The Fleabag Situation: A Fleabag Fan Podcast

"Season 2, Episode 6"

November 21, 2019 Chrissie Moore and Allie Lemco Toren Season 1 Episode 15

The bus to Dollner Avenue is running late, and so are Chrissie and Allie as they talk into the wee hours of the night about the series finale (at least for the next 15 years or so).

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this episode of the fleabag situation is brought to you by friendly mousetraps. Are you hearing the pitter patter of little mouse feed in your attic? But you don't want to hurt the little chap said a few friendly mousetraps. But note it's very important to check them even on the day of your wedding to your daughter's country godmother. Actually, especially on the day of your wedding to your daughter's country godmother.

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Just don't

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get your cold feet trapped in the attic floor. Friendly mousetraps When

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you need a little more

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time to reminisce about your dead wife,

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we have a cup texted us. I will be there to cupcake Allie. I'm a little scared because it's we're on Episode six this season. Two. We

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got here and I think I'm gonna cry. Oh, no, I know I'm gonna cry. That's cute. That's cute. You think? Do you think, Uh oh, so hi, I'm Christy Moore. I'm Allie Lamb cooked for and we're gonna cry. We're probably gonna cry. We do have champagne. We were They were drinking out of glasses that say, for fox sake, yes, which is fantastic that alley found. And then there's also coffee and tea, and we're very high drilling, like, very hydrated everybody because we got a marathon ahead of us because our last episode about Episode five was three and 1/2 hours, and I just want to shout out to our listeners who don't bat an eye at that. And in fact, when they saw that are one about the play was only an hour 40. They were like, What gives? I I only get under two hours of podcasts of us talking in your broadcast, entertainment speaking banks. Speaking of the play, we made a big rubbers on the ends of pencils mistake because we told her how to talk about Martin because I feel like he's actually not a huge

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presence in the play.

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Yeah, as much as the show obviously means a lot of characters. Well, I like what you said on Facebook, where you were, like, I just try to keep my Martin thoughts to a minimum. Oh, yeah, my brain, like, blocks them out instinctually. So the thing with Martin is that in the play, he was Scottish. Yes, she does do some funny impressions of him. Like with his accent and the line about I'm gonna like when he his joke is saying, like when someone goes to the bathroom, woman goes to the bathroom, It's like I'll come in there and pull down your knickers and fuck you like when she doesn't the Scottish accent. It's very funny. I'm going to attempt it. Yes. Then, in when the show got picked up by BBC two, the pile and the Amazon picked up the rest of the series. They wanted American character, so she changed Martin to two American. Yeah, and hence Brett Gelman hidden at the park, right? Amazon was like, Oh, this guy's a drunk Do sh We know just the guy. Hey, Bret. Well, did you see him on Colbert saying like he literally they, like, sent him the script on Friday. There, Like your flights on Tuesday. And he had never been to London. Yeah, which is amazing. So but perfect side note. Welcome to the fleabag situation. To our podcast about fleabag probably back situation anyway, you all know. Yeah, they knew you clicked on it. Another thing with the play. I didn't realize until I was thinking about it some more because, Joe, we said it's a very major character in the play. He's actually not in season one at all of the show. It just occurred to me that he doesn't pop up until they introduced Chatty Wednesday. They don't show him coming into the cafe. It's just because no one comes in the capital. They mentioned the guy who likes, sits in, uses the plug and doesn't do anything. And then she floored a yoga yoga girls. And then there's a different guy that she flirts with him when she drops the cucumber. Yeah, the guy who she charges 12 50 sandwich and on Somebody in our Facebook group posted. They went to the Papa and Ella Eyre in London. London? Yeah, they were a couple of years in England. Yeah, they recreated um, Hillary's Cafe, and one of the signs said, like sandwiches 12 50 Awesome E. I guess the one they had done in L. A was actually kind of functioning like that would not function, but they had drinks and they had some snacks and head live guinea pigs, and this one was just little stuffed animals and no food. It was like, LF part because there was nothing like it was, but it looked really cute, Like the design was great. And it was just fun to see people being like, I'm just gonna pop into Hillary's cafe. I think it closed Sunday night, I think. Okay. So, um so if you missed it, you missed it. You know, one thing we're not gonna miss. We just talked about this on Facebook. So last Friday, they suddenly just announced these Q and A. We had a We had an interesting hour, right? Exactly. The kind of like Harry Briber and his wife is very interesting. Difficult. I guess they're doing one in London, and then Phoebe is doing a Q and A one night only in New York one night only in London. And they didn't announce the New York when it all until Christie's that Mia tweet at, like, 4 10 Well, yeah, because it was like Friday. They think they announce it like Friday at two or something, and it was gonna be in New York. It's in New York at the town hall on the 24th and so on. Yeah, for and they're like to get to go on sale four o'clock. It was like 4 15 And so I text I sent it to when I was like, uh, actually pissed, cause I'm from Philly, so I I was heading home the next day for Thanksgiving. Sounds like right. Oh, my God. I'm gonna be three hours away a day later, right? So then I kind of just panicked and got a ticket with no plans at all along with me. So I and then I was doing all the stuff. I was like, if it were any weekend before, but the week before Thanksgiving, because my dad's coming in Tuesday, I'm gonna have to cook and I have to prep. And then what if I get? Here's where my friend Anxiety jumps on my shoulder. Anybody you have to be like Bill Haydon be like,

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pal, yeah, I was like, What if there's a snowstorm and I'm stranded in New York and it can't get back for Thanksgiving? My dad's all mad like I just had this entire catastrophe in my head, and then it was like, or, you know, you could just buy a ticket, and if it snows, you'll figure it out. All of it. You can

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come to my

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family's things, get I don't. Exactly. And and I'll just face time in my family? No. So then we were kind of going back and forth. Yeah, And then I so me, me and my friend had gone in and she will. She's like, I can't get in the system. And I'm like, Well, I'm in. Do you want to take it like I can't go? But I'll get you a ticket and you can Venmo me. She's like that. Be amazing. So I do that and then I see that they're still seats available. And I was like, I got it. I'll just get it. Take it for somebody else in the not get one fears we should do like the stages of fleabag upset because there is, like denial were like, No, I just really enjoyed it. And then I was going to the bargaining phase of like, I'll just get a ticket and if I can't go, I'll just sell it. I'm probably I mean, I'm probably definitely not going to go, but I'll just have to take it. You never know. And then all of a sudden it was, like, accepted. Yes, I got it. I got it. Wasn't that hard a reach for me because I wanna be three hours away. But then when you message me and you're like, I got one, I was like, All right, let's do this. Huh? I Because I also knew I had to come home. And my husband, who has already had me go Hey, can I goto London? At least this wasn't London. You started with the bar. Started Harry on. I was like, This is just one night in New York, in the same country, in the same country. I'll be back the next morning. I'm not making a week of it or anything. And then he was funny because he goes, Yeah, of course. And then And then he did set the groundwork. Because he goes

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will be

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someday when I need a favor. That's true. Cashin in flights were decent. Night's

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not terrible. And there's some good fall deals on hotels. So it's and then what's really fun now is So we posted about it and we're gonna try toe, do a little meet up of people who were going, or if you just live in New York and want to come hang out, we're gonna figure out. How many people are up for it? Yeah, but check the Facebook. Check the face with a graduation Facebook because this is probably gonna go out by the like, the end of the week. You're probably hearing this, so But it will get account will post, and we'll just say we're going to be here. Meet us Exactly. It's gonna be a bar and we would love him. We know that way.

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Want to save people?

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And then we'll all go see Phoebe talk. Our best friend are B f f. So I guess it's like a conversation with but a New York Times writer and then I guess, a Q and A from the audience. This seems to be the structure. So we will be in New York. Yes, Super excited about that. Real pumped. In the meantime, let's talk about TV because that's why we're here. The crown is back with Queen Olivia Colman. She's so good. I haven't Have you seen my watch the first to last night? I

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still have

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offended. I think I'd like three more episodes of last season, okay, just kind of got off of it, and it's interesting all the start They acknowledge that like, Oh, we've switched and she's older and like they directly addressed that she's older. And but it is funny a couple moments where you're just like it sounds like Godmother on, especially in some of her lines, about like Princess Margaret. And she just sounds a little like 20. We'll know she's a fantastic actor, like I actually almost posted us. I'm like I'm starting to think she's an exceptionally talented actress and you are you starting and so is holding. Bottom card is lost. Well, of course, yeah. Uh, now we might just evolve this podcast into projects, but they do. And then we'll talk about that stock wth the other thing. His dark materials is continuing, and everybody was like Oh, Andrew Scott. Since season two, however, he is appearing in photographs. People are catching. We will take now. I have not caught up. I have a DVR DDE, but I guess they're showing his character like referring to his character. And there's like I've seen the first episode and see him in that one. I think the 2nd 1 there's a picture of him with like a giant beard and like holding an Osprey. Yeah. Which somebody on face? Women had a really good eye and caught and found the stock photo that Osprey. This photo shopped in from a week. That's it. Wow. Yeah, I think she said she happened to be looking at Getty images and then was like, Wait a minute. The time, Um, I definitely am not just sitting at home making means all the time. Who has time for that, then? But then there's another one of him, like in a soldier's uniform, which everybody was super into. So Eagle eyes all it's already happening. Other odds and ends I. So we talked about this theory that Alexa had about Ferris Bueller and Connections to Flea Bag. Yes, I rewatched Ferris Bueller and I posted some side by sides. Talk about time, you know? No, you know what we always There's always time to re watch Ferris Bueller and then to scour the Internet for screen grabs so that you could do a side by side comparison. It is amazing what you did with flea bag. So if you would like to see that falls on instagram at flea bag situation, population podcasts and it's on the highlights Yes. Here. What is interesting timing her theory that I mean, I just found a couple little glimpses The fact that he obviously breaks the fourth wall, which is, I think, my first memory of a character. Do you want me to? That's why I was so obsessed with first I was like what you could and then even putting up like the guide toe, like how to fake being sick and like, it just was that more meta thing. But he uses it much more. I feel like for exposition, whereas, like, fleabag uses, that kind of character explanation happen. Yeah. Yeah. And then, actually, Ferris doesn't do it. As much as I remembered, there were a couple just really like monologues. But it's not like throughout the whole thing. He's giving side eye. Yeah, it's like where she does that a lot. Yeah. He's more like setting the scene. Yes, or I have, like, a little soliloquy, and I'm gonna give it to you now, but it's fun, But I'm sure she looked at it. Yeah, I think you said you read somewhere that she watched a bunch of stuff that we broke the fourth wall. Yeah. Um in the nine times I'm pretty pretty close. So I had something. So Julie, our friend Julia, friend of show, you're a friend of the show e mailed us and she dug up this old I mean few years old pw in p w b interview at the premiere of Goodbye Christopher Robin, because apparently she's in it for, like, a short bed. Yeah, and she said they were watching it or something and they saw her. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, kinda went deep into the world and they interview Phoebe and they actually don't show us. It's like this YouTube all posted to the list of links on the Facebook page. But we don't hear what the question was, but her aunts are. I think the question was like, You know, what's why does Winnie the Pooh resonate with you? Something like that? And she says, Piglets. Of course I look back at it now and it gives me such a nostalgic feeling. It's like Boom! So she's had that inner concept ahead for a while because the priest literally says, Are you nostalgic person pig lit, right? Like those of them, that's the definition of nostalgia. Yes, I love it. And so she on later, she said she loves Winnie the Pooh because he and piglets are true friends drew stories of foreign ship and then she said because she said that movie. Then at the end, they show that the real toys air at the New York Public Library and she and her husband went and saw them there. So she was like, This is the whole full circle thing. We're like,

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Oh, we saw

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Yeah, yeah, No, I love it. But yeah, it's happened in the world of fleabag. Yes. So we are we offer not to mention when we go to New York, we are gonna do an episode about that trip about a show in the Q and A. Yes. And, um, about how we're not allowed within 50 feet of Phoebe. Well, originally for the international incident that will ensue then So we'll do it up. So about that we don't know exactly when. So obviously we're finishing the series tonight, but yeah, and where it is bittersweet. But we are going to continue the podcast. Yes, the other. Actually, the other big thing we're gonna post is the scriptures are starting to get delivered. The order UK copies. I was someone One of my friends got it on Friday was posting like over the weekend. I was like, I'm dying And so we got him today with and we had, actually. So here's our story about our books. In August, when they first announced it, Allie was like, I'm pre ordering from Waterstone's. Do you want me to get you a copy? And you can Venmo me back and then we can save on shipping and I like that. Okay, Coming from the UK Boom orders it. What great my brain. That both our brain's memory just evaporate. It was replaced by podcast. Then sometime in September, it's not that long. Not that long. Reiter. Maybe the end of September. I realized I was like, Oh, the book and was like Allie, I'm going to Waterstones and I'm gonna order books. You want me to get you a copy? Then we can split the shipping. Sure, no hesitation as I do. You don't like this feels really familiar. Purchase confirmation. And then I was like, Did

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we already do this?

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Here's the receipt. Did it through like, Well, we'll have gifts to get people. Then a week later, later we get an email from her message from a woman who works for Random House US. Help US. Publishers were releasing scriptures. We have heard about your podcast. We would love to send you advance copies if you're gonna talk about it. And so we were like, Of course we are. Here's our address. And so we're like, Awesome! That's great. Well, we'll have extra copies. Gin

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two weeks

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later, but the UK publisher reaches out to us through Twitter were from septum from sector books were releasing the Scriptures. We would love to such an advanced coffees. So we're like that. That would be love can be so much then. So we're like, Okay, we're gonna figure out what to do with all the books that this Q and A. Cubs up and we get the tickets. Every ticket comes with a free copy of the book. And then I saw online that you can get so Einstein's copy. And so I said, I'm like, this

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like, two weeks ago, and I'm sitting at my computer and I'm just like, okay, we only have, like, 16 copies each coming to us but not all of them are signed buyer. And so I had I mean, come on, you have another one. So I have another one coming. So, you know, I don't do like a giveaway. Maybe seriously. And God knows how many were they get for Christmas? No, no, that's the other thing. Yeah. So we each have our own scriptures. Libraries? Yes. And it's the good word. You can't have two minutes. We should go door to door. They have You heard the good word and they'll be like, No, I don't. I'm not interested in We don't solicit. Geez, no, Phoebe will already be, though you have no idea. Well, proselytize and another international incident will ensue. Terror to do. That's all that. Oh, and we are going to an episode about the Scriptures. Yes, but that probably will come post holiday. We might

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take a little break

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in December, like sleep. And I guess Prince spend time with friends and family. What? Never. Yes. So I will do that episode about New York, and I'm gonna take a little break. And we also want to basically like study. The scriptures were gonna be like monks. I saw my story and liver. We get in there like more, a little bit more religious Jews than me. And my husband was like No alleys, just like a rabbinic scholar like she's. She's like doing the commentary on the book on the film, so it's basically the same. They should release next a Torah addition where it's just a giant scroll. It's a giant scroll and it's in one library left. You read it. You read it right to laugh right to left. And and then you have to close the Tabernacle around. When you're done,

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you have to

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sign up to going to be able to read every week. They do it different. Yes, we could do a fleabag mitzvah. Thank you. That's so good. Yeah, we're on. Sorry. Stay to stay tuned. Every will get. Midst would all right. We better take a break before we really just evolved. And we will be right back to talk about episodes. Season two. Are you enjoying this podcast? If you think it's horrendous, Horrendous. Then thanks for checking us out. But if you're loving it thinks then we'd love if you could raid us on apple podcast. And if you really love us. Make like the priest and leave us a review too. We're back. That's our attempt at the hot We cried champagne. So we are. I feel like we've just been stalling on finishing. I keep every now and then all like, by the way we're back, Uh, every now and then all like over the past couple weeks, I'd be like,

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maybe we

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should wait. Maybe we should do it in January.

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Maybe we should

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push it into just. And I realized like I just didn't want to do it because I don't want it to be over, but we've got to do it because it's a great episode. So we're talking about Episode six of Season two, the last episode of Lee Batteries. Serious finale for now until it's 20. Tow 2035. Whenever when Phoebe decides to revisit fleabag at 50 which I should have got a fantastic Oh, my God. Absolutely. We'll get to the end. So let a start right at the beginning. We're coming off the energy of episode five. Shall we say, the sexual energy? Oh, yeah. I don't think I needed to clarify that. No, but you did so if you're binging it. And so the people a humble He'll mention this on the face of group of the people who watch that and then had to wait a week in Britain on We're just going nuts. So but coming off of that, we now start Episode six with the two of them waking up together.

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What do you think? I just come. I just completed that, I said,

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his beautiful neck in which she's like, I'm going in. No, What gets me about this first shot is how quiet it is. I mean, literally. It opens with quiet like it's just mean, literally. There's nothing happening here is just like room noise and especially if you're binging, all of them. And you're coming off that like crescendo of Episode five Mean Luke, The music swells. Yes, when I was your five, though it is great how it like it swells. And then it goes down to that, like, low, like one note, Yeah. Would you go into the credits like it kind of settles a little? It ah, it climaxes if you will. But now you come off the big crescendo of like, curia and like that big final scene, it's finally happened. And now you're just in this like, but it feels very at peace. Yes, that's what it's so bright and sunny and it's clean. It's just peace. Yeah, total peace. And

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also, I think

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she looks so beautiful like no makeup just in the sun, like he looks great, too, but like she e don't know, really striking him. But we see her friends. Yeah, she's focused and she looks so happy.

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Yeah, that's it. That's probably

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she's glowing. They're like they're both, like, glowing from sexual satisfaction. That's kind of glowing. Yes, way will not use the word Post coil. Oh God, I just did increases this callback toe like his neck. What's also funny when you if you could look past his neck and his back and all of them, they're the statue is on her dresser. It's just in the background. I

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didn't see

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that's It's a great little detail. So the thing to when she's like you know his neck and that's been this running joke. I feel like there's such affection in it, like it's just so gentle, like there's nothing lost, full or sexual about it to me and It's almost like I can't believe you're really It's dear. Yeah, like, are you actually here? Like, are you an apparition? Yeah. Agreed. And then his first little what? It's like sleepy. And yeah, you know, it's, like, intimate, familiar. And also, we've never seen her wake up with anybody. Like all of her previous sex scenes have either been like, I guess we know the arsehole guy in the beginning. Like, did stay tonight, but we don't know whether. My bet. Yeah, didn't wake up together. She woke up to him fully dressed at the daring staring ever and being very earnest. Aw, yes, Exactly. And even Claire, like when they snuggled together at the silent retreat, she woke up alone. Claire bailed on her. So it's just nice to see her kind of wake up with somebody, which is a growth for Yeah, And I was the fact that he still has to keep, like, prying things out of her. I know. Is that funny? She doesn't want to tell him, like, right away. Yeah, she still like days of their lips that same way that she has done. Yeah, and it's still like no girl. Oh, my God. Well, and even your kind of giggled these, like, go on. Like Like, which is exactly what he was doing at the confessional, like, you know, Go on. Go on. Um, I think he actually literally says, like, go on when he tells her to get in the confessional. Probably. Yeah. Yeah. Like us all to watch it again. Oh, no. What

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do you

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think about it? It's funny. I just said that the phrasing Because he goes, What do you think? He didn't say? What are you thinking? Because what do you think? I know I felt like it. Waas sort of just It's been what, weeks, Months of all this buildup of all this stuff, this total roller coaster honestly, nightmare. Like it's been a whole whole array of emotion. The journey, if you will in a journey and there. And they wake up in bed after the deed is done. And so he's conjures Lake. What do you fit like? Alright. Is it worth it? Well, I'm Was this It did. This is what you wanted? What's not like Yeah, well, I'm shockingly might be thinking too much about it. E I just thought the phrasing cause I would think of you like what do you think? Yeah, but he goes, What do you think? And I almost was like, Is he actually saying, Like, what do you think of my neck? Because he remember the thing when she makes when she messed up the fourth wall. Yes. The thing she said to him was his beautiful neck. Yeah, and so he knows that she knows that she was looking at his neck. So now that she's, like, touching, I almost was like, Is he like What? What do you think? Oh, I like that. There it is. Yeah, yeah. Um, or was it like, coming off of the hot misogynists? And nine times it wasn't like, What do you think? Had I dio did I best in my town? Yeah. Sorry. It was only two time, um, quality over quantity. Exactly. That's what it is, but yeah, then, like I like you said, it's almost like what do you think? Like what's next? Yeah, but it's like, what do we do now? Okay. And then this turn when he turns to face her and he, like, looks down and licks his lips, I I'm sorry and I'm just dead. But there's something about he. He turns to her on his stomach like I

