail gets revealed here is that I've got your dad's phone for the day. Oh, my God, Like, of course, so controlling. So like what if they had texted something about her like it just is a revealing little detail. So then fleabag is just kind of trying to change the subject and points to what we find out later is the orgasm painting and God. Mother says she's getting rid of it, and we find out later it's at the raffle. That's the one she's donating. And now Oh, Claire mentions her. You know, her phone's buzzing the whole time we're there and that she said that Finland is coming into town. And so she's got a busy afternoon godmother now, like peppers her with all these requests that she's got her working on. Are you still good to pick up the invitations? The ribbon for the flowers houses, the bassoon solo coming is Martin's nose on the men, which she doesn't care about Martin. She just wants to help. He'll look okay for the and then clear, and I also find it interesting that she has trusted fleabag with nothing. Absolutely no, she's just pounded it all in place. And I've been trying to act like she has, like, it's just not embarrassed at all that she's, I mean, not that fleabag is wanting to do anything. And then, you know, I was clear. Must get some kind of email and says, Oh, now I have to arrange organized Cana pays for an awards ceremony, and now godmothers throws that toe fleabag like I don't want anything else on Claire's plate. She's doing stuff right? How can the little cafe Yeah, she's still she's finally called it a cafe. True school Lt'll sold a qualifier. And then, uh, gosh, haven't you got a lovely thick neck? What every lady wants to hear who's not a wrestler. Uh, and then, uh, and then, even when she mentioned Claire, mention of the canopy is that she's like, Oh, you must be exhausted. I can't Could you keep giving your shit to do so now is there walking out? Claire tells me back that Martin is pressing charges for assault and that she'll provide her with exceptional legal advice. He mainly defends rapists high success rate then Oh, undefeated. So that one nice little social commentary on the legals accepts of rage is super cool. Also brings up like that bad feminist constantly. Would a quote good feminist be friends with someone who will be represented by right? Like, defends rapists and win something, You know, it's it brings a lot into question. Yeah, basically, just like things are complicated people, but we learned a little bit more about this lawyer when we meet him. So we're gonna play that clip.

spk_1:   1:17:28
I filled him in with the basics. Be serious. Just do whatever he says and don't flirt with him. I'm not going to. Okay, hell, okay. Thank you. So I could take you too cool for that thin little trouble making that eye. Listen, I just want to be clear that whatever happens, I don't sleep with people I work with. Okay,

spk_0:   1:18:02
so here we meet. This guy's so good. Ray Fearon is the actor of hot, misogynist David. David actually does have a name all this time. I always just call him out Massages. I forgot. Rewatching it. Now he does have a name. Yeah, right. I I love hilarious and and I like. He's like he's saying he doesn't sleep with people he works with and ends like he's taking it from possible sexual harassment thio definite sexual harassment. But like everybody, this is one interesting thing that I think is. I like how she presents us to us because you just think about it. It's like you get that it reaction that with hot massage it It's like I do with a troublemaker. I know like, you see, I just didn't even mean to, but believe that does not have that reaction to him because he's hot. And so it is an example of how unattractive person hits on you. You're less likely to be grossed out and more likely to be excited. And that's why life is unfair and humans are weird and like, that's a thing to do. Then what are you gonna D'oh Well, and I think it's unclear, at least to me. I mean, he definitely has some smarm to him. He's also successful. He's very you know, these in this nice office. He's a lawyer, you know, but his is very attractive. The line when he says, you know I don't sleep with people I work with. But then he laughs. And I to me it's unclear that he's like That's a ridiculous thing for me to say of, you know, whatever. Or, of course, I sleep with my work with like I had. Gotcha, right? It is a little, uh, like, kind of unclear what to make a boot. Yes, so then they have this conversation with him and he has his feet up on desk and is eating a sandwich with Mayo all over his face, and it's hard for you. Look at somebody was like, What's the point of this scene? Right? I think it's just to show that he is just confident. A. Yes, and I think that's another example of like he could get away with being weird and kind of gross cause he's so attractive and confident. The Mayo is absurd, and no one acknowledges it. Neither of them seemed to mind, though, and you can tell he does it all the time, probably every single day he's learned. He just doesn't care. As they're talking with this sandwich discussing sandwich. It must be delicious. Uh, but he tells her the most important thing is not to apologize and here again, he's actually a good book, right? Even though he is absurd. Um, no, don't apologize. And this whole time, flea bags trying to determine the relationship between him and Claire, they definitely fucked. Maybe not. I've got it. They haven't. And they're back going to. So yeah, and that I another small detail of that. Claire does not want to refer to Martin as the victim. So she even throughout all this, like she kind of knows what fleabag did, was right, Right. I like that. So when they're when, um, hot misogynous and Claire like doing there back and forth And David, you know, she's really this is going into it. And then that's what makes fleabag like, get up and be like, Oh, no, I'm gonna like this, but it's gonna blow. And I feel like that's just another spot where the show's just leaning into eternity. Because that's like a cartoon, like you're