The PROPERTY DOCTORS, Sydney Australia Novak Properties


Stevan Bubalo and Bidhan Shrestha Season 27

Is the skyrocketing cost of housing in Sydney making home ownership seem like a distant dream? Learn how new state planning proposals might just turn that dream into reality. This episode dives deep into the government's innovative reforms designed to make buying and renting more affordable. We'll explore how permitted dual occupancy development in R2 low-density zones could revolutionize suburban living by introducing flexible housing options like townhouses, terraces, and apartments. Plus, discover how the size of local supermarkets plays a role in defining town centers and the significant changes new non-refusal development standards could bring to residential areas.

Ever wondered how the picturesque Northern Beaches might evolve in the face of the housing crisis? We examine the criteria and potential impacts of multi-dwelling developments in key town centers like Mona Vale, Narrabeen, DY, and Manly Vale. Learn how these areas could experience a housing boom if properties align with dual occupancy and manor house criteria, supported by streamlined approval processes. Stay tuned for details on how to access crucial documents we've mentioned and join us on social media for continued engagement and updates. Let’s tackle Sydney’s housing challenges together!

Speaker 1:

All right, we are live Monday Novak News 8 pm. Here we are. I'm Badan, my colleague Stevan, how you?

Speaker 2:

been Stev. Really good really good, really busy good day. Good day on a Monday, yeah definitely so.

Speaker 1:

Here we will be talking about housing crisis I think a very hot topic and there's some new policies that's been proposed. That is it going to help. So stay tuned and we'll chat about it further.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that was interesting, exciting intro Very much.

Speaker 2:

But, like Bidar just mentioned, look everybody. Everywhere you turn, you pick up a newspaper, you turn on the TV, you listen on the radio. Right across Sydney, everybody's talking. It's firstly, just the price of real estate today to purchase, you know, an apartment, a house, a townhouse, a block of land, whatever it may be, and then, on the flip side, just the cost of rents as well, how much they've skyrocketed. Everybody's looking for solutions, everyone's looking for answers. There's a bit of finger pointing going on in the governments, depending on what level at what level. But the state government has stepped in and has put in some new planning proposals which will be statewide. We will talk about a few tonight that are here on the Northern Beaches and just what it might mean for your suburb, what it might mean to you as a property owner, where the upshot or how your property will be affected by these proposed changes and, yeah, what's required to meet criterias for these proposed changes. So we've put together a little slide show that we've got from.

Speaker 1:

Put on a little show today. Yeah, beautiful, something different, yeah.

Speaker 2:

We'll run through it with you guys. So the state reform and the state reforms are here to create, uh, lower, mid-rise housing, so basically, more dwellings. Um, across, you know, the northern beaches marketplace. Um, basically, look, this comes down to talks that started late 2023. Um, to be honest, has probably been talked about for much longer than that, but essentially, it's's Department of Planning, new South Wales Department of Planning, looking to make changes to the current planning policies that we've got across local governments, local councils here on the Northern Beaches and, sorry, all Sydney councils as well. So, really, what does it mean?

Speaker 2:

Background not too much important with that one, but this is the key one. So this is going to talk about what may lie in the future around your property, I guess you know, here on the Northern Beaches. But the first one is something that really stands out to me, and that is that they are looking to introduce permitted dual occupancy development in all R2 low-density zones and an R2 low-density zone in general Benan is just typically suburbs you know your homes, houses, suburban living, residential family living is primarily R2.

Speaker 2:

Residential family living is primarily R2. The second one will be the introduction of higher density types of developments, so terraces, townhouses is a slight difference which I'll talk about. Residential buildings, so apartments, and that's kind of split into two. There's something which they deem manor houses. It's simply a larger apartment, two, three storeys, um in current r2 zonings at the moment.

