The Fleabag Situation: A Fleabag Fan Podcast

"Season 2, Episode 4"

October 31, 2019 Chrissie Moore and Allie Lemco Toren Season 1 Episode 12
"Season 2, Episode 4"
The Fleabag Situation: A Fleabag Fan Podcast
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The Fleabag Situation: A Fleabag Fan Podcast
"Season 2, Episode 4"
Oct 31, 2019 Season 1 Episode 12
Chrissie Moore and Allie Lemco Toren

Fleabag and the Priest seem ready for a rom-com when they spend a morning together trying on robes, testing out a Quaker meeting, and talking about guinea pigs. But the rising tension sends both of them to their corners for an afternoon of introspection (and a little alcohol) that leads to Confession, connection, and the scene that changed the word "kneel" forever. Chrissie and Allie pull back the curtain for a marathon analysis.

Show Notes Transcript

Fleabag and the Priest seem ready for a rom-com when they spend a morning together trying on robes, testing out a Quaker meeting, and talking about guinea pigs. But the rising tension sends both of them to their corners for an afternoon of introspection (and a little alcohol) that leads to Confession, connection, and the scene that changed the word "kneel" forever. Chrissie and Allie pull back the curtain for a marathon analysis.

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this episode of the fleet back situation is brought to you by proper plum robes of Rome. Whether you're preparing for your first ever wedding or it's two years before you're even allowed to wear it, get your next set of vestments at proper plum robes of Rome. Don't settle for violet lavender thistle. Is that a mulberry you're looking at? What are you in Sunday school? A proper priest deserves a proper robe, and you can only get proper plum in Italy. Admit it. You're only in the priesthood for the outfits. So make yours count at proper plum robes of Rome all this month. Get 20% off with promo code. Nerd.

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We have a complex issue. You know, I will be there to cupcake.

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Oh, our long national nightmare is finally over. Ali, we're back. We're back! Everyone! Everybody's been waiting with bated breath. International International Nightmare. You're right. Exactly. Are long international. We are back and full disclosure. We're super psyched because literally 10 minutes before we started recording, today is Monday the 28th. Yes, and we had our pumpkin carving contest at work today. As you do as you do. And I on a whim, decided to try making the clear haircut, and I posted it. And, um, I'd put it on Twitter and I tag Sean Clifford and

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she retweeted it. And not only

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did she retreated, she retweeted it and wrote Favorite with Little Ill Oh geez, that she had to, like, pick out and hit that little button to go to the next keyboard. And she's probably got a lot of those on recent because she does know, but some well, but yeah, but you know, But still, it took some effort and then Anthony himself, you know, I'm hoping things name right. Cardiff. Cara Juan said it was art. You guys. I mean, come on. It's a pretty epic pump. Jack o lantern. Yeah, Haircut, lair. Yeah. And of course, people at work were like, What's that? And I will also tell you that people know Christie was very sneaky about this. Did not even tell me. I'm sorry I started here, but also I had a lot of work to do. So is probably good. It started is like,

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I'm just

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gonna sit while they do the pumpkin carving. And I was like, Well, there's an extra pumpkin. I'll do it. And then I got that idea, and then I was like, OK, this could be kind of fun. No, it's so anyway. So we don't even need coffee now because we're so palm ever. That was super exciting. We also you might hear a school paper cause we have printed out our notes because 20 pages guys were on Episode four of season two And this one, we got a lot. There's a lot in here, one guys, I mean, even versus three. But doing the notes for this one. I was a cool band. Hours were in really dropping. And we had asked if people wanted to split up episodes and the the answer seemed to be No. So we're just gonna go for it? Yeah. Split it up if you want on your own. Exactly. We don't do not expect you to set aside six hour, 3.5 hours. Okay, three, But, uh, there was also we missed last week, which means we have a lot to catch up on Friday. Phoebe got the Britannia Award for British Artist of the Year from the l. A. Beth L. A. Baffling. I still have to do some research into why there's a Los Angeles well, hasta I guess. A lot of British artist working away now and they wanna make that connection. I did laugh at the variety headline that said Britannia Wards to honor the breath of British talent. And it was a picture of Phoebe Jordan Peele, Norman Lear and Steve Coogan like so brought on Lee. Half of the honorees are actually from Britain, but what was some of the I don't There's like an official video. I think Brick box, You know, Brett Barnes is that you can add toe like Netflix or something doesn't get British is so I think they might have run it or segments of it, cause I saw them clipped. But, uh, Donald Glover presented it to because they're best friends. You guys didn't know the restaurant with a Dream Team? I have not seen solo yet, but I guess haven't either. Well, they're in it together because he plays on and accuracy in. And she's I guess, the droid that young and I saw my Phoebe now because she was like, I don't know what She didn't know what a droid was. She didn't have no clue, but I heard the little bit of his speech was funny because he was like, You know, I, uh my age without I think they have the same agent Maybe, Or his agent had said, You should watch this. I think you would like it. And he's like, Oh, I don't know what to flee back to flea bag. And he's like, I watched the first episode and I was livid, enraged because because it was so good and so original. And he said he made his whole writing team watch it because you so rarely to get like, an original voice. So yeah, and then they did. So they're like best friends. She loves him. She's mentioned that he loves Atlanta. And so So, yes, show the show, the city. And I'm sure the city, when she comes here so we can When she comes here to play cigars an interview and to play mini cannoli video. Then she Her speech was really nice, and she they must have shown some kind of highlight reel with people talking about her because she was like alleys toasting the microphone that on we're not drinking wine tonight actually specifies water I've got, like, coffee and lemonade to really power breathing Gatorade, wood and energy. A Lester life. I wish to have my husband come in here like a marathon. Just give us like cups of tea. Come on, Ugo. Get

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it. That Rocky, you could. Basically,

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What we learned is that the only way we need to wake up it's just to have Sean Clifford reach. I recommend it. She should bottle that. So anyway, that came out. Also very important is that Phoebe debuted a cool new hairdo like it's a shorter, darker race week, but we don't just talk about her hair. She's very talented. She also had a nice jumpsuit that had pockets, which someone's like Lady loves air pockets and because she's smart lady who does honestly like what you see in our pockets. Thea Other Quick Thing Modern Love premiered last week. Um, Andrew Scott is in an under Scott is in Episode seven. I had jumped right to that one at like soon dropped another individual stories. Well, apparently there's a little bit of a threat, I guess if you watch all the way through. But, um, I confess I was a little disappointed I think my expectations were so crazy high and he didn't have great chemistry with the other actor. I didn't think we're spoiled. Were so spoiled that a mystery with P W B and the script of Islam. I think Fleabag has just ruined all the television for us. Um, I have not seen it yet, but it's not. I'm in vomit. I'm making it sound worse than it is. It's It's just little more contrived. And maybe then certainly than fleabag. But then I went back and watched Episode one and was like sobbing. Like actually the A couple CDs. No, the 1st 1 is blanking on the actress's name, but it's her. Her doorman becomes like this kind of a father, that father figure but like, kind of protector mentor for her. And she ends up getting pregnant and like, it is a sweet story, right? But an Andrew Scott did have some scenes that made me tear up. So all the Inter Scott bears watching, not happy right now with me. I know it. It definitely is worth watching in, Uh, anyway, Then he also did the the human Siri's that was about like mental health, specifically for men, and so his episode premiered last week, and that was That's really good tearing up. He has, like he really kind of doesn't like breakdown. But like talks about hope and it's emotional, gets a little emotional. That's really sweet. We're kind of rushing through these countries so much to talk about on the episode. So this men's clothing company called our guests just a clothing company called Ball Staff. Did this podcast road less traveled? And he was just on the one that came out today? They're just letting anybody do a podcast pretty soon the like to total Rando girls by microphones and talk about a show in three hours every week. But it's very good. It's very good interview. He talks a little bit about kind of some of the negative aspects of like being called the hot priest and feeling objectified, and how it kind of give him some more empathy for female actors who, like he said, he's gotten scripts where it'll say, describe the female characters like Seven out of 10. And he's like Nope, send that back, Yeah, and I think he revealed that he has a dog which were all very excited. I was like texting, or did he just say the dog? So if we have any information about Andrew Scott's dog, we're all photos. Yeah, but no time. A podcast, because I think I may have mentioned it on the show before, but a really good andr. Scott interview is on a podcast called Home Ophelia with Dave Holmes and somebody named Matt McConkey, who I'm not familiar with him. Dave Holmes issue at MTV who I remember, cause I'm ancient. Remember when MTV Music videos? No, it's like no one does. You're like,

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Remember when they

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used to show teen Mom one? I know exactly. But anyway, they interview a lot of gay celebrities and actors, and so he talks a lot about, like, process of coming out and kind of about Gary. It's a It's a really great interview. Yeah, so we were coming. That and this seems relevant, actually, to all these things were referencing coming soon. Oh, yes. Ah, the request By request, I will be putting together a list of references. Clever title t. I'm sure I'll find some good puns. We welcome all suggestions, Justin. Thank you. Yes, and but anyway, so if you are interested in the things that we referent the many, many references we make especially to bring a brown every five seconds, um, or books or yeah, a lot of rumblings. Join our Facebook group, which is just a surgically back with the fleet back situation. And then every episode, I will post a accompanying reference list. Well, maybe backlog some of the ones we don't know. Yeah, something British brown or lived through was the every little thing or an absolutely wonderful thing. That book, Yes. Green. No, no, no, no. By Oh, yeah, yeah. Oh, my God. Yep. So yeah, that in which that we got a couple e mails or people I think on the Facebook group asking us to do that. So that will be fun. And then you also have a Spotify playlists. Also, I will be putting together a Spotify playlist and i'll be sharing at this week. And it is compiled by the brilliant Jenny Young, one of our, um, Facebook group members and listeners, because she spent some time and put together a playlist of what she thought were good fleabag songs. And I wanted to really believe that inspired the Romans. But like it's like when you're really just in that groove. So I'm gonna make it a Spotify playlist, and I will share the limbs to that as well. So join our Facebook group. Yeah. And then we also had posted that if you were dressing up for Halloween and fleabag stuff, which I think a lot of people were out Saturday dressed up my poor husband. That should be the name of this podcast, my pool. Because low on Friday, I was like,

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If I got

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you a priest outfit, what you were it and he was like, Well, what's involved? And I think he thought, like, is he gonna have to wear like the pants and skirt, skirt and trousers When I said we would just be a shirt and he's like, Yeah, fine on. And then what I found had a Bible, the head of flask in it. So I was like, Well, that's perfect genius. And then I dressed up as a fox. He looked so good and nobody at the party knew what the hell it waas and there, And then they said to my husband, So what? You're a priest and he goes. I'm a problem because I'm a prop for her. Yeah, exactly. I'm a priest. I'm just the priest. So and then he doesn't want to be on social media. So the picture I posted had, like, a thing over his face, But trust me, very hot. And then the best was that Mary Hooter. I think it's how you say her name has a lot over the you. Yeah, but, uh, she posted an amazing picture that we re posted on her in the jumpsuit. Yeah, and then judge on the jump suit. And then she had, like, the bloody nose. And then her husband was the priest and he had a black eye, which I thought was such a great detail. Good. Uh, so she said she did not give it to him the real way she did it with makeup. Yeah, and she also I think had posted that it's a very difficult jumps. Was very difficult to use the bathroom. It's a lot of on, especially your taped up, but it looked amazing. We got Thana likes for it. Last. She looked really good. You know what? I will add that I was at a wedding a couple weeks ago, and I wore black jumpsuit and I just got a haircut and one of my friends told me I had a real fleabag thing going on, and I was like, We're both already married, but I would marry you. No higher compliment is like, Oh, my God, Thank you, Theo. Other cast Levi cast Think Olivia Colman and the Crown comes out November 17th. So that's like what, three weeks away? Trailers out looks amazing. And then regal. And then John Oliver. So this was another like Quick thing. If you listen to Conan O'Brien's podcast called Conan O'Brien needs a friend. John Oliver was on last week, and they just had a quick little bit where there's about 33 minutes in and they were talking because Conan was saying how he admires British comedy and just all these legends that grew up away and John Oliver's like You're seeing the 1% that we send you like you're not seeing. We curate the best. You're not seeing the rest of the chunk, which is the same in the US And then he said, The fact that you won't do so few episodes is also so admirable. He's like, Well, it's also a budget thing like no one's pushing $20 million at flea bag. Go on, go make 20 more flea bags. So they go on this kind of riff about like, if fleabag were being pitched here as, like, spit on us, Yeah. Yeah, which also, if you go on Twitter, Natalie Morales, who's an actress who shoes in Parks and RECs he's really cute. Yeah, you're totally recognize her. And she didn't really funny video of American auditions, the fleet, the auditions for of the American fleabag and its people being like, Oh, I'm auditioning for, like, the dead best friend. Oh, she's not dead in this Or like the priest like there. By the way, nobody in this is British or something like it's just very my favorite part of the story. You know, My favorite part. I'm just gonna make you do the fox thing. What if John Oliver Because he was saying like, you know, Conan, like here, they'd be like, Oh, we're going to spin off the sister and it she bag And Donald was like, Well, don't say that too loud because she just signed this Amazon deal, and they're gonna be like, Oh, we heard about this she bag idea. We love it, and it's a go. She's gotta get together with the priest. They got to get together, and then it's like, Annette Fox talk like that again. Can that fox talk? So, uh, yes. Look for the talking Fox coming soon to Amazon prime. I watch it. All right, What else we had? I think that's it. All right. We were saying we accidentally started doing the podcast. It worked. Oh, yeah. We literally just sent talker like, Oh, I was doing notes for this on me too, and whatever. And then all the sudden, you're like, Well, we actually be talking about this tonight. I'm getting e mails. We'll see you in five way, actually have blocked out time to do exactly this. So we will get started on that. Okay, we are back, and we're ready to talk about episode four. And we also forgot to tell you who we are. Even though you probably know by now I'm Kristie more Mallenco torren. And when Sean Clifford retweets you, you just got your identity. Just becomes the retweet It awfully, isn't it? is that? It's really that all that is statement on today's fractured media time. I don't know what I'm trying to say. You act very fancy. Well, you said it. Yes. I was making very fancy gesture anyway. All right, so we're basically, by the way, going to dis clip this entire show because us now trying. Yeah. From now on, I mean, us trying to recreate these moments. Not what you're here for, not at all. Nobody's here. And also nobody's reaching out to us to tell us not to yet we were so that that's the reason, by the way. Like we have not been doing the sooner. Because I was convinced that, like the queen of BBC or whatever, like, would come after us. Turns out, nobody cares. So and we're just gonna ask for forgiveness number. And I think, Yeah, uh, anyway, the more fully back, the better I think from their eyes. All right, so now we are going to go and just get started with the first scene, which is priest in the changing room. Yeah, we go. First. Curtain of the night? Yes.

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It just come out for the last one. We need to be more subtle. Lincoln. Yeah. Steve's bits. Yeah. Yeah. Last one. Definitely. Yeah. Great.

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Beautiful. All right. It's

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such a short

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little scene, but a lot happening in there, So good. So the first thing that comes to mind for me? Well, at the beginning, you see, Laurie say, like, I don't know, which I feel like is his whole thing, like, themes the whole season. And I know just the idea of, like, he can't decide. I don't know and and he'll say that again when she goes. Is it God or is it me? And he's like, I don't know. So that that kind of hit me? Yes. And then him pulling back the curtain. This is one thing that took me, like the fourth viewing to kind of catch, which cause I'm kind of slow of him pulling back the curtain in this scene parallels to him pulling back the curtain. National. Yeah.

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I don't

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think I'm think I noticed it later. It's all I mean, it's one of those things you like are gonna analyze the shit out of sorts. Well, it's Yeah, and it's such a clear it's that one is so intentional. I mean, a lot of what we come up with here, I think, is opposite Lock is a little bit of speculation, just a little light lights back. So I also think we've talked before about how he just thinks that kind of child, like I feel like there's a little something childlike here of like him trying on clothes while she's like sitting outside waiting for him. Yes, and then even his like, giddy little like 360 spin. He does when he's done. I don't know if Andrew Scott came up with that or what that is. It's just such a playful thing of like he's excited that she's there and he's also he likes his clothes and, like they know what they're gonna get. And under there, just in the way Lethal. It's gleeful on like this, like Spin and then closes the curtain in one like swell in one fell swoop and once wealth once, well, food. I love that. It's gonna be a thing. Yeah, I just It's It's really cute. Super cute. I honestly got vibes of like a late nineties early two thousands like clothes, shopping montage, the Mandarin, something like yes, said to walking on sunshine. Honestly, that when I was just like okay, yeah, someone should redo that scene with walking on sunshine, playing underneath it and her being like And I also was right, And I love when she looks back at us slowly because, like the music's like, kind of like a bolero. Like it's kind of reminded me the music when two cowboys were like in a face, like they like loading, twisting their guns around in a standoff in the tumbleweeds roll. And there's like a vulture calling like It's everyone's kind of like that to be like Challenge what in the end, to me, it sounded like a little bittersweet, like we're already getting the hint of We know this is probably not gonna end well, you're right, and her look, that kind of like It's a little mischievous, but it's also a little. It's a little bashful. She's kind of e. I felt like she was saying like Shut up! Well, but it's a little more genuine, like, Yeah, I know, like I've really fallen for this guy. Where is like compared to that look back at the church in Episode two, when it is a little little more mischievous and a little more like intentional like, Yeah, and this feels a little more like I got feelings. Yes, I caught some field. Yeah, you know, and her a cz a thing. But it turned out the robes, the right, that that was not a great robe. But I also thought it's funny that he goes the other one's a bit more subtle, Like the way they were, like, ornate and gold and like Like a I don't think so. It is more elegant. I'll give him that. Where did you see him? In the whole shebang. Don't lose your fuckin mind. I know. I also my question right off the bat is like, Is she just following him around running his errands? Yeah,

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with them.

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Or is he choosing things for them to do in order, like to strengthen their relationship or get to know her, get her to open up or get her to examine her faith in her life? Or literally, was she just like what you're doing? And it's like I have to go buy a new robe. I want to come. I mean, I guess it's for the wedding, So he theoretically could be like, I don't even think that I want you to help me pick the right one. Well, right. That is a perfect Yeah, even though that also just feels like an excuse to spend time with I 0 1000%. He clearly we saw how many ropes he has his robes. He knows what he likes into the road. He did not need her help. It's

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also a

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rare instance of her. She's holding a phone, right? Like what he's trying stuff on, isn't she? We don't usually see that she's got something in her hand, but yeah, we just watched it and I don't know, I've only seen it, but I watched it on line this week. I know I had the same thought of like, Oh, we're just gonna hang out together. I also, um her cafe seems to have very loosey goosey hours. She seems to just like, open and close it like I'll take the morning. Part of me is like, Well, maybe that's why you didn't have a ton of business is nobody knows what this place is. So what? Something I noticed when the first times I watched the scene and this episode, obviously and like, kind of stuck with me is that they're outing everything They dio calls back to scenes with Boo like the dressing room, their time at the cafe like she's which she boo is here in this episode, and she hasn't I don't think the whole of season two, really. We've seen her much of her, not much of a. And it's so significant because this relationship with the priest is her first relationship, where she feels connected with someone since Boo. And who knows if she ever felt this connected to anyone but boo like we don't know their deal. They might have in childhood. Best friend like we don't know. And so in her whole life, she may not have met something like that. And then she lost it. And so now she's doing it again, and you know it also have a feeling she probably felt that way about her mother, who she also lost, um, and so and that also, that might bring up why, like her mother's funeral gets reference so much in this episode to because that's another relationship that she's like. OK, this was the close one. Eye also lost this one, Um, like she had almost numbed that part of her that thought she could connect with somebody again. And now that she has, it's reminding her of those people exactly had connected with literally, exactly, well. And there's also a little bit when that happens, where you're like, Oh, I wish these people could meet this person. Oh, so totally yeah, So it's just it's the biggest thing that this is like the funeral episode. Very retro, very like Reflected exactly. But he but like he's her right now, he's it for her because their families different. That's not her. And I also feel like she just must be like, just going a little nuts because she doesn't know what's going on sexually with him. That's even more attention in Tennessee. So it's like beyond, just like having this kind soul personal connection. There's also the sex shit, all always. Obviously, she's not sure how much to let herself get into this. Yeah, and so it's just I don't know. I just Their connection just must be that amazing that it's worse. All the heartache and confusion like the it's like that excitement that Belinda was talking about in the fact that someone truly gets her for the first time since boo. That's more important to her at this point that the stress of like dealing with that, but they're still there with her. You know, she's she's letting it happen. But she still reminded every frickin second that booze not that she's she used to do the stuff of Boo. She's not doing that with doing the right because booze, not there. But, um, I all in, you know, later on, boo like, even kind of gives her instruction, like right? What should she shares back? Yeah, you know, in her head, I don't know. I just I thought that was like also also in the end, why she ends up reliving the funeral and shares it with us because I think just she's emotionally exhausted by this whole situation and, like, the walls came down because she doesn't have the strength. Well, and then he brings up funeral right in the next scene. We're gonna play, and just the idea that he's a spiritual person is making her think about what? Maybe where are those people now and did? Are they really going? You know, I think when you've gone through that kind of loss, you do. Even if you are an atheist, they're still part of you. That's like, What? What? What was it when they were here and right? Is there Maura? And And that could also be triggering a lot of her, like bringing dredging the stuff back up of things she had kind of just push down. And now, realizing like it may be, is making her thinking more philosophical about them. Yeah, and then I also when I was so what? I've watched this episode like actually 50 times, and I've never end the whole Siri's. Whatever. I've never thought of this until I was watching yesterday. And now I think it changes the whole way. I see it and you don't have to choose to believe. Think I saw the top of your head blow off. You thought of this and it might

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be wrong.