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feel like the

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normal thing was like Go on your back Who? But it's even more intimate when he turns to her on his stomach and then just kind of like his face, just like appears on the pillow. Oh, he's He wants to stay cozy like it. And then it's very sweet. I also thought that it's a little bit of an inverse of Like we said when she was in the confessional, the way she opened up was for him to not be looking at her, like to let me put a wall between them. But now what get when she starts talking when he turns and faces her and she's actually looking at him and it's like we said, it's just cozy, Yeah, and so I just can't believe you did that, which were all which is what we're all thinking. Yeah, and I feel that a few there could be some layers here, too. Yes, again, probably. Are there layers in the shows that it might be some layers? To me, it feels primarily like this is my kind of after multiple viewings of it. Like I think is that first, it's just like she literally can't believe he actually agreed to do it. But then, to me, it also feels like she's not used to feeling worthy of someone's love And like, that's actually what This whole night, Woz was like him basically saying, Like he loves her enough to break this vow. Yeah, but he cares enough about her, right? And like I reset in Episode five, I never took that. He was like, All right, I'm gonna go in and do it like it was something that she wanted and he acquiesced. And I mean, he wanted to. He wanted it to, But it was also like, I care enough about her that it is worth it to me to do this. Yes. And also it was this whole freaking thing. I mean, it was it took forever the sexual tent. I mean, we we saw the sex, we felt the sexual tension with them, and we weren't even. We're not even then So the amount, like the level of sexual dungeon and the wondering and the racking their brains on what's right and what's not in, like, questioning everything we've ever done in their lives and all their choices and all the stuff. And now they did the damn thing. Yeah, and they're on the other side of it. And yes, it's It's like, Wait, What? We're actually seeing all I could think about for weeks and weeks and now, right happened? Yes. And I think this is the moment she knows she loves him. That's my take. And then because she doesn't say anything sarcastic. Don't say anything. Nothing smug like I got you like you did it. Did we wrestle like right? Yeah, exactly. I thought you couldn't be physical with me or whatever. Right? Um, she never looks at us. We're not even a hint of looking at us. She is 100% in the moment with him and which is huge for her. Yeah, so I think that to me was her moment of, like, knowing this was differently. That Yeah, and then his like what? Any kind of whispers I will say this I have a thing about in movies and couples wake up in bed. They did not start kissing, which happens a lot in movies and I'm like your breath is terrible. I know you've been You've been asleep all night. And so I got to say, when he goes No, I don't like Oh, I don't know what that was Great. Honestly, I'm just being honest. It's movie magic, OK? Chrissy, he probably did happen. Did he Woke up five minutes before she did quickly rinse his mouth out and then got back and told him Mrs Mazel. Really? Yeah, there. I don't know. So he says I like he goes, I know like you can't believe it either. Yeah. Yeah, And there were So we're going to start talking about the theory with a capital T. Because that was one thing that came up that was from Joanna, who sent it to us but posted it on Reddit and then kind of started going around that he can't one person is that he kind of grimaces. Well, so shall we say what? The theory. And so the theory is that the priest actually was waiting for her to say that she loved him and that she wanted him to leave the church because he wasn't going to risk that she But he's not gonna make the first move. He's not gonna make that first move unless he knows it's worth it. And that's what she wants. And then she never gives that to him because she doesn't want to ask that of him right? Or that she doesn't think it's enough of a relationship that that's worth that for him to do it right and that this was one of the first hints where when she just says that when he turns around, he's waiting for her to say that she loves him. Yeah, and when she doesn't, he kind of grimaces and then comes back with, like, I know I According to the fear, according to the theory, Um, and I think you watch the episode through that lens you could find. But these moments like that, yes, I'm taking it base values. I also am, Yeah, um, at least I did the 1st 20 times I've watched it. Who knows about the next 40? Yeah, So to me, it's more that he's surprised partly by how much he feels for her. But then I think it's also like everything's okay. Yeah, like there wasn't a painting that fell off the wall. Pyrotechnics but you know nothing, right? He didn't catch fire. She didn't catch fire. Yeah, and also maybe he just how comfortable he feels, right? Like how maybe not racked with guilt and shame and regret feels And how interesting that is to not feel those things. Yeah, So I and it's almost, like not only that he had sex, but maybe that he did, like, over himself up to someone in that way. Um, also may be the last time you had sex with someone was one of the reasons he became a priest. You know, light to him before the sex was not like we know he was a good experience, right? And so it might be interesting for him to be like, Oh, this could be a good thing. Positive thing, healthy thing. Maybe I felt like there was just a such a feeling of lightness in this scene. Like something has been lifted off their shoulders. It's literally light. See? Yeah, Yeah, for a beautifully shot. Yes. Absolutely. It's like just a sigh of relief free everyone and for us. However, for the first time, the first time I watched it, I remember scanning the room like Are there any paintings on the wall that could fall? Like, what is it gonna happen? Like I was really comfortable and happy for them, But then, like, you know, our good old friend Anxiety. But I was just like, but however something could happen. But there are I didn't see any painting on that wall. No, nothing. Nothing happened. He, like you said it's a sculpture on the on the dresser. Yeah, and that didn't fall off. You know, it's not totally one of them to kiss. I really have to admit, even though I just said my aversion to romcom wake up scenes, um, and I was like, they're gonna do it again because we have my head. They did. They did. I don't mean in my head cannon. That happens real. I do wonder like this is such a great thing with the show with her writing and the editing were like, we cut away. Like what? We want to see the rest of that scene. I was that conversation. How did they say goodbye to each other? You just want us to be part of that, right? And it goes back to that. The Andrew Scott was saying on the G. Q. Thing about like, there's what makes the show so interesting of the things you don't see it because then you start to wonder and imagine and make a podcast and create fanfic. Uh, yeah, And then I guess it's the day of the wedding. Right? So is it like, I'll see you with the way as part of me feels like the conversation they have by the wall when he goes, we just have to get through this bit parties, like, wouldn't you have had that in the morning? Yeah, Well, let's just get through the wedding, and then we'll talk or whatever. I

spk_1:   32:43
feel like

spk_0:   32:43
they have that conversation because they're, like, out of the bubble of the bedroom. Might have just been like, Well, okay, I'll see you. I got or or Oh, shit, we overslept. I gotta go for that. Also, that I'm I'm officiating the wedding of your father, right? Yeah, we don't We don't know what time it is in the cafe. I guess it just closed for the day. It would have to be never open. You have to be. Hilary's not serving tea to people in the bank manager hit the road. So I very sorry, Joe, right? He'll manage. It is interesting to think about how they left each other, and even if they started, if they allow themselves to sit in in like the loveliness of that moment or if they started to think like what now? Because, you know, obviously they both need a huge life shift to in order to be together. It's obviously especially the priest, right? And so I felt I didn't feel like they were sort of hanging on to the moment. Like the bright Neary lightness of the moment. Yeah, till his speech of the way. Yes, all right, So now we're going to go to the start of the wedding and I go and say this part now that I think it's funny that we have a text card that says the wedding. The only other time we to text card was the time that had been 60 71 days, right? And I couldn't tell it was a little bit of a play, too. Unlike in Wrong comes in like a couple of suits go in like the next scene is their wedding. Yeah, clearly right and So it is kind of funny that it's like the wedding. And then it's like, Oh, yeah, the writing we've been building up to season her dad and godmother. So all right, we're going to go through that little intro where they're just kind of going around and we have these little cutaway scenes.

spk_1:   34:29
Come on. What's happened with the priest, huh? Oh, so they're coming. You see? Hi, Jake was just dads just don't know. Nice girl. Do you need me to say anything emotional? And then I I'm gonna get I I was glad, but he's crazy about me. So that's a nightmare. Start spending today anyway, which is good. It's fine. It's fine. Sound like it's fine. It is. It's been lovely. J isn't afraid.

spk_0:   35:16
Say what you will about the wedding, but it must have been great people watching. I would love to see the casting for all these just side characters. They might be people they worked on the show. I don't know. Give Everybody else were like Who's this actress's ago? She's a producer, but it is the costumes and the hair like they really just set the scene that these were godmothers just like weirdo for every like, collection. I and I love how this part of how the wedding's shown to us in little glimpses. It's, like, so delightful to experience like that, because it makes you feel like you are also flitting around the wedding and just seeing what people are saying wearing and talking about, like it's just a fun way to experience it. Yeah, I got a real event like that. You never have a full conversation. You just hear these. Yeah, you're gonna get more champagne. And I love also parallels when they were greeting people at the funeral. But now they're reading all these like Rando cz at the wedding, but then having to be so positive because actually, I think they're enjoying the wedding there, enjoying the wedding as much as they did the funeral. Honestly, there's none about nothing about This is great s. Oh, yeah, And then having I I took it to they're pretending. They know a lot of these people are good

spk_1:   36:24
to see you

spk_0:   36:25
again. They have, like, one point shooting, like, Who was that? Yeah, my favorite is that guy who comes in with, like, the crazy rock hair blue she was. Nice shirt. Okay, Just just a random thing to say. Just so you don't know. He reminds me of Michael McKinnon's Spinal Tap. I almost wondered if that was like a cameo or something, just the way like that guy's so good, too, because you just kind of tilt his head a little like a man. I'm just here for the journey like he had a to second visit in this TV show and he killed it. There are no small parts, no so good. And it is also live with that English politeness of like, we're over the moon, like you said, Like we're pretending this is fantastic. Yeah, yeah, and and they're godmothers friends. They don't know them. Got another. Doesn't know she barely knows him exactly. Like part of her Pokemon. Yeah, collection. I also we learned Claire's wearing extensions in like Claire with a K might dig it, but she's not going all in, and it would just everybody would be asking her about it. I almost wonder. Like, Does Martin do Martin and Jake? No, She cut her hair like Does she wear that thing at home and pretend like nothing's happened? Everything's fine. Also, you always thought I was like it would probably make her more interesting in God, Mother's eyes and surely not into people think she's an artist. Should pop star superstar well, and then the way she got, when when flew back starts to reach for it. And she's like, Don't like, you know, like it's very precarious. Just go. And then the two of them modeling the portrait. My God, that was hysterical. And then it also ate, like points out how weird the portrait is. Well, and it took me a second to realize that they were posing that way on purpose. Or Godmother asked them to stand that way so that they could see what a good job she did on the painting. Him godmother goes, Hey, do you think they're all like ruling got just saw fireworks or something? And just the look on Claire's face is amazing because that's her actual Look, I really think she's posing. No, that's exactly how she feels. And the grimmest Yeah, and then the way quickly, like herds around like here, right? Yeah. You did see the back of my head. I'm really dissect that shit. People and then clear asking, Fleabag, what happened? What's happening? I I love that because it's like their sisters. Their dishing about their love lives like their bond is back, yes, and probably stronger than ever. Definitely. And even when wait when she asked about Claire, it's not like I don't even go like, you know, don't or whatever. She just kind of he's crazy about me, which is a nightmare. The rest of the normal commerce there having a normal, Really, I think that scene after the haircut really was like a breakthrough for them totally. And also the fact that Claire was the one who gave the priest her address so she might have been the whole time. Been like what happened in Smallville. Tate. You're right. I also very much enjoy that. When Harry and Elaine come up fleabag just flat out absolutely kisses Elaine on the mouth. I didn't I

spk_1:   39:22
didn't see it took

spk_0:   39:23
the Yeah, it was probably the 1st 5 times or something, and then I would just really like skimming. The scripture is right before we're starting, and it's like straight up in the script like that happened. Well, Laine's faces like Oh, I like that because it does feel like maybe did it on for yeah, because I said that. I think I said this on Facebook. Like if I lived, Maybe don't talk about this before if I lived in Europe, and that was the way people greet each other with that kiss on the cheek. This would be a constant fear of mine, that we would both go the same way and end up kissing on the lips and then some. I think we talked about this for someone said. Some men will actually, like Fake it in like the last minute kiss you on the lips, which is, but yeah, disgusting. I just if you go back and just watch Elaine's face Oh yeah, it's so great. I also just think it's funny that herring Elaine are there and that clearly, Harry had a much better relationship with flea bags family than he did with Terry. And

spk_1:   40:20
that's always

spk_0:   40:21
a red flag. When your parents, like love a guy

spk_1:   40:24
you can't want

spk_0:   40:24
your parents to be like if he's the right one for you, your bingo right? Like, is it? Enough is enough. He's a little too much like my parents so I might be a problem. It is that so? Then one of the next glimpses that Dad says, Oh, so good of you to come and get me. I'm see me a little hint that he's not quite all in one also see me. Doesn't make any sense together. We're here to celebrate your wedding. We're not here to say hi, liquor just standing around him right up to us. Well, it's also foreshadowing when fleabag actually does have to go get him. Literally. Absolutely. Absolutely. Hi, Jake. First clear. Oh, my God. Immediately and then clear. Just like Phoebe is like clears there. Oh, your dad's over there like, Yeah, Now that you know where I am by just divert you over to Dad, You know, we both know you don't want to see your dad. I love, too, that she literally steady right there, just right there, like two feet away. Had to walk up to them. Just maybe he's just used to her not being there. I've seen some people say Jake is like the saddest character that he just gets the shaft. The hole weighs three. Weirdest. Does he mean he is weird for sure? But then he does have those moments where he's, like, tell her to leave him and, like, genuinely hugs her like, Thanks for coming. Thanks for watching the show and that. And then now obviously we know his like family's about to fall apart. I think that's probably a good thing. Have questions about Jake for Phoebe When we Yeah, we forgot to mention on the intro. The Angus Emery who plays him is in a new show where he's playing like young Merlin. Yes. Yeah, yeah, because somebody saw over there and he actually has kind of a clear cut looks. And somebody was like, Oh,

spk_1:   42:03
my God, it's Jake.

spk_0:   42:04
Uh, anything these actors, Aaron. Now all we're gonna notice them from. Yeah, absolutely. So then, um, the school, Yeah, Dad and Dad has to say nice skirts. And

spk_1:   42:16
this is

spk_0:   42:17
my question for our UK listeners. Is this a UK thing? Like, can you refer to dresses as skirts Or is this just a dad thing where you mess up a girl thing that you have no familiarity with? Although, come on, most men know what addresses and what a secret is, but is it like trousers and pants, right? Right. Is it something that's, like, normal? Or is it No, Dad, come on. Well, and it also feels like maybe he's trying to say the thing their mother might have talked about, which is what they're wearing. But he doesn't know anything about clothes, which was nice. Guys like I like his hands go down like the illustrator are your skirt These air this skirt, just in case you didn't know what I was talking about. And then he at he straight of asked, Do you need

spk_1:   43:01
me to

spk_0:   43:01
say anything emotional about today? And they are like, Nope, No, don't worry about it. Just leave it for bed. It's also a funny call back to his disastrous toast at the dinner in Episode one of season two. And like, they just really were like they didn't need to hear what a special gangbang. This'll waas Good boy. Theories like I don't know, don't know. We're good. That's that's true. Like now we know what happens when you give emotional toast. Dad, we're fine. No gang bangs here, and then I also another call back to that episode I feel like is when Claire comes over and asks me back if she wants to kill a and calls back that they ordered priest and fleabag ordered two kilos at dinner and also reminds us that clear is just fully back on the wagon. Oh yeah, off the way. She's off the way. Yeah, the whole episode. She's like drinking. That's what gets her to the end. I think she has mustered the courage because it kind of brings down her defenses of Just like I got. I'm speaking the truth now acknowledged, and we get there. But the contrast you that she is a little drunk and Martin's actually sober. So then, again, with the sister like chat fleabag asked how Klare with a K Well,

spk_1:   44:11
he's crazy

spk_0:   44:11
about me. So that's a nightmare, which I just loved. How she delivered that, which is a little bit of fleabag situation with priest. Well, we're in love, so that's a nightmare. Yeah, exactly nowhere, because this is like the anti romcom right in a brilliant way, and then we get that call back to do that rhythm of like it's fine. It's totally fine. Sounds like it's fine. It is, I know, instant classic. I think about that all the time. Now I just want to say and sometimes my husband started saying it back to me and I'm like, Do you wanna get married again? Again? I also think this is the first because then Fleabag looks at us after that. And I think this just glance quick glance. And it's the first time she's looked at us since Thesixties Sex pushing the camera way. Yeah, so I think she's even probably just going ahead about all that. And then, yeah, it's gonna be a lovely day, isn't it? Afraid so. Know that contract? It looks beautiful, like George in the floral arch that they get married and the weather's beautiful. Everyone looks lovely like it really does look a very nice affair. Godmothers talented sp you know, she has good artistic taste. Maybe not the wall of cocks, but another thing we forgot to mention in the eye of the beholder. The other thing. We've got to mention the intro. So we had this big mystery when we talk to Jonathan about Where's the wallet? Yes, where did end up? He had actually emailed us and said he saw it on the set. He found a photo of Godmother studio set and that it was there. Yes, and he actually said it was blocking a door that they were trying to open. And I said, Oh, so is that door cock blocked? Thank you so much. And that is the end of the podcast. We are signing off by the river, much for joining. But then this week there was an interview with Isabel Waller Bridge in the financial time, which was great, I will post it. It's a great interview, and it's great to kind of hear more about her. And But then they're describing their like, you know, try to get to know her. We're in our house. Has this really like How'd they describe it? Looking nice, Pathetic. And her piano is right there. And this, like, kind of bucolic setting or whatever, in a mix of, like, trendy and classic whatever, until you see this wall of penises in various states of erection made out of white plaster. And she's like and it's a souvenir from Fleet back Season one, just like oh, I forgot. That was like, Oh, shit! I forgot to hide the wall of cocks from from the journalist but the Financial Times. So we were like, Oh, my God. Mystery solved. Yeah, we found that Isabel has it. So I thought it was gonna go in my living room one day, and, well, it's Bill stole it. You know where it is. Me. So maybe to start working, working on Isabelle. All right, Now we're going to go to God. Mother introducing her new collection of frown.

spk_1:   46:52
This is my very interesting friend, Daniel, whose death I picked him up in a student gallery opening. Utterly fascinating. Can't hear a thing, but it's a fabulous physical communicated through hands and lips number. This is my extraordinary friend, Francine. She's in on This is a see if my bisexual Syrian refugee friend. But you haven't actually met yet. Darling, on Massey. This is Oh, my God, This is This is got extra. I was calling darling. Thing is the love of my life. Uh huh. Someone can put this. We said no presents. You'll searches for you. Talk. She's a natural rule breaker. Not to do well. I've been trying to get rid of it for ages. Oh, thank you. I'm going to open it. Ever been. So I got so much paper. Um, come with me.

spk_0:   47:56
So we start with Daniel. We start with Daniel's death. Yes, apparently in sign language. He's saying, I don't know how I got here. I heard it was I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.

spk_1:   48:06
I remember that, too,

spk_0:   48:07
but I couldn't find where I read it. So I just like whatever I like that version better. It's funny. Fabulous. No. And she literally I picked him up at a student gallery opening like I like I just swung by and grabbed him the Bring him in to my collection the way she describes that he has this

spk_1:   48:23
can't hear

spk_0:   48:23
a thing that has this fabulous. He's a fabulous physical communicator through hands and lips, as if he invented this magical way. If there are aliens of people speaking sign language, yes, like that's not the way people who are deaf can communicate. And then what I thought was funny is Claire looks at us for a reaction where Claire looks that fleabag for reaction, but flea bags looking at us. Uh, I mean, which works. And then Francine heard one defining quality. She's little, and I love that fleabag miles at the same time, she knows exactly where she's don't know she's into it. Like she she knows that's something she has a pension for. Well, yeah, because an Episode one at the dinner, that was the thing. She found the most fascinating thing about father here. Yes, that his mother was originally a lesbian. And honestly, I think I think God, Mother wishes she was a lesbian because it would just make her so much more interesting, right? She's fascinated by them, you know, She'd be so normal, heterosexual. Speaking of not heterosexual, we'll see. If so, guys, Buckaroo, this is I have a lot to say about a thief. No, but a lot of I. So when she's a seat, my bisexual Syrian refugee friend,

spk_1:   49:34
this is

spk_0:   49:35
justly bag checking off all my boxes, which I liked. What? I

spk_1:   49:41
saw this when

spk_0:   49:41
I was like, Oh, my God, really, Was this not perfect enough? Because, as Christie is, you know, a big part of my life is I volunteer with Syrian refugees outside Atlanta, like I literally do this podcast and I hang out with them. And so when I saw that there was a Syrian refugee

spk_1:   49:56
in the

spk_0:   49:57
show, and he's so handsome. I was like, Oh, damn Phoebe, my girl side note that, But what's even better is actually Clodagh in our Facebook group told us this a while back. And it's not just that he's a Syrian refugee. He's also so that the actor himself is an actual refugee from Syria. He ended up getting taken in by Deborah Frances White, who does the guilty feminist podcast who is close friends with Phoebe. And she is the one that actually convinced Phoebe to do the original 10 10 minute like monologue standup situation that became that later became fleabag to play and then the show. So it is like everything is the most full circle that it has ever been right? Um, and now it's always This guy's name is Steve Ali, the Syrian man, and he now that they have a podcast together and he's like a a personality, and it's just like this really cool story. They actually did this great, heartwarming and really funny video produced by Britain's Channel Four News about them. So I'll post that to Facebook Group just delightful, and it's just

spk_1:   51:11
it's like such an

spk_0:   51:11
interesting just a really interesting thing. And he actually did collect an interesting herself. But she did it in a very gentle into her home with her terrorize mint generous way. Yeah, so I just I My heart just frickin exploded at that one. Yeah, uh, the work you do with them. So I really admire it so much because it really it'll be like, What you doing this weekend, Christy? I'm gonna sit and make some fleabag names, and it's like, Well, I'm gonna go take the Syrian refugee shopping for clothing. You know what you're doing? A service is Well, it's apples and oranges. No, it's really wonderful because it's Clarkston, Georgia, where there's the most diverse square mile in the United States of America. Is it really? I don't know that yet because it was designated as a refugee resettlement site by Jimmy Carter in the eighties seventies eighties. Whenever Okay, whatever. But it has a really more Syrian population. Syrian. Yeah, I mean, it's the most. I think it's the most refugee immigrants in the country in one square mile, and it's just a really special place. How did you both amazing. She posts always instagram stories like every other week are just like buffet. Oh, they make food, you guys. That's why I hang out with them. Baby, they were there on their own. Very cute babies and very insane. Amazing food. Yeah. How did you get started with? I, like fell into it. I wanted to because I'm I'm Jewish. My grandmother escaped. Check back in the last train out right before Hitler came in. She was refugee. It's always, like, close to my heart. And so I just like I followed it. I just kind of became really engaged with the Syrian situation. And I, a friend of a friend, posted like a ghoul doc to Facebook three and 1/2 years ago, that was just asking for donations. And and I was like, Okay, great, all I'll throw money at this and I'll feel like I helped write, like, brought this family of microwave. And then I walked in, and the woman originally who like, organized it was like we were really looking for English teachers like Come and I was like,

spk_1:   53:10
No, I'm too busy like I'm gonna

spk_0:   53:13
be do anxious about this. I'll just buy them a microwave. And then I walked in We gave him my grave and we liked chatted with them for a little. And the the mom who is this wonderful woman was like, We really want to learn English, you know, in in Not great, but it's really interesting how much you could understand. Sure, when you don't speak the same language, But I literally just like Okay, you got me. You totally got me. And now I'm, like, obsessed with them so awesome. Good for you. Way. Yea, Steve Olive. As if Allie, you didn't know she was a wonderful enough stop. It's generous in Kabul, says the woman who has to garbage bags and a full box of diapers. Yes, she does. The my contribution is Archie's old clothes. These are growing so but they're gonna send you pictures of the cute babies and perfect bag. Important. So a sihf all good? Yeah, now coming off. That, though, is something we don't like his money, which is a joke, that God Mother doesn't know Dad's name.