like, Oh, no, I need to leave you and jumping on this boat. Yeah, really. It's almost like an old like 19 forties back and forth, like whatever. Totally. And it also, I think it's worth pointing out that Claire is very captivating two men as well. It's not just fleabag house goddess into her. We know Jakes, and you know people are into her. We'll flee. They she presents it. That clears the pretty one. She does? Yeah. Then now they're outside. And because Fleabag has just left and there's a small moment where she looks up at the trees and the sky and birds and we start hearing church music and I've kind of wondered, like What is this supposed to be a knight? I don't know if it's just her thinking about kind of the majesty of creation and thinking a little religiously and kindling in the sky like, Is there something bigger up there? I at first I was like, Ah, she's noticing the natural beauty because she's healing and she's looking at the birds flying across the sky. And I was like, What a beautiful moment. And then I was like, or the presence of the church music reveals that she's just thinking about fucking the priest and having your very own horn fest. So, like a horn storm, I'm so sorry. Um, you know, I could I Maybe I'm a little more naive because I just I took a little more earnestly than that. That she kind of is just the majesty of nature. Whatever does remind her of him and she definitely smiling, thinking of him and maybe a little bit about, like, why he believes what he does or just taking a moment to be mindful. I think it is. Yeah, yeah. And so now Claire comes out and says he'll only talk to her if she has a drink with him and that Claire thought he was after class because, well, I did, too. But my hair isn't great at the moment, her hair and tells her not to sleep with him. And she was, Well, I don't do that anymore and then kind of stammers and goes through all this. And then is he single? Sort off which, and given what flew back, says in her confessional later, You know, Claire has seen her be part of, like an affair, like the other woman or whatever. And, um and so when she says she's a good lawyer, tender underneath it all knew it. Yeah, This exchange when she goes, what you did in the restaurant was unforgivable. Thank you. And you know she and kind of what Cathy was saying about. I did go back and re watch it. She There is a little smile at one point. So like she knows now, really believe August, the one who really is standing up for her and is willing to just do outrageous things in defense of Claire tell early because it's also unclear which is what you did in the restaurant. Is she talking about faking the miscarriage, punching Martin both? I think it might be a little bit, I think. Yeah, I also like, you know, I just think I was interested. When Claire tells Fleabag that he would only help her, she goes out for a drink. My first reaction was like, uh, he's using his power over her to force her into an intimate exchange. And but again, she's a self admittedly horny person and a sex addict, even if she's trying to get under control. And right now she's really being tested. I've never thought she was an addict, not okay, but well, really, I felt something that do They I was like she was addicted to the buzz of it. That's maybe go to like she's desperate like mirror. Like some of the first season. She's just desperate. She literally that's when she bumps into the yeah arsehole guy in the grocery store. She's like, uh, finally I work yet with stuff like, Yeah, I guess maybe I don't know enough about, like, sex addiction and what it I was not as an addiction. I think she's a sexual person. She was using it. I mean, I guess to say she was using it to numb negative emotions could be defined as an addiction. Yet that's mostly with us. Okay, But I, you know, open to interpretation. I, um I did sort of feel like, you know, we're me too era and for what? Most women, I think in general. It's an automatically like gross feeling when something like that happens and someone demands something sexual or intimate of you in exchange for something that you need. But for some of us is exciting for different reasons. So there's like more example of how everything is motherfucking complicated. But I thought that was like I thought that was good of her to show us that this shit's complicated. Yeah, and because that's what you just the other thing this brings up is what is the deal with Claire and monogamy? Because, yeah, we've heard. I guess I forget when he says it. But Martin says they've been together 12 years. I don't have the married 12 years. Whatever he's like. I've been waiting. I've been trying for 12 years or something. So did she sleep? Did as you cheat. Based on my question. How she cheated on Martin. Did she sleep with hot misogynist while they were in when she was married? Did she say? And we'll get there. But you sleep with Claire like she is. Let's go fuck like crazy, you know, like you don't say that unless there's only one thing in your But he didn't eat kind of reacted to it, so I don't know. I think that's more. She's maybe been very flirty yet with other men. Yes, maybe, maybe again, Real naive Catholic. I mean, meet you. I don't know, uh, DVD let us know, uh, less Know what you think? Yeah, Definitely. We now and then she tries to give her the voucher for the counseling session is basically kind of like you've been through a lot, and I think it's interesting that Claire says I'm weirdly fine. Yeah, because in a way, she actually is feeling better because she's breaking off all this like fake armor that she's put on herself. Yes, that's a birdie brown thing. And we haven't been from Burn a Brown. And, like, I just got electrical shock that I was due to say it, that Yeah, and she's been away. She is feeling better because more truth is coming out for her. So instead, she kind of suggests to flee back like, you could just get money, Just change it for the money. So now we go to the counseling session, which opens with just such I think maybe one of the best gags of the show.