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I might go back and forth. But

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as of

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right now, here's the thing. Okay. Seeing

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parallels between that her relationships and memories Boo and her day with the priest got me thinking about how close she and boo were and how they were like, clearly each other's soul mates. But then Boo starts dating somebody else, and even we see Beutel flee back. She's in love with him, and I haven't thought of this before. However, did fleabag sleep with booze boyfriend so that they would break up and then flee back would have boo all to herself again because even if it was subconscious, maybe she wasn't really aware. But she was, like, knew she wanted sabotaging. It was a factor in the decision, because then the guilt is even worse. And what she did is even worse, right? Ah, which makes the forgiveness part even more impactful. But like now that I have seen that I'm I'm like noticing it everywhere. Yeah, I think it's an interesting theory, and I think it would add a lot of Yeah, I mean, it's there's nothing in this showed unnecessarily. Come right out and say that, but I think it's an interesting theory and interesting lends to wash it. Yeah, it's like a good length. Yeah, yeah. Okay. So that that we're two minutes into this, I literally as we're doing the notes, I posted this. I was like, I'm working on the notes for an hour. How far into the episode of my 4/2 minutes of, like, kind of. Damn it. All right, so now we are going to They are outside. They've left wherever you go to try on. Yeah. Where were they? At the church. The police robe store? Yeah. Um, and now they're outside walking on the street.

spk_1:   27:11
Really? Please zones. Do you prefer weddings or funerals? Weddings? It's all I think. There's something homely about funerals. It's good to 12 in the next life. Really think that the next life? What do you believe? Worm food. Why? Why? What is that? Why don't you believe is something awful? Would even believe It's only one thing to make me an optimist. It'll ruin my life. Been too many funerals. A couple, isn't it? You never felt goes? They're already gone. His beautiful neck. What? He just said his beautiful name. No, I no, I I said they already weird. Oh, Rice. So this might be your idea of hell? It's kind of special.

spk_0:   28:16
Uh huh. He's beautiful neck. It is. I mean, it is beautiful, his beautiful. We're not objectifying you and your Scott. It's just quoting the show all right, Uh, go into the notes be I'd also seriously his arms. No, Have you seen made me think this people had posted on the group about this guy called CrossFit priest who's a priest who just cross it. And because when you do CrossFit, you're like, legally required to talk about it all that that's no, that's true. And he posted pictures of him he's not wearing like or if he's wearing the collar. I don't think he is part of his like this. He really a priest, but it's really kind of weird and gross and not not charming his arm the way it is here. I love that he is so excited about getting that thing Taylor like, So he it is. It's just the childlike things so get convicted in. Yeah, so cute. Yeah. Oh, I don't think this was interesting that she's disconnecting again like she's talking to. They're talking about religion and funerals and the afterlife, and she is not focused on it and is just talking to us about his neck and his arms, which is I get like, we've all been there when you're like, Why are you talking? I just wanna have sex with you like I know like I can't be a dungeon with coming out your mouth. But I did think that was interested. And also it's like she's so focused on, not what he's saying. And I'm telling us how sexy is that? She messes it up, right? And it's so interesting that she met, messes it up right and because she's so flustered around him and I think he's also maybe he's noticing her doing this. He's just not maybe saying calling it out right now. You're right, you can see he sees, and I need to go back and watch again. I have a really washes I lying through this whole thing because she there times where she knows to do it when he's not looking. But yeah, I thought that to meet some people had thought mistakenly that he heard her say it, that she broke the fourth wall and he heard what she said. And I said no. She just accidentally said it directly. You got switched. She mixed him up. She said the things she was supposed to say to him to us, and vice versa. Yeah, and yeah, what I love is the direction where we just we just subtly zoom in a little bit. It's just this quick jump just a little closer and you get a like, that alarming of like, Wait, what did you just say? Because it also Yeah, it's like the alarm of like, Oh my God, I screwed up And him being, like, what? What did you just say? And, like, any knows, exactly. I think what she met, you know, But then also, like, it makes them a little more intimate again. So we actually get closer to them. Yeah, See this moment between them, even though on some level, it could be like a jarring cut to just kind of go in a little bit. And I had also noticed this, too, with when she looks back at us and says like his neck that I might be remembering this wrong. It's very possible, cause it was a long time ago. I was a total nerd shocker in high school when I went to this like our T V f camp, and I remember one of the things they had talked about when you're directing her shooting a scene is that you imagine There's, like this 180 degree line that you shouldn't cross with the camera because it's gonna throw everything off. It's gonna look jarring and distracting. You should always just do these like side angles, but never actually go behind the people. And Harry Briber does that in this like we literally jumped from in front of them, two behind them. And but it works because it kind of like it's part of the show, where to me, it's like you're kind of feel like walking with them. Thio, you're walking with him. You're seeing two sides of the same conversation like I feel like there's a lot of that duality throughout the show of, like, Two sides, same coin or like you're seeing things from two different perspectives.

spk_1:   31:56
Plus, I felt

spk_0:   31:56
like because we've followed her before, So I was right. So we're just like we're following her again. Yeah, and in this case we're following her in a friendly way. But then, actually later, when she started to think about the funeral, she's kind of running away from us again. Kind of look at the end of Season one, where she it's almost like a like a horror movie. She's like, Oh my God, like you're still there. Yeah, I'm being watched and judged. Uh, I would love to on a much more superficial level, the costume design and this is so nice And it's so simple. But like they're both in Bloom like they both just looked really good together and like they look so good together. Yeah, and Ray Holman. I know it's just so like like it's one of those things. I think it's deceptively simple where you think like, Oh, they just want to, like, put on a Republican. But like they just it's not distracting. Yeah, but it suits both of them isn't perfect. Yeah, So when he I again can't wait to get the Scriptures and see the stage direction to kind of see what were choices by the actors. Because the way Andrew Scott delivers this line about why would you believe in something awful when you could believe in something wonderful? Yeah, crescendos at the end and, like, gestures his hands out. It's almost like saying it to anybody who can hear it, which is, I guess, kind of the preacher in him a little bit. Yeah, that use that in the trailer, Just maybe so we do the Oh, yeah, I forgot about that. Um, I like he said that it captures a lot. Yeah, it's like a theme of the show for men, because, I mean, in some ways it's like a summary of his character and kind of his justification of his faith, because I think, you know, there's that theory some people have said about religion where it's like, What do you have to lose by believing in it like, Yeah, if if you're right, then good, you did it all right. If you're wrong, it's like, Well, you're dead. It's the same result anyway, right? And I also I was thinking about this some more after I I had written that note that, um, in a way to she's made you like to not believe in something is also a choice. Yeah, so she might think she's like, You know, I'm too cool to make this decision about faith, but you've also you're also believing in something, right? Even if you're saying there's nothing where you're believing, there's nothing right. You have no proof either, right? So it's like, Why would you choose the thing that's you know and separate from religion. It's kind of like she said, Don't make me an optimist cause it's like Why would you choose to just believe in things that things are bad, that your family hates you? That you're no good, that you can't be forgiven when you could believe in his brains are dumb. But also, I would say, I'm not like a religious Believe me, I'm very culturally Jewish. But but I'm not a religious person, and I actually I've been listening. Thio, Bryn a. Brown a burn a bell. No, that would be great. First reference. I'm listening to audit to the her rising strong audiobook highly recommended. But she quotes and Lama, who said the opposite of faith is not doubt but certainty on die. When I read that, I was like, Oh my, I had, like, I pulled over and I wrote it down. Um, but it crashed her car, but it was worth it for the podcast. Nobody flee, but I feel certain about this absence of God and when that's the case, you just can't believe in just because some things were wonderful. It's not just some e don't know when you just feel certain about something, Just feel certain about something. I kind of relate to that. But I do. I see that point of view of, like, why we're here on this earth. We have choices. Why not just make it a little bit? Yeah, More lovely. Well, it's that fine line between skepticism and cynicism. Yes, like the idea that, like happiness is for suckers. Yeah, but if you're you know, there's so much horrible thing you know, so much excusing. There's so much that's terrible about the world. And like, if you are happy about anything, you're just turning a blind eye. Yeah, I'm not feeling that. You're just living in this like ignorance is bliss. Delusion? Yeah, but then it's like, well, but nothing's gonna change by me just sitting in being mobile. Yes, you know, there's a quote by Louisa May Alcott That's one of my favorite, and it's I'm not afraid of the storm, for I've learned to sail my ship on Dean like you can so that because I'm not, I am a very kind of obnoxiously optimistic person. Christie's like it's the worst, but I'm not religious, but I So I think that you could do both. But it's like to your point. You can learn how to ride the waves and the nail in the storm, and that gives it meaning. And yeah, yeah, one. There's a timeout, inspirational quotes. I think it's a Confucius saying, Even I think about that. I think it's been said about, like, anger. Jealousy is like swallowing a pill of poison and expecting the other person to die. Oh, yeah? And so it's like if you're just gonna walk around with this negativity all the time in the cynicism your doctor, you're the only person you're hurting is yourself. So all what's to say? I think him bring. This is kind of the the light he's bringing into her life of late of opt in. Chief says, Don't make me an offer. Yeah, optimist, which I haven't heard about that next, but yeah, him. This is just his mindset versus hers. Yes, it sums up like her evolution over the course of the series because of him. Like I was saying in Season one, it's like she believes in a lot of awful things, like her responsibility for booze, death, her failings of feminism, family hates her. She's irredeemable, like everything about her life is negative, which is where she gets two in the confessional. Yeah, but by the end, because of his influence and just her growth, like she's kind of found healing and believes in herself again and kinda has hope for her future hoop. Yeah, yes, and I totally agree. I I feel like back to that quote by in LaMotte. She's certain she's certain about her lack of value as a human due to these things that doesn't open herself up to what she needs to do, what she needs to d'oh d'oh! Hell until like later. But I think rekindling relationships with her family and her like fake it till you make it mentality of care for a year, right? Um and then ultimately, obviously, her relationship with the priest where she finally feels truly seen and heard and appreciated and and what I think is like, really important is just validated, because he he sees the world the same as she does and like has the same, certainly in certain ways. But it has the same inner conflicts. It's hard, and I think that's like one of her major things is like It's just me because they both acknowledge what's really in the world. Even ironically, like he is a priest believes you know something that's not visibly really right. But by really mean, like, authentic and like, actually, people are actually thinking of doing, um, but I do think that all those changes help her to lose her certainty about her worthlessness so she can believe in something wonderful, like she's a decent human with a lot to offer, despite her mistakes and making better choices. And taking care of herself is doable now because she values are so right. I have even wondered you looking ahead like the end of the show and over the course of the season of like, are the people around her actually getting better? Or is she seeing them in a more positive way? There's my, uh, e. I think you know, clothes. Like thinking about Yeah, I kind of thought, I think she's also kind of coming out of her negativity and everything's just looking a little better. Yeah. Uh, well, when she goes, don't make me an optimist. You'll ruin my life. And later, you know, the priest says all fall in love with you and I will personally place in my life will be fucked up and in a way like their relationship does kind of quote unquote ruin the other person's life. But what it ruins is kind of this image they kind of have of what their life is and like you, who they constructed in their head. Yeah, it's kind of this narrative that they've developed for themselves. And so in that way, like this relationship disrupts all that and does kind of ruin that. But it ultimately makes each of them stronger. Yeah, it needed to be ruined. I was even thinking like you had asked. I think it was last episode about Was the priest weak or strong for joining the church? If he was going through all these struggles and having challenges in relationships and then, you know, with alcohol on his family, like, was it just a cop out to join the church? And so I had kind of been thinking about this. I have this idea of like, you ruin your room, my life that, like this experience with her, might be kind of one of his first really tests of faith and of his Children. And like like he's actually stronger now because he's actively choosing to stay in the church and follow his faith. Yes, versus like before. He might have just been doing it as a crutch or an escape. And now, because he's had to actively say yes, this is what I want. It's gonna make him stronger and think about it so much. All the tour. Yeah, I totally agree. And I imagine, like also he he I

spk_1:   40:54
get the

spk_0:   40:54
feeling he was like swimming along just fine. And it may be not 100. I mean, I think he's a good priest, and I think he likes his job, but maybe not. He'd be No, but yeah, but I think he like he I I feel like he felt like his past was behind him, and I mean, we have the Fox to remind us that it's not. But like I felt like once he started developing relationship with her. He recognizes those feelings again, and all that internal conflict about the relationship with her. It's like, Oh, yeah, that's what used to suck about my life. It's not good person, exactly, and personal relationships and all these choices and making good decisions in Baba and all of that is gonna remind him why he became a priest in the first place. And, like he chose inner peace as a priest over the crazy turmoil with her. And I'm actually, honestly, like it doesn't even always see, like, seem like he's choosing God over her. He's choosing peace over turmoil, which might be God, like God be for him to be what you want, you know? But I just I thought that was interesting. Like, Mmm. Really? I don't know. I thought I thought that was interesting. Yeah. And that just because he's now in the church and he had found that peace doesn't mean that those other things and it's kind of his toast about people who get in the way of it that yeah, maybe like that's going to continue to happen. Yeah, but it makes him realize he can weather that kind of like she can weather going through this horrible two years of her life and still come out better for it. Right? So when he asks, have you been to many funeral? We're going through line by line. There have been many funerals, but I had a quick thought of like, wouldn't he have heard from their dad or from godmother? Like you'd know that their mother had died? Yes. Mostly. Just made three Magi priest making conversation. I got

spk_1:   42:46
money. This is

spk_0:   42:48
a crack up. Um, I put his icebreaker too many funerals. Not any funerals. Like he knows that's true. Have you been to more than I mean, he obviously does not know about boo. Yeah, so maybe he's just He's obviously as a priest has officiated. Many of them officiated, but maybe yeah, he's kinda wants to see what where she is. Yeah, getting back to when she met, gets it mixed up and says, you know, they were already gone to us and then his beautiful Oh, yeah, But when she goes, they were already gone that, you know, I kind of thought Is that a reference to her mom being sick for a long time? And so by the time she died, like she was already gone and then kind of the same with boo because I think I had brought up, like did mitt boob maybe have some mental illness that wasn't that? No, sir. was unhappy. And so in that regard, Or maybe because once she found out that her boyfriend had cheated on her, she was just not the same. Yeah, like or two. She was never gonna be the happy go Lucky Boo again. She was already gone. Or to my theory, Was she gone because she was in a relationship that wasn't with you, right? Right? Yeah. That that their dynamic had already changing. Yeah, I am curious about that, though. We'll have to ask Phoebe, Phoebe, when she comes to Atlanta to visit Donald Glover and and us. Okay, so I think we got through all of that. Those eight lines of dialogue. So now we're going to go to the door to go inside the Quaker House? Yes.

spk_1:   44:26
Quaker meeting. Not to speak. The spirit moves you to speak. You have to stand up and share it with everyone. Very dense. It's very quiet. It's very all right, erotic. I think I'm going to go home in November, I think. What do you think? What's he thinking? I don't really think it's not really feeling. I think it's really affecting me. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God, What am I gonna say about him? I sometimes worry that I wouldn't be such a feminist if I had bigger tits.

spk_0:   46:11
I heard a noise I had not heard the first time. I watched, like, go back. We watch this right after since she says the feminist line it like he makes some kind of feel like it emerges from his body without hiss. Yeah, consent. Let's just take another listen, okay? I don't know what that sound was if he's like coughing her laughing, it says, coughing on the caption. But I thought, it's a reaction, and then we get the close up of him like stifling the last. So the story here is that when Phoebe met with Andrew Scott to talk to him about playing this part that they just, like, walked around SoHo for, like, three hours. I mean, dream, uh, just with both of them. I'll meet you guys there, but that they were talking about the role in the character and just about, like, religion and our generator, like the current generation and spirituality. And I guess he took her to this actual Quaker house. Quaker Hall. Oh, I don't think I Really? Yeah. And I am dying to know, like, is this a place he goes off? How did he know about it? Uh, he just thought it would be interesting. Yeah. So you would think it was? Yeah, I guess he introduced her to it. She loved it and obviously incorporated into the show. And I think that's the actual one that they had filmed up. Yeah, so? And I like it's the first of three places of worship that we go to this episode. That and then two churches. Right? So where's the funeral? And then again at the end? Yeah. Church heavy on this one. Well, and Jonathan did say that they shot at two different church because there was a question about whether flea bags mother's funeral was the same church. That look is the priest, the new priest at that same church. But I think they're not right. They were definitely two different locations. Yeah, so, yeah, when he takes her here, like is when he goes, I know this is your idea of hell, but to me, it's very special is he's like trying to convince her on religion. At this point, I didn't know I wasn't sure about that. I have just have questions. About what? Why they're doing what they're doing on this whole day like this. Like literally also what time people are banging on the door of the cafe. I know I'm certainly not Wednesday. That's all we know. But I feel like maybe he took her there to the Quaker meeting because he felt like it would not be sexual like in any way. And of course, you make sex so sexual. I love it. It's very, very erotic, but also has to bring up her tits. And I also think maybe he's trying to convince himself they could be friends and she can fit in his life. These are the things he does. She could fit in his life and do the things he likes to. D'oh! That's what you like Then more about herself to it. You know, she did what she would. D'oh rightly. He's not trying to sell her on religion, but on him, this is what I do for fun. Yeah, well, it's a really good point, and she kind of made it clear like, Nope, no

spk_1:   49:03
well, but that was hurt like that was her truth. Chrissy s o. I'm one

spk_0:   49:08
of the few people I feel like when I talk about the carry line. It

spk_1:   49:12
is not my

spk_0:   49:13
favorite line. I just I don't know. I I think what I don't like about it, is it It feels like a gag line. I think I, like so much of the show is so natural. I mean, I guess this would be natural to her character. Yeah, I can't tell if she really did just spontaneous. Like, I think we're supposed to believe she just spontaneously thought of this when she stood up at the same time, like, kind of what you were just saying. Like, he's kind of trying to show her this, like, part of his life. And it just felt almost like needlessly provocative and that she was almost kind of making fun of, like, rubbing it in his face, rubbing in his face and, like, kind of making a little bit of a mockery of this lake. Oh, that's

spk_1:   49:52
true of,

spk_0:   49:52
you know? Yeah, this holy place in this, you know, And, um I mean, maybe I'm just reading too much into that because he does laugh a key. Obviously doesn't take offense to it. Well, then, if you do, you notice that the other woman there's one woman in the room and she nods her head in agreement. She does. See, that's funny. Yeah. So yeah, maybe at this point, I've just watched it so many times that it's kind of, you know, maybe I'll watch it 14 more times and come back from being hilarious.