Speaker 2:

Um, but there's an emphasis on something which is called town centers and basically a town center will be determined by the size of the supermarket that might be in your suburb. So we'll touch on that as well. Um, shop top housing will be something that we'll probably see along more arterial roads. Um, I'll give you an example um sydney road here in balgala, we've got shops downstairs, yeah, two levels of usually one or two residential apartments. You could see that jump six to seven levels um r3 zoning, which is, which is residential flats, and down the bottom um non-refusal development standards, which I'll quickly cover. Now it's not too important, but basically it means there will be a set of rules and if you match those rules, um council will not be able to say no to you for it. So, yeah, let's have a look, but let's jump through them.

Speaker 2:

So some examples obviously there's a dual occupancy. It's a house cut in two, two titles, um, so can be sold individually, can be owned individually and again, that's something they're looking to introduce across um, the majority of r2 zoned residential properties, um, with, I think, 450 square meter lot size. Yeah, it used to be 1200 square meters, then in some instances, a thousand square meters, 800 square meters. Now we're talking, I think, 450 to split that. Apartments, of course, and a few different um styles in there too. But let's jump across. Let's talk about dual occupancies now. This document that you guys are seeing is available. We will have it available. If you do want to copy, just reach out. We'll email it across text, it across whatsapp, it across anything any other way we can get it to you, we'll get it to you.

Speaker 2:

The dual occupancy is essentially is is taking the standard residential house, so anything with a 12 meter frontage, so a block that is 12 meters wide will allow uh dwellings to be up to 9.5 metres in height, and this will be in all low density R2 zoned for blocks greater than 450 square metres. So that in itself, in my opinion, is probably the biggest change. I think that will you know, a dual occupancy can be a three or even a four bedroom home, so I think that's really going to help families coming through the area. So that's one of the key ones, in my opinion, is dual occupancy in all low density R2 zoned areas with a minimum lot size of 450 square metres. So that's that one.

Speaker 2:

Next one we've got multi-dwelling, so this is townhouses Again we're looking for. You'll need a block size of more than 600 square metres, 12 metre lot width, and this again will be allowed in all R2 zoned areas within 800 metres to a town centre. So again, we'll touch on town centres shortly. So the next one's terraces and very, very similar shortly. So the next one's terraces and very, very similar. The width of the block from a townhouse is 12 metres to a terrace that jumps to 18 metres. But the difference here as well is you can build this on anything 500 square metres or larger, again within 800 metres of town centres. We've got a little bit of a map there of the northern beaches, Not super clear but again we can email this out to you or text it out to show you. So, terrace 18 square metres width, front, 500 square metre block size, You'll be able to pop terraces in.

Speaker 2:

Manor houses essentially bigger apartments is what they are. Typically you tend to find those. Where can I give you good examples? Ocean Street and, Sorry, what's the street by Ocean Street? Lagoon.

Speaker 2:

Street, lagoon Street here in Narrabeen, those larger apartments that you tend to see there. They are deemed manor houses Interesting name and these can be built again in R2 zoned regions, minimum 500 square metre lot size blocks and again within 800 metres of a town centre on that too Low rise. So what could it mean? Simply, by looking at a dual occupancy, the Northern Beaches Council have said look, if we assume that, say, half of the properties that meet that criteria take up a dual occupancy situation, that could result in additional dwellings of up to 18,500 new dwellings across the beaches. And then they've factored in at 2.6 people per property, that would be an estimate of 48 840 people just across the dual occupancy sector. Um, manor houses and apart, you know, takes that number up to potentially 50 000 new manor houses and an increase of residents up to 133 000. So, um, it's a big numbers, big numbers coming through. It's definitely going to solve the housing crisis? I think no, I think so, I think so. Non-refusal, really. So this will be almost like a tick sheet. If you tick the boxes, council cannot say no. Um, they will override the lep, the local environment plan, and, uh, the, the DCP standards, dcp's, development Control, I think, plans or protocol. Hopefully I got that right. So essentially, if you tick the boxes, council will not be able to refuse you. We'll be able to refuse that DA on any other provision, if you're ticking the boxes, you're good to go, type of thing.