spk_1:   54:13
That is the only thing

spk_0:   54:14
I think the whole Siri's only thing I don't like, cause it's like I get

spk_1:   54:17
why she did it. I guess it just feels

spk_0:   54:19
a little signal. I didn't want to acknowledge that. Yeah, it's a little too meta calling out. It was such a ah interesting feature of the show that so many characters didn't have names, and it it contributed to kind of intimacy with These characters are just getting to know the personalities and the people without kind of the superficial parts of it. Just getting right to the meat of it. Yes, and so this just feels like a meta call out of like, Oh, look, he's never been referred to by his name and it just feels a little unrealistic. It's well acted like she really is like she's funny, really abhorrent. Lee. You know, she's ashamed, right? But it just felt weird. Just felt a little off. Yeah, and then, I mean, I do think the way he kinda gives that little like high like yeah acknowledges it's a little embarrassing. I just realized this. Maybe this could have contributed to him heading for the attic. It might have been a little like me. Doesn't Does she know? Does she even know who I am? But also because also, we've just been introduced to all of these people and we know Francine's name, but she doesn't know the hut for you. Her love of her life, right? She was Daniel's name. She just picked him up. Then when fleabag gives her the gift because I know we said no presents and because she's a natural rule breaker, just so passive a party. But then I think equally so when Dad goes not today because I feel like it's a little bit of a warning also, like we're not doing this again today. We're not repeating this exhibition. Yeah. Oh, hell, no. I just really like both seasons Do end with, like, a big event. Yeah, revolving around Godmother. You're right. And like, yes, she when she enlists when she says you come here and flea bags like, do you? Well, yeah. Are you, uh, short on staff? Like so? That's already That's actually our next scene. That's a great segue way. Well, but I But really quick, though. When? When? Godmother. When it fleabag Hands for the gift. Oh, you have no power over.

spk_1:   56:09
You never

spk_0:   56:09
been. So I've got somewhere to put. That's not a thing

spk_1:   56:12
you like. You can You also

spk_0:   56:14
can open anywhere and then

spk_1:   56:16
pick up the paper and then put it in the

spk_0:   56:18
garbage because she's literally saying I'm guessing this gift Trash Garbage. Yeah, exactly. Miracle. But I do like that that flea bags gotta come back, and it's like, Oh, I've been trying to get rid of it for ages, Just like straight out of this. Rodriguez. At the very least, this is a re guys that I don't want that something really bad that I've been trying to do. You're doing me a favor. Really? Yes. So now she does. Begging her to come with her, which is a little like that. Can't be good.

spk_1:   56:46
You short on star for you. Me or no. I just wondered if you had a little show planned. You know, when you do. And I wondered if there's anything I might need to know about that might happen later. Uh huh. Good. Well, let me know if you change your mind. Because today is the most important day of my life. And I love your father very much. And I imagine you'd rather have me looking after him in the years to come and having to do it yourself. I said no. No more miscarriages. No, it's a thank you. I'll go and put her straight back on the shelf. You know, I often thought it strange that of all my pieces, you chose to take her. I she was based on your mother. So nice to have her back in. That a

spk_0:   58:09
lot of emotions there. Well, yeah, and the you said the call back to this exhibition. But are you short on staff? Like, is she gonna put her to work? But instead, she asked a chance we'll show planned, which is a cold, that both to this exhibition and to the dinner and the miscarriage of the fight and all that. Yeah. And I hate that because, like, it's it's a callback to when it's like when Martin at the dinner was like, I'm so intrigued about how you're gonna make this about yourself. Got her spot. Oh, God. And that's still

spk_1:   58:38
even just you saying that that just gets me because

spk_0:   58:41
it's always about a punch in the face. You're just such a good actually. No, it got recording. You can send us to the police. It's such a punch of a line. Just get my hands, Aaron Fist. It

spk_1:   58:56
just gets me

spk_0:   58:56
because the shit that happens to her is rarely planned or full. It just happened. It just becomes a scene out of her control. And it's just very frustrating that they associate that with her. They expect the worst of her, and sometimes it fucking happened. Right? But you typically it is not something that she is like malicious around it, right? Yeah. And so that just that just her. Yeah, the family, these this aspect of the families just held for her and that your size too much of an impact for this. She's trying out for the family. Just help her And like the even, though, and this is the brilliance of the writing from the outside looking in, you can kind of see godmothers perspective that every other time she's had an event that she wanted to be special for her fleabag has done something to ruin it or take the attention of the very or take the attention, even though we know the routes of it Were the godmothers passive aggression or just the family dynamic And like you said, none of it being her fault. But But then this is where we said Every character kind of gets a moment where there's a little bit of redemption, redemption to them. Are you kind of see the sides, you see some genuine humanity. And when she says, I really you know, is the most important day of my life and I love your father very much, which first reason only sensible sound of music. Because

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that's how I

spk_0:   1:0:24
like to say I love your father very Yes, it does. It's in the same kind of weird that you're Did you like father or something? So But it's time for a sound of music. Rewatched that's our next has nothing to do that she does sound very true and sincere. And then when she adds, I think you'd rather have me taking care of him in the years to come. Then you know, then you then you So which, in a way, some people had so like, why is she with him? And why would she bring that on herself? Because she does seem younger than him. Yeah, and or at the very least, maybe more vibrant and healthier that, um, you know, why would she? But I think it implies that it is genuine like she does genuinely love him. Yes, it also her saying that makes it like a bit easier of a pill to swallow that the wedding is happening right, although she's still kind. Yeah, but you do see a little bit of maybe why he likes her, too. You know, he they take care of each other. But this line, when he hears the continous no more in this carriage, is like, That's something a woman plan. Even if it had actually happened to flea bag, that she would go, you can do it. This dinner miscarry. Yeah, like that sounds great that she's insinuating that the miscarriage didn't happen. It didn't for playback, but it she's like, Oh, she's that you think she's implying that she made that up because then what does one like? You can't plan that. I don't know. It just it was just a way to get attend. I

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know they have.

spk_0:   1:1:50
Yes, I know they have no faith in her, and there's no reason really to have faith in her based on past behavior and unfortunate circumstances. But it still sucks, and it shows how little Godmother knows or understands her. That's I never thought that I never that just occurred to you saying that that she is basically accusing her of lying because she's saying no more miscarriages because you have control over that happening orjust you used a miscarriage is a way to draw attention to yourself. You made up a story. Interesting learning something every time. How I thought then this reveal that the gift is the statue which is also on a mission from guilt mission of guilt from from a stolen. That basically saying mother. Yeah, I know, I know, you know. And you know, I know, whatever way. All know, everybody knows everything. So there's this double cut now, where godmother felt like she had the upper hand in the previous conversation about like her father. You know, I love your father and whatever, but now flea bags like, I'm a step ahead of you, and I got, you know, and also maybe I also feel like it's like, I'm not afraid of you. I'm I'm just like brazenly showing you that I stole the statue. Yeah, I'm actually giving it back to you as a wedding. Like as a kindness of Yeah, like I'm just really rubbing it in. So it's really satisfying, which then makes God mutt like. It's just this constant rise, rise and fall of status in this conversation is the power. Yeah, I and all, but I

spk_1:   1:3:15

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to sleep. I gave it back on her own terms. It also seems like a

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bit of an

spk_0:   1:3:19
olive branch. That's why I think when when? God, Then there, like she touches her cheek and she says, Thank you, because I just wanna hurting full. That's her tickets. To touch the person's face. Almost like a little bit of a power thing. Like I'm correct. Like this is an intimate part of you, right? That's a good point. She does that at the wet at the funeral. She did it before with the You know what? You know presidents or something? Yeah. Um, but to me, it did seem bit of an olive branch as a way of sort of giving her blessing over the marriage may be a little because she's, you know, she's acknowledging this role. She's maybe sort of ending that chapter of their relationship where they put this behind exactly and what I did enjoy that fleabag like it's worth a lot. So and that brings you back to the original region. Reason she stole it, which was for the money for struggling cafe. And so it it also reminds us of her growth and how, where she's been and like also reminds us that she's had it for, like, a year. Well, it kind of way, but more because member Then she gave she put it back within. Claire stole it back again. And then she had Yeah, And then you got went over to Christie's that Thomas for a little bit. Oh, yeah. Had its its moments traveling, traveling of the training statue, Naked mother. But then But then Godmother gets the last twist by revealing the statue nodes, I always, uh, struck me that you chose to steal her because she's based on your mother. Yeah, and the the way fleabag face falls and not only to realize like, ooh, I've lost this little battle. But now this piece, this, like, last connection, her mother is now being whisked away by this horrible Just gave it back. And she's had it this whole time. Not knowing. Exactly. And she willingly gave it away. Yeah, like that in the aisle. When I glanced at the Scriptures, it says she'd like a burning anger and just see them on her face. Yeah. So this is the final straw that now sends her off and she needs a cigarette. And now we're going to get to the good part of this episode. But and then actually, the way she looks up to and the curious starts again. Yeah, I love it. Almost is, like, literally her eyes. When she looks up, it's almost like she liked cuts through the scene like her eyes literally sliced knows the right way to go. She's so Yeah, I love when they align the music in her. Her? Yeah. Layers. So now she heads back for a

spk_1:   1:5:41
cigarette. Oh, God, you're here. I thought your folks you know, uh, you I didn't know you. No, no, I'm fine. Sorry. I know. I just didn't want Director. Nominee has got no good. No good. I can't get it. Really? Thank you. Said you What? Do you see me in the full? You're gonna lose your fucking mind. We just need to get through this bed and then we can We could Yeah. Berry taste. Yeah. Lipstick. over because you got where? Well, fuck you. Well, I don't know what this feeling is. Does it go? Does it mean no. Fuck you.

spk_0:   1:7:23
Oh, my God. Oh, cool, babe. It the hottest of the three 1000%. Don't be sorry. It's just a fact. They're, I guess that Put it on porn home. Make a premium because it is effective. Uh huh. So I guess we should start at the beginning of the scene before we get to the hottie heart. Yeah, I thought you were a fox. You're not. You're not amazing. Call back. Yes. I also love the after he says that he looks around like there might actually be a boxing You're not, But there might be. I just realized I'm surrounded by nature, right? Like high hedges, right? I mean, he's nervous, too, but I just kind of quickly glancing around like I'm gonna just do a quick fox check. So now there is a lot of discussion about the symbolism of the fox. Yes, there was a vulture article that literally was like, what does the fox in flea bag? Because I'm sorry, but I come on head to Where was I was somewhere where somebody was timeout, fleabag. And I know you know what? I was dressed as a fox for Halloween. Yeah, and But I thought someone would recognize cause I was with Alan dresses a priest, and he's like, I have a question for you. And I thought was gonna be like, Do you watch flee back? But he goes, What does the clock say? And I was like, We're not from I'm sorry. That was 2014 or whatever. I'm so sorry. I thought this could have been something that it's not. You're not my people. You're not at all. But anyway, there's a theory that it represents a lot of different things. Yes. So we have thoughts on the fox. I know. I just want to add that him saying I thought you were Fox. You're not, is my favorite line of the period. Because, like, he had to tell her that she wasn't just by the way, you're No, you didn't. No, you know, it's also funny that we know he means it literally, because there's also the light flirtatious like Oh, dude, I

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don't even think of

spk_0:   1:9:20
that. But we know beginning It means I thought you were a four legged creature who, like creeps around London, apparently. Um, yes. So there

spk_1:   1:9:31
is ah lot of theories on the

spk_0:   1:9:33
Fox, and I think it's it's very, um, worth diving into. Um, we are gonna hold off on that and do a separate episode All about that? Yeah, Dive into it further at some point. Yes, when it was funny because Ali wrote that in the notes. Let's touch on this. But let's for an episode. I guess I temporarily forgot who I temporarily forgot who Allie is because I literally wrote Maybe I

spk_1:   1:10:01
don't know.

spk_0:   1:10:01
If I'm convinced there's an entire episode, then I was, like update. Never mind. I just scroll down to your eight paragraphs of thesis about the fox pulling from different articles, including the Bible. Yeah, I did a lot of real script, you know. I like to do that. Yeah, so more to come on the flocks And I know other people have theories on it to want to talk about. So now is your chance. Email us of your fleabag situation at gmail dot com. Post In our Facebook group search fleabag situation, let us know your thoughts on the Fox. Yeah, we will include them and generally about any other themes or topics of things. Your eyes. Now that we're moving past the Siri's like we want to know what you guys want to talk about. Then you open up that discussion a little more. Help us keep this going. Yes, exactly. Please do the work now Way would have really liked crowd. And I

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think in

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general the leading theory is that the Fox kind of represents his baggage and temptation. Yes, and so that's why it follows him, cause he's always on this inner struggle about what to do and how. How photo cause in particular seems to come up when she's there. Like because when it first pops up, is when they're talking on the bench talking about celibacy. And then, yeah, and then now here she comes here. He's trying not to think about her. And there she is and thought she was a fox. Yes, and then, obviously the bus stop. So, uh, more to come on that TBD on the fox when he's practicing the homily and he said, not going well, the thing this repeat of like I can't I can't which we've heard him say before and I love, too, that he's he's nervous about the ceremony, but we know he's really mostly nervous about her. Oh, I think his brain is on fire. Yes, like he's so flustered. It's, you

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know, think about

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like he did something. It was peaceful in bed that morning, but now used to fucking deal with it. Now

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he has

spk_0:   1:11:52
to say all this religious and beautiful stuff and love stuff. To go bother is gonna be like It's so much more so stuff. Now we'll and then she's also been thinking about him because when she comes around goes, Oh, fuck, you're here like she's been wondering where he is. And it's like I thought you were in my head, but now you're but you're dead and you're here. Exactly. And the contradiction to that I love the guy gets The juxtaposition is a better word is how he she simultaneously like, riles him up but also grounds him because we saw that a little bit in the leading up to when they had sex, where he's like, all nervous, and she gives in that kiss and like that kind of brings them into the moment. And here, you know, he's nervous. He's right. But then he kind of finally settles. And when he does that, you look lovely like it. Like though he's hot of happy to see her from a perspective of this is just someone who cares about Yeah, I saw it is like he is in his head. He's in his head. He's kind of stressing the fuck out about the homily, and then he sort of he's bringing that energy to her at first and then he just is mindful and sort of he'd like notices. Who is in front of him? He liked. Looks her up and down. Yeah, And that reminds him like, Oh, like you look lovely like, Oh, my God, yeah, Okay, stop Well, and someone, One of my friends. He was Madonna, who I went to London with. Pointed out that her wardrobe over like over the course of the show because more colorful like this is the first time we're actually seeing her wearing just straight. Nothing blue or black stripes. It's just bright red. Yeah, and it's like that's a great dress. Yeah, she's kind of really just like come to life now vibrant? Exactly. Yeah, this kind of bashful schoolgirl look, she hasn't She goes, so do you. Which is also funny that he's just wearing his priest outfit. That I mean, nobody wears all the time you can. You know what I enjoy is that, like you could cut through that sexual doll with the knife still like it's still there. But hang in there. And what's cute to me is like this little bash when she's like Thank you, So do you that there's like this. It's almost like they're newly acquainted and flirting, which

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kind of in

spk_0:   1:13:56
a way they are newly acquainted, like, literally like with each other. They know each other biblically, exactly. And then this joke about like, waiting to see me in the full shebang and you'll lose your fucking, which is such a great priest line, because these swearing and then he's also kind of making this joke. And it's I feel like everything in this episode is connecting the pieces that have been leading up to it. And so this is calling back on their date shopping or browsing whatever they were doing for robe, she, like, helped him pick it out Yeah, I was like, Wait till you see me in it. Yeah. Get excited. Yeah. And they're having, like this. I love how they have conversations without talking. Were without saying what they're actually having a conversation about. Yes, Like, they both know that they're thinking about you. Think about something else. And they're in this kind of waiting period until they could be together again and kind of figure and have the wedding behind them. I feel like they both are, like, we can't move forward until this whole thing is done. And then we can figure out what the fuck is going on, right? I think to and because he when she laughs or you're gonna lose your fucking mind, he kind of starts shaking his head. No. And I This was something I noticed on a recently replay and is like, is it foreshadowing where he's, like saying no? Or is he like it to me, it's almost like disbelief that this is all Really? Yeah, I I saw it. Is that just being just like how I know this is still happening? This really happened? I keep remembering that it happened, right? So we get another big exhale from him. This man can exhale. What an exit. The carbon dioxide that comes out of this man when you see Tower guys, you know it. The trees around him are greener because of exhaling. He does the reason I bring it up because we had said at the the fuck you then seen an episode one after she leaves, he exhales a cigarette smoke and re kind. And he doesn't write before she kisses him at her apartment, like opens the belt. Oh, my God. We're gonna have to take a break. But and then he kind of says what they're thinking, which is basically like that. We need to talk. Yeah, after the ceremony. And I like just the whole tone of how, like, tentative they are that they're, like, bashful. They know that there's something. There's this elephant in the room, this box in the wrong about the thin spots them they can't talk about the one thing That is the only thing they can think of. Yes. So then, at some point, you're like, All right, well, then well, then why even say anything right? But I also think it's interesting they're not trying to impress each other by being witty or having any banter like they are got there. He did the same thing. So done. They're done. They know they know what's going on. They know they're on the same level, right? Which is why I think this line where he goes better get changed, is obviously literally that he has to go get dressed for the wedding. But I also see the theme of Things are changed. Everything is changing and, you know, regardless of what if he decides to stay with the church, he still has changed. So and it's almost like the whole point is everybody in this show kind of better get changed because they all need to kind of give and they need to see new parts of themselves and in order to grow. Then you go through these changes, and it's also now I feel like the phrase like just better get changed. I was like, Oh, I sell me now have a Pavlovian response because I know what follows. There's also my favorite line, which is Anthony saying, If you want to change your life, change your life and um and then even at the very end when she finds the priest at the party because I was changing, like again, literally changing clothes. But there's a thing. Yeah, there's changing. Yeah, So now we get to him, he starts to walk away, But then he cannot help himself. And we get this unbelievable make out sesh smoking hot. Ah, against the wall. So now I have said this is the hottest of the three hookups and I would have a little speech, please. No, there's so many reasons why. And we actually have a whole threat about this on the Facebook group at one point. The this is the other ones were very thought out and deliberate and like, cautious. Almost. This is pure lust and pure love. And like he, he physically cannot help himself. He surprises her. Think he surprised himself? Yeah, and