spk_1:   50:19
I like I'm with you. I go

spk_0:   50:21
back and forth. I also know about the intent to him. Yes. Yes. Sorry. I know I I So at first when I saw it, I was like, Oh, is the spirit moving her like she was? She's such a good actress, so it looks like it is, But but it can she look so surprised because she's sort of like having a conversation with us making fun of it. Then she's like, Oh, we, um But I asked I have read something today. Actually, that son was like in flea bag. God is cannon like so there were like, we kind of acknowledged that there is a god in the fleabag universe because the painting falls down and the alcohol comes on like at least two emitted to hit. Yes. So, like if you think about it, you're like, Okay, maybe she Maybe she really did. Or part of me was like, she's playing with him because she's kind of like, Okay, you could bring me to your place and showing part of who you are, but also, I'm still me, and this is genuine. And also this is genuinely something she wonders. You get that feeling, But I feel like she wants me like I don't fit in your mold of Like, What is the problem? She or like she's resisting his attempt. Yeah,

spk_1:   51:30
because she's got a little, always a

spk_0:   51:31
little rebellious, especially about being told what to do. And it's it's fascinating to watch this episode from the idea that they're leading up to a fight. Yeah, and they're you know, they're they're starting to kind of get to know each other better, but then when you do that, you start to see things don't like as much. And and she writes that you obviously we'll get to it. But the whole argument I was telling Allie like you could almost re watch. Watch it one way, thinking everything he's saying is right, and she's wrong and then watch it again. Going everything she says is right. He's totally wrong. And you, you look, you'll see both sides, which is kind of hot. Argument is like there's never a cut and dry. This person is totally right. Except when I'm talking to my husband. Obviously, me, this right? And that is the one time. You know. Usually it's the opposite, but there's always these, like shades of gray, of like. Someone has a little bit of truth, but they're also a little wrong and same on the other side. So I feel like this even, maybe, is leading up to when they eventually do have this fight when she's like, Stop being churchy and then later, when he's like it turns you on, you know, your father turned you like it. We're kind of maybe seeing the groundwork here of like he might not have reacted right away of That was really inappropriate for you to like. You mentioned like, you know, I was thinking about your tits, but like he was, that that is a place that's supposed to be about meditation and focused and silence. Yes, and being praised God and God, but also just presence President in that silence. And she mocked it and was even talking to us the whole time. Yes, which he probably saw. Yeah, No eso She completely negated why he was even trying to bring her there. But to your point, she might have been like, Don't try to change me right like this. And and again, I believe she truly feels that way. What I went One thing I want to mention is what you were talking about is that baby bar bridge. This is just such a fucking genius. And she's such a good writer because she always shows she's shows both sides of the art, right? Like she made it so you could follow, But either of them Yeah, and agree with either of them separately, right? Like it's just so good, Right? And when you mentioned her, you know, standing up being like, Oh, I don't really feel like that was such a great performance. My God! And like after she won the Emmy and Andrew Scott even was like, you know, I'm so glad she got recognized for the performance was so much focus on the writing, which is obviously great. But that looked so much easier than it is to do. Because you're right. You're unclear. Like is she really being moved or she just like I'm just gonna go for this and later going back and forth between us and whatever. It's perfect. Yeah, it was It's so subtle and even heard the delivery about Yeah, it's very erotic. And yeah, this whole scene also reminded me talk about modern love. There was a separate modernise. The New York Times have been re running a lot of modern love columns because the show and there was fun about a woman saying she had read a book or something that was like, You could be intentional about falling in love and that it had this, like, questionnaire of things to ask somebody that forces you to kind of dig deeper and reveal things about yourself. But part of it include. And so she was on a date and basically was like, Are you up for trying this? He was like, Sure, And that part of it was looking the other person in the eye in silence for four minutes long time. That is ridiculous. And now you are going to do it in real time. Are you ready? Minutes? No. So I would like that I would go. I have never looked at my husband hands for that. Like I could not even imagine Theo intimacy of that. I mean, that was the point, right to create the intimacy. And that does make you wonder what is the other person thinking? And, you know, it made me think of this of like and what Andrew Scott said in that G. Q. Thing about, like, erotically charged science says that like there's more intimacy and not saying anything. Oh yeah, yes. So what you are talking about? It's called the 36 Questions and I'm really into

spk_1:   55:23
it. When I read that, I was like, No, I know

spk_0:   55:27
it looks like I'll be mellowing copies everybody, no, eso is base. Instead of question 36 questions developed by social psychologists up, I believe or scientist some science people, um, degrees it, yes, who basically were are the challenge was make two strangers fall in love with each other in a conversation, and you kind of it kind of works, but it's actually amazing. I highly recommend, like looking up the 36 questions and even

spk_1:   55:52
just a

spk_0:   55:53
few of the questions are just fun to kind of ask your significant other or just friends or parents or whoever. It is interesting that Thanksgiving this year. Yeah, right. If you celebrate it, yes, yes. Um, I actually did a mini version of it at this event in New York. There's like a pop up event called 29 Rooms, and it's put on by Refinery 29. And it's literally the purpose of it is to take pretty instagram photos. But which actually was, like, kind of a name. And we wait in line forever just for that And like, paid $40. However, there was my favorite part. One of the rooms was a 36 questions room, and you literally, like, went in and sat across from stranger. And I think they did like five or six questions, and it was a really it was just, like, very really cool experience to have to do that. I genuinely feel like it, like enhanced both. I like I really felt like I could be friends with this random dude that I sat across from a nice wee, but we'd finished it by staring at each other for four minutes, and it was crazy. It was crazy because you go through so many emotions and you can't decide if you should make your face reflect hm or if you can help it. It's like a very interesting experience. But then, to add on to that, I got more guys. I got more on this. You really opened a can of worms here, but a moment there. So if you're a fan of podcasts, which you really probably are, or just leave. But if you are

spk_1:   57:16
a fan of podcasts and a fan of

spk_0:   57:18
musicals, there is a podcast musical called 36 Questions. And it's with Jonathan Graaf, who's like Hot Shit Enough sauce. Yes, and I love him. Yeah, um, he was in Haledon. He's in spring awakening a 1,000,000 years ago. Um, I'm a big musical leader. Dork. If you hadn't noticed, Shut up! Shocker. Um, but honestly, it's it's it's a It is a podcast musical, so it's like there's four scenes and it that's it. And it's actually extremely well done and really beautiful music, and it's about sort of this couple going through three questions together, and I highly recommend. Okay, so just needed toe pop that in there. And now Ali has a song Let me perform the leads on has got 36. That's what you want, right? And now our breakout single, Bigger tips hashtag would be such a feminist. Uh, that just provided me at Dragon Con. We went to an improv show, and it led to a song called The Tongue Is the Balls of the Mouth. I'll just leave that there. It was really great.

spk_1:   58:29
That's my improv

spk_0:   58:30
can be amazing. Yes, it can also be terrible, but All right, uh, I think we covered every next scene. All right. Moving on, leave quicker. Leaving the Quaker Hall and are back on the streets.

spk_1:   58:52
Well, it's good you found something. Something. I'm not sure I needed to be moved to discover that about myself. What were you thinking? I was thinking about peaceful. I felt, and then, for some reason, I was thinking about your tits. What kind of room? This point it. I should probably go to the cafe, huh? Oh, yeah. It's a bit. So it isn't it

spk_0:   59:34
again. A very short scene, but a lot to discuss. So when he goes like something moved you, I feel like he's looking for any kind of small victory here. But also I know I can't tell again if he's like a little annoyed, but he's not really. I don't think he's annoyed. I think he kind of takes her as she is. Maybe, yeah, and he's also just maybe a little thrown by, because now she's set her back. She has said something more overtly sexual. And there's obviously an awkward moment here. Um, yes, yeah, my tits ruined your piece, which is not just not just in that room, but in general, I know like that's the whole thing. That's this problem right now. And even though, because you could say that I know. Yeah, And that may. I think that's a little foreshadowing, obviously, to the toast of the Church of Here's to Peace and those who get in the way of it. Um, maybe is those just referring to her tits? They didn't get in the way, he told it really did. Like we know they're small, but they managed to wedge their way in there, and he also in that in that way, basically is admitting that he wanted to bring her to the Quaker meeting because he thought it would like, bring them both piece and not remind them that they want a bone fail. But it really is. He's trying to just keep the peace. It

spk_1:   1:0:44
really is crazy

spk_0:   1:0:45
and very satisfying to watch a relationship with two people, like where they really are unnerve ingley and sometimes accidentally so honest about that, what they want from each other, right? Like they they there's so much under the surface. But it creeps out and it's fun to catch it right sometimes.

spk_1:   1:1:02
Like even he even laughed at her. I do. I do

spk_0:   1:1:05
love that He laughed cause he was, like again. He's like, Oh, yeah, I'm on your team Yeah, because it is so hurt. Yeah, and it does reinforce that. Like he he is intrigued by her. And we haven't also discussed the broader message of, like, literally feminists like, you know, you believe in you have certain values based on the world that you were presented with Andi. I think that's an interesting thing to unpack, but we don't have to, but I just wanted to make sure that got mentioned. I'm not sure I'm following like, like, literally. Never know. Like she, she says. If I didn't if I had tits, if I was happier as a woman, would I be fighting for right? No. If I feel it's not define me by my tits, right? If I people treated me well because of that, even though that's a superficial thing right is Look, if I was more the ideal woman, would I care? Because then I'd be benefiting from the patriarchy. That's true, right? Her actual statement, aside from it, being a job, yes, is kind of an insightful point. Yes. Yeah, very. Now I'm back. We can close the suitcase. Okay, Uh, where are we Met your tits room of He's so Yeah, now we get this opera moment. You know, when she says that or he says that and, um, you know, it's thinking about your tents where it's it's like, Okay, that's just right there. Yep. And then there's just this awkward moment of, like it's just kind of becoming a little more untenable where, like you said it, it's starting to eke out, even though he might still be telling himself. Like knows you I'm still uncomfortable with this, but it's it's on his mind. Yeah, and, uh and then I'm saying, I feel like they kind of come up with excuses to end the date because it does feel like a date. It's platonic date, but the date and his thing that he says is I've got a confession to get And one of my friends had said they thought he was saying he was going to say, confessed something to her or like acknowledges feelings. But he meant, I have to go take a confession from someone. So is that a thing they scheduled? They are? Yeah, And so you know, it's obviously foreshadowing to her confession, but no pre, that's it's, Ah, one of those seven sacraments once you get it like you do your first confession. But it's Ah, like there's usually it's almost like I was just like, yeah, so you know, it's like usually before mass, from what I know you know are certain times you can go. And so I just have the CD of Iraq from 30 Rock in my head where they're like at a church with Jack and Lisa at a church, and there's this long like the service ends and there's a long line to do confession. And I thought that's just how confession was like everybody, like, waits in line after service. No, nobody does it. I mean, and I get I not like a practicing Catholic and was not very devout when I was. But no, it's not like a popular line up thing to D'oh. No. So it would be plausible, even though it's clearly a lie, because now he's got plenty of time to go hang out in the cafe, right? So he would They were just making up excuses about, like, Let's end this awkward moment. Okay, I think we reached Oh, it's sexual now. Bye. I'm screwed. I'm just gonna open up the cafe a time to bail on 30 in the afternoon work time it is. So he invites himself to the cafe, which at this point, now he is so interested in her he just wants to know everything about her. And it's another kind of platonic reason to spend time together like I'm not spending

spk_1:   1:4:37
time with

spk_0:   1:4:37
you. I just want to see this cool cafe. They run right. I'm support as a person in business and as a person in business. And her reaction is like not thrilled. Yeah, and I have. I feel like she's already feeling booze, presence everywhere, and the cafe will just compound it.

spk_1:   1:4:52
Would you?

spk_0:   1:4:53
Right? Because she knows she's gonna have to explain the guinea pigs as you came from. Yeah, yeah, you got He might have a question for you. This is a Gary Dollar Deluxe, and it's from

spk_1:   1:5:05
what the fuck?

spk_0:   1:5:07
Like my husband laughed really hard. I mean, I

spk_1:   1:5:09
think it's

spk_0:   1:5:09
really the best thing I've ever seen, ever. It's so there's also it's bringing back that childlike delight that we get from him and just silliness, just silliness and just this show where you're like because it's kind of that moment. You're kind of thinking the same thing of, like,

spk_1:   1:5:24
he's just holding a fucking guinea

spk_0:   1:5:26
pig like and here's what I love. It's another moment. You're like, Oh, the priest gets her and we love the priest because everybody else who has seen the guinea pig who was not Boo hates it. Except Martin is fine with it. I wouldn't hurt you know what? We'll do that well, and then when he's like she's depressed. Aren't we all, girl, But like the bus Rodan guy and younger girls, younger girls saw it as this repulsive gross dirty and it non hygienic hygiene a creature. And he is the 1st 1 Be like

spk_1:   1:6:00
Look how

spk_0:   1:6:01
it isn't you beautiful little thing. Yes, he loves his endure Hillary and I always think of Hillary is a little bit of like a surrogate for fleabag out, definitely of You know, this thing that's like potentially Sena's unlovable and he's just head over heels for Hillary Love and I love I love that she because she turns to us and bites her lip. And I love I ate that shit up because then it feels like you are like her gal pal, and you're like, Oh, girl,

spk_1:   1:6:28
like he said that, uh, it wasn't even hot.

spk_0:   1:6:31
It's like, Well, he looks like a door laying Yet this guinea pig. This could not be going better. And but what I also thought was interesting is it's just cut. It's kind of a tool Thio when she looks back at us, she's including us in that moment with her, and then we're with her, and then we're even Maur drawn into the emotions when they start to change right after that. Right? So you're like, you're with her, you're enjoying it, and then it you're sort of even more engaged. Yeah, and you know, disappointed. All right, so now they're going to continue their conversation with him asking about guinea pigs.

spk_1:   1:7:09
Go ask, um, why so many guinea pigs? Oh, um, I just, um this is an excellent one. I'm sort of a unique selling point. Yeah. Which came first? The guinea pig where they keep it. Coffee. That is a big old question. Take any pigs to They are born. They shit themselves a favor, Then they die. Can I use us at the wedding? Seriously, I need material. Tell me about your stepmother to be any. What's she like? Oh, she's, um She's from Exeter. Okay. Thank you. That's very helpful. I just met your dad. Two. She's my mother student at one point? No. Were you close to him? Yeah. You already. So that must mean you think about it. So you run to rule this place on your own. No, I haven't with friend. How couId you wanted together? No, she's see, uh, it was she she? He's been Oh, yes, What I think you're doing. It's, like, disappear. What's what do you know telling me nothing? What's going on any? Oh, come on. Me? Nothing. Church. Just trying to get to know that I'm just I'm just trying to help. What? No, no, I didn't mean I know what you mean. Father, Thank you so much for going. Come on. I didn't I really should get back to work. Customers bound to send up any minute. He's probably beginning. That's God, do you think I think you played my guinea pig long enough? Bye

spk_0:   1:9:56
Heartbreak. Maybe the best scene of the series. So what, you think it makes you kind of sad? It's And here's what's funny. So just now, as I was playing it, I wasn't watching it. I had the phone face tally. When you just listen to it, it's so fucking brilliantly written. It's in the pauses and your sound effects and and you hear more of the like, the kind of pace between the two of them and this back and forth. So I'm gonna suggest that what we all did just listen to me. Oh, the audio. Well, that it would just happen. I would also like to add that Chrissy and I kind of just mouthed off. We literally hold of words because we're Mesen nerds. We're no good. Um So I you had brought up that we don't see boo much until this episode. And we see we here twice in the scene. Yes, and you know, they're talking about the thing that she and Boo created. And, you know, we feel like to your point. She's growing closer to the priest, which is reminding her of her closest to boo, right, because I think maybe that was her only example of being close to somebody, right? And But then I think it's I keep wondering, why does she not want to tell him about boo, even though boo like, use her in her mind? I know, I

spk_1:   1:11:15
don't know. I think she's

spk_0:   1:11:16
too. I think there's too much uncertainty about him because it should she even be spending time with him at all. Like if he was just a normal dude or hurt or woman or just what? Whoever fine. But it's like there's so much baggage attached to him. That and I get to do and because you know what I think Ultimately, actually because So she's opening herself up to a new person. That's only gonna remind her when she did it before to boo. And then that's gonna remind her of how that ended right and what a loss it was. And that's the last that still governs her life in a lot of ways. So I just think it's like, Why take the risk of truly opening up right? Like I just don't think she feels ready, I guess. And they're in the cafe. That would be kind of like betraying Member needed help. Thinking of a word to know flouting it was betraying. No, but when I got there, flouting was good. But betraying is better. I thought of it on the card. Yeah, floodings. More about rules. Yes, yes, um, signing off. But she that's what I think. She's struggling with so many questions, and there's so many reasons you should not pursue a relationship with him. Number one. He's a priest, but also issue being issue, betraying boo. Is she being disloyal? Um, by continuing this relationship where she feels connected to somebody in the same way for Spain. It's, you know, especially because she played a role in Boo not being here anyway. She's been craving it. But then there is that. What? And she mentioned in the confessional about forgetting people exactly like, yeah, she feels like the meaning of that. And And you do go through that with grief Where when it starts to feel less raw or you start feeling happier more than you're not, you suddenly feel like, oh, my betraying that person by not feeling a sad And do I deserve to feel all right? How dare I feel I have normal, right? Yeah, right. When they're not here right yet she's still, she is. She is still pursuing the relationship because it feels good. No, it's the right. It's a healthy thing for you and in some ways, right? So I

spk_1:   1:13:17
just feel

spk_0:   1:13:18
like she may be, just doesn't want to open that can of worms well, and I also wondered if Boo is almost giving. Like when she says, like don't tell him like giving her permission to just, like let this go like this doesn't have to be your defining trait anymore about her interesting and like so it's like, not a huge deal that shouldn't tell him. It's like you don't have to tell him about me.

spk_1:   1:13:37
I don't think

spk_0:   1:13:38
that I like, you know, and that she fleabag wants to put her kind of her best foot forward with him. And to bring that up just reminds of everything she hates about herself. Yeah, so, yeah, it could almost be like a forgiveness, which is not from Hamilton, by the way. Shit might be a Don Henley song. Anyway, in my in my head if you think we reference this in, like the first season, the podcast But I always think of the song forgiveness. And I thought it was Hamilton along for a while. I handle this song that has the word forgive does in a different tone. We We did some research today family, and you're like, even if wait a minute, you don't. Anyway, so it's down here, So let's figure this eggs. Fine. Um, is the great Don Henley said, but I do. Um what was I gonna say, uh, about boo letting her go, letting her giving her permission to let her go? Oh, yes. Oh, and I also think that maybe it was like, Don't do it here in Mar. Places like she's everywhere. Boo is everywhere. Who is the cafe, right. So I just think maybe she's like, Looks at Boo. She's right there. Yeah. And she can talk about it right now. Yeah. What, uh, to me is interesting when he keeps asking about guinea pig because he doesn't know about Boo. He thinks flea bag is really into guinea pigs does not know that she could not give a shit about getting fixed. So I think that's why he keeps asking all these questions. Like I'm really gonna pursue this interest of her support, what you like. Yeah, and all the answers. But he's like, What do they do it? She's like they were born shit themselves affair. And they die. Like she could not care less about getting figs and that her little thing. I feel like it's also a little microcosm of the human experience. Yes. Uh, So when he asked what you tell me about your stepmother to be I This was one of my American moments, because when she does, she's from Exeter. I thought there was something funny about Exeter, like, you know, if I said, Oh, she's from Jersey right here. Like I said, you know? Sorry, Jersey, but, you know, I have wonderful friends in New Jersey. It's a beautiful place. Something area. Yeah, like anyplace. But yeah, I guess it's just basically her saying, Like, I have nothing nice to say to her. So I'm gonna tell you the most banal fact about her, which is the room where she's from and like, how little she wants to share Does not want to get in to the mother ship. Right? We did get new information here. That godmother was her mother student at once. Yes, Yes, which is very interesting. And it makes sense. But

spk_1:   1:16:08
I guess Did we

spk_0:   1:16:09
know that her mother was an artist? I don't know. I don't know. So then that's how we learned that our mother was an artist, which is kind of cool, right? And do I guess you do We know she wasn't. I guess that would make sense If she's an artist, that she would have been a student. Oh, yeah. Um, also How did she know? I just thought of this. How did Godmother know what her mother's body looked like? Well, I think that they were, like, best friends imposed for nudes and stuff. Yeah, if they're both art, I see my friends naked. Oh, okay.