spk_1:   1:27:05
Excuse me? I've got dry forearms. Sure. So why have you come to a decision? It was a birthday present for my father. Is that a Jew? No. It would be good enough to play jokes in here just in case. I think it's lost in humorous translation. And I didn't have to do that. He said it. Dude. No, I'm just trying no, to make it very obvious, Joe. So why do you think your father suggested you come for counseling, I think because my mother died and he can't talk about it on my sister and I didn't speak for a year because she thinks I tried to see with her husband because I spent most of my adult life using sex to deflect from the screaming void inside my empty heart. I'm good at this, although I don't really do that anymore. You close with your family way. Get over that.

spk_0:   1:28:04
I love that I've dry for truth worms that I could write a thesis on why that joke is so funny. And it's, I think the main thing is just the specificity of that. She doesn't like my skin is dry. A has to call it out. Explain. We all understand how lotion works on why you're putting lotion on your arms on again. The detail of like the costume and the sound was like even the clanking of her ring on the bracelets and stuff is so perfect. Perfect. It just creates this through this character is. And if anybody's been to therapy, I think we've all seen this therapist once. Yes, spot on, It's Fiona Shaw is also in killing Eve, which I think behind. I just started watching. It's on Leslie. It is amazing, obviously. Maybe we'll start a killing me. I don't think so. I think there are already plenty fleabag kind of does the same thing. She did the silent retreat where she gives, like this kind of quota, quit like Pat Answer. That, she thinks, is what the therapist wants to hear. It's actually all completely true and is really why she needs to be in a counselor's office. So then the counselor asks her if she has any friends and she kind of gets caught off guard is kind of like, Well, I don't really have time for And so we kind of find out she doesn't really have a That shot we saw in the pub. Those were not friend, right? You know, we kind of see that despite all of her progress, she's lonely, right? And, like you said, she's been isolated from her family for a year to write, And then I do think it's so interesting that she's like, Oh, so you do have someone to talk to and it's us on That felt so raw. I was like or they talk. Oh, they're talking about us. They're acknowledging us. Oh, my God. You also know we're her friends, right? Oh, yeah. That was like That's just felt so intimate and like, kind of I kind of felt too exposed well, And it's also a little sad. Yes, that you know, she sees us or imaginary us as her friends. I again saw social media angle here that I haven't seen people talk about that theory. I I may, because I'm on social media so much, but this idea that, like we're talking to people all the time, but we're not act one way is not a friendship, totally. And I kind of started to wonder, like, Do we represent judgment to her kind of way? The fox follows the priest around. People have said, Oh, he the Fox represents like temptation that like because she's kind of always looking at us when she either wants to, like, say something, what she's really thinking or just showing off a little a little Or like at the end of season one, though when it turned, she's kind of scared of us now of like what we're gonna think of her. So I think we're her awareness. We like her acknowledging shit in her life. Yeah, when she goes, you know what? But the one pointing the counsellor says, Oh, so you're just a girl with and empty heart And no, no friends in an empty heart. By your own description, it really hurts or like to hear it said out loud, because the council has recognized that she uses humor to deflect the bat. Yeah, and deflect like honest emotions. You know, when they talk about that, she has, even though she's not having sex because that didn't work for her anymore. We kind of get this quick flash to boo, which I think is interested. It's just a silent It's not that like loud traffic. Yeah, always music, you know, it's kind of that that has softened, but we still see her, and it's a similar which they cut away to think about the priest. But when she is talking about us and she goes, Oh, they're they're they're always there and that is someone what the priest says after the dinner, I'm always there. And then speaking of the priest, when she, you know, tell me you know the impulse is still there. Oh, the Bulls is very much still there. And fleabag flashes to picturing the priest in his green robe. And that's like one of the fancy ones that he loves. Doesn't