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even like

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that little like step he does toe like turn to her. I don't know. I just it's almost like Okay, like like he physically just cannot walk past her. There's like 1000 feel being on her face. Yes, there's like this force field, like a tractor beam moodily and then hand on face. We've talked about the hand porn and that was caressed this, like chin caresses. Then I kind of had been so focused on him. Frankly,

spk_1:   1:18:37
she makes any

spk_0:   1:18:38
noises, you know, like she's so into it daily to really into it. They're outside at their fate at her family house, where her family is originally because he's a priest about to officiate a wedding. So now it's like they could be caught. Get them the thrill to yeah, like they just are. So like, they've literally, like throwing caution to the wind. And we know well, but they're I don't know. I think, though, like I said, all their other interactions have been so hesitant in 10 it has been like thought through that. Now they're just so into each other. They just do not target. Maybe they could have, but and then you're like they're up against the wall. Okay, I'm sorry, but that's just obviously the sexiest way to do it. I love how much time we're giving this. Then I was in the wall is also a parallel to their first conversation outside the restaurant. Oh, yeah, smoking cigarette. Was that brick to itwas? Yeah. So there. And like, even the entrance and exit is that area's similar same kind of set up. So it's the angle of shot the same way it's It's definitely the parallel. Yeah, absolutely. The music we get that, like, kind of sweet but bitter. Sweet. Yeah, and even like it slows down at the end. And like, I feel like it's It's romantic, but a little There's something disconcerting. Yeah, about it. Yeah, but I'm sorry. Just the kiss is it's like he looks

spk_1:   1:20:13
like he's

spk_0:   1:20:13
trying to inhale her e mean literally. You're so right. Your eye. When you wrote that in the note, I was gonna be like,

spk_1:   1:20:20
Oh, yeah, it's tough. It's also

spk_0:   1:20:21
like And then I realized No, that's it. That's it. You got it There. It's yes. And I was like, Did they make their tongues like thank you for everything. And then the captions literally say panting like I was like, Oh, ain't no are we now captioning the audience. In addition to the show, Netflix, like Amazon, Positives like, you know, it's like, Are you still watching? It's like Are you okay? Do you need a break? You should stop. Watch You drink for a moment. I'm getting. Looks like you've been watching fleabag for six hours. Uh, that scene. It's just great and especially want you watch it in gift form. It's You don't hear the sounds, but it's It's good. Yeah. Then he's so into it. That again is approved. I was uprooted this one to that when he said When she goes, Oh my God, he's still, like, kind of in a daze And it kind of feels like what? Like I like to me like she means something sexual or what? No, this is so great because, you know, he's ecstatic like he doesn't can't breathe. And then when she says it's the lipstick, it, like, snaps him out of it. And this is another part of the theory that some people thought when she goes what he's waiting for her to say, I love you and she doesn't and so that it becomes this thing with lipstick and he's kind of annoyed. And then that's why when she's like a Zagat or is it me? And he's just like, I don't know that because he's actually responding to her lack of an answer. I'm taking the whole thing at face value. I and I mean, that's I guess, overall, with this theory, I like we said, it's an interesting lens. So look at it through. I feel like feed your bridge. Put so much effort into this writing to have something be so buried under that many layers to make it that difficult for people to figure out. That's why I feel like it's like octopus razor. I feel like the simplest explanation is probably the right one, but it does show what you know a Supreme show. It is that you can wonder right and come up with things that do kind of back up that statement. There's so much dissect and you see it from both sides. Yeah, like it. It's just a testament to the fact that the theory exists is that there is a testament to how incredible show, right? It's not completely implausible. You just dismiss it out right, like that's what's so brilliant about the show is that you can even watch it from entirely imagine godmothers always right or whatever like you. Well, that might be too, But anybody else, right? Certain scenes you could you could kind of see it from different angles. Um be answered, this lipstick and then I know there's something about the fact that, like he sounds like his nose. Is there anyone you like? Wife says. Wow, he, like, kind of like sniffles because I'm almost was like Was he, like, emotional? Like Well, they were. You knows. He's like realizing Harris. He's just I honestly was like, I'm gonna spend 10 minutes how to breathe because you just get so I think he was just so yeah, because he looked. He didn't seem to have control over his body when he was kissing her that he had to go thio jumpin like all of a sudden, his face was there and I just felt like he's so overwhelmed with emotions and everything is so high. Stakes right? And he's been so stressed out and then she's there and he loves kissing her, and it's he's not breathing, and everything is just so much. Yeah, it's a lot well, and I've said this before. She is still holding her cigarettes and everything and, like, can't really hold his face like throw that shit on the ground, get Norm. But she's just so taking a bag just like that's just Okay, It's happening now, right? Great. And I also the shot when they're talking, you can actually see their reflection in the window. And so I was like, there literally two versions of him or just of them. Yeah, you're beautiful. And I I I know it's a literal mirror moment. And then and then the way he grabs her hand and he's like, you could tell us heart racing when he's how fucking held on what this feeling is I'm like, Yes, you do. You know what this feeling is? Love and its corniness. I love

spk_1:   1:24:29
because you

spk_0:   1:24:30
know that feeling of like you're just on fire, you're ecstatic and like you something, it's it's nice to just sit and recognize and be in a moment, right when shit is awesome and exciting. What your brain kind of your brain shuts down cause your body is like, you know, like feel The vibration of that and I think also doesn't come naturally to them necessarily. So it's like especially wonderful, but also like being. I think he gets even were amped up by the lipstick thing because then it like, remind him that they're hiding and there's a risk so it's like exciting. But it's also terrifying, like it brings everything into focus. And someone claimed that on one of the shots, you could see that he actually has some. Like they did a take and they didn't get all of it off that he looks like he has some lipstick on the four. He kisses her, Really? But check it out. You have to watch again with a magnifying zapruder it, then the big question. Is it God or is it me? And like she can't she had to phrase this to set up that final scene at the bus because I was part of his life is not a natural thing, she would actually say, But it does have. It works in the context because it has a double meaning of is the feeling you're feeling right now. God, or is it me? And then also is your choice God, Or is it me? I saw it is very organic. Honestly, I thought it worked because I think that like in a religious Senate, you know, when people like in movies, when people are overcome by the spirit, or even just if you're like a quad, if you're like a Baptist church in there's a choir and you just you feel overcome and that kind of ecstasy feeling like that, you know, it would it would, but make spirits. Got you. Yeah, like it would make sense that that could be a thing that he'd be familiar with. I don't know. I kind of like I mean, I think she knew the answer like, It's not God right now. You just made out with me. That's why you know what this feeling is like, Come on. But I I love that part. When he does, he's just doesn't He's just so well. And even though this was a, you know, a sexual moment there is that childlike giddiness Tomb of like like your first love, like Oh my God, I've never felt this before. Um, yeah. Then they had all that build up another minute, and then when he starts to walk away, and then he kind of turns back like he might go back for more and they, like, whips himself around you. Literally, fantastically literal. Worst himself pulls his shoulder around like no means in a little. She does, too, before he marks away. Well, acted and then, yeah, and then gets his you out the door. And then she gives her, well, fuck you then, which is such a perfect parallel to the restaurant? And also she did what she did. Yeah, she's like and by the way, that it's still available. I love that I Also I think it's interesting that she after she says, fuck you then to him. And he does that like little Laugh, which discourages another mirror toe like the last time. We'll also just like an acknowledgement of their history where we've come. Yes, yeah, it's really I love how she book and stuff because you

spk_1:   1:27:35
know what? That's an

spk_0:   1:27:36
art because it doesn't feel forced. It's not like it just organically naturally happens and you can notice it and be like, thrilled. But you're not like, Oh, well, she said that up because this happened before and I'm not like it's not so contrived. It just works. But I was what I stood out to me is that after she says Fuck you, then to him, she just stared straight ahead and kind of dazed, like kind of taking it in. It doesn't look at us and I think the first, you know, that's certainly the first season, but every other episode she would have looked at us kind of smugly or just acknowledge something, but she just wants the moment to herself. She doesn't. We're not part of that. All right? Yeah. She's all in with him. Yeah, she's back outside and clear comes over with a drink.

spk_1:   1:28:23
What's your priest? I don't Okay. Yes. Well, I hate my husband. The man I love is on his way to Finland. So pretty weird way drop stays the bride with very chic. Freeze! Get around me. Bother you remember Martin. Hey, How you doing, man? But nervous. Morning, J Yes. Hello. This is my very interesting And Lucy, who is a sorrow good. Hello. This is my unstable stepdaughter who's had a most courage. You knew that you were there. It was my muscat. It was my fucking you find out. Funny. Interesting. She was just covering for me. We were for a few weeks. Yes, it was my baby. So you haven't had a No. Sorry. What the fuck is going on here? It was my baby. I guess it was Your babies were saying it didn't want you is its father like a goldfish out of the bowl sort of thing. Sorry, but who ever had a miscarriage? Could you take it to the kitchen? No, don't follow me, Jake. Oh, and this is over. Uh huh.

spk_0:   1:29:55
I like that in our notes. We've titled this scene six. Claire tells the truth because she doesn't know where it is worth. A finally, Yeah. Finally tells the truth to him. Tells Treacher, so Yeah, and gets there. So when she brings over the champagne and she goes you, where's your door like that? Now he's your Prius. You're also Sino. Claire has alcohol throughout. This, indeed. Is the whole wedding boozed up and the wait. Phoebe delivers that. Which goes, I don't know, like, yeah, I can't even do I don't know. I don't know. Like it's not even like I don't like. Yeah, it's almost not quite like I can't believe you'd even ask me that, But yeah, like, she's also just in a daze and is also wondering maybe where he is now, Like, where did he go? And it's also of like, where is his head at, like where is he? I don't know, like he could be anywhere in his little brain. And Claire's like, Well, I'm divorcing my alcoholic husband. So bring on the booth And then after insisting everything's fine, it's fine, clear and Mrs Actually really weird and that she hates her husband. Man. She loves going back to Finland, and she's just finally letting it all out. You know,

spk_1:   1:31:06

spk_0:   1:31:08
love that. She says, like so you know, pretty weird, Like I love

spk_1:   1:31:13
because it's because it

spk_0:   1:31:14
just fucking It's like it's weird. It doesn't try to, like, make it. Doesn't try to identify anything. Doesn't try to clear if I should. Just, like, pretty weird. Didn't try to clear if I but with a K Yeah, actually, not clarifying it with her name. Yes, she's doing the opposite. Yes. She, um yes. She's Beit Za breath of fresh air, everybody. Yeah, and then priest arrives in the whole shebang. I think fleabag does lose your fucking mind inside. She can't show it, you know? And then I had Martin cute dress. Uh, he's just has to be a dick. Totally. And what I think is really about his godmother tries to get the priest toe like spin under her arm, and he just like plain old, doesn't do it like she brings his arm over. Just he plants his feet like he's like,

spk_1:   1:32:03
No, but note.

spk_0:   1:32:05
I actually had never noticed that until you pointed it out. I thought, Yeah, that she's just kind of twirling with him a little bit to your right. Trying to go around, give us give us a 360. He's so great that he stands up, he knows who he is. And then the detail here fleabag calls out where he had it tailored around his arms. Yeah, because that was when their conversation, after he had tried it on Yeah, it gets nipped in. Yeah, I love because it is a little like secret, like it's appropriate for me to say this, but also, it's for us because we know why I say yeah, and I feel like he kind of he doesn't, like, Shut it down, He quickly kind of like Thanks like yeah, moving. Yeah, we like I can't dwell on this cause it's gonna be revealed too much. And then I also think it's right in the middle of interest in your family. Somehow, Lucy's there with her surrogate, who's like an Emma Stone look alike. Also crazy her. I'm like You are Emma Stone, anyway. And then Martin Weird. It's honestly satisfied. Satisfied? Here, someone acknowledged. Grandmother's obsession with collecting interesting people is pretty weird. But see, I thought he was insane. Surrogacy was weird. I think what she's a surgeon like That's weird. I agree, I think. But it was also just like, Why is she here, though? There's that, but also it's kind of funny that you would, you know, she's a surrogate. Weird, like who knows, if his wife's having trouble getting pregnant, that might have to be an option at some point. But true something. He's just so out of touch. Yeah, and then Godmother introduces Fleabag. Is this on my own stable step? Care. Who's had a miscarriage? Who? She's just told her. No more miscarriages, but I have to like, you know, but I'm gonna act like I'm so sympathetic because that's what's interesting to her about flea bag right now. That's her, right, you know? Yeah, that's her value. And now this. The way they introduced fleabag in the pre shake hands like, Oh, nice. See you again as if they haven't just had sex the night before and literally just made out and roll so totally in love, you know? And, you know, like he touched it. Armed hand, touch him well, and there. Is there a couple of moments? Well, I guess we'll get into it when Claire starts to tell the truth where he just looks at flea bag and like, they have a couple glances of like, we both know, I highly recommend watching this scene and just looking at the priest's face because it's very interesting. Um, yeah. And then she was Oh, you knew that you were there. Yeah, she remembers the dinner. Yeah. So then Claire lets it all out and confesses and confesses and confronts. Martin is the first time she said that I just never leaning towards the TV to like because I was so engaged. And I was just like, Yes, yes, do it come on

spk_1:   1:34:44
like that. The feeling

spk_0:   1:34:45
of relief that Claire is being honest and now the family will understand that fleabag didn't just try to take all the attention she was doing. A good thing is also her sister. It's a kindness to flee back Yeah, like it's I don't know. I sort of have a thing about like I as a kid. I couldn't watch, like I had trouble with, like, some of the Disney and Nickelodeon shows that, like, everybody was like, That's so raven and stuff Because the whole premise is like a miscommunication. Right? And I would be like it all you to do for this To not be a plot is to, like, be like,

spk_1:   1:35:14
Oh, you thought I said this.

spk_0:   1:35:16
No. No, I did this or you thought I did this because of this. But what, like Eunice underst out when there isn't like transparency and people believe incorrect things with other people, right? Anyone stop and go. Not entertaining to me. Yes. Just stressful. Yeah. Yeah, it's I don't know, it just it when people don't know the full story of things and it's like they're making value. Judgments based on incorrect information are like it was leaked information is like, but they'd also fit in with flea bags. History, death. So they definitely but all lined up. But it felt nice to get her a little redemption. Yeah, although hear what we're saying. It sounds like godmother did think she had a miscarriage because she looked and she goes, Oh, so you didn't have a miscarriage s. So I think she here, right, I get I don't know that she wasn't sterile accusing her of lying. Just that she thought I needed a thing about Adlai. Yeah, right now

spk_1:   1:36:05
you're Mr is

spk_0:   1:36:05
really inconvenient. You really made a big fuss about it. Well, and actually that was the original story was I think it because it was Debra know is Elizabeth Day. That was original story when she was when Phoebe the second time was on how to fail with Elizabeth Day. Yes, that she basically was like, I stole your miscarriage story because she said lose with Dae Ho told a story that she was at a dinner with friends and had a miscarriage in the bathroom, but didn't want to make but didn't want to make a big deal about it. So, like, went and sat down and finished. Yeah, and she was like, That's such a female thing to do to just, like, suppress your needle is it's a bother to you. I'm sorry. They s that I horrible trauma right now is going to interrupt the advertisers. So now coming back into this conversation godmother to me seems less interested in the fact that Claire actually had a miscarriage. Then she is in the fact that fleabag did not have one. Like, that's what she wants to clarify. Not Oh, clear. You went through. So, like, I'm so sorry. That really bad. So the worst thing that could happen to you, right, Moving on. But instead, it's also more like, Oh, so I don't have a reason to be mad at flea bag. And actually, we're right. Yeah. Yeah. Flea bags. Reaction almost says it like Sorry, don't start to let you down. I love that she a Paul she's like, Sorry, because, God, it's so interesting is very British. Me, but also very female. So it's just really of this size, Like godmothers like Sorry. So you haven't had a miscarriage and sleep? Sorry. No, like sorry to let you down. I know you love thinking I'm the fuck up. And this makes me less interesting for your poking on collection. But yeah. No, not me. Sorry. Actually. Right. You feel everything you think about me. Yeah, but then yeah, and then the face priest's face, while Claire says it cause he's solemn, but it's like there's recognition, right? Like he's like he know he had a true thing to begin with, and and he's looks at flea bag to be like We have another secret, right? Like you look what's happening that we both know about exactly. And then, oh, this line about, I guess, what is your baby's way of saying It didn't want you as a father Goldfish out of the bull, sort of throwing his words back out in the best possible way and then flee back. So proud of her. Yeah, like when she looks at us like there's audio, too, that you can hear ago. Yeah, like it's Vic. I

spk_1:   1:38:19
don't I don't think I

spk_0:   1:38:20
noticed it the first couple times, but she, like, really reacts her face. It's visceral, So that is the word yet happy? Well, and I think because not only was it just a good burn, but she's finally seeing Claire have the same attitude toward Martin that she does yes, of realizing what a piece of shit he is and just letting him have it and then hanging with his own rope like that is the best part about it. Yeah, and I'm also a reminder that Lucy, the surrogate, is just there for all of this. For some reason, she's just chillin just hanging up with her face. Watching this monumental moment happened. Yeah, and then when it's clear that this is over before she wouldn't, we just watched it again. Now it's actually before she says. This is over, she goes. No, Jake don't follow and then says to Martin, This is over. And because to me it's almost like Jake is finally thinking like finally, it's just the two of us. We finally got rid of this third wheel. My dad and I'm

spk_1:   1:39:17
not even

spk_0:   1:39:18
in a sexually, actually, just like I have guys. So yeah, Jake's face when she says it was my miscarriage, like he's shocked, too. I don't know.

spk_1:   1:39:25
I don't

spk_0:   1:39:26
know. I still don't know what the deal is with Jake. I

spk_1:   1:39:28
think I

spk_0:   1:39:29
don't. I don't love his whole deal because I don't know what. Should we feel sorry for him? Yeah, it would be creeped out by Hill. Is he, like, I think he's just a weird kid. Yeah, and

spk_1:   1:39:41
maybe we

spk_0:   1:39:42
can just maybe hasn't even diagnosis. Maybe he could just be weird. Yeah, maybe that. Yeah. I don't mean that in, like, the 19 fifties. You've known for a trouble to divert it off. Yeah, I know. For I think he's just a creep. Odd bird. Yes. Yes. I mean, he's grown up in this family, so I'm with you ever party as your father. Are you kidding me? So then Martin and fleabag follow Claire Martin's wearing just a brown suit. Who wears a brown suit to take a three peat. He love it around like a three piece suit. Yeah, he literally has a giant heard poop giant turd in the punch bowl. Yep. So now we go inside, and Martin has a little

spk_1:   1:40:19
speech. You're leaving me? No, no, no. Yes. Are you drunk? Yes, you soba a bit. Could you just fuck off? I want you to leave me. Listen to me. I just I have had a little speech. I have a little speech that's building here. Now I know you look at me and you see a bad man with a big beard. You are an alcoholic and you tried it on with my sister. Fine. I tried to kiss your sister on her birthday. My birthday. I mix up birthdays and I have an alcohol problem just like everyone else in this fucking country. But I am here and I do things. I pick up Jake from shit. I make dessert for Easter. I organize the downstairs toilet. I fired the humming cleaner. You enjoyed that, Hoover, the car. I put up all your certificates and I don't make you feel guilty for not having sex with me. I am not a bad guy. I just have a bad personality. It's not my fault. Some people are born with fuck personalities. But Jake, he is so creepy. It's not his fault. Why the assume? You want to know what? The pursuit fist. It's a cry for the main fucking problem here is that you don't like. And that has been breaking my fucking heart for 11 years. I love you. I make you laugh. I'm a douche, but I make you laugh. You said that that was the most important thing. I think the thing that you hate the most about yourself is that you actually love me. So I am done going to leave you until you are down on your knees. Please leave Mei home. I think they could do that. That dress, right? Oh, I guess the only thing left for me to say is Fuck you, Bucky.