spk_1:   1:16:35
You gotta change. Sometimes you go shopping in dressing

spk_0:   1:16:39
rooms and you have montages too. I'm walking on sunshine. Um, hey, you haven't seen me. Could have without my knowledge that way. Um, now I know just maybe my French is there was someone

spk_1:   1:16:59

spk_0:   1:16:59
watching. Oh, girls like little girls when they're like, they're, like, taking baths together. And I'm like that. That's a bit much. Nope. But like a roommate situation, you get ready with friends to, like, go out or go Do stay. Yes. Not enough video that I'd like having my head go. I'm gonna go do a sculpture. Yeah. I mean, I don't think you could have. I see clothing anyway. Very focused are I just want to have a sight quick observation about how content and happy Hillary is and that little sound they put in there, and it's perfect. When it's in some of their silences. You should like little squeak. Also speaking of sound like the sound design the creak of that chair. God. After that awkward moment. Yeah, and it just because now they sound physically uncomfortable on top of this, like emotional, uncomfortable moment genius. It's just so just that. Like, uh, yeah, no, it was perfect. So it's just right. Oh, so here. This was part of our conversation this morning when we were having our friendless runs, a podcast, our water cooler practice round. So there's been a lot of talk about how she is not opening up to him in this and that he's trying to ask you these questions about like her mother and must be awkward with God with your stepmother. And she kind of just keeps shutting him down and this whole idea that he's been trying to get her to open up, and that's what happens in the confession and whatever. He is not opening up either, and I had not really noticed that until I kind of studied this were closed because I was so focused on her. Development is a character and the idea that, like she was the one who got all these walls up,

spk_1:   1:18:37
she keeps try to ask him

spk_0:   1:18:38
questions, and he shuts her down. Yeah, Do you get on with your parents? No. Are you close with your mother? Not really. On the new shoots it back to her. And even when she then she asks like, Do you ever go back to what you're assuming? He's gonna say Ireland or whatever. And he's like, No, no,

spk_1:   1:18:52
no, This is my interview, right? I feel

spk_0:   1:18:55
like he's like, decided. I am the talk show host. You are the guest, right? I am in like he's sort of in this. He has. He's gotten some confidence where I think he I think he and honestly, the conversation might have gone differently if they were just anywhere but the cafe. That's what it feels like to me. I think that he was going off the vibe of the afternoon and felt like I think we're spending the day together. We're friends and I think we can talk. I think she will open up to me. But then he they go to the worst possible place for that to happen, to be right, and he doesn't but right, So I feel like he's feeling he like, he just he thinks he's safe. He thinks this isn't he can have her get vulnerable, not

spk_1:   1:19:39

spk_0:   1:19:39
like a malicious way, but like in a bonding way, and she just it is not. Yeah, I said, I feel like they're almost playing like vulnerability. Tennis? Yeah, and like neither of them want they just keep hitting the ball back to the other person and that. But it just kind of hadn't hit me that he I think he's genuine. He says, I'm just trying to help you and it does sound condescending as a real kind of a dick move there. What? She knew him. He knew that immediately. Yeah, and he was soon as it came out, it sounded bad and it did. And so I I'm I'm kind of like rooting for her in the scene. Like I said, I had initially watched the scene thinking like she's being very defensive. But then I was like, No, she's completely in the right because he keeps pushing her for information, but he is not willing to offer any of himself. Yeah, it's not a conversation. It's like an interview, right? And he's establishing that relationship of because probably for himself to, like, tamp down his feelings of like, No, I'm a priest in my role is to be a guide for her and help her spiritually and bring out these things in her. She's not supposed to know anything about me. That's not because his parishioners don't ask about his family or whatever. So in a way, you know, he's kind of going back on this idea that we're gonna be friends. And he's also been sending her some signals that he's interested. But now he's playing this priest roll again because

spk_1:   1:21:08
he hasn't fucking no, he doesn't

spk_0:   1:21:10
know. But it kind of puts her in a really shitty position. And so when she kind of finally calls him on it like, you can't just kind of lure me into this, even if it's just a friendship. But you can't learn me into this these like feelings that were something more than just a priest in a quote unquote parishioner. And now you're gonna pull that card out and act like I know what it really counseling me, your counseling me and like, Oh, you're crazy to think this was more I don't know. And so that line about so good about you've played with my guinea pig long enough should you shooting back? Shouldn't you be getting back to God because it is like, Okay, if you're gonna play this card that you are helping me because you're a priest and, well, then go fucking do it. And like, you don't get to get both, right, right? Yeah. Yeah. I didn't think what was interesting is that, like he's doing to her what she does to everybody else, which is try to get them to point out all the shit that repressing on ignoring, right? She's not having it. So then he notices her looking away at us again, and he asked, What is that? Like? You disappear and that's well, like you said, Exactly. She's trying to dio because this present moment is like now it's not getting messy, all right, it's a little bit. What he said about like celibacy is less complicated than romantic relationships. Because maybe this is where he would step in these minds. Yeah, exact. Totally. But what's still such a shock when he looks at the camera and, like, he's just like, hey like So it is you feel so exposed. Yeah, I was simultaneously like, delighted and scared you like I'm excited. He seizes you. Nobody else has seen us totally just that and his reaction of, like what? Like, Yeah, So it's such a jump and I think shakes her up a little bit. Oh, she's definitely on guard. She's like, Oh, I don't like this at all Well, and when he goes, tell me what's going on under there are underneath there, which it's like if you want to be overtly sexual, it's like never under your shirt, But But there is a There's another burn, a brown kind of thing here, about the armor you've built around yourself and like, Tell me what's underneath. I want to get underneath that And that is kind of his main thing that he has focused on here. But maybe he's focused on it to a fault where he's lost the not reading the room exact literally 100%. He's not picking a prick. Used that as a friend, you would go. She doesn't talk about it. I don't write. That's not my job. Real focused, right? He is being a little churchy, and she's right. He is. He's a little bit right here. I also I There was a quote that was in a an article called Pray for Us Sinners, The profane beauty of fleabag on 25 years later site dot com and making these up. Ellie. I am the's air startups. I don't have enough. I don't have enough outlets. Dissect the ships. Leave. I'm just making a block. But what I what? What this person wrote, um, back to sort of the boo. Being present in the cafe thing is to let go of Boo would be to forgive herself for what she's done, and she absolutely can't and won't do that. The boo betrayal is flea bags. Original sin. Everyone is that one thing they've done that they'll never and can never forgive themselves for will always regret it. Never forget it. We can't because it's a sin so deep that it becomes a part of who we are. So the and the concept of original sin applies to all of us. It's not there from birth, is not just there from birth were all born pure bar, inevitable sins lay in Wait. When and where it occurs is entirely up to us. I don't know how much I believe in that, exactly, but I did think it was a really interesting concept that it is a part of her identity now. And the cafe is pervert like they're just there in the spot that is. So everything is bundled up in this one place. There's there's a sacredness to it. Yes. Boom. How do you read my mind? Actually, you did it better than that because I didn't think of that word. But But sanctity is from me, the better working to t of the guinea pig. Seriously? Yeah, truly. Yeah. But, um, But I just thought that was interesting that, like, she can't quite get boo separate from there. And so she's not gonna be able to really right. Engage with him in the way that he wants. Yeah, And then you have this email from clear. Oh, and then our, uh this woman, Claire, who's really active on the face of the group. She's great. She sent us this really fabulous email. So encouraged all you to do that. But she said I did enjoy. She said, I think my ovaries exploded ethic. Any big scene, he's asking your questions on the pretense of preparing to the wedding, but he just wants to know fleabag more, and she won't let me. Yeah, but I think all of our over his exploded. That's that was the look on flea backs face she hot over her lip, bruised her over. She was in. Pain goes over, isn't it? I'm also thinking, too, when he the idea that he's deflecting her questions. But she's also kind of asking him the questions to deflect from her. Right, Kind of actually interested. They both have armor up, you know? Yes, it's a complicated conversation they're having. Yeah, I also think it's interesting the way he leaves like, because he I feel like kind of heartbreak. Well, and I also and more of these wonderful silences and awkwardness and creaking. But when he just goes by like, I guess I feel like there's an assumption he'll see her again. You know, which I guess would be the wedding. There's not a like Are we? Okay, When is what are we gonna resolve this like? It's just kind of like, Well, I'm just gonna leave. Well, I

spk_1:   1:26:49
think he's, like,

spk_0:   1:26:50
flustered in the bad way. Now he's likely what just happened? I lost it. I don't understand because he doesn't. He doesn't know about you. in the cafe. So to him, this is totally out of left field. Like they've been having a nice day or he's just like, Well, I fucked something. Exactly. I think he's I want I really care about her. And I obviously did something really wrong. And I'm gonna go drink and try to figure out what that waas good. I don't know exactly. Okay, so now we have her After he's left, she's walking around and then we're going to start and get this flashback to her mother's funeral.

spk_1:   1:27:23
Bye, people starting to arrive. She was a suspect. Don't worry. He is out. Stop doing that to your face. I have thio. I just I look so good. It's OK. We can sort it out. Just take some of your makeup. I'm not wearing any makeup. What? What? I e think I got a fucking facial for my mother's funeral? What the hell? You look incredible trying to mess her up. No matter what I do with my hair keeps falling in this really chic way I got You're perfect. Thank you. Tory kills people starting to arrive. Thank you. You don't have to greet them if it's to cause you look gorgeous. Thank you. I'm so sorry. You look glorious. Thank you. Have you spoken to dot? Oh, yeah. He's avoiding me. My deepest condolences. Skills. She was magnificent. Thanks so much. Like God to look. Well, thank you. Have you? He's not really engaging. She was a spectacular woman, darling. Wonderful. Oh, my God. Bye. Grief clearly agrees with you. Thank you, Jeremy. So incoming. My God, she's shameless. Can, you know? Think the fucking worst of someone with just a split fucking second? No, Everyone is after cock,

spk_0:   1:29:46
Okay? Pretty cold from Claire. Yeah, but fleabag is totally right. That's my favorite part about it. She takes one to know one. She totally has got mother's number. Well, and I had wondered, like, how long had fleabag kind of had this, like sexual promiscuity or Yeah, that might not like. Has it been since you like, hit puberty or Yeah, like, is it because she lost her mom and because she had lost boom, and that was it. But clearly this was something that predated that for her sister to be like, Not everyone's after yet. Look, that's such a characteristic what she's known for, but Yes. Was she because I think there's a little bit of the character she doesn't get along with. There's a little bit of her in them. So I think with Godmother she kind of recognizes someone who's going after somebody because because that would be hurt. In some cases, yes, So she knows exactly what's up. And a lot of times Godmother knows what's up with fleas. Yeah, neither of them is. They understand each other. Yeah. Um so this whole interlude, this little jazzy interlude feels very season one to me agreed. And you're walking, smoking in the jazzy music and like the's Boo flashbacks. And again, this is where she's looking over her shoulder at us now, like, get away for, like, stop following me, following me and, like, get away from me because she doesn't want us to know these intimate parts herself. Like she didn't want to know what happened with new rash. Doesn't want us to see the funeral. Yeah, I can't help it when she kind of starts to lose her grip were not as welcome as well, and then even the similar to the last episodes episode of Season one with the direction where now we're like handhold. Everything's little shakier. It's just all kind of off kilter. And it was almost like, Well, she regressing a little bit now. Yeah, that we're going kind of calling back thes season one motifs and, like, atmosphere

spk_1:   1:31:36
I I saw

spk_0:   1:31:37
like I mean, there was definitely call back. I didn't see it is progressing so much is just like she finally is addressing the funeral like she had that We never saw her about it. We never saw her grieve her mom, right? Like I'm not sure that she's ever processed these motions. And it was, like, three years earlier. More no, sit. We wasn't it three in season one, so before because the fire had passed between the two. And to your point, we don't know how long ago Boo died. Yeah, that was kind of it was How close was that to her mother Dying? Yes. And did that mean that she never quite processed her mother because she was then focused on boo? Yes, totally. I don't know. I think that she I think she hasn't, like, allowed herself think about it too much. She literally said,

spk_1:   1:32:19
Well, I don't think

spk_0:   1:32:20
about it right to the priest, right? And now it's pouring out and she just like, can't hold back the walls it and it's very season one. But in those scenes in Season one, she's feeling those feelings about booze. Death, right? And so, yeah, so it doesn't necessarily seem like a bad thing. Or like she's regressing. I think she just needs to, like, feel them. But the only way out is through kind of thing. But we're also seeing the funeral in the context of Boo helping her through it and know, and which is probably why she doesn't like to revisit that. Yeah, even even more other than the fact that it's from public funeral, right? And then she also when it was when Boo died, she didn't have a boob to turn to. Um, and when boosters don't worry, we can sort this out, which I The way they added the way Gary Donor edited this and I don't know what scripted or if this was something that kind of added later. But these cuts of lines were about to see because they kind of have, in a way, bigger connotations when you just see them out of context. So with boosting look, we can sort this out. Makes it seem like they've had an argument. Or like I'm just bored out. We'll sort out whatever is going on. You know what they're actually starting out is that she looks amazing for her mother's funeral. So I love this example of her PW bees genius because she just inject you being so silly and absolutely unexpected into something that's basically like the saddest thing that can happen to anybody. And I love that study. In contrast, yes, and she said, Actually, Unterberg, you somewhere that, um, pwg said the motto in the writer's room was Go Greek or go home like drama, right Place somebody foam right? And Andrew Scott has talked about that of, like, the grand gestures of Ah ah, you know, a painting falling off the wall or even someone points. I mean, we'll bring it up when we get to that episode. But that, like the bank manager, is almost like a day of sex. Machina were like he just shows up exactly when she needs him, So that's kind of Greek to like, you know, you have to suspend disbelief that he suddenly is just there, right? Really, Right. I'm sure. Um, I also just that such a boo line about like we can sort this out like she's just such a supportive person, the another great edit of when she's washing her face, which, if we're being really let's just do it. Pulling for these metaphors, you know, makeups another kind of form of armor and, like you're putting on an impression of yourself so beyond. Then that cut toe wiping her face at the funeral and boo going, Stop doing that to your face. It's just perfect. Just take off some of your makeup. I'm not wearing any makeup. What thinks that Jenny Rains for Reed is so that might be my favorite line of her senses. That and this is an excellent one. But her react her astonishment, astonished. I love that is just perfect. And then I love the way they're kind of bigger again. Claire. What the hell you looking crap like that

spk_1:   1:35:13
Just off

spk_0:   1:35:14
the bat? She's like glowing when I love the negative, the negative delivery on compliments because it's not appropriate to be looking this good, right? And then I feel like when she goes. You look perfect. Like, Is that actually a backhanded compliment of like you're supposed to look crappy A funeral? So you look perfect for a funeral. But Claire likes to be perfect flair. Where oh, my God, Clear where would not like that I messed that up. Claire likes to be perfect. Yeah, began everybody everybody's Do you think I got a fucking face for my mother's funeral? So good. And I don't know if this was intentional about you. Have you been too many funerals? Is the priest would say, But there is a few. Well, there's that strange. There is a weird juxtaposition of because I think because all your emotions are heightened. So then things that are funny are really funny. And you're also seeing people you have just time that you care about that you care about and are in one place. I had such a weird experience that my mother's wait, cause the whole thing is also just surreal. Like when you like, describe the fax of it. You're just like that. That sounds like a horror movie. But then years just an Olsen like our next door neighbor, like our neighbor from my hometown that I hadn't seen in like 30 years shows up. And Hillary was like

spk_1:   1:36:31
Mrs Hyde,

spk_0:   1:36:32
like I'm like, Yeah, you're so happy I'm like and she's looking at me like, Oh, no. And I was like, Oh, yeah, you're here because of this, but yeah, yeah, There's also just dark humor. I think in funerals and there were so many moments, Remember, like later I was just, like, what? The hose Like a river. This is again, like dark humor. But look at the graveside. The priest does this whole big blessing, you know, bigots, this big kind of ceremonial thing. And then he's gonna put holy water on the casket, and it's literally like a travel bottle you buy a target with, like across a gold cross, just like made onto it or whatever. And it's like

spk_1:   1:37:11
like it was like squirts. It's like kind of like the

spk_0:   1:37:15
behind the curtain. Yeah, you know me time. There's like two guys in jumpsuits smoking cigarettes by a tree, waiting for the Kyoto like coming over. Depress the button that, uh, you know, it's just like the weirdest saddles are weird, bizarre thing, because again the like, they're like I got a three o'clock. I gotta be it here. Yeah, I know this is, like, the worst day of your life, but like I got this is my job. Yeah, I got another gig. Yeah. So I remember telling my husband was like, Did you was that plastic bottles like, Yeah, he's like, No. Then he's like, you actually pulled out super soakers like this. Daughters. Super hole is just again. You're, like laughing about something that is the opposite of funny. But I think it's like when you were saying, like when you watch a movie on an airplane like scenes air sad Have you noticed your crime or be on a plane

spk_1:   1:38:03
thing about the air pressure? Well, I think it's

spk_0:   1:38:05
because there's, like, this heightened tension that, like, you know, there's a possibility you could, like, plummet to your death. So, like everything, it's a private viewing experience. Everybody else like I don't know, everything's heightened. And like all the sun, I'm watching like bad Mom's Christmas. I

spk_1:   1:38:21
just wanted to have a nice Christmas guy

spk_0:   1:38:26
next to you is like, Do you want your peanuts? She's here. Uh, okay. Anyway, funerals are just really weird So it was. What we do want to point out is that Jeremy Yes, is actually the director. Harry Bradley. Bread, beer with a mustache. Yeah, and we have to assume that the mustache is what you noticed he was credited on. I am. Do you? I don't want you in credited. And I'm Devi and his role was credited as full Bush man, which this

spk_1:   1:39:00
is a sexual

spk_0:   1:39:00
show. So I was like, What the fuck did I not notice in this episode? Is that was going to be a little Bush man, but I guess it's mustache. Maybe it's like the Australian bush. It's even funnier that he has a name. His name is Jonah.

spk_1:   1:39:17
They caught him. They could just

spk_0:   1:39:19
credit his general. There's clearly an insight, but I also feel like he was the creepiest one.

spk_1:   1:39:24
Oh, I don't know.

spk_0:   1:39:25
I thought he was I thought it was funny. It looks good on your good on you. He knew Clary clearly agrees. Yeah, I The reason I recognized him watching it again was after the Emmys. Because when he gave his speech, I know what he looks like. Yeah, and he was so sweet. That means Oh, my God. Brett Gilman posted the nicest tribute to him this week, and it was on Instagram. It wasn't a story was one of the actual post. So you can find it Just saying, like because I didn't never got a chance to properly congratulate and like, this man just made all of us better actors. And it was really, really sweet alleys making a note of it, I will post it on our references. She which I probably should have come up with the name for before we started recording. It will be great. Okay, now we're going to go away. Do you want more? How fleabag. Oh, a couple things. You actually okay? One that you notices. I didn't understand, but fleabag his clear where it hurts because she starts talking about how good her hair looks by accident. That point she does. It's just falling in a really chic way, just like it's so she and she's not actually messing it up like she really could mess it up if you wanted, but maybe just keeps falling in this. Would she, um but then also, how fleabag has got mother's number on how she's warming up to her dad, and she knows what's going on. She also gets a genuine compliment from her about court, which I feel like it's justcause Godmother hasn't has only just begun her conquest. That's true relationship. She's still tryingto butter mall up. Exactly. All right, so now we have her talking to boo, and then they're gonna go outside for a smoke and running to Harry

spk_1:   1:41:10
Stephanie trying to fuck my dad. Well, she ain't mine. Dawood. You want to say gay? Oh, Incoming. Hi, Harry. I I okay. You you need anything? I don't think so. I just had a logical support. Your chances. Okay. Sorry I left Detroit. Omei. Sorry. It's okay. Just a few hours with you. Actually, you the person, so No, it just doesn't feel real. I'm just gonna be so so much. You have you cried yet? Yes, but in secret. Wow, You look, Have you had your eyebrows done?

spk_0:   1:42:12
Once again? A hat tip to my friend Emma, who called him Harry the man who takes on his girlfriend's emotions. Honestly, though, there is a little bit of that thing to at it. When you're the person who's lost somebody or you're the persons grieving where you suddenly feel obligated to comfort everybody else. Yes, because they're grieving, too. And you're the person. They're like coming up Thio. And yeah, and you've also had a little bit of more time to process stuff because there is a weird thing where you're like, Why are you not just sobbing to this and everything? It's like because I've been doing that for 36 like, I need a break. But you also you are aware that you are causing somebody else awkwardness Blake, because they don't know what to say to you or they don't like Godmother says, right, they don't. It makes people uncomfortable to be around someone in perpetual pain. But yeah, so this idea, too, that she's having to comfort him. But then he's calling out that she has not necessarily been feeling her feelings, and I guess do we assume they're living together at this point? When I started it, I haven't seen you cry. Yeah, so she's hidden that from him like she obviously hasn't gone to him for any kind of support, right? Well, I

spk_1:   1:43:13
feel like

spk_0:   1:43:14
she likes hit him because he has so many emotions that she doesn't have to. He just takes him all for Yeah, kind of. Yeah. I also love when, when Booth. Well, she ain't made a wood because it's so unexpected again. It's so unexpected, but perfect and like, lovely. And it makes her laugh. Yeah, and it, you know, that's just that's, like, kind of a sweet thing you want him to do. And it makes because booze, the only person who's treating fleabag the way she just normally would treat her, which is really all you want in a situation like that is to make it feel like things are normal, right? Like you're not just the grieving. Yeah, or I'm coming up with the thing to say to you. And then even when they're outside smoking, they're not talking. They're just comfortably smoking in silence. Yes. And then you had a good note about her phrasing of incoming. Yeah, they always eso with her. So I think somebody says it flew back. Says it to Claire when Godmother goes up to Dad. But then also, when Harry comes fleabag, um, boo goes incoming like I like how they warn each other like someone's entering our world. Right, that we like some, and it is like an invasion outsider. Yeah, Yeah, Exactly. Yeah, Exactly. Okay, So now we are going back in and we'll hear the godmother giving her ways. Be giving her advice.