picture him in a more accessible form. Doesn't picture him in this outfit from the dinner. She pictures him up on the pulpit look, and fans being a priest, right? But I think is really interesting. She also just might like him in green. But I think this is one of the most important questions I need to ask PWG when we and when we inevitably inevitably her, that is interesting that that that's her image of him. Well, she had just seen him at the church. Yeah, like that setting it. But yeah. And uh So then she kind of says, Like what? I don't need to be analyzed. My life's fine. I'm just came for the money and she's like, What's a bit late? Yeah, because I've already because I've only been here five minutes. It's got I've already figured out, shouldn't you? Then you could just tell. She's like, I fuck this. Let go. The counselor is quirky as she is, is another example where people in this show are good at their jobs generally. And like she kind of just weights or out kind of calls your bluff and is like, I know you have something you want to say and that it's just that so she bored? She say it, Yeah.

spk_1:   1:32:52
I want to fuck a priest. Catholic? Yes. A good one. Yes. Looks good in the Yes, I understand. Do you really want about the priest or do you want to fuck God? Can you fuck God? Yes. It's just Please tell me how to not fuck a priest before I get arrested. Well, I don't think fucking piece will make you feel his power as you think it will. Can you just tell me what to do? You know, you already know what you're going to do. Everybody does.

spk_0:   1:33:24
So I have so many thoughts on this, I it's But towards the end, she goes, I don't think fucking a priest will make you feel as powerful as you think it will. And at first I was like, No, it's not about power. She's attracted to him. She wants him. But then also, sex for her is power. So like someone wanting your body that she says that, like, right off the bat and having the power to decide if you're gonna give it to them or not. So I thought so. I was like, Oh, yeah and all my guess you're ah therapist for a reason. It's almost like you went to school and drain for that one. Almost like he'd be the ultimate like Kong Plus, yeah, even I don't know, I I never I can. Little naive, Christie. I never took it that that was her. Like, I'm gonna get him. Well, yeah, I know, but I think I think she does truly feel affection towards him. An attraction. But there is still a part of the examples likes that right? Does want a part of it. Yeah. I also really win the When the therapist says, you know what? You're going to dio everybody. Does that really stuck with me? I, like, unpacked the shit out of that because I my job now and my old job, I like interview people that have been through difficult health circumstances. And I once interviewed this cancer survivor and it was like this really incredible interview and he was talking about how he, um, got through chemo and how chemo was a lot better from because he stayed really active. I'm like, I can't imagine how hard that would speak with you. Feel like absolute shit. You still are active. And he said he the way he got through it and was as active and healthy is because he saw his brain like, split down the middle. It is just a cz likely that I will do that. I will get off the couch. A Zay won't get off the couch. And I think most of us were just like, now I'm not gonna get off the couch, right? But he, like, gave himself a 50 50 shot. He said he decided to be like, No, I don't know what I'm gonna do already on that Always stuck with me like now Even now when I try to, like, do make healthy choices or whatever, I go back to that time like there's justice likely a chance that I will do the healthy thing that I won't do the other thing and that, like, all connected with me, it's like not just a matter of willpower. It's like deciding, I don't know, Deciding that you're going to give yourself that option. Yeah. No, I think that's interesting. And I I kind of related to it from the perspective of like, I had a job situation a few years ago where I like I had a choice to make and I kept going around asking people for advice. And the more I talk to people, I realized I was waiting for someone to give him permission to do the thing I wanted to dio. Yeah, And I think a lot of people do that in life of like, because then you feel like if it fails or if you make a mistake, you can say, Well, this is what everybody else told me to do it, you know, just on you. Yeah. If it's on you, then you feel more like you have failed. And even though your own failure is a building block in and of itself, So I kind of took it to that. She was like, deep