spk_0:   1:43:26
This is a classic. Oh, incredible. It's just so, so good. And what's amazing is that apparently this was written last minute. Yes, that, like, literally on her way to set. Yeah, she actually rewrote it in that Brett Gilman had a lot of input if apparently Phoebe was in the car and she actually goes into this in the Scriptures. But she's also talked about it in some interviews. She and Breck element in the car on the way to the set. They had 11 minutes till they got there and she was like, This just isn't right. This doesn't feel right. She rewrote the whole speech in 11 minutes and they had 30 seconds to spare. Oh, my God, Hold up to set. Brett Gelman memorized the whole thing and just then delivered it flawlessly. It's amazing, like it's nuts. Well, it does. He is like the performance of a lifetime, like it's incredible. Well, and he does it so Well, because you do temporarily feel empathy for him, and I mean what we'll get into it as we go through. So the phrasing where she goes, you're leaving me and like, keeps saying You need to leave me What? Why does she phrase it that way? Why doesn't she just tell him I'm leaving you? Why does it have to be him leaving? I know that's a good question I like, So I'm still not quite sure. But I did read. So there's a Vanity Fair interview with Sean and Breck Element, Young Leopard and Breck Coleman and Sean said, So many people have asked me, Why does Claire stay with Martin? And the answer is simple. Failure is death for her. She, for her to confront the truth about her marriage, is to admit that it's failed. So maybe if he leaves her, it's not as much of a failure like she's not. She couldn't help it. He chose to leave. Yeah, I don't still, though, I don't know. Yeah, I don't because I wasn't even sure like there were like divorce laws in England, like the husband has still be. That doesn't make sense, but it is very specific that she wants him to leave. So I'm and there's definitely some meeting there. I just don't know. Yeah, it still seems kind of upward for discussion. Yeah, then it is funny. Like we said, that Claire's drunk. Martin. It's over. Yes, and like the Priestess over when he sleeps with flea bag, it's like they're sober for the most important part. Yeah, well, I'm not Claire, but in the case with Claire and Martin like alcohol is what kind of fuel there, at least because Martin was always drunk and he was an alcoholic, that that's what fueled kind of their denial of, like, let it be easier right? Whereas now the roles were reversed, like Claire's, the one who's drunk. And it's actually kind of liberating her because it's removing her defenses and the walls. And he's the one who sober. So he has to just hear it. Yes, and face the reality. Yes, yelling when Martin tells me back to fuck off and Claire's like, No, absolutely not. Yeah, and yeah, Look, I'm staying right. Yeah, and I, like, looks at Claire and then click, as Claire is so adamant about, like No, no, you know she's staying here. So then that fleabag knows. Okay, Yeah, I'm in. It were happening. We're allies. I'm staying right here. I also love when they enter the room, Fleabag grabs a glass of champagne like she's about to just watch. Like in that gift. It's like I'm just here for the comments. Oh, God. Like eating popcorn? Yeah, she's just like I'm This is a show. And that time she were like, It's like, very voyeuristic, like we're kind of with her in the audience. She's just like sipping her drink and literally were ping ponging back and forth. And we see her reaction. She looks eclair. Yeah, Then she looks it Martin and that, like, it's a really fun way to shoot it. And I think you had put this in here. That she's literally standing between them just literally is literally come between them. Yeah, because that was always Martin's fear and his dislike of her because and resentment of her was that she was always the one standing in the way of Claire. Yeah, on now she literally, literally is. Yeah, so when she does, I think he's a little speech I have. That's been building I love

spk_1:   1:47:20
when she

spk_0:   1:47:20
predicts what they're gonna d'oh the way his view is that the reason clear, so unhappy is all you see is a bad man with a big beard and discuss the beer's gross. He and Claire do income. They do

spk_1:   1:47:31
have in

spk_0:   1:47:31
common that they're obsessed with their hair. I couldn't tell if he had, like, some spit in his beard. Or if he's got, like, some gray in his beard, I felt like right under his lip there was a power that was, like, shiny. I didn't even row, sir. Yeah, he really is so poor Brett Gelman. Oh, he's just a great act. He was just too good, though he was too good at that role. Why, he said, like on Colbert when he was like People come up here like I love you, but I hate you. But I love Hey, like his compliments are always so Mick. But just the idea, though, that that was that's what he thought was wrong. A bad man with a big beard and she actually you're an alcoholic, and you tried to get on with my sister like you have actually much worse crimes that are prompting all of this and then when he's like fine, I mix up like fine, I'll be honest All admit it makes up birthdays and I have an alcohol problem just like everyone else in this fucking country. And then that may be like, Is that why you live here? Get away. Alcoholic. Yeah. And like flea bags, Little nod to the camera. She's like, Yes, yes, I didn't notice that for until actually, like, recently, after he says that she's like, Well, hey, hey, accurate and yeah, I just love that She's just like sipping her drink during the show. Watching the show happened. Yes, so now he goes through this laundry list of trying to justify all things that make him a good guy and that he goes to this new laundry list of things which are basically what a husband and father are supposed to dio. He's literally going like I do the bare minimum and just that I do anything. But the most telling is I put up all your certificates. So he resents her success, which is a reason I think she works so well with Claire because Claire, is this a successful also Sookie's her counterpart. They have the same success, same success, and he respects that. She's so smart and good at her job, whereas just reminds Martin that he is not up to her level. And I don't make you feel guilty for not having sex with me, which in season one he was the one who is not having sex with her. Weird. That weird thing on his on his what? Sorry, that didn't reminded me when he's saying like I

spk_1:   1:49:46
do all this global.

spk_0:   1:49:47
I bring Jake Dish in.

spk_1:   1:49:48
It's like that He's your kid like Yeah, obviously.

spk_0:   1:49:52
But it reminds me like when men say they're doing all the stuff with or for their kids. It's like their baby baby sing like kids. It's like what you signed up for, cause parent. Yeah, I have another UK question when he says I organized the downstairs toilet, Does he literally Toilet is like my bathroom. Oh, toilet alley. Cut that out. That is gold and staying in. Did

spk_1:   1:50:18
you know you

spk_0:   1:50:19
still secrecy twill? It is worthy excrete ways like that. It's taken into a sewer system and removed from the home. So I was saying that the toilet I think I know the toilet means the back. I was organized. Does he literally mean I just straighten up and I clean it. What is it? What's the organ like? I kind of took it. Is like I got it ready. I clean keep it like it. Love it. The toilet papers in man, the shampoo. I also even on his American. He's been living there long enough that he uses English friend who I noticed as well. Yeah. So that's why I thought I organized the downstairs. I was like is organized like some special work. It has an s in it and not It's probably the same as wonky drawer just means no, It means to keep it neat and tidy. Same thing, guys. So now the classic line I'm not a bad guy, is the way his voice cracks when he says that so, So good. I'm not a beggar. It just have a bad personality. Yeah, which isn't your personality, who you are. Well, that is I guess it is last gin. A bad personality doesn't make you a bad person. He is also, I think, a bad person, but, uh, you know, and in a way fleabag sometimes has a bad personality, and her whole struggle has been trying to prove yourself that she's not a bad person. She's thought. I think that was most of season. One was she thought she was a bad person, just apparently. And now Season two is about realizing. Know you're a good person who maybe did a bad thing. Yes, I it begs the question like, Can people really change? Can you change your personality? What is your personality like? What is self like that? You know, they have, like, college classes on this, like real deep everything. We because

spk_1:   1:51:59
everything we do is

spk_0:   1:52:00
informed by our life experiences. And this crew has soon, quite a bit. Oh, shit. But what makes your personality your personality, like how you act, how you think what you value anyway? Yeah, there's Rabbit Hole in that one. Well, and it's like he said, J can't help it. He's so creepy, but he's your son, and you're raising him to it in your hand like he didn't He wasn't born creepy. No, Maybe it was, I don't know, but yeah, and just the fact that calls his own son creepy. I also feel like this is a case when, like, they were saying the priest definitely didn't. Not here. God, Mother called him a cunt. Was right outside. I feel like Martin is screaming so loud, and they're just at a backyard wedding that I'm like, Yes, yelling you're right is really loud. And I was like, Did Jake hear any of that, Jake? But then there is kind of a just a gag joke about, like the you know

spk_1:   1:52:50
why The

spk_0:   1:52:50
pursuit is so great, Sterkel that that it's a cry for help. The and honestly, just when? Right before he says, the main fucking problem here is that you don't like me right before that when she sips, heard like goblet and then her player fleabag Oh, fleabag she liked takes a sip of her drink and her eyes were fixed on on them on. But it's the best gift ever like that when I want to Just consul time over and over. I'm here for this. It's like Jack Donaghy, just most zoos and is glad. Exactly. So then when Martin says, you know, the problem is you don't like me and cleric is this little like smile smirk like when she looks down, I can't quite place what it is. Is it like just that? Like, Yeah, he's right like he's. It's finally coming out that that's what it is. I yes, I agree. I also think she's surprised that he recognizes it, that he knows he's on to me like you figured it out after 11 years treating gold. Yeah, I am. But I also think that him saying it makes her have to recognize it as well, Like she's probably known it, but maybe not at the very least said it out loud and just relieve. Yeah, and yeah, exactly. Side note. He still has, like, the remnants of the black eye, and it makes it seem even more intense and makes him look even more disgusting. Obviously, fleabag really punched him

spk_1:   1:54:19
because it's been a few weeks

spk_0:   1:54:21
because the priest, I feel, I mean, he just kind of got bumped. He didn't get a punch to the nose, but surely she into him. I just did she punch. She tried to punch him a second time. I don't think she landed a second punch on Martin. Yeah, because that's when he thought he stopped her. And then she fell back into She hit you fell back into the priest. Yeah, yeah, yeah, but it does. He still has a little bit of it. It's a good detail to kind of let you know how much time has passed. That hasn't been like a month. Maybe that much that well, I don't know how. Yeah, I think the general, I think we're saying, like, 34 weeks, that's what. But then now he pulls out that he makes her laugh. Yes, and that was the most importantly. Oh, it really Alan gets you. It gets you. But it also it's clear that's all he's focused on. You said it was making you laugh. So that's all I've tried to do. I can be a shit head in every other way, right? But you said there was one thing you know, I could do that. So as long as I'm doing that, the other 90% of things I'm doing that are bad need to be ignored because

spk_1:   1:55:18
I am making

spk_0:   1:55:19
you laugh. But she she went along with that for a decade, you know? And you do think first split second that he's winning her back over. Maybe well, especially when he goes to seeing you Hate most about yourself is that you actually love me, and she kind of looks at him and you think like, Oh, he's an You know, he has given her this little speech before, and it's work and it's worked. And like we said at the end of season one, when all of a sudden there at this exhibition together and everything seems fine, you know, he gave her some version of I'm sorry and that is this his little speech. But the thing that Claire actually hates most about herself is that she hasn't loved him in a long time. But she's denied her own happiness, agreed to pretend that she loved her husband and her family. She want to deal with the fact that she, because if she dealt with it, means just to do something about it. Yeah, and change her life. And I I think the thing she hates most about ourselves, that she let it get this far right, and that's the thing about flea bag. When she's not there, Claire can stay in her little bubble and just pretend everything's okay and not have it ever questioned. But then flea bags, the disrupter who comes in with her quirky cafe and her dead bat and her you know, her honest life. Yes, that's really what fleabag has, even though we see touches where she kind of presents one side. Us. Yeah, you know she's repressed, too, but you know, sometimes is an unreliable narrator and all that. But But she is not someone who's pretending about all the aspects of life, her relationships. So she's the instigator to everybody else to like, break through those filters, those shells they put around themselves and thank God. Now we get second Neil scene very different, Martin tells Clair he won't leave until she's on her knees begging. And so it's very different, White, like you said. But it is interesting, fascinating to me that both sisters have a scene where they have their kneeling for somebody, for a man, for a man. But in both cases, it's not a sign of weakness. Yeah, and because in flea backs case, it was like you said, The surrender to this lack of control, which, ironically, is actually a power strength takes strength. It takes strength to acknowledge your vulnerability? Yes, and same thing with Claire here. She's finally surrendering to this truth. Yes, she does not love her husband. Yes, and has to do something about it, right? So her kneeling is actually, you know, Martin's telling her what she needs to do to get what she wants. Yep, And so she's like, I'm willing to do it. Yeah, I also, when there's a shot of flee back after, he says, Until you're down on your knees begging me. There's a shot of fleabag hold I just love. I just love her during this scene, but she's holding the drink. She looks at Martin, and then she looks clear and you can see her. The gear's going in her brain like, What's what's gonna happen with like she joins, were taught, were with her in watching this scene unfold. And then she's like part of this intimate conversation, right? And in between, it's like you said, like physically the barrier between the two of them. And she's staying quiet, trusting Claire. Yeah, she's not jumping in to be like, yes, the fuck out of here. You know, she's letting Claire make this decision for herself. I did not even think that. Yeah, the shot When you know they have this, like, kind of three shot where Martin's very big on the right and then flee. I was kind of in the middle and then cleared Looks so tiny like she's on her knees. She's kind of low in the shot, and then even her dresses kind of neutral and, you know, she's kind of blending in almost, but it's the strongest she's been in the entire show, and I love that contrast. Like truthful. Yeah, Like I said, she's finally asking for what she really wants, not what she thinks she's supposed to work, and I'll it was gratifying to see that she doesn't hesitate, gets down on our knees and declares, Please leave me so loudly. Yeah, voice is very strong. She knows exactly what she wants. Yes, it might be like the most emphatic Hurley. Yeah, yeah, Not that he didn't think she would kneel, and I believe in that dress. I know, which is a funny joke. But the whole relationship is such that thinking goes along with ignoring how important the relationship is and how fucked it is. Like if she cared more about the dress than ending her marriage. She wouldn't be ending her marriage, which is what has been the case for the last 11 years, right? She's not. But now she's not pretending to care about the small things anymore. While she ignores the big thing, it's exhausting. Yeah, she's like, No, no, fuck the dress I'm over. Whereas in the past it was like it's easier to worry about small stuff right and ignore the big stuff. Yes, old Claire might not have kneeled in the dress, but Martin doesn't get to know nuclear like he's not part of. He's part of the old Claire world. He doesn't get to know nuclear. Yeah, exactly, because nuclear is nuclear because she's not with him. The fact, too, that his parting words are not declare, but they're too fleabag. Uh, yeah, I guess the only thing left to say is, and then he turns to flee back and says, Fuck you because he ultimately blames her for all of this, never looks at himself even on and then even back to when he was talking about. I just have a personality, and it's not my fault. This just complete, like lack of lack of responsibility. He doesn't own it all, doesn't own anything. And it's almost like when you know someone like a celebrity offend somebody in the apology is like, I apologize If you were offended, right? It's like I'm not actually your response. Yeah, and I'm just gonna make this vague. And so with Martin, it's like, Well, I have no control over who I am. That's basically what he's saying. Yes, And I'm just like this and the entire show is about no. The opposite is true. You have the power to recognize your faults and then change them. And just after that whole speech and trying to fight for her, then just turning your marriage is ending. Your relationship of 11 like tortured years is over, and all you have to say is fuck you to your soon to be ex wife's sister. Yeah, like because. And then he

spk_1:   2:1:18
just turns on his heel and walks away.

spk_0:   2:1:20
He thinks it's her fault.

spk_1:   2:1:22
Yeah, he's not. He doesn't even

spk_0:   2:1:23
say good bye to clear like you. He doesn't like I'm sorry. He doesn't say there's no resolution to their relationship, right? It's like such a Yeah, he's because he's Lord. Yeah, And flew ex toast back eyes just like delicious. Oh, it is. Fuck you like exactly the word I kind of like well played And also like I want Yep, it hits. This is over in all the right places and I love that fucking was just a theme throughout the show and so many different every possible find connotation. Yeah, when? So when Claire leans back and like, Take the breath you exhale she exhales another great exhale great ex sailor. But when she does that, exhale and leans back as Martin's left her My husband when we were watching it for the first time, he was like, Oh, she's like, exercised a demon because she looks up and her chest opens. And truly, you know, he's like, left her life and left. The stress of him has left her body. Yes, yeah, and it's interesting. It's observant, too, that she does look up. I read an interview that all post, but basically Sean Clifford said, pointed out that in difficult times, one just needs to be aware of the fact that things will change. And she said, I think we need to be presented with possibilities. We need the representation of hope or of something other, and that's why she could have him leave her. That's why she wanted to go toward Yes, it's because because it's scary to just leave something and then not know what's coming. That's a human thing. I get that. But like, first of all, I hope you know Claire is in her life now. She sees that she can have better. I mean, he's obsessed with her, his adores her, so she sees that she can have better and be treated better be with the better man. Be a better version of herself with a better relationship, like it's harder to make a big change and take a risk when you don't know if there's anything else out there. I think that's why it happened when it and I think for her, because she's somebody who needs like a plan. Yeah, and in this case, she had that offered that possibility because there is a compliment. To bring a Brown is lose with Gilbert, who wrote, Eat, Pray, Love Yes, and but also other books that aren't like she's ready ton of Yes, she actually has just started writing fiction like her. I like that city of Girls said. You know, she's great on Instagram and stuff, so she's also very like inspirational. And obviously she did her eat, Pray love journey that inspired so many women to buy the book. Julia Roberts sit on the couch in Causton. Imagination did the trip, but she has a book Hold Big Magic. That's about like creativity just in everyday life that it is not just about creating art like you can be creative in all aspects, but she does have a thing about not this where she said, basically, you reach a point where you don't know what's next. But you know what? Your current situation is not what you want. Yeah, and I have been through that where is like when I left my old job where I was like I was not leaving for anything new, but I was just like, I'm not happy like I don't want this. Whatever this is, it's not working. Yeah, and so sometimes you do need to make that leap just to be open to the next thing. Because if you're just a bagman, well, you can't be stagnant. But you also just can't stay busy And like, there's so much we talked about. It is like busy nous. And every time you talk to somebody like, you know, I've just been so busy and you, like, brag about, But then you're like, what? What you've been doing and they don't even have a specific answer. It's just And I think a lot of times we feel everybody does it. You fill those spaces. And I think Claire did that. She stayed busy and very successful. And you, you fill those gaps because you're afraid if you leave ah, empty space, you're gonna feel it. You have to actually recognize what's happening. Yeah, or you might start to notice the things that you don't like about your life. But you need to do that to recognize those things to then move on to the next phase. Yeah, so in some cases, you don't need the next plane. You just need to know, Like what? You can't do that. I need to open up the space to let something new come in. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Yeah. There was another quote that I wanted to add. There's a salon dot com article by Mary Elizabeth Williams that she wrote about Claire, and I just thought it synthesized her so well. And so she says. Um, Claire is a revolutionary television character, a person we all know in real life but rarely see on a comedy show. She is that member of your family, possibly you, who never feels entitled to lose her mind, because losing your mind is everybody else's brand. She's the one who makes it her job to hold it together, even though she hasn't no less together than anyone else. The one everyone jokes about being wound so tightly without ever questioning why she might happen to be that way. And then end of quote. My thoughts also are. The best part is that by the end of Season two, Claire starts to allow herself to put herself first and then tiny bit the lens all she needs, and she realizes she can't have needs and she can take action to get those needs met. And I think that is a very good example to all of us, especially women. I resonated a lot with that well, and it's another Elizabeth Gilbert thing where she Sorry, Bernet, I'm really hitting, lose Gilbert in this war. Friends think they are buddies. They're probably listening together to this over a glass of wine, some risotto. And so what she has talked about is that she feels when women come talk to her, like about her trip for her, about her changing her life in all these different ways and different phases of her life. That, she said, So many women are waiting for permission to get what they want or because you're made to feel like if you get what you want, you're abandoning your child or your banning your spouse or you're letting all these other people down When a lot of men just never putting yourself first as a woman is like just not a thing that in natural our society doesn't teach us to do that right it it almost feels instinctively wrong that you you know, that that self interest for you to do that exactly. It's not No, it's not. There's a different dream, self care and being selfish. I know for sure, and it's a fine line. It's hard to figure out Yeah, so I think a lot of that is in this show of like, people finally said both clear and fleabag, finally realizing that, like, I'm worth doing this for myself. So now we're gonna go into coming out of Martin's little speech into godmother, realizing that Dad has disappeared.

spk_1:   2:7:35
Your father, the wedding is about to start, and no one could find it. Could you do something? Please, Please. Please. Gotten upstairs. Okay.

spk_0:   2:7:52
All right. Short little scene, but sets up some good stuff. So the things that happened during the music I love. So we talked about Claire's great exhale, but fleabag helps her up, and then they continue to hold hands. I love it like they are in it together. She knows this has been huge for Claire. She's so proud of her. Yeah, and she wants her. No, like you're not alone and clear is letting her touch her. What you know so much about her is like leaving alone. So she knows now that she has that support and needs it. Yep. And then now fleabag goes back to the wall to smoke, and we get another hot little cutaway of this makeup session. And so you're like, Oh, yeah, that she's too. That's still the only thing on your mind so she can't. I was like, Hey, Claire, but also copies one. Also, last time I was here, this jack against this wall. Exactly. So this is a good idea to be figured out. And then we see priests and godmother waiting, wondering what kind of what's going on. And then Jake assembling his. But soon as he honestly to me looks like a sniper assembling his weapon doesn't like he's just the way he like. Yeah, of course he's about to, like, kill them with his brilliant song like Clear, Claire has no defenses against my town. Now Godmother comes over and I love this where she goes, What have you done with him staring at fleabag? I believe that those who cause it's like Does she mean the priest like the priest? Is that weird? What have you done with him? And what, like little What have you done to them? Now? We realize that you know her dad's not. Yeah, and I know that Got Mother immediately assumes and is

spk_1:   2:9:25
not afraid to admit

spk_0:   2:9:26
this. That fleabag has done something. Tear him away. Yeah. Then her plea, it repeated like Please, please. He's a lot like the always always at the funeral. But her last one is genuinely Please help me. Yeah, like she and fleabag way. All because this is the most vulnerable godmother has been. And like, really, actually, sincerely, our the power shift has all the power. She needs her help because it points out, like so what I thought was interesting is godmother saying the all at the funeral. Always, always. But she doesn't show that through her actions right now, she has to help ask for help and hope that the sisters will help her because of their family. Right? This is a family for all that, you know. It's like No. Now, okay. We'll show you what that means. What you were talking about, that you don't show us. We will show you right and that they immediately know where to go. Yeah, they know him so well, and they grew up there. They know where you know Hans? Yes, His little spot. I

spk_1:   2:10:28
also was

spk_0:   2:10:28
like, Okay, so technically, you say you're saying the wedding's about to start, but they're just like standing there eating Cana pays maybe even a cord yet and But they're not like sitting and ready for the father's wedding. Something's gotta soak up all that booze. I get that. That's a good point also, however, the 8/1000 time I watch this, I noticed the priest in the background. He's like, pacing. Does he not moving? He's swaying like he's fidgety. And I hadn't noticed that. And now we need to go watch it again, I guess. Oh, so now we're going to follow fleabag because she has found into the dad in the attic.