spk_1:   1:44:33
Hi, girls. How you doing? All right. You know the harp. It's gonna come in a few weeks. When it all comes down, people don't forget. And the cards and flowers stopped turning up. You have people just disappear because it spooks him to be around someone perpetually. Okay, Right on. Your lovely boyfriends might have built Well, I just wish I will always be there for you. Always. Always. Thank you. Always. Always. I'm gonna check in with salsa drills. See? Okay.

spk_0:   1:45:23
So one thing I want won't notice. Maybe you can edit it to the last thing. But, Harry, just Harry knows how beautiful she looks. Anything? Because she got her eyebrows done, which is something no straight man has ever in the history of the planet. Because I don't think they you would get that specific set. All Yeah, I just enjoyed that a lot. I just thought that was like a teeny little cute, stupid thing, right? Another another Harry. Snow areas Harry is special. So this scene, I think we're getting the You said she's not a full godmother yet. No, it's not a full con. She may be double Death country. Thank you. She's starting. But I think there is a little bit of this ramping up. She's wrapping up, and she is. You know, the advice she's giving is like, Look how insightful I am. I know the thing nobody else does about Green, even though everything she's saying is absolutely true. True. But you

spk_1:   1:46:23
don't need to hear

spk_0:   1:46:23
that right Then Maybe it's And there's also the thing you see of the person who is supportive in a way to make a show of how supportive there. But it's not actually about you. It's about them. And it's about I'm gonna bring you soup. Well, I actually don't really know. I made it. I'm gonna bring it. I'm gonna come over and we're gonna have a conversation. Well, actually, we really were just kind of hanging out. No, I'm you know, I did this for you. I did this for you. I'm coming. And then it will be like, you know, they didn't even thank you. Just like why didn't ask for any? She's like playing the part a little bit. I think we find out later she There's some genuine feelings there. But yes, this is about her being there for them. It's not about what they need, right, and it's I mean, that's That's the godmother thing the whole time. It's about her, of course, but it's also like so godmother, like telegraphing. Yeah,

spk_1:   1:47:18
well, she's like, I'm

spk_0:   1:47:19
gonna go for the like she has to go for that thing under the surface that, like, well, really slick that no one needs to actually, right. Discuss right now, which is sort of what that does it. Some people, too, But, you know, it's just like she's so supportive that she doesn't know that Martin is Claire's husband and her boyfriend. Well or not, but in the story in her head, it was better that their boyfriends could leave that your lovely boyfriends might not know how to cope. Yeah, yeah. All right. Now we are back at the house after the funeral.

spk_1:   1:47:49
Hey, I don't know how you waiting. Do something. I take, uh, tell me about I found it a very difficult, you know. And I I love her, but that's all that really matters to do. I don't think it is. Her instincts were she just knew hurt a bit fun. It'll be okay. She just knew. I'm just guessing you fund. I know I didn't like that. Good. I loved her, but I didn't like that. She was for a long time, I today I was jealous over. That was a lovely thing to say. Really. Oh, sorry. I'll leave you two. She's a bit annoying. Let's go in for Major, sister. I don't think she wants to see me. She loves you. She just didn't get the fun. Gene. I don't know what I know. Buck up. Smile, John. If we go, we'll be okay. Well, for you. You look lovely, by the way. Q

spk_0:   1:50:34
Yeah. What a beautiful performance by Bill Patterson in that scene. No, really, Waas. It's so you know, people make fun of the dad for being so stammering and awkward. And he here he so he's pretty articulate. Yeah, for the most part in late, Yeah. Earnest and authentic And what he's saying And house for the record, when she wouldn't close. Like, how are you eating No problem e i e I guess everybody's got their own way to grieve. And remember one of my mom's friends who had lost her sister when she was younger, It was like she literally about to me. She does just remember to eat. I also was eight weeks pregnant at the time, like high. But she goes, uh, just remember to eat. And I was like, Uh, yeah, check we're good, especially because people keep sending you food. And this one woman kept bringing us these almond croissants from the Oh, my God, It's like all we ate on. Then one night they were like, I'm gonna bring you some spaghetti. And so we're like, Oh, it'll be like a Tupperware, a normal casserole of spaghetti or Tupperware. Whatever she got like a fucking catering tray from some place. It was like, like, really fancy. It was like a four by two sheet pan of lasagna, and she's like, You can freeze it. It's fine, you know? And of course it was gone in, like, three days. Oh, yeah. Uh, right there. What

spk_1:   1:51:55
else do

spk_0:   1:51:55
you t o your town? Oh, this keep shoveling it. But anyway, I think We learned so much about her mom in the scene and about her dad, and I think about their relationship that she can talk to her dad and I had to talk to her and maybe a way he doesn't with Claire. It's kind of the sense I get. Yes, and like I said, we haven't really seen her grieve her mom now up until now. So that transition to from laughing into crying is so spot on. No plea back. And so life. I like that he makes another foot related excuse about why he left. Hadn't noticed that I had neither a bit tight. Yeah, a bit tight, and I because I thought he meant like the crowd of people get away, which I think you did. But he's referring to like my shoes are tight so I could come up to take a lot. And then later he needs like an excuse because you can't just go up to take a breather. Exactly. I also like this character point that what he didn't like about they're her mom is that she was so instinctively kind and social, and that fleabag is kind of similarly maybe naturally fun maybe not always kind to a certain extent, Um, and that I think a lot of their tension maybe in present day stems from the idea that fleabag reminds him a lot of her mom. Oh, yeah, Yes, totally. I also this that spoke volumes to me as one of the main things of the show is, you know, she just knew how to be fun, how to be kind. She just knew. And that totally correlates. I want someone to tell me what to wear in the morning, what we're about to get to and the therapist in season one saying no to this season to just kidding, saying You already know what you're going to dio like. It's so it's all about having to be adult an adult and knowing how to be a person and making decisions and what kind of person you want to be in. Once you know the kind of person you want to be, what decisions you make to get yourself to be, you know, like it's just it's that such a theme of, like how to know what to dio, right? And yeah, maybe some of two. As you get older, it's like knowing what you want to do and being comfortable with the consequences of that, because in a way, it's like you can do whatever you want. But there might be different consequences of you know you're you might not have a good relationship with your family, but you're willing to trade that because you want this on anything or or you get to a point to go out. My priorities were wrong, and I want the opposite because like, you know what you want to do. It's just you want people to approve of what you're exactly the factor that he says he was jealous of her at the funeral. It's like Was that cause, like, the praise and attention she was getting? And could this be something that drew him to God, Mother, cause she may be felt some of that envy of this woman. Also, that's interesting, I thought more of is actually how how he and fleabag or similar, because she she I mean the first line of this scene is I just don't know what to do or like I don't know what one point she says yes, so it's not that she breaks down she says. So it's the heart is a scene right? That says, I just don't know what to Dio and that's just such a theme. And so I think he's just He was jealous that his wife did. She did. She knew. Yeah, and she might have also had doubts, too, that they just never knew about you. And you're gonna, like, idolize, you know, idealize the woman at the funeral. This pause after Olivia Coleman says, I'll leave you two and it's just beaming like she couldn't be smiling there. My God, let me inject myself here. Yeah. Do you want me? Did you need me? I'm helping. There's also a little of the mirror moment. I wish I could remember who coined that of dialogue of because we've just seen fleabag say about priests like he's actually, he's annoying, actually. And now Priest terming her dad say, like she's been annoying. And that's satisfying because you're like, yeah, flea belt like backs up flea bags, right? Opinion? Yeah. Also, its objective that gun is doing. And so you're kind of like, Oh, she what? There was a moment where she wasn't where she felt connected to her dad. Yeah, and she didn't think that God mother was gonna happen. He wasn't just a nice moment. It that didn't last. After he tells her that Claire didn't get the fun Gene and it sort of assumed that she did. Fleabag did get it, and that's what brings her to cry. It's because it's she's recognizing and realizing She's the only one in the family with the fun Gene Mmm, she's alone. She's like, kind of like the black sheep now, right? And that's she's alone. And that's really hard. Yeah, And then when another instance to you Like he said, if I don't know what to do with his kind of echoes of Tell me what to do and you know her father's advice is kind of optimistic, but it's also pretty repressive, you know, I think there's a charm to it of like, we'll be okay. Just merge. A part will be OK, which is actually version of It'll pass through. This will make it through this, but the buck up charm on on the surface could be a little like Let's pretend it's fine. Yeah, I hate that. That seemed I mean to me that seemed very British, quintessential British. It's like keep calm and carry on like that's basically, you know, and e I feel like he was telling her what she shouldn't do, like just

spk_1:   1:57:09
cause that's what

spk_0:   1:57:09
he would do. And maybe a lot of other people like I also may be an example of where her mother would have maybe told her something a little more productive. Um, because you can buck up temporarily for something like a funeral just to get through it. But like, it can't be. You have to feel there's like a cycle. There's a trauma cycle, and you need to like an emotional cycle, and if you buck up, then you're stuck. That's kind of what she does after Buddha exact. That's all what Season one is. It's hard trying to buck up and cheer up and carry on charm. And Carrie, she's still stuck as you can. Trauma. Yeah, obviously we can't see it here, but the transition from her it's that shot from the back of her sitting on the bed, and then now we cut to her in that same position in the church. You guys, we have made it so much. That shirt were here two hours later.

spk_1:   1:57:56
I don't know what to do with it. With what love I have. I didn't know about it, could it? I'll take it. Okay. No, I'm serious. It sounds lovely. I'll have it. You have to give it to me. It's gotta go somewhere.

spk_0:   1:58:34
All right. So in a onesie now where she kneels but healing But in a toe, half you this way to actually pray. And this is another super short scene that has such impact on the rest of the whole season. Because we're getting now this understanding that the love she had had for her mom and because she doesn't believe maybe in a spirituality or an afterlife, she assumes that whatever her mother was just vanished And what you have to do things here row. So where do I put this love and that she gave it to boo, You know, whether you know, symbolically or whatever, but she you kind of channelled all of that into Boo. And now we know she also does not have blue anymore. So she's had this double loss now and now she has still has all that love and where she gonna put it? right. I think we have an idea. And now there's this new person who's ready. Yeah, the idea now that she is in a church like do we really think she's starting to think about whether this is really or not or with him? No, the spirituality, like do we believe she genuinely was just going there to pray that I there is? I have no idea why she's at the church. I like. She could just great home. True, I think she has tried everything and she hasn't tried praying in a church. And I think that yeah, like I

spk_1:   1:59:58
think she

spk_0:   1:59:58
went there. She doesn't she didn't want to see him in my I feel like because when she does see him, she's like, not into it force and had said like she thought she was there after he'd gone to bed, right, honestly. So I feel like she really went there. Just seeking some form of solace and peace, like his prayer is just meditation do. It's just thinking and being mindful and reflecting, and so I feel like I think she knew she needs. I think she's reached a point where she's like I need to maybe just sit and deal in these things. And maybe God, maybe there's a God and he can write for. Look, you said it is some comfort. It's like I've tried everything else that might try this. Yeah, I do think subconsciously she thought she would see. I mean, she's gonna kind of be drawn there. You're gonna do, you know? You know what you want to know, right? Oh, that's a good thing. But this flashback to boo to is just I think maybe now maybe she's thinking about what the priest said about the funeral Energy says that life is changed, not ended and that she is thinking maybe there is a place to put this love for her mom, which is imagining that there, you know, in her mind, maybe there isn't after life. And she could still have She could still quote unquote talk to her mom. Yeah. Yeah, you know, it may be she's kind of figuring out that maybe faith is could be a place she could put all this love. Yeah, whether not in the form of just him. Right? Right. Yet, like, as actual Yeah. Another thing related to looking for you. know, saying like she could give her love to God or to faith if she's thinking about that, but that obviously the priest is a person she may be starting to feel in love with and that it's clear he's a person she could give that love to, even though he's obviously unavailable in this way, right? Like does he deserve? Yeah. And that maybe their argument drove him away, even as a friend. And yeah, so maybe she is just feeling lot like Did I lose it again, right? Yeah. Damn, yeah, I do think. And when she meals, when she decides to pray like then she hears the music gets distracted. So here he ruins her piece like I hadn't even she may have gotten some solace from praying. She, like, truly may have. I actually think she probably would have, and she came to the church to do like,

spk_1:   2:2:17
I think she

spk_0:   2:2:17
just sort of made It was like, I guess I will go here, Mary. I didn't think it through, but then he disrupts that I had no music and his demons, because the only reason the music is playing is because he's drunk. But because of her. Yeah, well, let's hear that. Here we go.

spk_1:   2:3:02
Only a dream. Make it worse. Oh, fuck. Jesus. Why you wake? It's 9 45 0 my God. I thought you were just in my head. I mean, you were in my head, but you okay, Father? Fuck you going, father? Like it doesn't turn you just to say it. Do a drink. Okay. You know, still in prison. Yeah. You want winning boot? Yeah. Fucking love winning. I can't read a Winnie the Pooh. Quote that crate. Fuck! Bigger going on here. Sorry, but I mean, what way are you looking for me? I was on the verge of having a little prayer, actually. No, no, remember, don't. Don't you do us my thing. What were you praying about it? Please say we're praying for me. I could do with the extra pair of hands. Have fun. Reach God help me. Thank you. You know, there was a man who wanted to be a saint so badly he castrated himself just to stop himself. Work Here's to peace. I'm those again in the lane.

spk_0:   2:5:16
Where do we even know I'm so pumped for this? I guess the very beginning. It's full of sandy music. Yeah. Okay. Well, first of all, our listeners in the UK may not have recognized that song at the beginning, because in the UK, it was Jenny from the block. Um, I have no idea what this song is, and I think it's just Ah, didn't

spk_1:   2:5:36

spk_0:   2:5:36
look it up? And it wasn't anything. I It's not a popular. It's not like a hit. Something Nicki Minaj or some major. It might have just been a generic and Amazon original artists. Yeah. Uh, I don't know why they switched it out. I don't know. I know you won't pay for me. Yeah, I mean, again, the game is on when I know. Good question. Good question. But the So there was that G Q thing. When Andrew's got one with a man of the Year thing where they did a video, I guess G Q. Does a series of these where they have an actor watch a scene that they're in and talk through. And so he just got talked through this scene and mentioned that with Jenny from the block. He said that Phoebe wanted something not cool but popular. I think maybe not cool like it's not some indie cool, you know? Yeah, it's a very mainstream well, and it's like Jenny from the block. It's like, Yeah, it's like, silly. Yeah, and I think it's even more and yeah, that, um and that the idea Tuesday it was a surprising thing he wasn't. Listen, your church music, you listen to something very secular and very normal. Yes, quote unquote. So here it's just kind of to me, the generic rap lyrics also kind of Look at me. I'm not a I'm not a normal priest. I'm a cool look exactly like you. Who are you? Um, yeah, I did love when he's like you

spk_1:   2:6:54
were in

spk_0:   2:6:55
my head then. Now you're in my like he's just so fucking drunk. Oh, he's messed And he's He's clearly been thinking about her all day. It's probably been It's like hell. It's been torturing him, you know, you just have one. Some of those Oh my God, Right? And so he just comes right out and tell her yet like he's been thinking about her anymore. Exactly. I just had a thought as we're watching it, because the first time when he just kind of goes fuck like that. Did he think Pam was coming? Tell him. Tear down, tyrant. Just on tire in the evenings. I don't know the layout of the church and where the little apartments are compared to his vestry, But yeah, I wondered if he first asked. Foot second thought he was in trouble with Pam. Well, that

spk_1:   2:7:35
was a risk. You

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took a pretty loud Yeah, and then realized it was sweet. I just like, Oh, my God, that's even worse. Yes, in some ways. So now the which is where you okay, father. And she's kind of saying this a little. Yeah. Fuck you calling me father like it doesn't turn you on just to say it. I, uh, literally was stunned the first time he said, like I watch this and then she is, too. Because that eve, it's just such a different tone from him. Then we've seen a different vibe, and I think in a way, it's almost like the meanest he's been in the show. It's a little It's pretty cutting. I Yeah, I

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didn't think I didn't see it is

spk_0:   2:8:14
mean, but I saw him is wanting to call her on her shit. Yeah, Like like, kind of just you like you don't want to let me in. But I know you. I fucking know you. I know who you are and how you are. I know why you're calling me father. Like I think he just wanted to tear down the facade and he's drunk off his ass, and he was just tired of ignoring all the shit and see, I I think him being drunk obviously is a big factor. I still think it's a little out of left field, like in, um and I think she was even continuing the charade of, like, still angry at him for the whole. Like, I'm just trying to help you comment. So I think she was kind of playing it of leg room. Look, if you're gonna, that's hold this card that you like. You're just this priest and you're out of reach. And this is your deal. I'm gonna treat you fine. Yes, I I have forget where I wrote it on here, but like, I feel like I've had experience with, I wonder if you've had this. I feel like at a certain point, my life less so now I'm middle aged. But at a certain point there's like a flirtation you get from like nerdy married guys who, because it's no risk. So they feel like they could be a little flirtatious, because it's like, Well, nothing could happen, that I'm married, But they're also because they were kind of nerdy. They were used to getting rejected. Or now there's no fear of rejection. Married, so doesn't matter. But that can get manipulative. Or it can become where it's like You

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don't get

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to have both. You don't get to have, like, the benefit of having a flirtation or girlfriend without the responsibility of it. Yeah, yeah, I feel a little bit of that with him here or that. That's kind of what she's calling him on a little bit of like, You don't get to play this like, No, I'm just a priest and I might not. What are you suggesting right yet, like all innocent? Yeah, and and so I think she's kind of seeing it is like, Well, I'm not just gonna be here like, you know, you've played my guinea pig long enough. You can't just sit here and enjoy the fun of my company. Yeah, and pull me down this road and then act like I'm crazy because I'm feelings. I don't know Right now I see that I'm on projecting a lot, but I So I think that's when she's just like, Well, if this is gonna be our relationship, I'm gonna call your father and then he just likes swing out of left field with this Yes, and like really. And I think her face is a little bit of, like, shocked that he says it and then acknowledgment that he is partially right. Little thrill. There's a little bit of like, Oh, okay. And then even a little relief, like, OK, the gloves are off. And that's just like when I saw that I was like gloves and yeah, that my other thought on that is like, sometimes especially when you're drunk. Yeah, there is a little thrill to just being vulnerable and really honest, right? And you can do that when you're really Do you have the excuse? Like I'm bugging wisdom, but like not that I do that, ever. But But like,

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it's kind of

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fun sometimes to just be like, Oh, my God, fuck Like taboos and watching what you say. Like I can we just address this? Can I just call out what is happening? It's coming to a head Z. They can't. I can't just pretend anymore. Oh, she and she also her reaction. She, like, broadens her shoulders. She she kind of take stand. Yeah, she stares them down a little bit like, dude, you were the one who said We're not gonna have sex. Kind of like, literally, just like Okay, bring it. There's a lot there. And I kind of maybe this was one of my viewings where I was like, he's an asshole. But I think he is actually Hank, because we know, like we said, he's been in hell all day struggling with this and probably thinking himself like, What have I done wrong? Then you also have that thing of like, Well, no there they asked all in, like, Can you come up with all the things that you hate about them exactly, Even though it's because you're trying to convince yourself you don't like them. And I think it's partly that he's angry at the situation that he can't that's keeping him from being with her. And so he's taking it out on her by lashing out at her that she's just pursuing him. Is this, like sexual novelty? And it's also a little bit of each of their insecurities. Her insecurity is that she's being judged, and his insecurity is that he's just being objectified and not being taken seriously as a person. So there those two things were kind of coming out. Mm, I did back to sort of him, like the question of his head. Manipulative bullet block. There was a tweet I saw, Um, bye at Audrey Horned that said, I