down, you know what you want to do, And you're waiting for me to just give you, like, in a way, Also, when she was just tell me what to do. And that's kind of what she tells the priest. It's like, you don't get off that easy, right? Life's hard. You know what your life nobody in life gets told what to do except for a priest. Well, priests. And even then did make a big sacrifice for that. And he struggles with it. Yeah, it's still he is getting told what to do. And it doesn't work. Yeah, on some level. Silly. Totally. And then, of course. Then we flash to fleabag. Well, there is another great Gary dollar at it, you know. No, I don't. Yes, you do. No, I don't. And then it cuts to her, you know, selling raffle tickets. Shut up. Yeah. And because she because again she knew what she was gonna D'oh! She was gonna go see Come out. Right. So then we had to go re unite with Harriet's, who have a child strapped to his chest. And I love that he's like, she's, you know, she goes, you've got a baby because you've got fridge like it's the say and you've always wanted a baby. You've always wanted a friend. I love it on, but also kind of a little stark for her of like, i e me what she wants out of life, right? Yeah. Maybe it is happening. Um, I also just I was, like, another ridiculously fun and silly way to make various feminine as possible. Believe his complaints feminine. And I feel like fleabag wouldn't really give it to him their whole relationship. But clearly, Elaine just lets him fucking do it. I just love his, really, like the nation's air up and down. And my body just feels different. I even love the ways hold. Like the baby's got his fingers and his someone that you can kind of tell back and foursome has is a doll. Sometimes it's a real baby. Oh, but just the way he's gotta hands and then, yeah, it sounds like you have post natal depression. Ah, you like I do? Yeah, we're working through. But he's so Houston or solely. Elaine is a saint. Yeah, well, she's made for Harry so that as they're talking, the as we're talking, the priest comes over, and we're just gonna play that clip

spk_1:   1:38:27
just to let you know the bond is gonna start in a couple of minutes. A further this is easy. Oh, I don't know how to talk to baby. Sorry. You guys know each other? Cool. Good for you. Well, I'm going to take really good accounting. Excuse me, everyone. The U T mind is about to play the old something fun. Yes, yes. Well, yes. Puzzle lovable YouTube. And I heard you. Thank you so much. Thank you. Oh, there's the main event. Yeah. Talented. She, um she didn't say it. She actually, uh, just Just don't say it. She actually orgasms when she finished it. You said it, honey. Huh? Whatever gets you there, we have a situation. I will be there to Cupcake. Thank you so much for helping touch.

spk_0:   1:39:42
So we've got our podcast intro. Namesake way. We've said this before. We initially we're gonna call it the cupcake situation. And then we're like, What? People will think it's about baking or we're not going to get People looking for fleabag aren't gonna find it. So we went with a flea back situation, but I I just love again Pam's intensity of we have a cupcake situation, which is that there are two cupcakes on the ground that I could just pick up. Well and because they're not island. Okay, now I have to draw attention to Yeah, right. And because she sees the father is talking to flea bag and like, looks her up and she throws a little show before she walks away. For sure I love it. It's like, Oh, you were still here and part of this. Okay, Well, and the Priestess so annoyed that Pam keeps interrupting because this was, like again, it's like a acceptable reason to be talking to flea bags and to come over and again this childlike nature when he goes. Oh, puzzle. And I love a puzzle because it kind of doesn't know what to say. And he's also decided it's so interesting when, ah, when that comes out, that Harry is like I used to be her girlfriend. But the priest, you know, it was good for you like he can't doesn't hide it all. Even just Do you two know each other? Why are you two talking so closely? I also died at Oh, I don't know how to talk to baby. I know because like what good Irish priests isn't like, But it's also funny for people who don't like talking to babies. And I kind of before I had a baby, I was the same way. Like, people be like, Oh, this is Sadie or whatever I'm like, I don't know what to say to you and my friend Ginger makes fun of me almost still when her kids were very little and she was like, Oh, do you want to talk to Alex? Sort of him like and he was, like, eight months old or something. And I love it when Hey, Alex, how are you? What are