spk_1:   2:11:00
Don't. I can't get okay that you can. I can't set trap. I'm stuck. Everyone will understand. Just give them all the bottles. Take home. Want to see that? They will be relieved. My food. It's stuck. Everyone will understand. Um, you help me? How is it? Just just forget it out. I'm gonna be in so much trouble. What are you doing? Okay, I'm I just remembered that I had left a friendly most trap up here a few weeks ago and I hadn't checked it. Wanted to make sure that one little chap hadn't got trapped in. Intern was suffocating up here. I think I've worked out. What would you do? But Stewart? Golly, I'll do it If you tell me why you're up here, it's one honest answer. I would I don't think one full sentence. I was checking on the mouse. Dad, do you wanna make a run for it? I could smuggle you out. One of mom's dresses. You. I know she's not everyone's cup of tea. Another wound. I mean, I'm sorry. I love you, but I'm not sure that I like you all the time. So you created this monster. You know the way you are because of me. I know. Well, you, uh, because of four. And it's those bits you need to clean. Did you get my shoes? I just want you all to be proud of me. No Proud of you, Dad. I have two daughters. You love you even if you don't like them. I like clear. Thank you. Come on. I don't think I can Come on. Okay. Smiles. Don't forget. I think you know how to love better than any others. That's where you find it. Also painful. I don't find it painful

spk_0:   2:14:10
of such a beautiful scene. Yeah, it's really sweet. I kind of wish Bill Patterson had been nominated for something. I really I thought maybe you will for like, a BAFTA or something. But he was just so quietly understated and beautiful and nuanced and yeah, um, absolutely, just fantastic. So what? I think it so the beginning of the scene when she goes up flea that goes up the ladder to go to the attic and she holds her dress down like we're planning. Like she's like, Oh, I see you don't look at my dress like she should. This is sort of a throwback. It's like she's still the same old fleabag, constantly thinking about sex but, like, you know, also coping whether shouldn't manifesting in healthier ways. But I do. One thing that I thought was interesting is I, like, randomly watched a trailer for Fleet. I do. I have to go, Yeah, just to see, like what they put in it, and that clip is in it. So they clearly it like resident of somebody on the production side, and they were like, This is a thing that we should acknowledge. But she also is acknowledging that the dress is a little short, which for the occasion is a bit short, which now seems like a clear choice. Maybe is like a little bit of a rebellion, another dad's wedding, maybe to catch the pre side. And then somebody says that his dad says he can't get out. It's a trap. She says he can. Everyone will understand And, you know, because knowing my foot is stuck and I it's the most kind of sitcom Me, I feel like like, kind of like the misunderstanding. But it's a funny mrs Yeah, it's cute and it doesn't last that. All right, so I wasn't mad about it. It's like they land on it like, get it? It would be great if that was one of her asides to the camera. Get it? You see what we did then? I almost would be funny to do. Like, have you ever seen when they take laugh tracks out of look, they'll be like friends with no laugh track, and it sounds a little creepy, and they all just like assholes because they're making these quips. And then there's silence. Maybe funny. Add a laugh track to Fleet, huh? I fucking hate laugh tracks, if you like. You know it. Actually, it was my miscarriage. No, uh, pre shows up with the door when she opens the O. I think we're our own record. Oh, my God, that's That's what the pot guy's gonna be Now it's just us. It's just replaying nice. What show? Hey, there are worse things on the air, but she reveals this truth when he goes, you know, everyone will understand what kind of reveals, like we all think this is a bad idea what the fuck you doing? But then he is. The effect is is gonna be in so much trouble. I know, like revealing everyone fears the wrath of God, Mother. Now I love with his little thing about I came up to check a friendly mouse trap and

spk_1:   2:16:56
make sure the little chip

spk_0:   2:16:57
wasn't suffocating. Which is such an interesting choice of words, I guess was that it's in the attic. And then all of a rupture were like he's trapped under a little chest but not have a scene with mouth trap. A metaphor for him. I mean, he can barely look her in the eye like he can't he ain't you, they anybody, They both know that he's lying. I mean, she's tries to drag it out of him.

spk_1:   2:17:21
It's obvious, but he still can't

spk_0:   2:17:23
you don't there one full sentence I like. She's so desperate for him to be because Claire's being honest and Martin's being honest and the priest. But like,

spk_1:   2:17:33
this is a thing.

spk_0:   2:17:33
Now get with it Cool, get on our level. It's the hip thing. All the kids were doing kids, they're doing okay, Boomer and she okay, rumor. She's she's got leverage to Yeah, So she I love that she was, like, one full sentence or else I will keep you like she's got the power still doesn't go for it. And then when she goes, you want make a run for it that mom's dresses were probably still around. Well, that's showing us that that reveals us. Why, Why he's up there? Because then you can learn a lot of dresses air up there that you have you reminiscing. And part of that I did one going back to like his. His inability, to be honest. It it did occur to me like she and clearer in their thirties, and it was such a struggle for them to get over the repression. He's been doing this for early 60 years. He grew and grew up in a time when it was impossible for especially a man also women and especially in Britain, to be vulnerable or honest. All right, you know, let anybody know what's going on. So you know, it makes more sense that he's sort of stuck to it. Yeah, but she does get him to open up a little bit. And you know, I love this line when he goes. I know she's not everyone's cup of tea, but neither are you. That is a great recognition and a lesson from someone older. Yes, of the world doesn't revolve around you and you, everybody kind of the hero of your story. But you're not exactly. And in your mind, you know, everybody else's the weirdos. And yeah, it's like you have a pretty distinctive yourself. Yeah, I also he is. He's telling her the truth there. It's not the truth that she asked for, but it is the truth she didn't think would be about her then. This is a great line, too, but I love you, but I'm not sure I like you all the time. Yes, which is exactly what he said about her mother after the funeral. Yes, that he loved her, but he didn't always like those aspects of her. Yes, but we're so shoulder bag. There's a little bit of a twist because he said that because in Season one, the first episode of season when the pilot, when she shows up at the door and she goes through her thing about him a depraved you know, perverted Baba Baba is not even a feminist Canyon herself feminist. And he goes, Well, you get all that from your mother. Yeah, that the joke. Being like all the bad parts I can't. And that's like a rejection for, because she's like, Oh, thanks for reminding me that the person that could help me with this is right. But here he's, it's it's flipped on its head where he's basically saying all the good things about you you get from your mom because those parts you need to cling to and I think also to preserve the memory of her like save those things that you get from her. Yeah, no, it's lovely. Yeah, I

spk_1:   2:20:09
thought was

spk_0:   2:20:09
interesting when he says, I just want you all to be proud of me. Yeah, like we have, I don't know. He's he's showing. He cares what they think, what she hasn't. But he's with Godmother, and he knows that they think of her. So it's kind of like an odd thing to say. I don't know why I do. What do you think she literally wrote in the notes? Why

spk_1:   2:20:26
do you

spk_0:   2:20:27
think he said that? Hama, Chrissy Teachers the size A t? Uh, I don't know. I wanted to remember to ask you. I think it was just that he is finding happiness and he's moving on. And he's not languishing in the grief of losing his wife. Yeah, and you know, and I think that because that's it's a vulnerable thing to do Thio try to love again and to get married again. And it's, you know, at his age. And I think it's, um I took it Is that of like, I know you don't like her, but be proud of me growing and moving. Exactly. Yeah. Okay, I see that. Yeah, got that? Got that. And then when she's in, you know, you have two daughters who love you. And, you know, even if you don't like us, I want Claire. I know that is a hysterical it goes over, okay, because of where Clarence Lee back are in their relationship now. And he's clearly joke. Yes, you know, it's a sweet. It's like a sweet yes, and for all the talk about, like I said, how stammering and inarticulate your dad is. He has a good heart. And when he is able to express himself, his sentiments are usually right on targets. Also calling back after the funeral. Her advice back is her advice to him is the same advice. Because he doesn't then and you know you're like Ha ha ha, it's a trap. But actually, then he's like, Wait, actually, can I do? Maybe I can't do this over here, all right? She does. He does, he acknowledges the reason he went up there to begin with. I love his delivery on. You know she's away because I told you, Check on the It's so early like he can't even believe it himself. Right? Right. And so now he admits that he's actually really nervous. But yes, like you said, Come on, buck up, smiles, charm. Off we go and his face when she says that to him, like I think part of it is that he really is having second thoughts, and he's a little freaked out. But I also, you know, projecting. But I saw in his face that he's seeing her in a different light. Like I imagine, receiving advice like receiving advice you've given to someone is an interesting experience in general. And then I imagine, especially. It's like, strange and significant when that person is your adult child well, and it makes it clear that she heard him. Yes, yes, stuck with her. And although he said it at her mom's funeral, now she's singing to him at his wedding to another woman, right? Yeah, like all kinds. Ah, well. And there's still a you know, even though it's a happy occasion, there's still a loss of a previous life, and you're moving into a new phase. And like this, he he's probably thinking of letting the last time he had a wedding. You know, right, exactly. And then this beautiful line about I think you know how to love better than any of us. That's why you find it also painful. I mean, he's basically telling her she's a major impact, like she just feels everything and both her and the people around her. Yes, and I love her defensiveness. Or she's like, I'm fine, thank you. I know. Which I could tell. That's just her denying it. Or she was like, he didn't get that right? Yeah, yeah, I think she just doesn't feel like she's like, No, you're the one. I'm comforting. I'm fine right now. This become about yeah, no stop. But I do love that by acknowledging that he's showing that he does know and understand her core, which was in doubt for a while. Well, yeah, and I think that, you know, she hate using the word journey. But we've seen her on this journey where she didn't think she was worthy of love or had the capability to love someone else. And now her dad's basically telling her, Actually, you're the best of it. Yeah, as of anybody, it's scared to acknowledge that you feel the wounds of others like, and that it's it's something that's hard to turn off. So then it makes sense that she turns to sex and alcohol. Don't do that, but then I like along those lines I That's why the sex is different with the priest cause it's about love and not ignoring, like what's really going on, because it always comes back to the set. So now we are going to move into the ceremony.

spk_1:   2:24:37
No, stay, darling. That's her. Good afternoon, everybody. Thank you for coming today to celebrate the love between these two very special people before we stars that Jake is us to play another piece on his person. Oh. Huh? Yeah. I can't do this reading. Todo what I'll do. You go get it. Come and get him. Why not is to leave. My fault was waiting. It's called difficult sake. We get the airport anyway. When they go, is it running to the apple? Kind of. I'm not going to the airport. You think I was insane? I have to see Herr Airport even point Him can get through security without a boarding pass. So I wasn't suggesting. Have to buy a dummy ticket just to get through the gate. I don't know when his flight is or which terminal. Imagine finding that. Imagine him finding out. I knew a ll that imagine. He was just in boots, buying a pair of tweezers in terminal five. And suddenly I was there. Hello, Claire. Yeah, that would be intense in past life on the pineapple. For is you. Thank you, Jake, for the beautiful pursued peace. Uh, written, especially for today. I believe it's called. Where is Claire?

spk_0:   2:26:39
One of the things I didn't notice until, like the fourth or fifth viewing.

spk_1:   2:26:42
I just

spk_0:   2:26:42
love how we casually throughout these, like my early viewing, fourth or fifth friend. But when they first when fleabag under dad, first comeback godmother, Cnooc's they're coming and she tells the priest, Go, go, go, go, go She kind of pushes him and he started tripping Walks away Valley kind of Lucy violence. And I don't know if that was scripted. Will have to know I didn't just look. It's not in their love, just magic, love it. And then such good physical cause. Now the fact that Dad stays are asked flee back to stay with him as they walk up the rips, her grips or no, don't look. Stay with me admitting he needs her help, which drives godmother nuts because now she's part of this show. Like she's kind of crashed the show again, and it's about it's It's not just like her mere ing dad, right? Like you're here, too. And she's again literally coming between the two of them. Yeah, and it also sets up a scenario which I didn't notice until this last viewing. Where now she flea bag looks like a bride being walked on the aisle by her dad. Yes, towards the priests? Yes. And she's also like almost giving away her dad. So it's like, both right, Like both in both ways. It's like a little interesting. Well, when the priest looks at them, you know, he kind of smiles and it kind of looks away, which I think just seeing her and everything that's in his head. He kind of has to look away. But yeah, for a second, I was like, Is he briefly imagining I'm actually a grin? Right? And she's coming toward me. That was just something that popped into my head. Oh, I like that. I Then I also like that he's limping from the mouth of the little godmothers. Grimmette like her just her grim hurt. Her mouth turned down so good. So yeah, she can't even fake it in front of the crowd. I know, but I should get there Eventually she has to break the spell. Right, darling? Getting so. Now we get to Jake Spur, soon solo, which is a nice interlude to get to have this conversation with Claire and Fleabag. Also, it's also just funny that Jake, of course, would ask to play like an extra one. What

spk_1:   2:28:46
I could tell

spk_0:   2:28:46
that because remember, earlier in the season when they were getting the portrait done, Godmother says, How's the bassoon solo coming? So I don't know. Does she requested or did Jake say I want to play? I think he requested, but that there was an additional. I think he did, too. Okay. Oh, he's gonna play just because he's playing. Actually, you don't hear his music, but as they're walking up, he's playing. That's he continues like it was something like, you know, it asked to play another that he composed his extra one. So what I thought about also is Martin is just

spk_1:   2:29:19
standing there during the pursuit. So he's just

spk_0:   2:29:22
standing in the back like a leering look. I guess he figures he's out of the family, so he's like, get to set, barely gonna be there. It's it's like he wants Claire to know he's Yeah, just is weird. I mean, visually, it makes it more interesting when they cut o level. Yeah, it's just a funny choice. But also, why're Clarence Fleabag sitting in the back row of the whether they wouldn't be in the front row with their father's wedding? Yeah, it's so they can have this conversation. Exactly. And then my last little note is that this woman behind Claire to the left of Claire has the best British hat ever is a hat or a fascinator? Oh, my God. What's a fascinating fascinators like the headband with, like, things on? Oh, then maybe it it has because it has, like, those big curves and like a ribbon. And I guess I just learned we'll have to look that Nader is. Yeah, I only learned that when a derby, every British listener, is crazy, I know. Sorry, sorry, But I remember during either one of the wedding's in both the rolling like because the two of the you always look at the two of the princesses had, like really ridiculous ones. I love s Oh, there. It's not a hat. It's like it's basically a headband, but it's got things on it. Yes, that's not really that, I think, is what it was. But it is phenomenal where you talk about Claire and flee back sitting so far in the back. It could also be possible that godmother put them there. Oh, my God, you're right because she didn't want them to be front and center. That's true. So let's say that I think that that they need to have a conversation. Uh, it is all very beautiful. Oh, it's gorgeous. It's kind of a dream wedding. Yes, And Jonathan had told us that this was not the actual backyard of that house that they found in a different location. Does the does seem awfully big? Huge for what's behind it. They really just established that Dad has some cash. Yep, in a lot of different levels. Oh, when Claire says she can't do the reading feels reminiscent when they're at the women in business or words like fleabag. So yeah, fleabag offers at the women in Business Word Fleabag offers to do the interest BJ after the woman's throwing up and saying, I'll do like I honestly in the same tone, like it's kind of the station says the exact same way I'll do it and clear shuts her down right because she feels threatened by exactly ends like, No, I I'll do. I can do it this time. Clear is like I mean, event takes a little tries, but I don't think that's related to her. It's related to Am I actually gonna move and go get clear like this is not about flea bag? Yeah, yes, she had eventually accepts the help which her? This exchange is so funny because it die sex, that cliche of running through the airport or somebody. God, I left so hard, but she's like the airport when she repeats it like, Are you crazy? And details like just deflate this cliche of because I have to buy a dummy Tonto. And imagine if I knew all that. Imagine if he knew I do all that be intense, like you sound crazy. So it's It's no, it's so fun. A great just breakdown, you know, deconstruction ill and I love that. It's like a romcom staple. She's like, totally pulled it apart. And it's the same satisfying feeling I got when fleabag dissected Martin's like, Is that a bull? Soon in your head, you happen to see me? It's like Think about what you're saying. Yes, these are things we just throw out really life. I mean, it's not, but it makes no sense. Yes, I love that. Imagine if he was just in boots buying a pair of tweezers in Aisle five, and suddenly I was their boots is back. Yeah, I hear it's lovely this time of year. Big movie Every time you're in, I imagine. And then this is the all time classic line. The only person I'd run through an airport for is you and I love it, Ali Lewis wrote. BR be crying like it, and I just love that Fleabag is surprised by this line, and so are we. Because you're just Claire has been so resistant up, so any of show affection, especially to flea bag. And now we just really see how far they've come. And this is where a lot of people have said at the beginning, when she says, this is a love story, that it's their love story agreed, and that this is the moment when it they kind of culminate. Expect Li I. I also like I love that fleabag just stares at her, and Claire looks at her, looks away, looks back like it's just sweet. Yes, well acted and great, right? And I think she recognizes that she's the one who helped free her for Martin, but she's just helped her have this big catharsis. And now that she's the love of her life, yes, in a way, yeah. Sean Clifford had there was like a red carpet for some Elle magazine party, and they had asked Sean what she hopes happened for Claire after the series ended. And she said, I like to think she made it to the airport for Clarin fleabag, a sister's. I always want them to find their where their way back to each other. I feel I feel they did, and that was a beautiful resolution disease into. And we agree, Yes, this was the moment to my well, time out clear. My dad watched fleabag, I think, because of the time he had heard about it. But me talking about Yeah, but he said, Well, my main question is declaring up with Claire E. I like to think so. They had to, and then the song is called Where's Claire? a major moment that it's like, Fine, great. I'll take that. You could do that. That's fine. His delivery. So perfect. Factually. First day for today, which had nothing to do with Claire.

spk_1:   2:34:49
No, but it's

spk_0:   2:34:50
like it was actually about Godmother and his grandfather. You know, I had nothing to do with Claire, you know? And also, you know where Claire is. She's about to be on her way to the airport and not married to your dad, and Yeah, And if you said Claire's faces, just like yeah. Yep. She's just like, Yes, this, uh, that sounds right. This checks out. Okay. It also reinforces her decision. Yeah, like, All right, I get the fuck out of here. All right, So now we get to the classic priest homily.

spk_1:   2:35:23
I think what you guys are doing is amazing. Look me. I'm sorry I didn't get much sleep last life. So it turns out it's quite hard to come up with something original to say but love. But I've got to go. Love is awful. It's awful. It's painful. Fright makes you doubt yourself. Judge yourself. Distance yourself on the other people in your life makes you selfish. Makes you creepy makes you obsessed with your hair. Makes you cruel, makes you say and do things you never thought you would do. There's something wrong with your priest. It's all any of us want on its hell when we get there. So no wonder it's only we don't want to do. In our I was told, If we're born with love, then life is about choosing the right place to put it. People talk about that. A loss, it feeling right when it feels right. It's easy, but I'm not sure that's true. It takes strength to know it's rice. And love isn't something that weak people do. Real romantic takes a hell of a lot of hope. I think what they mean is, when you find somebody that you love, it feels like hope go out the side way. So thank you for bringing us home together here today To take words from this of love Be strong, I'll take hard. Oh, you Let's go home.

spk_0:   2:37:56
What a speech! What a performance! What a fucking performance! Okay, well, let's just start at the top. Yep. He chokes up saying that what they're doing is amazing. And my from the first episode. First time I watched it, my gut was that. And I still think this that this is the moment he realizes he's choosing the church. Really? Yeah, he knows we'll never have this moment with flea bag. Damn, that's my interpretation. I don't know. I'm still I still don't really know when. Yeah, he decided. I mean, I think throughout the whole homily, he she's taking you back and forth for sure, because the whole time we're in flea backs position of wondering, What is he thinking? What is this telling me? Because it goes back to when they were when he said he couldn't do the wedding and that this idea of there having a conversation that's ostensibly for, like, the events for everybody, but they're actually talking to each other and that he's kind of she thinks he's maybe sending her a message. I also love the way they did her makeup here because she looks so tired and so you can tell she's either been crying or is just exhausted like her eyes. Just look what she's got like back. Yeah, she just She also looks tired. Neither them you don't mean e Think we'll do because we saw it. Did we saw one thrust? Yes, that was wiped around. That's fine. So that's I don't know. I some people I think that you are to them. He looks just really emotionally invested in the Seagull. Oh shit. And in this event and he's just a guy who loves love That's to me like that's the surface. But I think it that's when it hits him. Yeah, I no reports out. Fuck me. Oh, my God, that's hysterical. His cool swear e priest And I love the cut away when he says that he didn't get much sleep last night because Claire knows exactly why. Oh, yeah, Yeah, I, uh I mean, we know we know why. You know, we're trying to decipher what his choice will be like. Is he signalling to her what he's gonna do? So when he comes out with love is awful, it's jarring. It's totally like we would because not only because it's the irony that he's at a wedding, and this is the sentiment that he's projecting is the priest. But we immediately think he's saying he doesn't want to be in love with fleabag. Yeah, but this whole experience has been awful. Yeah, And then in front of everybody, yeah, at all what I was like, Oh, shit. He is gonna crash, And per And then this is where does that nervous something with the Bible, Which is just a great, uh, tick. Yeah, I like right before he starts fleabag like swallows. Hard, like she knows is important. What's he going to say? And he looks right at her most of this whole most of the time, right? I also at, like, you know, it watches later, whenever I really enjoyed watching it will only focusing on Claire's vases. Sean Clifford is such a good fucking actor. Yeah, but you watch her realization happen, and she knows what she has to do, right? And like, yeah, I know it is so good that just reminding because you're talking about how the priest was looking at flea bag the whole time. Oh, yes. I mean, that has come up from a couple different people after the funeral. When after godmother does her whole spiel about always, always, always be there and leaves. People think Claire looks at the camera and that they're both breaking the fourth wall together. And what does that mean? I I think it's an optical illusion. I think she's looking slightly past it at where Godmother has left. Because I think if they wanted to bring out that Claire is also breaking the fourth wall, it would have been made much more obvious. It would have been made a plot point because there's such a huge thing when the priest found out right. And he's the 1st 1 that done. Yeah, like II gets us. I think it looks like she is. But I don't think it was intended that I agree. For the record, the record question. Nine for feet, you know, drill so back to the Halloween. So I also I was this whole thing. Oh, you wait. Sorry. You had a thing. Oh, well, I like this. The holly is just such a good wrap up for the show. Yeah, like he makes you creepy. He, like lunges at Jake like he liked to think it's it at Jake. Jake actually was like taking I know

spk_1:   2:42:14
because he's coming at

spk_0:   2:42:15
him and, like, makes you obsessed with your hair. A shot of Martin looking it, Claire, right? Like it's just so it really wrap it up? Yes, and I think the whole this performance. I feel like it's classic Andrew Scott, and then it's starts kind of gentle and calm. You're like, This is a great guy and the whole thing's just gets very intense. And we'll see you all. Yeah, almost to the point where you're like, maybe he should have dialed this down like 20 tickets back and not yeah, but it works because he's so worked up about what's on his mind, and he's so in his head and these feelings are so intense. So it's It's perfect, which is also then perfect leading up to Claire saying, There's something wrong with your priced and fleabag looks. She's worried like she looks as for a second we have. She hasn't looked at us in a while. Looks at us like Wait, fuck what's happening? Well, it does sound like he's recounting all of the reasons, like all the feelings he's had over the course of their relationship because it's almost like he's. These are the things he learned about love, that he's now going to put into the speed who's listening all these negative things and It's like this is all why he went into the priesthood because he said romantic relationships were too complicated. Yeah, and you know, it makes you say and do things you never thought you would do, which is like him. He can't win if you did. I can't believe you just did that when she says that, Um and it just raises the stakes even further on. Like I said on this idea that, like they're having the silent conversation with each other in front of all of their friends and family and also Randa's on also Daniel's and Lucy the surrogate and a thief, yes. And so then you know it's all this buildup and it feels very negative. And then he builds up to this line about which is why it's something we don't want to do on our own. So now you and he kind of looks right at her and smiles s. So now you're turned back to like, Oh, he's saying, I'm so glad I found you. You were together. It's It's very up and down is very up and down on a roller coaster of emotion. I also love because of what we know with his like 40 days and 40 nights in that desert. He's so proud of this little patch line that he's come up with, like it's almost like he delivers any kind of, like, get that cute guys. We almost leans forward a little like to get it. I did it. I twisted it. You thought I was going one way and

spk_1:   2:44:40
I'm going the other.