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understand. The mindset of the priest is bad. The whole point of fleabag is damaged. People trying to live If you're looking for morals, this showing it right and I was like, Yep, they're damaged. Yeah, they're just I mean, also, everyone is, but, like, they're just they're trying. They're trying their best. Yeah, And there have I mean, we might talk about this more with the Neil scene because there have been some takes on this of in general. That is, he is he actually just not a great guy. And he is being manipulative. He's being selfish. I've never had that interpretation. I can see the reasons people would go there, and I think you mean I think the show is intentionally like Tease, Is that a little? And but I think it's more that these air to equal people who are having just a kind of a different perspective and point of view on each other. And there's a little bit of power dynamic between the two of them. But it's not. One person is taking advantage of the true Yeah, and I think they're both afraid that that's gonna happen. And that's why they're putting up these walls. He thinks she's gonna take take advantage of him like sexually collection, this bucket list, right? Sexual bucket list. Yeah, and she's afraid that he's gonna take advantage of her by knowing things about her, which she will bring out in the confession. So then he goes to It's that that line is that he delivered the fact that he's smiling the entire time, delivers its confident about it like yeah, like he's kind of laughing at it. But he's also say, and it's kind of that contrast again of like I'm saying something very mean, but I'm staying with a smile. Even though he's like that, you don't think it's mean? It's just very sharp, sharp. That's a great, great word. Yeah, so, uh, see a scratch of offering her a drink and her hesitation when she's like, Okay, Like, I don't think you need that right now. That's probably not a great idea for either of us. Well, she's like, not engaging. Is it all? She's barely. Look, she didn't ask for that. Like, I just feel like she barely says anything while should there in the vestry. I think she's totally unsure what to do. Doesn't know how she feels about him right now, because she

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did. She had doubts

spk_0:   2:14:58
in the cafe. She's like, actually is going annoying and like she spent the day, we're living a terrible memory. She's repressed. Yeah, because of him. So I think I kind of got the feeling like she's like, OK, you direct this interaction. I'll just I will be here leg go right. And to your point where she had come there, kind of like I'm kind of coming to your side here like I'm trying to learn from you, and now you're going to throw this like it is it for not like you're just gonna like you've changed now all of a sudden, right? Which he now you're not just my priest, like, Oh, right. But then he kind of throws that in her, too. And she's like, it was about time for parties, like, Oh, no, no, no, no. Yeah. Don't Don't You know we have our roles here and don't suddenly think you're gonna, like, come over to my side, right? I don't know. I kind of went back on the meaning of that of, like, why he's yeah, like, not happy that she has kind of listen to what he told her. Yes, I Yeah, I I

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was sort of

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deceit is like him being flirted and also maybe try and convince himself. Third, they're different. They don't rub the connection like, but now she is doing something that he would do. So it's like, Fuck, Well, who are you? Which kind of will lead to the be the culmination that the episode, you know, he's e I think you're right. I say this later with the confessional. He they kind of keep trying to put barriers between them to prevent themselves from doing what they actually want to dio. Exactly. I also think that we need to take a 2nd 4 piglets. Oh, okay. It So I had to give Allie this really terrible confession and everyone just stopped listening. I don't know. We need to poo that well. And

spk_1:   2:16:42
you have a

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kid. We've just started reading it, and I didn't read it as a kid very much about watching the movies and TV shows. What's the significance?

spk_1:   2:16:51
I honestly, I

spk_0:   2:16:53
think piglets just adorable. Okay, I also piglets like the worry worked, and he always tries to be brave and, like, get over his fears and poo in the 10 Tigger, and they all help him. Okay, Like a supportive group environment. But like, he just he's always he's, like, stutters, and he's like, he's

spk_1:   2:17:11
just a cute

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it up. Okay, so I just like the heart, sweetheart. Yeah, like he's he And he's the one that's always nervous, and so it kind of gets you. Okay, you worry for him. So that's why he would be like a guy. And also did you notice? Like when a priest like grabs his heart and he really just grabbed his amazing peck It's just like it's nice Jek defying Alley. I did say I was just telling somebody today I feel like we make a conscious effort to refer to him as the priest, not hot priest, because his character name is the priest. Yes, so Jennifer is a tiny percentage? Yes, also of this podcast. You know, he's attractive, and sometimes you can comment on that. Look, he says interest rates that the the point of this show is that you have to believe that flea bag thought he was hot. Not necessarily at the viewer that yes, because he said you two separately. D'oh! Right. So, uh, when you mentioned him, like holding his heart because he does that also, before they go into the Quaker Hall, He kind of like And this is This is an Andrew Scott move. He does this a lot. And just like in the Hamlet, there's a lot of that. And, um, it's just something like it just kind of makes his character is interesting. And it's something you notice when you watch Andrew Scott movies all summer long. Did you, uh, did you do that? I've heard anyone from friends. Another line that I wanted to talk about his. Besides all of them when he goes, Don't move because some people said he's being very bossy is being very domineering to her. And I kind of saw it as like if he still thinks she's like a hallucination, he's like, Don't move, You're in my head. You might disappear. Yeah, like just Yeah, I

spk_1:   2:19:01
think he

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was just like, I know we're on shaky ground here. I have some shit to say and do will stay just yet. Give me a sec, just like, say, give me a second chance. That's kind of how I and because even then when he goes like, Why are you here? And then he kind of acknowledges that cause the that question is usually implies. Like, you don't belong here, right? Like, what are you doing here? It she doesn't. Yeah, and we, um And then when she says she's gonna have a prayer And he said, I hope you're praying for me. Parties like

spk_1:   2:19:29
why you're making

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this all about you. I will.

spk_1:   2:19:32
But it's because

spk_0:   2:19:33
he's just such a mess. Yeah, he's just so drunk off. Yeah, and is really genuinely lost. So you're saying you know, prayer from tortured and his head. And then when he's like, you know, my hands don't have the right to use it with extra pair of hands, I don't seem to have the reach. So we're talking about the this liquor bottle of, like partly like, Why is it hidden way up there? Because he does. He know he has a problem, so he's kind of keeping stuff hidden. Um, and in that same G Q thing, Andrew Scott said that they made a point to not diagnosed him as an alcoholic that they said they don't want to portray a relationship with alcohol. And somebody on the group pointed out like he's also an adult child of alcoholics, parents and that obviously that has played a role in his life. Um, but that I can see why they didn't want to diagnose, because I feel like if you then say that, that becomes a plot point and it becomes something obvious that they're not addressing. Like if he's like I'm an alcoholic and she's like, Well, let's not really talk about that, right? Like cool. Let's drink just right. So I think on TV it's more that they both have kind of a numbing mechanism in his alcohol. Maybe more than hers. It has been Yes. Uh, yeah. And then the fact that you like you said he was God help me, the bottle comes down. He's getting all these signs that God is there. Yes. And I thought that was kind of fun, too. But I do like when he just like, thank you. You would say to somebody who held the door for you, right? Like, think. Yeah. Thanks, bud. Yeah. Which I think that moment also adds power to the painting falling again Because even though we've seen a painting fall previously, there is a kind of almost that rule of threes. But it's also another reminder that in his head, President God is present like he helped me out here. And so when I see this happen, I have to take it seriously. But you know that like he helps him out in these small ways, love really does that right. But also it's like showing like the first painting dropping is like showing her that God exists. Then the alcohol thing, those air like, kind of smaller things. But then the real big one that will get to Yeah, And it's also physically huge. The pew and loud. Yeah, uh and then he mentions this man, the priest who cut off his Penis tried because you wanted to be a saint so badly. So again, he has just been in hell and you can't think of anything else. And partly It's almost like if he were flee back to be like, Just don't say it. Oh, my God, you're right. I said it. I mean, he is just really making it clear to her that he is feeling tortured and that his feelings or sexual and I also thought it tied in nicely with the scene. I guess it's in the next episode with Martin. When it was because I just carry a dick in my hand is why wouldn't put it past you to chop a dick, even though that's not quite the effect she's having on out on the priest. But I thought that was interesting when he, like, immediately launches into the guy who castrated himself because he's assuming that she knows All I can think about is how to not have sex with you, right? And he just keep. He just tells her, Yeah, he just kind of He's just explicitly telling her He just comes out and says it. And I think also, in a way, he's like deflecting because he's like, It's not just me. This is just men. There's other man. This'll is tough to decide exactly. Like Brooke. There's history. There's examples. Yeah, yeah, I'm not alone here. Right when they saw the toast about. Here's to Peace, I think. And I'm curious to see the script on this one. It comes out but that she starts to clink glasses because she thinks that's the toast. Here's to peace like we've made up. And but then he continues with and those who get in the way of it, meaning her and boobs or booze or combo all of the above. And I mean, he's just really making this obvious now. And I think you know she And then she even sips her drink and he looked chugs his. I mean, she's picking up all these diseases. Goal it. Yeah, it's like a pelican whiskey. Yeah, that she I love how kind of thrown she is by all of this, because she's usually the one kind of in charge of a situation like that, quippy and interesting. She's just she's standing there like yes or being at all. Yeah, it's almost think Let me just get Let him yes, out. Let him do it. Let's see where this just takes it seriously. And then all these silences Ranger Scott described as these erotically charged silence is, uh I feel like someone on YouTube had just a clip of just him saying that, Um but I think this is where the editing really gives us the intimacy of these moments. Where were you feeling? Every beat of the awkwardness, but also the tension. And what is he thinking, What she thinks? I mean, he's really letting her know. Yeah, and we don't really know what she's thinking. Yeah, And I think the intimacy of these moments are what make the last scene, shall we say, effective because you felt all the tension with Oh, my God. Yeah. So when you were there, it all breaks loose. It's like, Oh, boy, here we go. Absolutely One other thing to spend with liquor bottle in the drinking That I thought was interesting. Andr. Scott said on that G Q. Thing was that part of the reason to they didn't want a diagnosis, um, was that he thinks what's great about Phoebe is writing because there's as much interesting in the characters of what you don't know about them. A cz wells what you do. Because these characters also don't know that much about each other. And the fact you don't even know their names like, Yeah, that's intriguing. To be learning all that along with what you're seeing. Yes, I love that. Oh, you know what I want to say? One more thing. Please teach me about piglets. No eye on it. So everybody is in shock. 11 thing about Piglet is when he goes, Are you a nostalgic person to me? I was. Do you like old films? Oh, right. Like that was a parallel with me with Belinda asking her that. Why would you go there? Yeah, anyway. And why? I also thought maybe heat because she'd been thinking about the past. He probably was also about what led him to the definitely cause. Those air those feelings that manually and And when we get to this next scene where he's pulling out the robes like he's been digging back of, like, Why did I to become a priest? What is it that drew me to this like remind myself of the good thing which will ultimately lead Episode 5 to 1. He's even, like starts to sound like when I was a child, like he's been talking about what got me. He had the path and you know, either what was I thinking or remind myself there was a reason I got here, right? Right. The other thing, I just want to say about people. It is I was like, you know, already in love with the priest At this point, it's like the first listen, our 1st 1st listen, first watch, and, um, I just I thought I was like, This is exciting. There's tension in the air, what's going to happen in the scene? And then he brings up Winnie the Pooh and I was like, Where is this going? And then he just goes, Hey, glitch and like, you know, does the peck pull And I was like, Are you trying to make me die of happiness and love? Because I was already all in and then

spk_1:   2:26:43
you had to bring piglets into it. Like another example of how your lovely, sensitive man like fuck

spk_0:   2:26:49
you. Yeah. I just thought I was just like, Oh, my God, Really? Are you really gonna? Oh, you're gonna mention piglets. Okay. Okay. Well, and the fact that she cut a yes, And like, she basically reciprocates piglets like I'm at it. It's almost like when you're having a fight with a boyfriend or husband or something. And then and then like you're talking about, you're like, Oh, I need to send in this tech this, uh, this tweet because it's really fun. And he'd really like. You do need to share this. Yeah, because you're like, I know he would like this and songs. So I'm gonna sit this too. So it's almost like, No, I'll give you this moment because it is by England. Yes. All right. Now we move into more this whole episode, too. When you think about it, there's really, like, what, like four main seen pieces, like there's individual seas, but like again, it's so concise. Yes. So now we're going to continue this conversation.

spk_1:   2:27:51
I'm sorry about today. Forget it. Look at this. Yes, that's the 1st 1 I ever got. I told the way to Rome. So it's a nerd. Two years before I was even allowed to wear. But I just ways I couldn't wait. I knew I wanted a boat. This car, but proper plumbing, plumbing. Sometimes I worry I'm only in it for the outfits. So beautiful, isn't it? Your stuff is lovely, too. What were you praying about? You only got three questions to you. Okay? Coming. I don't know what to do. You.

spk_0:   2:29:12
Well, that's a little sexual. I know what to do with you. Yeah, honestly, we're all fine with pretty overtones. All right, so it's back up to the beginning. Why is she apologizing? My question. You I know. We talked about this and you were like,

spk_1:   2:29:27
she Asian apologize. Use e. I mean, Okay, that's true. But I did. I felt

spk_0:   2:29:39
like she she took him way off guard and broke their connection when they were in the cafe, and he didn't know why. And she did not tell him. Right? And so I understand. Look, she obviously has her reasons for doing that, and it's fine how she acted based on you know what we know about her Yes, but I did. She did. Literally tell him. I don't want you to get to know me. True, which is not what she has been telling him this whole time. So I did. I was, like, Okay. Acknowledge that it got weird. Yeah. And it was because of you sort of changed the vibe. Yeah, I can see that. I kind of feel like he should have also, I agree, because I I thought it was maybe this is my female perspective. I felt there was a little bit of the like, Okay, there's no awkward moment. So I'll just take the hit. I'll just say I'm sure college it, Er and yeah, at this point, they needed to kind of like there was a little bit of an elephant in the room. One of many, frankly, yeah, and yeah, the But I did think he I mean, I guess that was kind of his, like, Forget it. Even though it's like, that just implies, like, you wrong you were wrong. And I'm forgiving, as Don Henley said in Hamilton. Yeah, I kind of I don't know. I I went back and forth on this scene again, watching it through a friend of the different lenses. Um, I feel like he should have taken a little bit of like, Yeah, I was also kind of maybe pushing it, too, because he did. He did push it too far. I agree. I agree. An apology from him in a vault would have been nice. Nice. However he is. Do you love that? He's just, like, forget it. Forget it. Don't know. So I was like, But just don't even worry. It's fine. Yeah, Let's just move on. That is nice. It'll pass. Yeah, but also just example, like he takes her as she is, right, Which is kind of like boo, or it's like what you would say something totally inappropriate or insulting to flea bag. But it was like, where did you know we love each other? We're gonna move on. I think. What? I love the juxtaposition of the two scenes of this one, and then the confession that's gonna follow where one character is doing all the talking while the other listen. Oh, yeah, because even in the cafe, they neither was listening. They were just kind of bouncing back and forth, making conversation, having and now they're actually talking to each other. Yes, and you know, he's rambling on about kind of making sense of his life choices, and she's pouring out her like fears and doubts. And I think that both of them have reached a crossroads because of the other person. Yeah. Oh, yeah. And so I know that you're the other person has led them down this road. And so it makes sense that this is where they would also connect physically. Yeah, because they, like you, said, they've reached this breaking point. Yeah. Once they get into the confessional, Well, yeah, and I think we'll we'll get to that The symbolism there, but showing her the robes like I know that he was trying so hard to remind himself why he's a priest and and that he loves it like I went to Rome of such a nerd. I got this before I could even wear. It was so excited. Yeah, like he genuinely did want to be, like, wants to be a priest, right? And wanted to be a priest, right? I also think it's interesting that this sort of shows he just like he has a bit of an obsessive slash addictive personality. Like there are so many robes on that rack. And he just bought a new one for the wedding hunter. If he bought it, I took it that he just picked it out from the available. Oh, you don't think I was like a store? No. I thought it was just something at the church where they just so that was my type. I don't do the breeze. Maybe they will. Priest, you know, on every priest, priest and beyond, but didn't get a sense that they don't sell clothes. A bed bath. Beyond that, there's something doing. There's something that, um but I do, you know you like all target altar altar. Oh, that's terrible, boob. There's there's gonna be a good one. Yeah. Send us your ideas, guys. Um, we'll make it at about it. There you go anyway. So but I do He, like, talks about how we how we got the plum 12 years before you could even wear and he went to Rome, and it's like it's all a little bit over the top. And I sort of started like he's in bribing himself from the start to stop, to start believing this is the right life. For me, this is the best. It's not inherently about mall in like you. Yeah, it's like not bad. Sometimes you need a little kick in the pants to go do something, but it just it does show that it, like it's been a struggle for him to take on this life. And so he likes the little extra, you know, fun, little flounces. One. I remember seeing an interview with Ray Holman where he said that Who's the costume to the costume designer That that the priests out like his clothes are there not like ornate or, you know, anything like super fashion forward. But they're not, like like frumpy, either. Like, it looks good. He looks good, like they fit him well and they're good material and like and, you know, and even talk like he obviously likes toe look nice. Yes, because he talked about it like it's gonna look so good when it's tailored. Clearly exercise like what guy even is aware of, like nipping in the elbows of us. You know, something like that nipped in, you know that you nicked in Oh, maybe probably nipped. That makes much more sense, but we had when he goes. You know, sometimes I worry moment for the outfits, which would love a joke. Yeah, and I love how he goes. So beautiful, isn't it? And he's looking right at her. Oh, my God, that's like a challenged Oh, he's like she knows you gonna come back at me for this or what? Like yeah, and he does such a great thing of like his face is completely confident. But then he's like fidgeting with his hands on the scarf. He does that again in the homily. Yep, and he's a little more nervous in his face, too. But he's like rubbing his thumb on the book on the Bible, and it's so endearing, it's endearing. It's just such a good little nervous tick that adds that extra depth to the character. Yeah, and I think also when when he says, like so beautiful, he like he's saying she's so beautiful. Yes, we know this, but he also it's the confidence is nice, like something shifted, and I think it's because he's he's in his comfort zone, all right, Like he's back. He's not by surprise. He's not surprised anymore. It's not about the alcohol he's calling his robes. Earlier in the day, they went over the robe thing like this is comfortable territory. So he feels maybe like more in control of the scene now. And they've broken the ice with her saying I'm apologizing that kind of and let some of the air out of the room of Army neo some pressure out of the room. The research says, Oh, talking about the fidgeting and but not matching his face because somebody had compiled, like writing advice from Phoebe Waller Bridge That was just being segments from interviews, you know, one of those that Yeah, I find it. But I guess they said one thing they would talk about it dry, right? Or, um, this was like something she tried is they said, Try toe, have a character dealing with three things at one time s. Oh, they said it could be of like, something they're thinking about, but they're they're talking about something different and then even add like the room is too warm or like they have a fear of something that's in the room or like, just it, that it adds just more depth, even if it doesn't come out in the dialogue. It makes him more of a real yes and yeah, that's cool. And I feel like that's what's going on here. Definitely, he's thinking about something different than what he's actually saying, but his body's kind of betraying in because he's like fidgeting. It's just a great yeah, that Emmy worthy performance academy. He's okay. He is totally gonna win the Golden Globe. People were debating there was an article on Gold Derby that he like, has to overcome. What's weird. The Golden Globes is they just lump everybody into supporting actor in a TV series drama. Okay, it's not broken out, and I guess like only three people have one for comedy in that category. So but this would be a sign, and I think they want to make up for the fact that he did not get in any good. And it's the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, which I feel like would favor a U. K actor more, and they also like to be the wild card. They like to do the thing that the Emmys didn't Yeah, well, that's what it's like all of a sudden, Outlander wins the best drummer some random show you've never you wouldn't think would win. You know, I'm sure Island is a great show. Yeah, people like her. I'm sure it's fantastic. And you prediction that he will Absolutely. With that. I'm putting it out there right now. Mostly I just want to hear a speech. Um, yeah. And then when he says, like, your stuff is lovely too, I feel like, Well, you say what you I had said that before. He seemed to be about showing her he was a regular person and that they were on the same level. And I think this goes back to what we're saying that they're both trying to create a separation between the two of them. So he's reinforcing like I wear church clothes. You wear regular clothes because we are two different. We're in two different worlds. That was my thought. I I agree with you. I also I thought I thought a little more simply I saw sort of saw. It is just him being a little bit silly and trying to engage her a little because and, like, warm things up and, like, sort of noticed. Okay, she may Well, yeah, warm things up sexually, but also, but also just there. The thaw between them is more is melting as we all were playful and yeah, yeah, so I think he's like, Oh, she's engaging. Okay, I'm gonna be all right. And when he asked, what were you praying about? I was like, Maybe that's personal and you know it ISS thank you know it is. Yeah. I mean, that's just straight curiosity. I do look like when When? When She says you don't like when he says you don't like answering questions to you and that she doesn't answer that question. She looks at us little on the nose. We were right on the mark. Um, he's making us. He's making her uncomfortable s o. Then he notices, Looks at us again, the way he looks at us, because that's when this happens. Right? That one? Yeah. Oh, my God. When he lingers, he literally just like I know it's so cold here. Yet it's this. It's so unnerve ing. Yeah, there's this couple eyes just kind of glance over and stay longer than they should, and then they glide back. Yeah, it's such a It's like a There's like a slyness tutor said that. Yeah, because now he knows it's happens, and it's less about, like, what are you doing? And now it's just like this. And I know this old chestnut. Yeah, you know. Yeah. And you're gonna look, Sharon, I'm gonna look, they're like, Well, you know, he's showing her, like you should tell me, cause I see, like I know. So you may as well just stuck in town, right? Yeah. You're not running. You're not getting anything by me at this point. Yeah, and, um, yeah, then. Nor does a rural. Yeah, it's spooky. So, yeah. Then when I know I may do with you with you. Yeah, and then now we're gonna get this leading into the confessional. But I think even though I think he's being a little overbearing, he's obviously drunk. Um, he can still sense that she's putting up these walls and, like, not even just against him But other people in her life. And he's witnessed the dinner. And, like he's seen the dynamic way. Also don't know what other interactions they've had. Yeah, if they if they had other cases. Yeah, yeah, I have to have Well, they plan their their day out. Yeah, exactly. Stay. I'll meet you at the vestry at the priest. At what?

