Book Club Reporter Book Reviews

Book Club Reporter Spotlight on Author - Melinda Leigh

Laura Jay Season 3 Episode 5

Book Club Reporter Spotlight on Author Series - Melinda Leigh

 Hello gentle readers. Welcome to Book Club Reporter Book Reviews Podcast. I’m your host and Book Club Reporter, Laura Jay.

While this is season 3, episode 5 of my book review podcast, today’s episode is also the first episode of my new Spotlight on Author Series

And before we get started be sure to read all my book reviews, book news, book club reading lists and more at and now you can find additional book reviews by me on That is the sister podcast website for So, and

And you can follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. Just take a look at the show notes for this podcast for all the info and links.

Okay, today I am so happy to turn the very first Book Club Reporter Podcast Spotlight on Author: Melinda Leigh.

Melinda is a number one Amazon Charts, and a number one Wall Street Journal bestselling author. Ms. Leigh has sold over a whopping ten million books. And she is still writing more as I speak. 

Thank you so much for joining me today for this Spotlight on author episode. I really appreciate you stopping by and listening to my feelings about the books I read, and about the authors I love.

I hope you have enjoyed this book review podcast episode and my book club reporter podcast show. And if you did, feel free to buy me a cup of coffee. Just click the Buy Me a Coffee link in the show notes of this podcast episode. Thanks in advance for your kindness. You are very much appreciated. 

Thanks again for listening, see you next time.”

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Book Club Reporter Spotlight on Author Series - Melinda Leigh


Hello gentle readers. Welcome to Book Club Reporter Book Reviews Podcast. I’m your host and Book Club Reporter, Laura Jay.


While this is season 3, episode 5 of my book review podcast, today’s episode is also the first episode of my new Spotlight on Author Series


“And before we get started be sure to read all my book reviews, book news, book club reading lists and more at and now you can find additional book reviews by me on That is the sister podcast website for So, and”


And you can follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. Just take a look at the show notes for this podcast for all the info and links.


Okay, today I am so happy to turn the very first Book Club Reporter Podcast Spotlight on Author: Melinda Leigh.


 Melinda is a number one Amazon Charts, and a number one Wall Street Journal bestselling author. Ms. Leigh has sold over a whopping ten million books. And she is still writing more as I speak. 


 Melinda Leigh’s author bio tells us Melinda is a life-long lover of books. The author states she began writing to hang on to her sanity while raising a family. Her first novel, She Can Run,  was an International Thriller Award finalist. Ms. Leigh has received two Rita Award nominations. And, she was also inducted into the New Jersey Romance Writers Hall of Fame.


 On the personal side of life, Melinda is a 2nd degree black belt in Kenpo Karate. As a lifelong lover of rescue dogs, I was pleasantly surprised to learn Melinda and her family live by the beach with their spoiled rescue dogs. I must say, after reading her books,  Melinda’s congenial lifestyle exists in stark contrast to some of the dark storylines of many of her books. You can learn more about Melinda’s on her website at 


 Melinda’s main forte is writing romantic, thriller-suspense novels. I have fallen in love with Melinda’s Bree Taggert Series. Melinda has a natural talent for creating realistic characters. In fact, her characters feel genuine, and the dialogue rings true with authenticity. After reading the first two books in the series, I was elated to learn Melinda has turned out even more books in the series. I will be reviewing the Bree Taggert Series books as  separate Book Club Reporter Podcast episodes, as time goes on.


 For me one of the great perks of reading Melinda Leigh’s books is her inclusion of rescue animals in the storylines. Over the years, all my beloved pets have been rescue-dogs. And while they were all different breeds and all came from different backgrounds and living conditions, each and every one of them responded to the love and care my family showered upon them. 


 In conclusion of today’s Spotlight on Author episode, I will say with Melinda Leigh, you have nothing to lose. And, if you fall in love with her books like I did, the good news is Melinda has been prolific in publishing some really great books…so read and enjoy!


 “Thank you so much for joining me today for this Spotlight on author episode. I really appreciate you stopping by and listening to my feelings about the books I read, and about the authors I love.


 I hope you have enjoyed this book review podcast episode and my book club reporter podcast show. And if you did, feel free to buy me a cup of coffee. Just click the Buy Me a Coffee link in the show notes of this podcast episode. Thanks in advance for your kindness. You are very much appreciated. 


 Thanks again for listening, see you next time.”