spk_0:   2:44:41
Yeah, Clever, eh? It's really adorable. So So now love is about choosing the right place to put it. This is like you said, It's just a wrap up of the whole city. Sees you like, Where do I put my love? I don't know where to put her conversation with Boo about her. Her mother, like, Where do I put it? I'll take it. Yeah, and it feels like he's looking and pointing right at a fleabag, like almost like and again like, I'm putting my love with you. So it's like, Oh, we're good. Yeah, And, um, yeah, And so now when he gives in this whole thing about, like it feeling right when it's easy and that, um, it takes strength to know what's right? Yeah,

spk_1:   2:45:20
and that I got

spk_0:   2:45:21
like, tell me what to do Vibe there like it takes because it takes strength to make your own decisions and make any decisions at all. Like write any choice. Yeah, well, and it's because you want to make the right choice. Like the what takes strength is being willing to face the consequences of your choice. Yeah, if you really want it to be your own choice, Yes, and or you know what, the right choices. But it's hard to make it because it's painful in the short term. So even with Claire like, yeah, that's what kept her in, you know? Yeah. Stagnant for 11 years, right? And and even now, like, yeah, it's gonna be really hard for her to actually, like, leave her family and leave her whatever she's gonna do, she's gonna move to Finland or whatever. Like, none of that is easy, even if it's the right thing to death. Yes, yes. Yeah, That's because easy. And before the easy thing was to just not do anything. Yep. And it was the wrong truck. And now it's unbearable. Yeah, like you said, they're having another silent conversation here. They're saying a lot without saying it I think when I watch this last night

spk_1:   2:46:24
because I have

spk_0:   2:46:24
gone back before that. Like when does he know what choices making and when does she know? And I think I think that after he says it takes strength to know what's right. He is officially committing to the church and she knows it. And because he can't he has look at her anymore. He, like, looks away and around right after saying that he's like, less engaged with her after that. It feels more like he's talking to everyone. And it seems like he tears up a bit like he blinks a few times and and he looks up at the sky God, God in the Lord and the Yeah, like I that want Yeah, okay, Even when he said, You know all you who hope on you think maybe that's the end. And then when he says in the Lord, he looks up and then you're kind of like, Oh, he's still think he you know another is a little of them. Him, like saying a line, you thinking it's going one way and then changing because those pauses, Yeah, he gets those positive like Was that holy a bit less than right, right? Well, and I I think he does realize it when he chokes up. But maybe here is when he kind of gets the conviction of that is the choice. Yes, you're right. Like maybe that's why he looks up to of like, maybe he got a signal or he got he feels like God. President got yeah, that it was like you are doing this is the right thing. Yeah. Now we get it takes strength to know what's right, And you assume that means he's going to stay with the church. Yes, and it's because it's the harder choice, even though he does love her. But then he did us a love isn't something that weak people do. And when you find somebody that you love, it feels like hope. So now it feels like, Is he saying he has the strength to choose her? Because that's the harder thing to do is to love her. And now that he found someone to love and so that that's the choice he's going to make. So it's just all Europe. Don't don't. It's up and down because and I think what he really means is that, um, vulnerability and love are worth that risk, because even if it's short lived, it's reminder that you have the capacity to love and be loved, which is like the point of That's the hope. Yeah, So I listened to Dan Savage sometimes when on his savage love podcast, and we'll get a lot of messages from people who will say, like, they lost the love of their lives and they just will never find love again. And, you know, what are they going to do? Like, how did they get this person back? Because they were their one true love, And he always reminds them is like you found that person. So that means it's possible for you to do it again, cause I mean that if you if you believe in soulmates or whatever. But, you know, he's saying that's the hope you have is that you realized you were worthy of love and you were able to give someone else love. It happened once it could happen. It can happen again. And if you open yourself back up to that again, it's not gonna happen. Yeah, yeah. So then back to the sisters. Yeah, fleabag notices. Claire has been, like, very affected by the family. She's in tears, and she tells her to go go out like I

spk_1:   2:49:25
thought that was

spk_0:   2:49:25
interesting. That fleabag is like, so engaged with the priest. But then she does like she does take a second to get out of that bubble and be, like, Clear is having her own experience right right now. And I liked the call back to the of that feels like a childhood memory. Two of the science like, yeah, they know they know what? That race. Yeah. I love that guy. Help me away. They snuck out as teenage Helly sleazebag. I also so enjoy that clear Takes off the hair extensions. Perfect is clear. The k loves her hair and her new hair does represent nuclear like you're saying like it did, but it really literally feels like she is leaving her old self behind physically, physically representative of and I love that. She just leaves it on the chair and flee. That makes a face. It is like, Wait,

spk_1:   2:50:15
what? You yourself? You should leave that

spk_0:   2:50:18
like she's partially We're proud of her, but also like a like a new kind of Gross. Maybe the priest calls the Bible the book of a book of love, which sort of shows his homily could've been talking about the love for God the whole time. So kind of going back to what we had mentioned earlier is when he says, like, be strong and take heart all you hoped in the Lord after the cause. But I

spk_1:   2:50:41
think what he's talking

spk_0:   2:50:42
about Hope could probably projecting this, but it seems like he's telling her like what? With Dan Savage. You have hope now you don't need me to be happy because you know you can love someone. That means you have hope for the future. So it's gonna be okay even though I'm not choosing you. And he's telling himself that, too, I think, Yeah, yeah, because he had his own. Like we said, he has own demons. Yeah, and even though he had chosen the church that this relationship had made him realize like it's not that he needed the church because he wasn't worthy of of love from someone else that he actually, we've said, I think we say this at the end. Like he he's actually stronger in what he has chosen because it's now actually a choice. That was maybe just a default, you know, safe. Do you think side note Claire walks out of the wedding during this homily. It was kind of showing, like, the darker side love is that you can get into a shitty marriage. Yeah, like it's, you know, And then after after he finishes the homily and Claire leaves that we see fleabag glance down at the at the chair that Claire was sitting in and it's out of the shop. But, like, you know, she's glancing at the hair extensions just like sitting there. What am I going to do with the Alec? Oh, that's it. There now. So I just put that in the tray. Yeah. Okay, so now cleared. And I like the cuts to both Jake and Martin watching her walk away, because they also that's part of the brilliance to of having her leave mid ceremony. They can't just fail to, especially Jake, because he's stuck up in the front soon that soon. But he and the fact that Jake even looks at Martin like what's happening? Yeah, are like, Are you going to do something? Yeah, and And also, I think, maybe realizing like I'm stuck with this dude, I know that is the shitty life, That word bailing as soon as I turn 18 honestly, they get on with a big bit and you could see I love you could finally see godmother with this big grin of, like, finally, my turn. It's about me that to me. So we don't see the ceremony because we all know what happened. And now we have dad and fleabag talking on the porch.

spk_1:   2:53:00
You? No, you. Thank you. The crease is looking for you. No, don't break his heart.

spk_0:   2:53:41
All right? Short, little, Yeah, seeing, but needed because we really get this kind of record. I mean, we had a reconciliation in the attic, but I also love that there are maybe what three lines exchange like it's so says so much of the little Yeah, and where that laugh just says it all, like, yeah, they don't they get, They know, They just know, like we did like we did it. Yeah, it's over. It was bizarre. Claire took off. Yeah, um, we don't know where she went. Like we're acknowledging that I wanted out. Maybe for like a second. Yeah, but but But I did it. And I'm happy now. Yes. And maybe also. Yeah. So about clears miscarried, like, yeah, all that stuff about I'm not talking about, but I think it is a lot of just like we did it. Yeah, and, you know, it's also you know what, Claire, uh, Dad was not there during the miscarriage. He wasn't that so. I don't know. I don't know if, um, godmother would have filled him in. Yeah, but it's just lovely. And it's such a great book end to their first conversation and episode one outside the restaurant when the whole it doesn't matter. Yeah, and he refuses the cigarette, right? And he just just that the tension in that and the resentment from the previous year was so palpable. And now it's, you know, they've healed and you accept the cigarette. I think there's also a little bit of like, Well, we're married now. What's you gonna do? Like fuck it And I'm still gonna have a little power. Yeah, I could do that. Do I smoke a drag if I want todo But it's just lovely. I love that she gave us this moment between the two of that now and she is the Pito Baby is the queen of the bookend mirror. Whatever you wanna call it, like it. So it's satisfied. It's just it's like she thought it all through. It's crazy, but it is a laugh of, like, understanding and really knowing someone. It's just yeah, and then his double. Thank you. You know, obviously the first is just, you know, thank you for the cigarette. And then thank you for pushing me into the wedding supporting me. And I think just thank you also for kind of just her growth and openness to the family again. Yeah. Yeah, and I saw it. It's sort of also like a he knows. I know Godmother isn't your cup of tea, but thank you for helping, you know, pushing me to get married and being here and supporting us anyway. Yeah. Also, though, even like even his little cheek tap with, like, formal, like he still dad, right, you can only give her cheek two fingers, right? He's not like godmother. Yeah, but it's but it's too. But it's, well, anything. It's very affectionate, and I'm sure a lot for him Yes, and now? So when he goes, Don't priest is looking for you. Don't break his heart. And you know what? She's joking. Obviously that. But it is. He's a radio and and so going back to this theory, this was another point where they said if the priest was waiting this whole time for flee back to say she loves them and ask him to leave the church that him saying don't break his heart is another clue that she's the one who ends it with him, not the other way around. I think Dad's just making a little joke. You know, I think it's kind of cute thing. So, like you said, we talked a lot about this theory and that it is an interesting alternative. You. Yeah, but I think so much of the season had been, you know, one thing I realized with show we never see a scene that she's not in, like we see everything ever perspective, so entire shows about her trying to convince him to have sex, then being surprised by your own feelings and then being by surprised by the strength of his feelings and then realizing she loves them and like waiting for him to make this choice is a god Or is it me? Like she literally lays out that question for him. So I think if she's being that explicit, is that God or is it me? She wants him to make that choice. So I'll have a couple other thoughts we get to the last scene. Yeah, because I think ultimately, the point was actually never about whether they ended up together. That's just mine. We'll get there. Yeah. Okay. Last

spk_1:   2:57:39
scene of the whole

spk_0:   2:57:40
series, they end well, I love we're gonna play it like we don't have it memorized. All right.

spk_1:   2:57:47
Are you leaving? Oh, actually. Well, why you? That's changing. O. What do you do? The bus Are you get the bus on the road to start on the road by my door. My butt. You nailed it? Sure, they always lie. It'll not come in a minute. The really into each other. Those two. It's not people. It was your sister, okay? She allege a work thing. Dedicated. I think so. Oh, God. Yeah, that You know the worst thing. I fucking love you. I love you That I did. Let's just leave that up just for a second. I love you. It'll pass. This bus is not magically. Come look. Okay. Uh, I'm joking. You're never ever allowed in my church again. I love you, too. Okay, I'm just You mean that way. Tramp. She happened to me. No, b o. So just get training. I just can't dream it was Sami. What? No, I see. Have me. Really? No. Okay.

spk_0:   3:2:55
Are you okay? I'm okay. So we get I was changing when she goes. I thought you had no is changing. Which better get changes. He still changing his mind. And what is he changing? Please. So now this totally conspicuous plus conversation on the road? Yeah. Like on the bus. Do you get you get it on the road. And godmother has that, like, super annoyed look on her face during this whole conversation. It's so silly. They're like having this conversation with them. Just standing there, and we're like, ping ponging back and forth. And they're like, Ah

spk_1:   3:3:26
ha ha. Huh? What were they talking

spk_0:   3:3:28
on? Fossil. Okay, but it's their last, like masked, you know, silent conversation where they're saying things to each other without other people understanding what they really right? Even though godmothers probably like I know I know this. Yeah, right. I thought that the dinner. So then this. Bye bye, Father. My father, which is a little bit like by clear by Claire s so good. And then it calls back to the whole Fuck you for calling me. Cut me, father. It doesn't turn You also like downs the rest of the champagne after she walks away chugs it. I also like that she has no salutation for godmother. Oh, no, is This is like polite Goodbye, Father. My father, but goodbye. But the whole conversation is also more heartbreaking when you know she's like afterward on repeat viewing knowing she's delivery about to say goodbye to him forever. And this better sweet music starts up again. We're at the bus stop. Yeah, it kind

spk_1:   3:4:20
of it Sounds like

spk_0:   3:4:21
the bells that are in like Christmas music, right? It's like even more cozy and sweet like it brings about that like warm. But what so much Christmas music is also sad. It sounds business still happy. It's nostalgic. And it might have ah, like happy melody. But the lyrics will be about something sad so that that's a good, interesting observation, because it has a little bit of both s. Oh, I like that. He approaches her from behind the camera instead of off from the side, like before, because we just see her face changes. He gets closer and she's like, Looks up, he's not there. She looks up. He's not right. And I feel like she's tentative and maybe already knows the answer. I mean, it's certainly dreading maybe that, um and I'm I'm moving forward as if we're seeing everything at face value. Um, but, you know, and it's like she doesn't jump up and, like, greed and with huh isn't it isn't definitely isn't a viable like we're free to. Now just go do this. And so I think they both know is a shift. Now there's a shift. Yeah, and it's not like, Hey, let's finish what we started behind the house. Yeah. No, no, it's totally different. I feel like she knows as soon as she sees him. Also, he would maybe have come to her a little more aggressively. Um, so I I think she knew. Assume I'm with, sat down. Yeah, And now we get another reflection of him in the bus stop glasses. He's walking toward her and still sits very close to her like a nod that the Hangover Day. So now we know when they look up at the bus Sinuses, Dollar Avenue that that is a reference to Gary Dollar, the editor. Yes, and what's great is I read. They edited this in later without his knowledge because, he said, is the editor. He's like, I know every frame of the episode that goes out And then when he watched, he was like, Wait a minute where they think he was Really, really thank you. And he's got that as his Twitter banner photo. I mean, of course. Yeah. So, yeah, now when he sits, it's just the tension on his face and exhales again. And like, just that. Yeah, and she's just sitting there, cut like, What's your decision? It's your call, Like they both know. That's why they're they're just waiting for him to say it. And you know, he's sitting there like Fuck, I have to. Okay. Until her Okay, I'm until Okay, He knows he's about to right now. I truly have to do This is the worst. But then he turns to her and you can't even say they just have to have that, like, small talk about the wedding and the really into you know, those two really into each other. Yeah. And, um, well, and then I felt it, too. And he says she makes up this excuse that Claire had a work thing even though she knows he knows the history. I think that's weird.

spk_1:   3:6:58
I think

spk_0:   3:6:59
it was just like I'm not gonna go on engage that much. I don't engage that much right now. Please, let's just get to the other things we need to talk about. Right? Right, right, right. That was my take. No, I'm with you because even then his laugh like they're not really having a conversation that they're saying words like space. Yeah, because even he's like, you know, addicted. Yeah, any kind does that laugh? But he he's just like staring. You know, workaholics because he just knows he's about to hurt her. And then when he finally looks at her, it's like he has to force himself. I said, it's almost like he's looking directly into the sun like he's just like we are a go like its whole body. Kinda. Yeah, Well, actually, I don't think it's body turns. He kind of just, like, turns his head a little bit. Like he just is, like, barely able to look at her. And he already has tears in his eyes, if you notice. And so I think that's when she knows for sure she sees the tears in his eyes and nose. Buck. Yeah. Um, and then it's gotten, isn't it? And so I think he's just relieved that she said it first. Yeah, and I think she did him that kindness years. Yes, because he can just acknowledge it instead of having to come out and say it right, She saves him the pain of her of basically being like I got there first. Yeah. All right. Yeah, it's beautiful. I'm gonna I'm gonna let you off the hook. Which is why I don't like I watched this, like, 10 more times with the theory of mine. And I, um I just don't think because I think I think that's why she said it. I don't think she was saying it like, Oh, I'm not into this, so I'm gonna But I'm gonna let him off easy by saying, Oh, you chose God. I think she knows he did, and she gives him the opportunity she puts it out there for you just agreed. Yeah, and then also hurt her like, which was damned then, Like that's genuine. Like we've said Phoebe Waller Bridge is a great actress, but Phoebe, but flea bag isn't necessarily eso. I think if she's faking disappointment, she wouldn't be this convincing. Yes, and you know, just his face here, his eyes well up. And they're both laughing and smiling, even though their hearts are breaking cause, like, humans are weird. Yeah, we'd process things because they're laughing almost it. Like the absurdity they got to this point, maybe. Yeah. Um And then I also don't think if she was not into it, where she was the one dumping him and quote that she wouldn't tell him she loves him. Like, why would that come up? No. And instead, it's It's actually so important that you tells him she loves him. It's important for her, of course, because if she was trying to get rid of him, her saying that now, just like twist the knife a little bit like, So I think it's more. It would almost be like a tease, Yes, but so here's my thing. Knowing the history, these characters, like you, said, it means so much. Not only that, she says, I love you, but she says it without expectation. She knows she has nothing to gain at this point. Yeah, and because at this point, when she says, I love you, she's making a statement. She's not asking a question, and I think this is where I feel like this is my fee B's head because we know the original ending was that he does not say I love you, too. Is what we had heard it after she did not originally write that in the script, right? Andrews got insisted on it. My theory is that it's because the whole point, even when she goes, he starts to say something, and she shuts him down and says, Let's just leave that out there on its own because the whole point she wants it to land and make it clear that this is her statement and she's not waiting for his confirmation or reciprocation because his opinion at that point, it doesn't matter but because it was important for her to just say it. Yes, like she's she's doing it for herself. She's showing us that she recognizes what a big deal it is for her to be in love with someone and allow itself to identify and recognize that and tell that person when she goes like who to love and how to tell them in the confession. Right, right. And also when she says, when she says I love you by its by itself, she like, lifts her head. It's like she she's gotten taller. She says it with total confidence. And you don't say it like that unless you need to say it for yourself and not necessarily the other person lets you know what she's not saying it like, Do you love me, too? Exactly. Just saying Yet like you said a statement of fact, and what I think is the most remarkable is that she spends the whole series trying not to be vulnerable. And then in this moment, she prologue. She willingly prolonged yes, the vulnerability, she wants to sit with it, and he's able to sit with it and she makes him sit with it. She makes all of us just sit there, right? Be, you know, feeling Taking a risk. Yes. Although, well, sitting in that awkward sitting in the awkwardness. Yeah, because it's not a risk, because she was She has to lose, but like, yeah, but she's still it's still the vulnerability in the honesty. And another thing I don't know. I feel like she couldn't love him until she could love herself. And I think she, like, recognizes that now. Yeah, and that's why I think, like I said, I think the initial draft of her not having the priest say I love you too is because the point was three bags growth and her ability to say it not waiting to hear that he loves her, too. Yes, yeah, that said, I think it it was the right call. So go ahead and say you're thinking Well, so yeah, I know how to fit Elizabeth Day her how to fail Podcast, Phoebe said. There are actual takes of Andrew Scott and I when we first film that scene, and we're both in floods of tears. There was no building up to the scene because it was so last minute. The road was so noisy, so we didn't have much time to shoot. We all knew it was the most important scene we got there and I felt like I wasn't emotionally prepared for the scene. We had two takes that we couldn't really use because we were crying and Andrew came and he was like, I'm saying it like I'm saying, I love you basically. Like I'm not giving you another option because I have to say it. You know, when an actor feels that strongly about something and they're right, especially something like someone like Andrew and he had a huge input into the whole thing. But I actually think the clincher of the whole thing is that he says, I love you. He was so right and we have him to thank for that. So, yeah, I'm not many other things. Yeah, I think, knowing if that was her original intent and maybe this is question number 10 for the Q and A. But I understand his point of view that he needed to say it because I think it's already such a heartbreaking ending that you need that little point of light. Yes, and it's It's a little bit of a relief. Yeah, and so if he had just left after, it'll pass, which it'll pass is its own thing. Yeah, but the, um it could feel dismissive and kind of cast their whole power dynamic in a new light and feel more like he'd been leading around this time. And like being the free scare like I'll come for you, it'll pass. I'm why I'm being church descending a little. Yeah, right. So I feel like it was important that they remain peers with equal status in the relationship and also that the priest demonstrated ability that he had the ability to love someone, too. Yes, because we had heard about his past struggles. So there's a healing for him also, that he's able to say, I love you knowing, but, you know, he's not gonna be with this year because we fall in love with his character, too. Like we don't We see it from both sides of the story. We don't see his side as much, but we still get like, a glimpse. And because we know he's similar fleabag like, we feel like we kind of get him. Yeah, So we