spk_1:   2:41:21
That's a clue.

spk_0:   2:41:22
They tried to think of a funny clothing name. It's like, uh, banana Row public. There it is. We're done, by the way we have been talking for three hours. Okay, Only I think that that he recognizes she's putting up walls with other people, not just him. And I think that's why he is genuinely interested in what is on her mind. Yes, what's holding her back? And at this point, he's using the tools he has in his toolbox, which is his faith and his the sacraments of his religion. And, you know, again, people were like, Oh, he's just this is all just this manipulative foreplay to get her alone and and I agree Enter, Scott said. The the idea that she doesn't have agency here, that's the difference. She has complete agency at any time to say I'm out. Yes, he's already being called him like she Yeah, comfortable acting how she's that she's, you know, she's not physically threatening her anyway. There's no no, he doesn't have ah status relationship over her. You know, she's not his parishioner. They're both adults, frankly, and you have to bring that up for Catholicism. I mean, at any point, she could walk away from this. Yeah, I feel like I'm done She's there for because she wants to be there. She wants to be their their equals. There, there, there, there appears not. And they're they're dealing with the same struggle. Yeah. So I think at this point, he was trying to pursue this thing is like a friend or a confidante to get her to open up. And now it's kind of like, Well, I'm just gonna use what I know, which is this continual confessional. That's where you open up your heart, right? And I'm gonna take my alcohol with me, bring my drink with me. And I think it's ironic that the way he gets it open up is by putting a literal wall between, you know, But I remember like, you know, if you go to like a couples counselor, something they said, sometimes it is easier to like two people to look straight ahead and talk to somebody. Then they look at each other, and it's that intimacy again. And so I think here that's once she doesn't have him right in front of her. That's when she suddenly feels like she couldn't open up. Yeah, and let's hear how you guys look, Dewey.

spk_1:   2:43:36
You go in there. Are you in there? And you make me tell you all my secrets. So you can all 20 traffic control me? No, you tell me what's weighing on your heart and listen without judgment and in complete confidence. 30. Just listen, at the very least was shot me up for a minute. I'm not Catholic boys. That doesn't matter now. I catch My eye was on me. If you did, it would confirm we face. So let's try it. Go. All right. Okay. Now you say Bless me, Father, for I have said no, I say that. What? Very good. It's being entered, ese years. Months since my last confession. Then let's say that's OK, But tell me what's on your mind. Tell me you're a way better on because I want to know.

spk_0:   2:44:51
All right, balls get there before she gets into her confession. Because we're ramping up the anticipation guys. Exactly. We just want to leave dragons. That waiting makes it, huh? So much insight into her insecurity when she says, You make me tell me, tell you all my secrets so you can ultimately trapping control me, yeah. So is this Ben Hur dynamic with, like, previous boyfriends with other friends? Or is just us just distrust of the church like there's a lot going on, right? Yeah, yeah, and I mean, that's the fear of vulnerability that people have is that it's gonna make me weaker, Yes, and which birthday Brown's thing is always like. It is impossible to have courage without vulnerability, that if somebody is sailing through and having no problem, nobody looks and goes while they courageous. Like any time you admire somebody for their courage because they put themselves in a spot where they were at risk. Yeah, yes, And so here this she's just spelling out the fear of revealing who you are. Yes, I also think it's interesting that this is the first full sentence, she said this evening at the church, and I think it's like leaving the vestry resets their situation a little bit like I I'm a big believer and how changing your physical space can change your whole vibe like you literally just like movement and changing where you are and you can

spk_1:   2:46:08
also, you can kind

spk_0:   2:46:09
of see the transition where she starts to open up, because, like in the vestry that focuses on him, he's really doing all the talking. She's just standing there, like, doesn't really know what to do, not even moving that much. Then there's like a subtle transition when they're in front of the confessional and they're both talking and getting a little more comfortable back in their groove, the normal Bible and then once in the confessional, all eyes, like literally all eyes are on her. We cannot see him right so that it like shifts. The focus shifts. Yeah, and actually the fate. The space is kind of almost get physically smaller. That's true. Um, the I think also they have both relaxed. They've calmed down. I think he has started to sober up a little bit, so it's because I think he's still drinking. I think when we get to the next episode, it's very critical that he is not drunk like this. Completely sober. I think at this point he has started sober, pretty still, feeling more impulsive, probably normally would have But I also think maybe emotionally he's he's calmed down a little, definitely evening, the definitely. And when he goes, you tell me what's weighing on your heart. I listen without judgment, and this is kind of relationship she's been having with us to a point like even though when it does get a little dicey for her, she that's what she doesn't want to see if she was judged and so she wants kicks us out, uh, runs away. But this is what you're I mean, this is kind of what unconditional love is is. You tell me what's on your mind and I'm not going to judge you. I'm gonna completely accepted you. Yeah, and that's what she had with Boo. And that's right, it So she it's by opening up. That's the only way you will get that from somebody. Yes, which is the best thing in the world, right? I like when he goes. It'll shut me up for a minute because he knows he's just been like rambles McGee for 30 minutes on the hate like I like also that her idea of the punishment for sin is bursting into flames. Just have this like very pyrotechnic of punishment, which I guess is what hell is supposed to be true. And I liked your theory on when he goes well, to confirm my faith. Yeah. I mean, I just think that, like all the torture he's been feeling since he met her and especially today, would really, honestly be easier for him if she burst into flames and his faith was, like, absolutely confirmed. And then

spk_1:   2:48:25
she's out of the

spk_0:   2:48:26
picture. Have to struggle with a problem like this thing about faith is like, That's not how that works because you have to just believe the whole point. It's the whole thing is to not have anything happen. Have you seen Book of Mormon? Yes, I love when the justice that is dying Oh, yeah, He goes like, I can't believe you're like, Oh, God, I can't believe you're letting me die without having me show people that the books or the plates. Yeah, and we'll have to believe it just cause. And he's like, Oh, I guess that's what you were going. Yeah, it it's like like that's the whole thing. I wouldn't be faith if the crew literally called faith when she goes all right? Like it reminds me of his, like, Okay, too. Okay, I will go. And when they're gonna Yeah. All right. I'll do this. And it reminds me of his okay, when they're gonna have sex. Because I feel like we talked about that scene in detail. Yeah, there is a little bit of resignation to it of, like, I'm acquiescing to giving in to what's bound to happen. And I think here it's kind of like she knows this is something he wants because I think that is a little bit of when they have sex. Like he knows that something she wants. Obviously, there's benefit for him. But here I think she knows this is something, you know, that it's important to him. So she's willing to try it. And I think she's almost caught off guard that it works. Yeah, well,

spk_1:   2:49:45
part of me

spk_0:   2:49:46
was like, OK, well, you did go to the church to pray and reflect He do it right. Like here's a way to do it. It's hard to do the real person, though for sure. Which is why the division helps. Totally. Uh, also Yes. Speak okay. Yeah. Speaking of this division Oh, sure. Let's have some Catholic education for this Jewish from one of the worst Catholics. But you been? I've been in several Catholic weddings and the Catholic funeral. Oh, my God. Yeah, they were. The weddings were so long. What's a full mass? Yeah, Yeah, it is. Anyway, Beautiful. That parts. I I don't understand why there's a curtain in front of the part where the person spills their deepest secrets. Right? And then the priest is a priest. But it has, like, a thick mahogany like, Yeah, beautifully carved or whatever. Sure. Very sound. Like

spk_1:   2:50:47
he's not even the priest would

spk_0:   2:50:48
just say, like here, do these whatever. Six Hail Marys or something, right? You think it should be river? Yeah. Is that

spk_1:   2:50:54
what it's

spk_0:   2:50:54
like? It Maybe, you know what s so I'd literally been to confession one time, which is when I was in, like, religious education. And it was time for that sacrament. And I think I was looking at me and my brother like it was something dumb, and I don't remember honestly, and I don't know if they're all like this. Yeah, and if that was that, it was like creative license or they want to be like this is like the dressing room curtain. That's what I'm making, right? Wanted to link it back because otherwise, like him, opening a door doesn't have the same effect as in pulling back that hurt. Yes, it's true. And somebody who is a more current Catholic can, uh, no just heard soundproof fish. It does. I mean, granted, there's nobody else around. I don't know because it's a serious sometimes goes back to where there's, like, there's a line outside the PM Will you have to stand back like, six feet? I think it may be their normal You would not have. Yeah, somebody there it does it it struck me is on the whole time I was like, Yeah, it is a little strange, you know? Also, when he says, Tell me your sins, Why? Because it will make you feel better. And I want to know I liked. I mean, yeah, tell me two true thing Exactly. It will make you feel better. That's the whole point. But I'm also your friend and I want to know. Yeah, and I think he's joking there a little, too. Oh, I think it's a little tongue in cheek. Yeah, um, he's kind of playing on her, which he's driving about this, right? All right, here it goes.

spk_1:   2:52:28
I lied. Okay to you about about the miscarriage. I'm just covering for my sister. You actually had the miscarriage because her husband didn't know she was pregnant, and Okay, keep going. And I've stolen things. You had a lot of sex outside marriage and once or twice inside someone else's. And then there's been a spot of sort of me have been much masturbation, bit of violence and, of course, the endless fucking bus for me. And And come on on DDE I I come, okay. Frightened Waas forgetting things. People getting people on dhe. I'm ashamed off not knowing what I'm what you want. It's okay not to know what you want. I know what I want. I know exactly what I know. What's that? It's bad. It's okay. I want someone to tell me what? Aware in the morning. Okay. Well, I think there are people who can No, I want someone to tell me what to wear every morning. I want someone to tell me what to eat. What, like with hate with rage about listen to you. What band to like? What to buy tickets for what? A joke about what not to joke about. I want someone to tell me what to believe in. He's a vote for and he's a lot of and houses. Tell him I think I want someone to tell me House lived my life, father, because so far I think I've been getting it wrong. But I know that's why people people that you in their lives because you just tell about through it, you just tell them what to do and what they'll get out the end of it, even though I don't believe you push it, and I know that's scientifically nothing I do makes any difference in the end. Anyway, I'm still scared. Why,

spk_0:   2:55:26
all right, so we'll take a break here. The something that andr Scott brought up in that video is something I haven't thought of before, which is that they're two people in the scene. Even though we're only seeing her. His presence is really felt on, and it's good because she's actually reacting to him, even though we and she can't see him. Yeah, and it's kind of this like I said, it's ironic juxtaposition that by not seeing him, she's able to open up and let herself be seen yes, by him and by us. Yes. And I think in Andhra Scots that it also adds to the mystery of what is going through his head throughout this whole thing. Yes, and what he might do. What is he about to do her winds, after which he talks about lying about the miscarriage like she's just waiting for him to be mad or judge her and it never comes? Yeah, I like it. I feel I was so relieved when she finally told him If it were me, I would have been like, Oh, my God, can I fucking tell you? So you actually know what's going on with me? Like I had almost forgotten about it. Yeah, you're so distracted this point. Yeah, when she says, I lied, I was like, Oh, it couldn't be, could be about literally any bring. But I was It was just such a relief, and I think his reaction that that little exchange was so interesting cause he's like, silent and he's just letting her. So, like I interviewed people a lot for work, and it's just like a good listening tactic, whatever. But what wanted, like, sort of like interviewing one? No one is like leave silence after someone's talking or just in general, because people will want to fill it. And then that's when they give you the good shit when you get the good nuggets. Eso is little. It was kind of like him in that moment, like Go on, you know, explain yourself. But there it is. You can If I were him, you'd be like, So I'd be so disappointed. Be like Oh God, why the fuck would she make that up? Like That's crazy. Do I not know her bullet while you feel like all this stuff went through his head and then she's like,

spk_1:   2:57:19
No, I'm actually a really good person

spk_0:   2:57:21
and I was covering for my sister, and he's there kind of relief when he kind of liked lasts a little. Yeah, it's nice. Well, and I think there's that little chuckle to is kind of like I think partly he has a green light now to the dance things that he wants Thio, but that also his whole initial reason for reaching out to her was predicated on a lie on and that it's almost like it was their Maur to that, like, especially if he believes God's kind of helping him out. I don't know it just even the gods not helping him out at the end. Um got was like, this has gone too far because guys like that, we can flirt. We can do that. Yeah, I just think that, like, he sort of knew he was lying a little bit to that. Oh, the only reason I'm reaching out to her to help her. But, you know, he knows under, yes, that they were just attracted to you. And that was also that it doesn't really matter why it came down to There were two people who were attracted to each other. Exactly. I also also I I enjoy how she describes her personal relationship with our sold, I suppose. Yeah, yes, way.

spk_1:   2:58:25
So I thought

spk_0:   2:58:26
I thought of that at a spot of sodomy. Is just like hooking up with women, too, because it's just sort of me. I mean, I think it's sodomizing, but it's also used in a like anything that's not traditional terms. Yeah, I mean, maybe I'm wrong. Sodomy. Kentucky referred Oral sex, too. I think I think you might be right. Anything like non missionary or just not Vaginal? Yeah. Sex, Yeah. Normal. Normal. What's normal? Hetero na rowing. I had never caught her before when she was a bit of violence that she suddenly gestures toward him. I did not notice it anymore. She's referring to the fight at the restaurant. I had not noticed that, and I love. And when he's just kind of going and continue Well, yes. And then she kind of almost ends on a joke of like and, of course, the endless fucking last night, which was so Klatt good writing. But he was kind of like I know there's more. Oh, exactly. And like he said, he opens that up of like hand and then just days quiet. Exactly, and her performance here, I mean, she could have won a drama and I for the scene. It's fantastic. Everything you feel everything when she says she's once she starts to get kind of really some shift. I feel like she just she said all she could say, and she has to get to the real stuff now. Yeah, but when she talks about is frightened of forgetting that, you know, brought to mind burn a Brown who she actually in her book. In Rising Strong. She references John Green's book A Fault in Our Stars, which I have not read or seen the movie. But she says, he says the pleasure of remembering had been taken from me because there was no longer anyone to remember with. It's It felt like losing your co remember meant losing the memory itself, as if the things we done were less real and important than they have been hours before on like, damn, really good. I know it's almost like he's like a writer. No, but that, like that's so true, is she She doesn't want to forget Boo. Also, she, like, issue replacing boo with priest like so many questions, right? Well, like we said, by moving on and being happier, does that mean I'm for you're living your life like yeah, beyond that person? Yeah, And what I This is what annoys me. Yeah, I know. She's She says she's about to maybe tell him about Bill or something deep. Yeah, we don't know, but she says and I'm ashamed of not knowing what I and then this is when he breaks the interviewer code and he cuts her off, finishes her sentence for

spk_1:   3:0:53
yeah, come on, Who

spk_0:   3:0:55
does that? I never do. I always do that. But I'm not a priest. But when he says What you what you want, it's okay not to know what you want And

spk_1:   3:1:07
she could have been ableto she could have

spk_0:   3:1:09
been about to tell her him her deep, dark secret. But he's just so excited. She's telling him anything at all. Feel like he just jumps to finish her thought. And I think it's also because it's a person he wants others to feel supported on as a priest probably hears this concerned all the time, right? But maybe something he's thought of. Yes, yes, but what would he she have said? I know if you let her talk, shut it, you know, until we interview when she goes, I know where he goes. Noon. She was No, I know exactly what I want, And the tone in his waist was like, What's that on? I think we're all times, she says. Right now, right now, and I think he him included in us. We kind of assumed she means him, and especially when she follows it with its bad and you know, he's you know what he's like. That's okay. Like, I think he's kind of like, Oh, here it comes And I think like you said, Like he I'm ready for this. Yeah, okay, I'm priest, I'm in my role. I can take it. Yeah, but like you said, he once she kind of opens up. He's just he's done, He's gone. He's done for. He has no truth. Yeah, I like that. That's when she truly gets vulnerable, because I feel like he probably has a good response, right? Like cute up right to her, being like I want you right. But when she does something completely unexpected, he's surprised and taken aback enough guard and and that's the last straw right here. Just totally fall for her. And and it must be satisfying that she tells him this stuff. After all day, he's been beating himself up for asking too much and trying too hard to get her to tell him his first all things and then she comes out with it and like you just have to relief. And it's what he's wanted. Them. Yeah, it's almost like he's finally succeeded. But he also it's doubled, sort. It's like he has succeeded. Maybe at his job, but also he knows it's what she needed. Yeah, you know, And, um and in that moment, I think you're right. I think that's the moment he fault officially falls in the water. It's done. Um, and I think what she's saying is that she wants to, And I think we all feel this like she wants to avoid failure and avoid the risk of making the wrong choice. Um, and if someone else tells her what to do, then she won't have that bad result way out her. She could just be like this person told me to do it. Yes. Um, I have a lot to say about Oh, yeah. Go for it. I have a little speech. No, I just I felt a lot of things about her monologue. I got you with that one. I felt

spk_1:   3:3:39
a lot of

spk_0:   3:3:39
things. I'm close in age to her. I feel like maybe this is an age thing. I also think it is a universal thing. No, matter what the age, But I especially I'm just like feeling it lately, so resonated. But I when she says, like I want someone to tell me what to wear in the morning, I think it's It's definitely about. It's about her being terrified to make decisions because of the horrific consequences of some of her past decisions, for sure, But beyond that, I feel like it's just fucking adult ing. And I feel like that's why that monologue resonates with so many people because the weight of being a person in the world is exhausting. Yeah, I think it's also a symptom of depression and anxiety when you don't want to make any decisions, because you don't trust yourself and I think so, Brain A. Brown wrote. You know, when you fall when you fail, you lose trust in yourself, and then you can't make decisions because you don't trust that you're making the right decision. And I think that's also just like it's all very much. The life is a lot of pressure at the

spk_1:   3:4:42
core, but I

spk_0:   3:4:42
think she's saying what what's at the core of everybody, which is being a person is the hardest thing you have to D'oh! You have to be a person you like, literally have to function in this world. And you have to have passions and ideas and opinions. And they don't always come naturally, even though growing up you think they will. And you have to pay your bills and make your food and choose what fucking color grout to put in your fucking shower. Which is something that happened to me. I'd choose the grout on Di didn't fucking care what color the grant wasn't. That's an adult fucking thing you have to decide. Yeah, the moment I know it hit me is when my husband I turned each other and said, Really happy with our appliance purchases. See? Right. Me too. Hi. I like I don't I don't know. I think I felt like a failure for not caring about what color? Fucking grout I was close to choose, but I think that there are so many goddamn decisions all the time and logistically like, yeah, we have to draw the stuff. It's part of life. But there's a reason why rich people have assistance because it's better when someone helps you out and takes on the decision making load off yourself shoulders because decision fatigue, Israel and being anything but just a naked human walking around. It's such a whole exhausting thing, and I have a feeling that it's gonna feel like this forever. But especially at age 30 where I am right now, where have been like adult ing for a little while now it is it Is it, like winds you down like there's a there's a difference between I don't know, I just as I whatever having a navigate Life is fucking hard. And I feel like millennials are the butt of the joke, often because we admit that it's hard and past generations have been told Ling mug up. I left Baghdad like This is life. We're all doing it but can get through it and millennials are kind of complaining about it. But I think there's a reason, like I think it's maybe you don't have to accept the status quo in that way. And there's a reason we're all obsessed with our mental health and why we ask for more flexible work environments and schedules and all this stuff because I think we're just a lot weren't were noticing and recognizing that it's fucking hard to be a person, and the only thing you can do is find support and do whatever you can to make it like a little bit easier to function. That's I know that's a little,