Speaker 2:

We'll scroll through this because we can flip this through, but this is an example just to show you. So what is a town centre? A town centre is something that's going to be 800 metres walking distance to heavy rail, metro or light rail. It could be 800 metres walking distance to land-zoned, an E2 commercial centre or what we call a metropolitan center, so a local economic area shops. Basically 800 meters, uh, walking distance to e1 local center. So a lot of what you find on the northern beaches that is commercial, based as E1 and that would also have to contain a full-time supermarket, shops and restaurants.

Speaker 2:

But there is a criteria on it which I think the next slide might show us. I hope is so. Here's some key town centres that have been highlighted for the northern beaches and basically they're saying that if you've got a supermarket within your suburb that is greater than 2,500 square metres, they will allow you to be designated a key town centre. So if we look at some of the suburbs that we've got. I don't know if you can see those. We've got Avalon Beach. If you live on Avalon Beach, no, you don't meet the criteria. Your shopping's not big enough. Newport no, does not meet the criteria. Mona Vale yes, definitely yes.

Speaker 2:

So Mona Vale will be something that will be targeted for potential redevelopment. Worrywood yes, the supermarket is big enough, but I don't think as a town centre it qualifies on. It could be transport, but also Worrywood is one of our newer redeveloped suburbs, yeah, so I don't think you're going to see a huge change to what's in there already. Too quick, yeah, pretty much Narrabeen.

Speaker 1:

Yes, definitely Yep. Coleroy no and Coleroy no. Bellroy, this is a no Francis Forest, Francis Forest is it?

Speaker 2:

yes, yep, francis, forest is something definitely around the hospital. I think Forest Way, those few pockets, is something that we'll be seeing. Forestville, indetermined at the moment.

Speaker 1:

Stay tuned, stay tuned. Got more in there. Yep, I think DY is probably one of the DY, absolutely DY.

Speaker 2:

Brookvale as well. Absolutely, that's something that's being targeted.

Speaker 1:

Freshwater is a no, manly Vale, yes, manly Vale, that's going to be busy. Yeah, manly Vale, seaforth is a no as well. Yeah, balgala, balgala, same still. Stay tuned on Balgala, yeah. And yes, and Manly as well.

Speaker 2:

So Manly as well is a yes. So I mean, out of the areas that we've already seen as kind of higher density areas, I think the ones that stand out to me is one Mona Vale, typically a suburban residential market. You could see new infrastructure, new properties coming through. That's a bit of a standout Brookvale, I'd expect to see that Narrabeen has already had a bit of it. Dy well, to see that narrow being has already had a bit of it. Um dy well, truly, it's already there. Um, but manly vale, I think, is a suburb as well that you'll see a bit more coming through.

Speaker 2:

One um. So what could it mean? Um, we'll skip through these few couple pages for you guys, and here we are. Yeah, so we've got a few maps here just to show you what the changes potentially could be for these town centres that we just mentioned. So if we look at mona vale, uh, current number of apartments 2149 that could see an increase with an additional, with an additional number of 3030 dwell30 dwellings and, you know, close to 8,000 people coming into Mona Vale under these proposed schemes, so big increase. Obviously, as we talk about this, transport is something that's key to be discussed. I know that's a big concern for a lot of current Northern Beaches residents is transport, obviously, schooling, education, community facilities. You know all of these things need to be taken into account as well, but Mona Vale could see up to 8,000 new residents and 3,000 new dwellings added to it Any more B-Line buses there.

Speaker 2:

Definitely more B-Line that's for sure, the next suburb town centre was DY. Many people think that it's already at its limit, but but we don't have that much more space in DY. Currently 9,357 apartments, a potential increase of 2,763 with that bid on. And the residents? You know, 7,000, yeah, 300 roughly residents Brookvale. Brookvale, I think, is a market that is underutilized at the moment 1,242 apartments, 1,242 apartments, additional dwellings, 1,230.