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want to

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know he's in love also, right? And I will add, though, like, Yes, I mean, I'm super duper, super duper happy, but I'm it is very gratifying that he says, I love you in the end, however, look, we all know he loves her like I I think he's loved her since he said, I can't have sex with you because I'm in love with you because he was already dead. Yeah, totally. And I think, too, that he that goes back to his holding out hope like him knowing he could love her, gave him hope just for himself is a person. And I think I said this before and now makes him stronger in his faith because of this experience, because he's actively choosing it. Yeah, um and then gape. So the way he takes her hand is so sweet because then it softens. It'll pass. Yeah, and which is something he's telling himself to it. But then it also goes back to the idea that everything you're going through is temporary, whether it's love or pain or grief or celebration or, you know, uh, achievement or whatever. All those things eventually pass. Yeah, like it goes back to the change like everything is changing all the time. And no matter what situation they're in, like waves in some way, it's like celebrate it, but don't assume it's permanent. And also, if you're going through grief, don't you know, feel it? But don't wallow in it cause that's also gonna pass. Yes, I oh, when he takes her hand and he's staring at me like kind of leans in and he maybe it looks like me is maybe gonna kiss her then and even even after you know it's God. But first of all, he takes her hand. It's on. If I it's very sexy. Yeah, yeah, he just keeps his hand on hers. Well, she if you look closely, she doesn't reciprocate. She doesn't immediately like places his hand on me kind of right, because then at the end, when he gets up to leave, like if you look at her hand, she hasn't been holding his hair and he kind of squeezes her hand like one more time before he stands up. Zapruder. But she hasn't like there. She has not been holding his hand back. Um, yeah, they definitely. When they're sitting in that long silence with their heads look toward each other. She looks up almost like she's thinking. Maybe either she's in a December. She's waiting for him to do something. He does very subtly lean in toward her, and I think up even at the very last minute. He still conflicted. Well, cause that he kind of leans in towards her. And then it was like He's like there's like, this shift. He gets like a zap. It's a quick it's so subtle. But then but you seemed he literally turns his face away from her because he's telling himself to he is. But I think even up until the very last moment, he's still not quite sure. Um, you know, it's also it's such the it'll pass. It's such a good reminder because, like the, the show is such a good summary of just these air two phases in her life. But there will be other phases, and you forget that when you're in it. But like like when PW be brings her back when she's 50 that's gonna be she's gonna have had so many other phases, yeah, and so many other things, and then we'll, which is why it's more interesting. Yes, and we'll just have to bring back the podcast for one last ride. It's right. We'll come out of retirement to. The thing is, I'm closer to 50 now than Phoebe is, so that could be interesting. Good wisdom. Oh, my gosh. Wow, that I'm having a little god Brain flash right now. Another thing from when a zapruder this when he's holding your hand, Um, he does caressed her hand with his thumb, which is another little Andrew Scott. Like, you know, he likes moving the thumb. Yeah. Um, yeah, it's just it's very sweet. And now when he gets up, I feel like it's the same thing where he doesn't put it. Just kind of pulled himself up. His steps feel so heavy after, I mean, then they have their exchange about, you know, this joke, like, don't come with what they possibly say to each other at this point. And you get you know, this joke about see you Sunday, which is how they had their first kind of interaction. Yeah, um, roller, first post dinner interaction. I feel like when? So when he he does, he, like, uses an archangel, forces himself up. If buddy like it's kind of by his chest. I don't know. I was just like was he moved by the spirit, like a lot quicker meeting like that, How you got there. I just saw your note about when they're just sitting there holding hands and you're like, It's so intimate and loving and it's all just torture. Even this scene is Pearson.

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It is

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Rise me, my friend Mimi, and describes his Hamlet as sex on wheels. So it's Hamlets. Maybe that's what this is. I was on a bus on a bus on the bus stop. The whole conversation is either stuff. That's kind of stuff that you say to like an acquaintance like chit chat. Or it's like the most intense. It's somebody you've been through like love. Hell with there's no in between. It's like either, like the most intense thing or nothing. Well, and then it's also kind of call backs to a couple of there, like more intense conversations about like, see you Sunday, which is when they have their little first date. Yeah, and then, please, you know, I'm just joking. You're never ever allowed in my church again, which is like he already said that had this cutting conversation of Please don't come to the church again rated to come. But yeah, here it, you know they both just acknowledging the awkward it's it's back to when they were talking about the wedding. Yes, it's like what we have to say something here when they were both crushed silence. Which is why the him saying I love you was needed because it needs to bring it back to the gravity of what's happening. So absolutely, absolutely. Yeah, I also love the lighting in the shot It is. It's like golden and warm, and it's outside. So it could have been, like kind of colder, bluer lighting. But it's it's like very intimate and charming under, and then my question to you when he does, he know he wanted to say, I love you, too, but he was afraid to say it sitting right next to her because it would make it harder to leave. And so he waits till he gets up. I am. I think you're right. I because I took it at first that he had planned to tell her it'll pass. Yes, like this is no house should react I will tell her it will pass because it's true, right? And that's what I'm thinking to myself. Yes, exactly. But he didn't know she was going to say she loves him. And so I think at first he was like, You just say it'll pass. Just say it'll pass But then, yeah, when he gets up and he's kind of separate from her, it's like Safer to say Yes, I love you, too, right? Look, he's got momentum to leave already, so it's kind of like, Yes, I will leave you with this But if you said it next to her thing is just gonna make out and have sex on the bench, that could've been really Oh, God. That's why the Fox came over like I was gonna see. Oh, that's happening. No. Okay, did I miss?

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I missed it.

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There's another reason that I think it's important that he says I love you, too is because it makes it clear he's making this decision independent of her like it's not because he has less your feelings for her because he doesn't care about her. And so for him to say it's like I'm doing this, but I love you. Yes, and I says nothing. It's It's not you. It's made me honestly, but I think it's It's even more meaningful for her because then she knows how hard of a decision it was because he loves her right. But he still chose the church, so he was always going to like there's nothing she could have done right like she was a It's a love story. They said, I love you like yeah, and I think it mirrors the line when he says, You know, don't come to the church again I mean that with the greatest of compliments. Because in a way, he's He's literally leaving her now with the greatest of compliments, which is I love you, right? What greater compliment than that? His single tear. Oh my God, I know I didn't see it the first time, either, and then I saw it. So the first night I watched it. I watched all of fleabag sees both seasons in two nights, and as soon as I finish this episode, I like couldn't like, except that it was over. So I just watched it again, and then that second time. But the same night I saw the tear drama go like Come on, Every time I'm acting, it's like I can you make 12 year come down? Yes, yes, he can. But then her face, When he says it in the way it crumbles, it's like she's happy to hear it, but it makes it worse in some regard. You have just knowing what they could have had if not for this major thing. Yes, it's like you makes you Satur, but also it's like But I'm loved by you can, like, feel the flip that our heart makes. Yes, in that, like the one she hated me of. Bitter sweet. Yeah, And then she's also trying hard not to totally break down, which we see her do after he walks away. But we got another another great exhale. One of those Andrew Scott exhale, but that I

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don't know why. I

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love the way he does his little goodbye because it's like he's like grabbing at the air. He doesn't like. It may be silly, the way I'm waving my hand now, but he just kind of does this quick. Little like I have to do something like I don't know what to do with my hand. That's so it like. It's so He's, like, so emotional. And he's so wary. I have nothing I can't even put forth any physical energy to do. Yeah, it's just like my hands just like doing it all on its own. And then the last thing he says to her is okay before he walks away. Which is also what he said right before they had sex on its like he can actually bring himself to say the word by Yeah, like it's to me. It felt like he was just like, every step, every minute of this interaction. He is so hyper aware of that it is happening, like, you know, when you're in a moment, you're like, How does is what's happened? Yes, Like I'm going to move my arm. Yeah, exactly. And just like, Oh, damn, I'm gonna be thinking about this for the rest of my life, and it's happening to me, right at this moment. Yes, and which his steps are so heavy, so sad. I know what he's. He's forcing himself away every every. It's like he's forcing himself to put one foot in front of the other. Yeah, but in choosing to make his own path and liketo walk away and find his own path to peace. He does show her that she could do that too. So he had to walk. I think, like they couldn't have just waited for the bus, you know, like he had to, like, walk away. Yeah. On a lighter note, though. Did how did he fiddle his robes into that little bit? How is that what we're supposed to be in that. But I have another question for P W B. Yeah, we have a very important question. Number one. I flew to New York. I've been waiting and bought a ticket. Here's my question. How did his robes fit in the bag? Um, I guess you fold him up. You really roll early. We'll help, but yeah, maybe he learned. And then, yeah, that cry. She lets out like she was trying so hard to kind of keep it together. And even this cry feels reserved to me. I'd be like, Well, I mean, she she definitely, like, catches her throat like is crying more, but like, I would be ugly crying so damn hard. I like you would hear someone would be like a raccoon. Be hard, because I hear these rails that it's coming from this bus. Yeah, I saw. I also saw it. Is her like breathing for the first, like taking a breath for the first time in a little bit. Why she didn't realize. Yeah, she was just hurting so hard. There's too much going on the 200 motion. She just she's holding her breath and then I also yeah, she doesn't want to break down with him like so close and so that that, like gasp little cry, is like the only thing that she could allow out. Yeah, also, what I think is interesting is the camera sort of shifts to be a little shaky here and lend a hand held and it's foreshadowing now that we are separate from her like we're not. We're watching her, but she's not. We're not inside her head. She's not acknowledging us yet. They were witnessing. Now, this final punch line of the bus being canceled is just a great little button, just like nothing's going our way like you just of our final little kick. And so now this song, I'm gonna let you talk about the song because you knew about the song long before I heard it. This is the first time I heard it was on this show. You're such a dream, But okay, that was easy. I mean, um, you know, so I'm like, whistling my favorite songs in the world And it's called This Feeling by Alabama Shakes and I'm I really love Alabama shakes. Um, it's a song like I have like, a playlist on Spotify just like reset songs just like calm grounding songs on This is Amit And anyway, the first. So the first time I saw the scene I was, like, crying and so engaged and in rapture what was happening on my screen. And then you look at her face and you're wondering like, Okay, Like what? The house is gonna resolve what's gonna happen next. How is she gonna be? And then I heard those familiar soft drums come and I my heart I was like, Wait, are you could This is

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like the Syrian refugee.

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That is just like checking all my boxes. It beats the best that she as she walked away. It was just a sihf holding a box playing that song like

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It Was Me

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on the music's actually in the scene. I love that, but I just that Oh, God, it got me so bad as if the show wasn't like blowing my mind enough right already, because it's also you wonder what's gonna happen. And then she looks at the screen and it says, I think I'm gonna be all right and like, I know I'm gonna be all right. And she's telling you that she liked the song. It's so fucking perfect. Anyway, I recommend also, honestly, just just Google the lyrics into Alabama shakes this feeling because it's it's it's the fleabag plot. Okay, we should still place. Yeah, I read them right now, but I was. Then we see this reveal of the statue that she has stolen it back again with these words. You know, these lyrics playing over it. And this is what actually got me Maur than I mean, the priest thing, Definitely. I mean, I've been pumped full is a law for three years, so I'm incapable of tears most the time. No, but I think I really, honestly feel like if I had watched this three years ago, I would have been a puddle on the floor, but I know that when she pulls that out and then just like the little hug she gives it, that's what that's and I Yeah, now that we know that this is a representation of her mother and the fact that she got it back from Godmother and I actually wanted post like a side by side image of the last shot of seas of episode one Season one and this last shot because it's basically the same shot. She's holding the statue and looking at us. But in the first episode of the pilot, she looks so unhappy and Mr Davis and the abolition like, you know, like she's got it all together, whatever. And now she looks just so peaceful and like, resigned, resigned, sad but confident, confident and like yes, exactly. Yeah, I'm the reason she stole the statue is a much more positive reason now, because now it's this memory of her mother. And yeah, and I just that connection that she wanted back with her mom like I just really, obviously really too. I was sweet. I was slipping through scriptures before we started, and they say like she's with her golden mother. Oh, and it's like the two of them and they're there. And it's just yeah, uh, So now the fox, the fox Here comes the fox, which is this glimmer of hope. I feel like that. Maybe it's not quite over with the priest just yet. Yeah, but it is mostly just a funny little button. Yeah, that's a fox. I saw that like the pre There's a Fox of Sparks about I felt like it was the saying The priest made this big choice, but is baggage and his struggles and they still come with him. And it's still something's gonna be dealing with, because we that's how we owe our. We learned this from Jonathan, and she's told Phoebe has also told this story that this was actually a CG fox because they tried it with real animals. But I guess they're mostly like country, like they Johnny was under medicated barks, and he said, You know, not only to have that on set, you know there's lights and there's all this activity, but then it had to, like, walk, stop, look like hit a mark, look up and then walk away on cue, and I like his line Where he goes use like Harry, a well trained dog could be, Oh, like how we could get a fox. He's like, You know, they had to try and they ended up going with a CG for Phoebe was on Jimmy Fallon talking about it, and she said, She's like he's too terrified Country Foxes, Prim Rose and Buttercup, which I love turned up and they'd never been

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in a

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city before because they didn't brought up in Trained in a drama school for Fox. And it was a really busy road and was in the middle of the night, and all the crew had to huddle in the corner to not upset the foxes, and they literally came out like we're the What the hell is this place? And apparently the only way to calm them down was to play Coldplay. So the handlers brought out a little CD player, and they were like Everyone

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needs to be quiet Now. Buttercup particularly likes this

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track is either yellow or fix. You just like that's so good they literally sat there like being like respond to the Coldplay. I would also about the statue is like we've watched her process booze, death and not process her mom's death ton until the funeral and her having the statue. Now it made me feel like she's not gonna not with him. There's not a loan, right? She's not repressing her grief for her mother or boo anymore as much. And I think that that makes you feel closer to her. That would make her feel closer to her mom because she's young. She's not associating her mom with these things that she doesn't want to think about. She's like, dealt with it. And now she can kind of embrace her right and just kind of grieve that loss. Yes, specifically. Exactly. Yeah. So now we, you know, start to follow her. She shakes her head. No, and waves goodbye because she doesn't need us anymore. Now is shot that Jimmy felt like when the priest sauce for the first time, I was like, Okay, you're acknowledging us again. Yeah, but also, you're telling us No, you're saying by like you're so in it with you. And she went through this whole scene without looking at us. Yeah, until this year, which I hadn't realized until you know, Right dead. Ah, this was such a smart move on her part to make the And she said this was a key to unlocking. Season two of making the fourth wall means something. Yes. Brilliant. Yes, there's this, um, this quote from the Vogue article she was in. The writer wrote that, like, totally thatjust Rosen who? Me? She said wallet bridges, Almost architectural in her mapping of the public and private spaces of our psyches. The distances from front to core. She takes a wrecking ball to the collective unacknowledged the unsayable desires and doubts that people think they're bearing alone. Her work feels like television in the first person by, like, breaking the fourth wall, right? Right. I mean, I Sears. So when it ended, I seriously spent the entire next day feeling like I got dumped. What you did. I hadn't had that feeling in a long time and literally like the whole next day. I think I was working from home that day. Yeah, and I just was like, Why do I feel so depressed? I just feel why so low? I feel low. I think I want to go eat ice cream and like I rewatched that last seen a few times. And like, I think it was until that night that I Lori, was like, Okay, it was just a TV show. It didn't happen in real life. Like your husband's coming home now, right? Like you're okay. And, um, yeah, I just And then, of course, I kind of was like Google some of these people.

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Who is that guy? Pretty. Let's see what

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you know. I

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know. I wasn't sure. What else

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has he been and like? Then I obviously watched the whole thing again. And the rest is history. Hi. And I haven't seen my family since. Honestly, when I after I watched it for the second time, then I just kept listening. I think I just put, um, the Alabama shakes on. I didn't on repeat. And then I think I fell asleep on then I think I came into work the next morning. It was like, Christie, what the fuck have you done to me? But, um but I actually So there's this This is quote that Harry Brad the director, Harry Bad Beer, said in a in an interview with Gold Derby. And he said the story became about someone who came to terms with herself in a deep way to the point that she could find love. And the seeming tragedy of the ending is very fitting because she found out by the end of it she found her own humanity and her ability to love and live fully as a human being. It was deep stuff we were dealing with. I think so. What? I read this, as is hurry. Bride were saying Christine, Allie, you nailed it. I know, because I settle that before we got to that quote. So we did. I, um last night when I was finishing up notes, I went back through our texts so funny, like a It was a lot. It was a lot of, but to see, I don't like read them all, but I wanted to see, like when the first fleabag text was for me. Yeah, and the first it was June 26 it was just me texting you. You know, the most fascinating thing about father here that his mother was originally a lesbian on. Then we just kept texting each other as a podcast. So for the sake of our thumb but I think it's a good thing that we're talking about it. No, it's been recording this. Yeah, well, it I it's funny. I should look, you should screen shot some of those cause when I dream My friend Emma had watched it first and then text me. She's like, Have you watched it yet? Is like she's like, I need to talk about it when you're done with it. And then I I I just was like, Oh my God, this Because at first I was texting her season one stuff and she's like, Wait till you get to CEO. And then I was just like, Oh my God, this priest like what? And then I would just texture like, uh, you know, the scene with robes or she's like all the scenes, just all the scenes. All of them. Yeah, And now, now we're here. Now we're here at 12. 20 in the morning. Oh, God, I would like to add at the very end of you're still with us that Chrissy did all the editing of all of these episodes. Except for one. I did one because Al he was like, by the way I volunteer with nurturing refugees, but also it Tomo. I imagine it takes about 10 15 hours every episode editing this. And you, especially as they've got killed it. Yeah, because there four hours. Anyway, that's why I would like to acknowledge that Chris. Oh, thank you. Didn't work. I think you know, it's it's fun. I love it. Okay, it is now 12. 23 in the morning, so we're going to wrap it up. But thank you all for joining us. Yeah. On this journey this I mean, it really is. Ah, better. We should start playing that bittersweet music because that's how I feel like this has really been so much fun and a CZ much work as it's been, but it's and just getting to connect with everybody through the Facebook group hearing from every please know, every email you send every comment you've made. Every post on Facebook means the world sucking Lovett. We literally cannot get enough of it. And, um and nothing makes us feel better than someone saying I didn't have anybody talked about fleabag or I didn't know people of fleabag as much as I did. Yeah, and thank you. So you filling that void. We're all out there and, like I think someone said We all need to wear pins or something that's like You can talk to flee. You talk to me about that So we're looking forward to New York. Hopefully, we'll get to meet a lot of people up there. Yeah, In the meantime, like we said, you could eat malice at the fleabag situation at gmail dot com. Our Instagram is at Flea Back Situation Podcast or Twitter is at fleabag podcast, and then the Facebook group. You can just search flee back situation and we'll come up. Yeah, if you really love us, leave us a review radar on our podcast that helps people find out that we exist and that we're worth listening to. So if you think we're worth listening to exactly tell us and them because a lot of people are finding the show, yeah, are just now watching it. So I'm hoping that those people would then find the podcast and go back and listen all the episodes, so that what we said because it's the end of Siri's, it doesn't mean it's the end of the podcast will be having an episode about New York will have an episode about scriptures in the new year. And then we will be brainstorming on from there. Yeah, so send us your idea. Yes. So we will be back, probably the week of the second. Yeah, we'll be back soon. Yeah, talk about our New York trip, and in the meantime, we will get chatty with you. Then we were going to sleep now. Good night and good

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morning. Just get why tramping she had me. So I know I'm going to be o so just get trained. I just kept dreaming. It was very food. Nobody see up, Have me a real good time. So no, me. Oh, so no. So I just kept going. I just kept going, and I hope I'm going. What is good? I spent about trying to find my way. Can I have me a real fun? So, you know, I'm gonna be ever want to