you Maybe what's he going to say? And I'm like, Well, then why are you putting a baby on the phone? Doesn't know what's happening either. Likes spit. Yes, I just love how I don't know how to talk to him. He says It's so happy. Yeah. Oh, you know, you don't involve me. Yes, exactly. I also when fleabag tells the priest that got brother had an orgasm when she finished it just ah so also another example of her knowing what she's gonna do already well, and she's sort of trying to fight it, but, like ultimately, yeah, and I think she wanted to see his reaction because even after she says that she doesn't look at us anymore. She she doesn't like us anymore. She kind of keeps looking at him like what's he gonna do? And kind of like when Dad said gangbang like it didn't faze him. No, he's not embarrassed by everything grilled by her face. She is so light it like she's like I didn't It's like she didn't know. His answer could possibly be that good. And she's ecstatically surprised. Yeah, like so. Then he gives her the new thank you for helping total move from him. This was not just a There was no reason to do it now, and it's ah, you know, top to bottom arm, stroke, arm straight. Simon Arms touch. It's not even like a pat on the show. It's Ah, I'm lingering. It's intimate and I'm into it. Yeah, they're like Ted, that he's just testing the boundaries. It's just that I can do this. Do this again. It's not creepy. No, and it's it's more. It's very warm. It's like he's taking what he could get. That sounds terrible. No, well, but I think the two of them they're like our relationship has to be a certain way right, But this is what we could d'oh in this right This is easily explained away, but also a nice little gesture. Her reaction when she's like arm touch and she like sales. And I found it's striking how in season one, like full on anal sex and nothing to her. And now this light touch by this guy is like setting her into a frenzy totally. And we feel that with her. Yeah, now, if we get over and the band is playing, Jake is on his purse soon, and Martin's, they're looking. The grossest sees ever looks really discussed. He really Hillman worst in this scene because the wrinkles on the real he almost like he looks like a goblin. Yeah, and purple because they've darkened his eyes because he had been punched in the face. And then he's wearing this like he looks pale. He's probably been drinking right, like his haired lady looks. Yeah, he's like, sweaty and pasty, and then he's wearing like, this kind of brown ugly suit. He really looks bad and because he's doing best, doing real bad and, you know it comes over least my son's in the youth the band. What's your excuse? I also have never heard you think Me neither. I was like, Oh, is that a thing? Like And she goes, you know, I'm helping the priest. So you do love a challenge, but he get, he knows him, he gets it. I was, like, in a way, like, flee like, this is the most open secret that you are looking like doing something with this guy like Godmother can see it. Claire obviously knows at some point Martin can see it. You're not fooling anybody. Neither of them are on. And then Martin, of course, tries to get her to apologize. And that when I like is it's a mirror to when she's like, Don't say Don't tell the priest that got mother had an orgasm when she finishes painting, I'm not gonna say Yeah, I'm not gonna say I'm not gonna say it, but with the sorrys should not say because Martin, it's Martin. She's got it. She's on it like it's, you know? Yeah, she's in control there. When he pulls out some more bullshit of what she and I have never been better, we know that's a lie. And maybe in his eyes. That one then again blames her of, like we had been great and like, until she saw you. Exactly. And it's like, Well, no, Martin, actually, she was bottling and burying all of her negative emotions and that I was pregnant with your child and didn't tell you tell you, but like her bearing all of her negative emotions fits your scenario of what a happy like right. He was not happy to make you happy. Well, even in the Andes, like my perfect, miserable life, right? And so now that wouldn't flee back shows up. She brings out the truth for Claire, which is not good for Martin, Right? Um, enough. Fleabag has her. So we're gonna play this clip, fleabag, trying to tell off Martin so satisfying at first, it really going well,

spk_1:   1:45:58
I'm happy you found a way to deflect from your pitiful, self sabotaging, ego driven masturbatory. I cannot believe how well this is coming out. Pulling insidious, insidious, overwhelming mediocrity only to finally figure out that you're very core. You are a wiki week come down week.