spk_1:   3:6:46
I think, although it's a difference between

spk_0:   3:6:48
being a child. When you're a kid, someone tells you what to do and what you're thinking, what to eat and what to wear. And then you develop your own taste in your teens and you think you're really cool for, like, loving some band or whatever. But then once you're on your own, isn't as an adult. Life is exhausted, you don't care so much and there's too many traces to make. And I don't know, I felt I felt scene from from this bit. I also felt like you. He was hearing that and being like, ah fuck, she struggles with all the same things that I d'oh Her deepest wish is the same one that caused me to be a priest. Look, I really felt that, um, I did not say that the way I wanted to, but that's fine. No, I think it's great. There's so much in there that I everything you were saying like you didn't mean to make it about. So sorry if that was no no, this is only for me because it's not know because here's the thing. It's universal. And I think at every age you haven't securities and that ultimately everybody wants to feel like they have lived their life the right way. And I had pulled this quote from vice of this woman, Lauren O'Neill, who had written it. Flea bags, monologue, detailed a type of frustration that's quite difficult. The name because it's so pervasive in such a fundamental part of contemporary life. For lots of young people, it's hard to get to know who you are when the world around you is changing so rapidly and also on fire. Yeah, well, yeah, mutilating into something darker all the time with a speech offered, I think was words to put these feelings, which sometimes not me, and from the social media reaction to the to the show to that episode, other people to like Am I good person? Am I living my life right? How can I be better in a world that feels like it's becoming more disease by the day, and I think even calls back to her speech at the end of season one. When she goes, either everyone feels this way and nobody's talking about it or I'm completely fucking alone. And I think that is one of the benefits of social media as more people are talking about it and acknowledging and sharing that we're all suffering through certain battles. The flip side of that is everybody else's problems become your problems, too. And that's why I like after I had Archie like, I had to stop looking at Mommy bloggers cause I was like, I wasn't getting support. I was just like Well, now I know that this woman's husband is being an asshole and isn't doing enough for the what else wearing about? Yeah, I like this woman's left boob fell off that that could happen to me. I'm like, Oh, God, what? Whatever. So I was just like I think that's the problem is we're taking on everybody's stresses and and then the idea of you you could talk about cancel culture. But it's like the idea that if I make the wrong choice, I am done. Yet if I say the wrong thing. I am done. Yeah, I'm rejected. And the consequences are really the consequences on the Internet. So, uh, yes, it's almost like everybody is now in seventh grade all the time. And that the one mistake you make is the thing you get branded with through the rest of your life. As long as you're around those people, like dropping the Orangina Orangina all over the self over. Aly, Um, I think that there is something just, you know, I think it's every age I think it's every some of it is definitely that back turn when people talk about this to that we don't have our culture now doesn't have, like in a rite of passage and official rite of passage into adulthood, like like people used to have. And so now it's just like this kind of perpetual. Wait a minute. This is over. I felt like after college all of a sudden Oh,

spk_1:   3:10:28
I know

spk_0:   3:10:29
what I think. And so much of your life you're told. Like if you do this this and this, this result will happen. You will be the winner because you studied for the test, did all the things. Yeah. You practiced your free throws. So you're gonna be good at the game, like all these. You have this, like, if then yes, you know, cause and effect, and then you get into real life. You're like, Oh, actually, none of that happens. Like, you know, almost everything's out of everything. Nothing's black and white, and it's just all a crapshoot. Yeah, and I think that's where it gets back to when, uh, I can't verify was going to say this later, but gets back to Belinda speech about people are all we've got because we're all in the same boat and the thing that's gonna get us through the end And when she says scientifically, I don't believe in your bullshit, because nothing in the nothing. I do matters in the end. But that's not true. Yeah, because what matters is how you treat other people on the relationships you have with other people. And I think that's the benefit of going through a loss. Like I keep telling people like, you know, I realized, you know, nobody after my mom died, came in with a check with a checklist. They're like, All right. How much money did you make in her life. What was her highest ranking degree, Right? What was that? It was It was all family and friends and people saying, like she made, you know, was so thoughtful with gifts. Or she told me this hilarious story about whatever that's that is the scientific thing that matters at the It's like the Maya Angelou quote is that people won't remember what you had or what you did right, what you did or what you said. But they may remember how you made bail. You exact, right. So I think that's what's kind of coming to her now. And that's the idea that people are all we've got. Like, that's your impact. That's what you is. Your immortality. Yeah, yeah, that's your legacy. Yeah. So that it got real deep. Yeah, I know a lot of feeling. So, Lee, it's almost tomorrow. It actually is an 11 minutes. Yeah, in London. It is tomorrow. All right. What else did we miss? Anything here? Reliever. Oh, who to love and how to tell that I so feels like she's talking about him. Um, the fact that she calls him father twice after we've already she's He's kind of rebuked er for calling him. It's, like, very organic within. It feels more Jane. She's just saying it because that's that. The normal cadence, right? Yeah, it's interesting. And then I also wonder, like a sheet also reinforcing the separation of like, you're in this role now and yet because they are, I mean, yeah, but it doesn't feel as insulting as it did. Not before now. All right, so then we'll go to the end of this whole segment through the end of the episode. Great.

spk_1:   3:13:13
Just tell me, what do you just fucking tell me once, Thio? Neil, what new? I just knew.

spk_0:   3:16:05
Oh, boy, What I love is that you all even though you couldn't see it, you know exactly what was happening. Like you're getting that in your car. In traffic. You're also like, I need a minute before I can go into the office. Yeah, I feel like I've watched this scene like this Zapruder film like I watch it like frame by frame, I think What? The key things that happened eso when she goes years, tell me what to dio this like resignation of like just tell me what to do. I think. Yeah, you're like. You can tell me I'm vulnerable now. There you got what you want to tell me what to do exactly? Like, fix me? Yeah. Cool. Here. You got what you wanted. So now the famous infamous Neal Line. Yeah, there. Did you see the theory? Somebody was like, I think he's saying his name is Neil. Which Any idea? She says, Like, tell me what to do. Father. Father. And he goes, Neil, Neil, Just menial. Like No, I'm Neil. You I keep going back to when they were at his apartment because, yeah, that's ridiculous, because that would just make it like wacka wacka do e e o a working radio. Yeah, I did it again. I would call that on my Siri's of on a lesser show on a lesser show. That would be the joke. Yes, that he would open the curtain you like. What are you doing? I was just tell you my Dave's Neil walk? No, I think it's clearly he's saying, Neil, um, the I'm Okay. So there's clearly the sexual overtones, even though one thought is that he's telling, he's going to tell her to pray. You know what I say a prayer Because that's kind of the cliche about confession of like, Oh, say 10 Hail Marys. And you're good, right? That even when he goes just Neil, it could go a couple ways. It could be I'm not going to make you pray just Neil or just do what I say. Yeah, just fucking just fucking told me. You just said tell me what to d'oh. Now I'm telling you, do it. Yeah, and I think the lots of talk about, like this transgressive like sexual meaning. But I think what he's going for is like kneeling is just a form of submission to surrender. Surrender. That's the better word that you ultimately have a lack of control. And when you give in to that, that is when you kind of religion rated. Yeah, I like that. I honestly, like I still don't really I know exactly why he said Neil, I like, I just I like it. Yeah, I'm just not I was super. I'm never quite not really thought it was going. Yeah, well, I guess I I thought she was he was going to just sort of be like, take a breath. And, like, maybe just be Maybe just be. Maybe, maybe just kneeling. It just puts you in a submissive role so that you are sort of like, Okay, like more. Maybe a let go and let God thing right? Definitely a 100% right. But like, it's a physical represents why you feel the church. It's a physical representation of your humility. Yes, to a larger force of you. Like about Yeah, exactly. So I Yeah, I don't know what people would say that you know, if we're gonna go back to burn A, it's like that, that's actually a sign of strength that your willingness to make yourself vulnerable means you are now ready to take the harder path, which means you're taking the more courageous path. I like that, you know, and what will ultimately kind of lead you to happiness. But I mean, from a writing perspective and a, you know, dramatic perspective, it clearly sets up a sexual potential, you know? And the fact that we can't see him. Yeah, we don't know. Now we don't know what's going on, you know? And now, when he pulls the curtain back, I admit, I think this is intentional. I was a little scared. I was freaked out because he looked. He doesn't know. Smiles like menacing. He looks menacing. He's looking down on her. Um, there. The whole scene is just don't. Music is like the music kicks in very dramatically and their adult voices, by the way, now, yes, but even if it's just lit very dark, he looks start like and yeah, and he's not friendly like he does not sexy. If you actually noticed his mouth twitches a little bit, there's like a little half smile. I'm telling the Zapruder film I've watched full disclosure. I was like, Is he a bottle? It shoves Dick in her mouth. What is it about? It was very menacing. It was very confusing. Told her to Neil. He's coming in. We like I really had the scary moment where I was like you about to just like, Is this a maker of all what is happening here? Even those like it's so out of toad with the Siris. But but so him being menacing like that. So I and I think it's supposed to put us in her position of like, I've just done what I feared, which was like open myself up, and now am I going to pay the price for that? And there are some people who say he is taking advantage of her here, that he's gotten her now to be emotional and she's crying and has yeah, you know, open up all these wounds. And now he's like, here I come, ready to strike. Yes, that that was my reaction A little bit at first, Like when he kneels down. I mean, I love when he that's when it changes. It changes when he comes down to meet her. Yes, but all. But even then, at the first couple times I watched it, I was like, I

spk_1:   3:21:30
don't think she's turned up like I know what she just she into this She just

spk_0:   3:21:35
bared her soul and was more honest with you than she's been with anybody, impossibly, ever other than boo like maybe now's not the time. Like I thank

spk_1:   3:21:47
you think the vibe might not be live? Yeah, and

spk_0:   3:21:51
I don't know if and I've had discussion with you about this, like when he kneels down is his intention. Like we're about to just go at it because it's something he just like immediately jumps on her. No. And the fact that he kneels down is a is to me symbolic that he's telling. I'm on the same level. Yes, we're with you here, right? We're both people who are scared and we don't know what to make of this world. And we're in this together. Yes, but, you know, humble before a greater power. Yes. Um, and I think there's also a little bit when he pulls back the curtain. Even that, like little half smile of like, Oh, she actually did it Like I write like, a little recognition, a little recognition that and I don't think it's like a you know, our sub Tom thing like you did it. Somebody had to that I mean, there's definitely hinted that, but it's I think it's also like like I

spk_1:   3:22:41
didn't I'm a good Before he did,

spk_0:   3:22:43
he tried all day. He was tortured all day and seconded it. It was more like I broke through. Yes, I got through to her and I'm seeing her and what I'm seeing of her now I will love her even more. Yes, I also when he kneels to her and he I feel it doesn't hold her face, right? He like, can't believe it's her. I think that to him is not thought it all. That is just what his body is doing. Because he is, like, so overcome, right with wanting her and being affectionate to her and being in love with her. Like he's kind of just like you. Who are you? This magical creature like he doesn't want to. He hasn't even touched her, right. I would also like to kill the mood a little, an ab that when the angle from him looking down at her it doesn't look like her. It does not to me. I never see her. She looks like a combination between Jordan. Who? Dr Cox's wife on scrubs. Whoa. For digging deep and one over to post a picture of her. Yes, we will. And you will agree. And, um, a combo. Jordan and one Elle Woods. Like brunette. Best friend illegally. Okay, I don't know. 11. 57 PM This is very I haven't scared because you're gonna have to find pictures of both. It weird me out that she doesn't look like her in this life. I took She definitely I have like, face blindness, but they brought in a stunt double. It

spk_1:   3:24:16
just doesn't mean it's obviously

spk_0:   3:24:17
her, but I just think the lighting and the satellite e haven't seen. And so she kind of she just doesn't look the same. Well, I think she's also been crying. So, like her makeup has worn off its way could assume she it's late. Um, the other lighting is very different. She definitely does look different, but, um, and she's almost it sissy to me. I went a different route because I feel like her position and the lighting. There is a little bit of, like a Virgin Mary white pose and, like innocent, not even innocents but the religious religious painting pose. And because there's a lot of Virgin Mary where it's like holding a baby like looking up again on like like the P ty or whatever, like all that stuff. Yeah, trouble looks like a sculpture in that regard, and so I think when yeah, Then I, one of my friends had said she thought he was wiping her tears away, but he doesn't He doesn't actually touch your face until he, like, touches her chin Zapruder film. I'm telling you I have named thing by staying. I think he's kind of just like wants to be near her. He's just kind of admiring. Yeah, and like, admiring that she has made this breakthrough almost. I don't know, and it's tender. So because even the first kiss, I think, is almost no, it's not a sexual kiss. It all love. It's it or yeah, I don't know. It's almost like I don't say it like a religion That sounds weird and that, like, he's like like like a religious ritual.

spk_1:   3:25:41
He might

spk_0:   3:25:42
see God in her. That's I don't know. Um but yeah, I think. And then at that point, of course, it's like all bets are off. Even so, I I think I've debated this, too, and this is maybe me being naive. I'm not entirely convinced he was, like, ready to just have sex with her right away. No, I don't think I don't because yeah, and here's my Zapruder Take on it because when she does that, you know that we have the joke about Is this a trial of these A skirt and trousers, which is a very funny joke of castle or whatever, but anyway, he's like Sorry, but that it's not like here, let me get it. And, like, boom pants are down like he kind of just, like, pushes her hands back and, like, just keep kissing her. I was surprised. I was like, Girl, are you? What do you talking against? I think so. I know. I was surprised that we know it's been a while her through, um, And for him? Well, yeah, sure. Yeah, I didn't It wasn't immediately, like, let me just get at it right away. I mean, I think it was probably It was like a final leg and adoration bright. But I think also had been so long since it even like kissing. But I think he was just so happy to be in That kind of reminded me of is gonna sell like a stretch of Jordan from scratch. No,

spk_1:   3:26:56
it was gonna be

spk_0:   3:26:57
like, really No, no. And, um, it's a wonderful life. When he comes back at the end, everything's back to normal. And he just keeps kissing. Yeah, and she's trying to, like, get the kids. He just keeps, like, no matter what she's doing, he's just like reaching down. Because here and because he's just so happy to see her. And I don't know. I just got a little bit of That's a much more innocent vibe than their project. I think he has to have. It was just so excited to broke holding her. I know and and he's getting carried away. Obviously, Yeah, I also feel like there's a little bit of a power dynamic between, like, who's got who up against the out like? Well, like she's the one that kind of stands up first and right when they turn and like and um, yeah, it is. And I think it's intentional. I think it's kind of like who's who's leading this and to show that one of them is not necessarily dominating the other. Right? Right. They're both into this. Yeah, and they both just have no resolve left. Oh, yeah. Then, like all bets are off at this point, Yeah, so then obviously to get the painting falling. Ana, this is another case where I don't have any takes lead into this, but, um, it's so perfect. It's like because it's so heavy and big and like those two beats it like falls first and then it falls face down. So you just really get the significance of it. And I think the significance of what was about to happen but also the significance of this of what was about to happen. Yeah, but just this, like God is serious. This Yeah, Exactly like this isn't just Here's your whiskey, right? Yeah. And I think that her face is kind of that laugh at first is almost like, Oh, remember that funny thing before, You know, you laugh when you're surprised was like,

spk_1:   3:28:38
Whoa, Yeah,

spk_0:   3:28:39
and I think a little bit of like, but we don't believe that. So we're gonna keep going right again when he's just like, whoa as so beautifully acted from her because you see the thoughts in her head like you can watch her brain turn. She's literally just like we what? Oh, but now what? What? You know, like you. And then you see the realization wash over her face where she's like, Oh, no, he's done. This is not happening. Rightly and not even just this night, ever. Ever. Yeah, this whole thing now, like, yeah, yeah. And And I think because he they had established that he believed that God had been helping him out. Yeah, that night, like he takes it very, very seriously. Snaps him out of it. Oh, you can tell. He's definitely like, I think he's very sober all of a sudden. Well, and people have talked about his expression that like that he's like scowling at her in judgment and like she's this like Husi temptress, too, you know, tricked him and Thio seduced him and whatever. And that that that's so unfair. That asked the one who acted her that was never there, Not my interpretation of his face. I think it was. All the emotion is inward on him. Everything he's expressing toward her is what what he's feeling about yourself, e. I think he's like in shock, like, Oh, guilt and shame. Yeah, and like, what have I done and what it was I almost gonna do, like yeah, and how did it get this far? He's, I think he's let down in himself. I don't think there's any part of him that is blaming her. No. Oh, I absolutely agree. And now

spk_1:   3:30:13
he's the one that

spk_0:   3:30:14
yeah, he initiated, finishes the whole thing, and I think it's more that he's looking her like I can't believe you're here to make me be in this position. I think it to me. It seems like he was, like, woke up from a dream. Yeah, like he will he be like, shut, you know, just kind of right. Gets awake, right? And maybe also is upset. Like realized that that was something he liked her, that he does love her. And now God's kind of got in the way and explicitly, like, It's not just it's not So here's you know what I just like It's not internal conflict anymore. External God knocked that painting down to say he does not approve, right? Like it's not just him being like, but should I have a lot like No, they're outside. Yeah, something that he very deeply believes exactly, And even like the fact that you, like, covers his face is he's like walking through the trees. It's like, so ashamed. Yeah, another riel Inter Scott move. But he, uh and I think you know when she then looks at the camera and she looks really angry and hurt and right as the Curia comes back on. Good timing, you know? And I think I

spk_1:   3:31:27
think she has a

spk_0:   3:31:27
right to feel that way. I think she didn't even if he didn't intentionally manipulate her, I think she would be justified. But she's been led on, and now he's going back to God and that she's getting kind of jerked around a little. Yeah, and not through any fault of just what happened. It's just this is an almost like when she tells Clair later with the haircut, when she's like, it's

spk_1:   3:31:49
very painful

spk_0:   3:31:50
like it. Yeah, it's just a shitty situation she's in right now. Yeah, uh, or she now does believe God exists. And she's really pissed him. Yes, honestly. And needs to go have sex with hot massage anus right now. Oh, yeah, e know that I can't wait for that thing. That episode. I think you know what's evolved for her is I kinda was also comparing this to bus rodent. Um, Justin that her reaction to not getting sex like when it was a bus route. It was just strictly a transaction, and she was just upset. But here she's upset specific specifically because she's losing him. Yeah, and not not just I didn't get to have sex tonight. Yeah, totally. And him as a person, not as a priest. Yeah. And after this whole roller coaster day Oh, yeah. Yeah. And now. And she's also just, like, upset at this, like, major factor that keeps him specifically out of her reach and has made itself very well known. Yes. So? So, guys who? Oh, my God. Where are we? Well, it's 12 07 AM 12:07 a.m. Four hours, Ellie. All right away. Uh, I'm sure you all have thoughts on what we just talked about. Please, I know you all have watched this episode a CZ, much as we have and have been anticipating our conversation. God, we have the next to which even I know. All right, all of it. Um, so in the meantime, taking any more breaks as of now, But don't worry. Yeah, we're gonna At least you were gonna finish these next three next two episodes and then get some turning. Yeah, and then we're gonna kind of obviously with the holidays coming up, what we have the anti live screening in Atlanta is ah, a couple weeks. Yes, and then scriptures comes out. So we're going to kind of get through these episodes, figure out kind of bonus episodes. And don't worry, we'll keep you off that. Yeah, Yeah. We're going to continue doing things. Yes, but in

spk_1:   3:33:44
the meantime, find us

spk_0:   3:33:46
online. You can visit our website at fleabag podcast dot com and leave us a voicemail If Blake, um, Laura on instagram at fleabag situation podcast search for our Facebook group. Just search for the fleabag situation. You can check out the reference guides that I will make a swell or Spotify playlists. Also, it's just really fun. Jonathan Paul Green like, sent us a ton of new photos that we just did. So get the inside scoop kids. Um, you were on Twitter at fleabag podcast, which you'll know because John Clifford retweeted us and you can also emails. We love getting your email seriously, and we are gonna more actively either reply or also maybe, like, read some. Yes, in a future episode. So we're we're aware that people have been emailing us and we're a little back logged, but we are getting to them. Yes, sir. And you can email us at the fleabag situation at gmail dot com. All right, we're gonna go to bed. Yeah, And we will see you guys next week. We love you All get chatty with you

spk_1:   3:35:01
Told me. Um uh, Mac. Who's there? No, I'm talking valley. Oh, Apple knock. Who's there? Air up interrupting compere.