Speaker 2:

People might say that's not a lot for Brookvale, but we've also got to understand that Brookvale is a main economic hub for the Northern Beaches and taking away workspaces will take away jobs, which takes away income, which could be harmful to the Northern Beaches economy. So Brookvale will see an increase almost a double of what it's got already. But very, very cautiously because they are looking at obviously preserving the economic importance of Brookvale. Definitely They've got to probably do it step by step. Yeah, yeah, warringah Mall, I think tracing up to the Manly, the Brookvale. Oval is kind of a big corridor that's currently being talked about.

Speaker 2:

So, Brookvale, balgallida, manly. Current number of apartments 13,809,. Additional dwellings that could be another 22,000. So a lot yeah, they're two of the key areas that have been targeted under this new proposed policy. Additional residents, you know, just shy of 60,000. So a lot of people, a lot of new living, a lot of opportunity throughout those Balkeala and Manly markets is something that's really been pushed and promoted by this new planning proposal across there.

Speaker 2:

So big numbers coming through and again the key questions will be transport. Transport will be community facilities, obviously parking and the day to day, you know, routine of life will be concerns of the local people, with the growing population.

Speaker 1:

I think that's always something yeah, that has to be considered and of course, you know they'll. If they're creating all this, they have probably thought of it as well.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, with more population we'll have to, probably should have kept motorball hospital yeah that's another subject for another day. Um so again yeah, yeah you can.

Speaker 2:

You can see the proposed affected uh increases just through there. But I think the key number to look at is just the increase of residents 132 000 people across the northern beaches and just making sure we've got facilities to accommodate. That is a big thing. Big thing I don't know, but we will be coming to the end. We've got a few more I think pages on it submissions. So, look, this is a.

Speaker 2:

This is a policy proposed by the State Government, not the local government. Council has gone back and said you know that they're not necessarily a big fan of it, but that they can look and address these needs on a Council basis rather than going out to the State government to do so. I hope they can. I'd like to say they can. The track record today I mean we still need to see a lot of development to accommodate the housing crisis that we've got across. New South Wales. This is not only a Northern Beaches issue and a hot topic and an area of concern for some people are all for it. Some people are all against it, but there are submissions you can put forward. You can contact Council if you've got questions about it. Don and I didn't just make up these policies. Now Just type up for me.

Speaker 1:

Talk to.

Speaker 2:

Council if you've got questions or concerns about it and what they can provide for you guys as well and kind of the next steps now's going on is, um, that we're expecting to hear more, probably the end of this month, as to where it's tracking. But a lot of the media is already kind of yeah talking these kind of talks for us, um, I think that's that's, that's pretty much it, yeah, but again, the key, the key takeaway, takeaway that I see is that an R2 zoned property, a suburban home, generally nearly always sitting over 450 square metres across the northern beaches, could be deemed sufficient for a dual occupancy, which I think is big. Transport questions and things aside, I think that's just a big step in addressing you know local housing and accommodation for Northern Beaches residents.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, definitely Sorry, but I talk too much. No, no, no, I love listening to you.

Speaker 1:

You have a fair bit of information on you, sir.

Speaker 1:

I always love listening to you and doing our little segment here every other Monday, but I think hopefully it's as informative as it to other people as well. As been listening and as step mentioned, if you need that document, uh, feel free to comment down below or, you know, if you want, to give us a call and we're happy to send that through towards you yeah, you can jump on our, uh, any of our socials, um insta, um facebook, facebook, t, tiktok, tiktok or any of the team.

Speaker 2:

Reach out. We will shoot across this kind of proposal for you guys to see if you can see exactly what's going on. Perfect.

Speaker 1:

All right, signing out. Well done. Thank you, have a good night, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you, have a nice night.