spk_0:   1:46:26
Every time I watch that I have, like this teeny hope in my heart of hearts that maybe this time will be a dish. You'll get through it. It's so satisfying. We're so happy. Where? So what? I I feel like it's a little meta moment when she liked calls out on your TV shows or movies where people are suddenly like the most eloquent right. Do it. You know, something that has taken the writer months to perfect. We're supposed to believe someone has come up with off the top of their head. And yeah, the fact that she liked Peters out is that nice little twist. Absolutely. And, you know, and then his applause whenever he starts applauding for the band and he, like, claps towards her almost like Nancy Pelosi. Carol, right? But he kind of does that sarcastic like good, good one. Exactly. And you know, and he comes back to her of kind of calling out her, he always has to knock her down and come back at her like I really you know, the way you keep bouncing back. You're a strong tea, like just making fun of her. But he's also by focusing on the one part she flubbed, ignoring the truth of everything else. Course, of course. So then we move on and get introduced again. Comes over creepy Jake, who mainly says things like, Where is Claire and and where's Classical? And, um, I have thoughts about Jake. Yeah, and this actor is Angus Memory. Yeah, I think that's how you say his name. Who reminds me of a young Alan Ruck Cameron from Oh my God, yes, yes, totally. Anyway, that and this whole scene, like he he says you were excellent and gives her a nice hug. His smile is so sweet. He's just Hey, seems like a really nice kid. And this whole scene just makes you feel so slimy because Martin pulls him away, sort of like a me too style joke. Wouldn't go down. Going for that exactly like and poor Jake is like, it's just a hug. And it makes me very sad that that's the example that Jake has of a man. And that fucking Martin is the one showing him how to be in the world. And I have some issues with the portrayal of Jake in the Tonto. Theo, I think this scene in this scene but yeah, because I just don't think I don't know he's

spk_1:   1:48:39
the only thing

spk_0:   1:48:40
I don't like about the show because she says he's probably clinically got some something going on. I think maybe we're supposed to assume he's on the autism spectrum or handsome learning disability of some sort, and I really don't like that. That's a punch line, and I don't really get. I feel like I'm missing. I want to know more about that. It feels like something's missing, like there was more of a plot there and then they took it out. But they didn't like result in the rest of it cause I jumping. I think like he says, you know, he goes up to her and says, Tell her to leave him and he and you're like, Oh, wow, Jake, he's the wisest of the mall or hear what's going on like Oh, I expected I didn't expect so much of him And then she turns to us and just makes a joke like he's gonna kill someone one day and I just cheap. Um, it just I don't know. I just think that I'd like to ask Peter baby about that as well. Yeah, I had the same reaction because I think you know, season one the idea that he would come into the bath with Clarity's 13. It's almost more like he's just kind of emotionally stunted. Yeah, and because, like, yeah, he genuinely is happy to see flea bag because you were excellent. He's like smiles and give good service. Big hug. So he's like, emotionally aware, but it's still very childlike. So it could be more that he's just kind of stuck on, you know? Where's Claire like, right? She's just this, like, because Claire is the one that treats him like a human probably way. Don't really see a lot of warmth between the tell you, So I it's hard to know. I think we know she just can't stand Martin. Yes. So when he comes over and says that I took it, Maura's like, his own kind of cry for help of, like, get this guy out of my life like, Help me. Yes. Yeah. And then for her, he's gonna kill someone. I don't know. I had the same reaction. Yes, I was like, I don't understand why we're down on Jake. Yeah, I also was like, who actually says assistant like, isn't that like that's from like Sherlock Holmes the book like It's I don't know. That just seemed like some 18 hundreds like plot. I don't know. I guess it's another thing about him. Exactly. Then we see now, you know. So he runs back and fleabag is leaving, and the priest runs to catch up with her. And, um I love when he calls her and she's like, he goes, Hey, again, No names. Hey, and, uh, when she looks at us Yes, Father. Yes. And I can't believe I'm saying this like so she thinks this is the big moment we all day. Oh, yeah, news that can I have that coconut back? And you looked up with this game would have coconuts, cause I was I wasn't clear why she was walking away with a fake coconut. So surprise, surprise. I looked something up and, um, it I Also there's a sign at the in the first shot when we end when we see the festival and it says we have all these different things and one of them is a coconut shy like What the fuck is that? And it's a traditional game in which you throw wooden balls at a row of coconuts balanced on posts. Okay, the more you know, and then you wind the company. I guess you win the coconut when you knock it down. Okay? But not if it's rented. Right? That's what I was confused when he's like, I have to ask for it back. And, uh but, you know, it's morally dubious that they're not really right. Uh, but it also reminded me of when fleabag of a chance to ask Belinda for the statue. So then she hands him the the offending coconut. Yeah, me that hands her a Bible. Yes. Knuckle brush that he's right, that he said he's, you know, highlighted some things and, um, you know, and then she goes, Oh, I know. They're just words like, I'm not trying to convert you just three. Maybe this is read this. Maybe this will help. Whatever. And when she goes Oh, I think I know what happens. And he's like, classic. This was such a great moment for me because he again is calling her on her like a noble act, her staring at all before I heard it before. Just cause I'm a priest doesn't mean I'm a total like you, Wiki can't think good a good word, but it's like I haven't seen you before. You're not introducing me to anything. Exactly. And just the whole So loon like you. I'd like to know what you think. Any woman being told that by someone who actually listening. I know, right? That invites her to come by Any time to talk about stuff. You can come whenever you want. I'd like you to come. Yes, Father. There might be a sexual overtones. Actually, that's very forward of him to say. Like, I'd like you to come. Like you can tell. He's just kind of like, even if I'm just gonna say it, I'm just gonna say that I'm a sexual way, just like I want to see you. Yeah, but that's that would be all of a date. Is someone going? I'd like to see you again. Exactly. And he can't really say that. And you know, this is again where you could argue. Is he now slipping a little further into using religion Is this way to see her get like Well, I mean you a Bible will come talk about the Bible or well, what he has chest disposal. I do also like that. It's like with a G and T. Of course, because he has to have, like, his security blanket. Or that that would also be a draw for her. Yes, Like, you know, I'm not just gonna come and talk about church. Yeah, you can come and have a drink to Yes, exactly. But she did show up. She's volunteering at the festival, eh? So he knows she's into it there. They're having a conversation between them this whole time. That's literally just like, Are you into a gender? Are you into it? Yes. That's what that there's like this really rhe underlying invisible. Yeah. Conversation they've been having this whole time? Yes. And how many ways can we kind of keep because there is a little bit of a pretense on both their sides? Oh, yeah, of she's kind of this pretense of Lee. I'm very interested in volunteering in the church, you know, and he's kind of like, I'm very interested in talking to you about faith. What kind? I think he is right. I like, But there's a certain reason Yeah, I can understand why some people would be kind of like the look of this priest didn't look like Andrew Sky or wasn't is like, charming. We're thinking about, you know, if this was like some 75 year old TV like, uh, back off gross but honor, I don't buy the theory that he is like an evil care, like a bad. I think he probably intended care here and and he wants he right, so he's kind of They just keep moving the goal post a little bit to see how much closer not moving the goalpost there, moving a little closer to the oh, you know, it's like I'm about to say fourth and inches over and over, and that's a little weird. I do like it like he's giving her the Bible. There's something to follow up on. You know, some people leave a dinosaur. Others leave a Bible. It's the same. It's classic. Leave behind George Costanza. Move. Absolutely. Yeah, so then I love her Look to as he does that he walks away and, um, I really I for a second that doesn't look back at her, but he just keeps He might have been like Don't look. Yeah, and yeah, and then she kind of starts walking away with a smile on her face, then sees us of like, Oh, I'm cool. It's cool. It's just totally just He's just my pre. It's just Bible talk. Yeah, it's, you know, like all the Bible talk. Yeah. I mean, it's very sweetly scene. I love that scene because they're saying a lot without saying it. Yes, it's very nice. And now it's a nice next step into where they might be going. We know where they're going. Sorry. What? Well, we are finally going to bed because we've been talking for a very long time about episode to so we just love it so much. So I needed a hand today. Monday, so yeah, exactly. So we'll be back next time to talk about episode three, which is the women in business. Oh, yeah. Kristin Scott Thomas is amazing. I've been here and then, um, the foxes priest being scared of. It's just all great, which that actually is lying still. Look, this has my favorite. Episode three is my favorite scene. Which is that last one with the foxes, Even there, like, uh, yes. So we will jump into that next week. In the meantime, you can check us out Our website. It's fleabag podcast dot com. We're on instagram at flea bag situation podcast. You confined our Facebook group were on Twitter at fleabag podcast. And you can email us at the fleabag situation at gmail dot com and again send us a voicemail. You on our website? A fleabag pa kissed dot com. We might put you on the air. Yeah. British people tell us things that you thought were different. What do you guys think of SNL? Exactly in anybody? Yeah. Any theories that we said that you totally disagree with, and we want to hear it. A good problem to have. We're getting a few e mails. Yeah, so we're not replying right away if we're really trying. So we're but please, no, we're reading all of them and they have some made really good shit in there. Yes, it's a really good theories. And, um, we even we're going to set aside some time. I'm a future episode in the intro to toe talk through some of the feedback we've been getting, but it totally makes our day and even hearing people say like, oh, we're kind of a dry spell now for Phoebe content and someone was like, Listen to the fleabag situation. Podcast was like, Yeah, yeah. Especially on what kind of a dreary Monday morning that was a real pick me up. So thank you for that. So we will be back next week to talk about Episode three, and we'll get chatty with you, then. Bye.